PAGE TWO Symbolic Ice Skate» A curious sight It was, an old pair of rusty skates hanging out- Mondays and Thursdays ’Ide a . „ shop on a tropical Island In Publishers the West Indies! I wondered, says > ‘.«do & Smith ....... Editor Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill In his book "In Libert Dede__ the Wake of the Buccaneers,” whom A first-class publication entered at the proprietor expected lo seii them < 'ottago Grove as second-class matter to, so I entered and Inquired. Imag­ ine my astonishment when the shop­ business Office......... 55 North Sixth keeper solemnly informed me that they had been there for years, and SUBSCRIPTION RATES that no one knew exactly what they By mail (Cash in advance) ' were used for. One i year....$2.75 I Three months .80 “But,” he added, “I am aware months.. 1.50 | One month ---- 50 -ix that they are significant of the BY CARRIER . holiday season, and so I hang them ..$ .30 -mtslde regularly each year as an 1 >ne i month. .. 1.10 Indication to passers-by that my Lour months, in advance. .. 1.60 'Christmas stock of merchandise Is Six months, in advance... .. 3.00 >n sale.” me year, in advance...... ^ottaqc (Store Srntind COTTAGE GROVE SKXTINEL, MONDAY. JANUARY 12, 1925 ARMY LEFT-OVERS Primitive Customs in CLOTHE NATIONS Cornish Fishing Town CONFEDERATE WHITE HOUSE DRAWS MANY Extension Platform on Wheels I Is Operated by Worker •----------- ---------------------------------- • Church News So that work may be done at an ia- Presbyterian Church—A. Ralph aoeeasible elevation without the build- Spoarow, pastor. ’Sunday school at A place where grown men play ¡UM of a aeaffoki a vehicular «xtftnsion marbles with the zest of schoolboys io, forenoon service at 11, vesper and where eats catch live tl»h China, Albania and Even support has been patented. It consist* service at 5. Midweek services among the rock pools when the tide of a platform on wheels which may be French Wearing ’Em. I« Place of Pilgrimage for easily raised or lowered. Even when Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Is out. Such a place does exist, and In the quaint old Ashing town of St. World Viaitora. Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams. Faria—The stocks of left-over Ives, In furawuy Cornwall, these things may be seen. American war supplies, the sale of Bible school at 10, preaching at 11 Richmond, Va. — In a side street on In the cool of the evening, along which, while Incidentally helping the and 7:30. Young people’s meeting the broad road bordering the shel­ French treasury out to the amount of a quiet hill overlooking the turmoil of at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday tered harbor, numerous groups of about 6,000,000.000 francs, developed railroad yards and a patch of tbs tur­ evenings at 7:30. hardy fishermen, with sea and sun- so many stories of graft, will be en­ bulent James, the White House of the tunned complexions, play marbles Confederacy In Richmond, Va., stands, Christian Church, the “ home like ’ ’ for hours at a time, surrounded by tirely liquidated. It Is now thought, in more carefully tended and cherished many Interested onlookers, remarks about ten years. They are almost en­ Jiurch—A. J. Adams, minister. today than In the heyday of Its politi ­ tirely out of government hands, so London Tit-Bits. Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and communion at 11, Christian endea­ Grizzled old mariners, many of that the minister of finance no longer cal importance. As a place of pil­ whom preserve the old Cornish cus­ Includes the proceeds from them la grimage for visitors from all over the vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. Member of world It has Just passed through th* tom of wee ring small gold earrings, estimates of the year’s receipts. Ancient Ute of Copper National Editorial Association | Copper and copper-alloy objects pace the quayside In parties of Methodist Church—Rev. J. H. If one goes to the right places It Is most successful season of Its 28 years Oregon State Editorial Association ■ire found in the prehistoric remains three and four, following the “walk still possible to find big piles of khaki as the museum of a lost cause. Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at Oregon Newspaper Conference I of Egypt, dating back to the fourth four steps and turn,” which Is all I “Looks like folks up North are Just 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep­ breeches, shirts and coats, along with worth league at 7, evening service dynasty. 3800 to 4700 B. C. It was they are able to do on the clear j all sorts of odds and ends from the beginning to find out about the war,” found ¡n Asia Minor dating prob­ space on the decks of their luggers. ■ war. They are mostly In the hands commented one of the whlte-balr^ nt 7:30. Everybody is welcome to OTHERS WHO PAY FOR There is a legend about the cats ably to 3000 B. C., and In China to attend all of these services. EDUCATION. guards, to whom “the wgr," of course, 1 about 2500 B. C. The remains of of St. Ives, but there was surely j of second-hand dealers, having suc­ means that fought between the states. never another Ashing town with so cessfully passed from the big opera ­ the Mycenean, Phenlcliirt, Baby- Free Methodist church—Corner of The cost of education has i been Ioninn and Assyrian civilizations many cats. Each morning, when the tors to wholesalers and thence to “For a long time, I reckon, they didn't Monroe avenue and south Fifth night ’ s catches of mackerel, dog ­ write up much about it in their his ­ i much-discussed subject of recent I foreign governments or French hand- (1180 to 500 B. O.) have yielded a tory books. But It must be different extended to its greatest height, it may street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun­ .soars, but one side of the cost variety of copper and bronze ob- fish and skate are brought ashore, me-down establishments. the flsh are cleaned on tables j now. They don’t seem to be able to be propelled by hand or electric power day school at 10, forenoon services not been referred of education has lects. China, Albania, Turkey and Arme ­ placed near the water's edge and find out enough about thoee days. Not »nd steered to any position. Collap­ at 11, evening service ut 7:30. to. The cost to the taxpayer and scores of cats have a glorious feed nia provided large markets for old a day goes by but what some North­ sible when not in use, it occupies little Prayer meeting ut 7:30 Thursday to parents has been dwelt upon at Came a» a Variation American uniforms and about 8,000 on the offal. evenings. length, but nothing has been said overseas caps went to Albania. Min­ erners are here and they are Just as ■pace. A man took home a booklet 4B • • • « « « about, the cost to those who con Espernnto und during a meal a ers In northern France, newsboys, bi­ Interested as If It was all about their Christian Science Church—Corner <#wn folks. Many come from the ■ lent our institutions of learning guest regaled the party with ex­ Failures Caused by Connecting a B-Battery Switch cycle messengare and cart drivera >f Jefferson avenue and Second Those capable of filling positions tracts pronounced according to the around Paris have been the moot West, too, and even from foreign coun­ In connecting a variable B-battery Lack of Initiative itreet. Sunday services at 11 a. m. — be surprised at the In­ in our educational institutions must Instructions supplied. faithful Individual customers of khaki tries. You'd i to a multiple-point switch so as to Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m. At last there came a strange One of the greatest Improvements breeches. terest English visitors take and how • • • equip themselves mentally at £reat sounding word, evidently pro­ sontrol the voltage from the front of of the automobile Is the self-start­ much they have read and studied expense, both in money and energy. nounced with great difficulty, Seventh Day Adventist Church— panel, there should be twice as the er, now found on all but the cheap­ about the Civil war.” I'ollowing that they must giva “Is that really Esperanto?” asked est kinds of cars, which need to be Measures Fluctuations many contact points as there are tape West Main street. Services every As he was speaking the doorbell years of their lives at wages that the boat. Innocently. on the battery, every alternate con­ Saturday. Sabbath school at 10, cranked by hand. rang. It was ten minutes to 5 and in Pressure of Air church service at 11; prayer meet “ No, ” was the reply; “ that's ti sh usually are much below what they The device suggests the reflection tact being dead. the museum closed at 5. i»g Wednesday evenings at 7:30. < »uld earn in private occupations bone." that a very large proportion of the This will eliminate the shorting of “Hadn't you better come back to­ human family require something or in business. the cells of the battery that takes morrow F the visitor was asked, with Sunday School services in the of like nature. Judge for Your »elf Many believe that $2400-—$200 place when every contact is connect­ Latham school house every Sunday They lack Initiative, voluntary ef­ consideration for his admission fee. 'How old Is she?" the month—is a huge wagu to pay ed to a tap, and the switch lever, in at 9:45. Mrs Hugh Trunnel, su­ “Sorry, Just got here and leaving "I can't say, but on her last fort ; they need cranking In the (hose who supervise the education form of orders or directions before first thing in the morning,” was the i passing from one to another, momen­ perintendent; Mrs. Winnie Hagerty, of our children. To many the birthday, when they brought on the doing anything worth while. tarily makes contact with both. As assistant superintendent. with the candles, several of reply. alaries paid the presidents of cake B-batteries are of low amperage, this The men and women who succeed the visitors nearly fulnted with the Many Are I Me rested. Oregon’s two educational institu­ heat.” shorting reduces their life consider­ best In life and get the most out of Save two bits by paying cash. It are of the self starter type. They tions—said to be $7000 the year— This, according to Miss Susan B. ably. Bookkeeping chargo of 25c on all don ’ t wait to be told or advised is out of reason. Harrison, house regent. Is a comm« Mankind Vainly Seeks accounts under $1. The Sentinel, x what to undertake, but proceed of The fact is that no profeaeor in occurrence. Many are the visitors to Removing Scratches from Auto Nature’s Great Secret their own -cord to do things. any of our educational insti- the White House of the Confederacy The great Inventors, such as Edi­ The fluidi of the auto body is often tutions—from high school to col- We may be quite certuln that Na­ son, are all of this sort, says the who stop over between trains Just for lege—can save more than a pit- ture holds in reserve causes of Sacramento Bee. They are origi­ purpose. Many, too, au-e those on »MMd Maadsuially by screwdrivers, resurrection, »» It »Iso holds In Its nators. not mere followers or Imita­ t inee from his salary. automobile highway to Florida wrenehas »"A other tools, and when hands the cauRes of destruction. For tors, and they rank among the chief Treatment, arrange for a night In Richmond ths fluidi is good, the scratches stand The cost of his devotion to Nature, time Is nothing. An action benefactors of the world. they may visit the old house on out Ifir» the proverbial sore thumb. A both local and internal, and has been education of our children is which requires a hundred thousand So it Is In business, literature, Clay street before Its dosing hour. dmpie method of removing such a successful in the treatment of Catarrh htj has to give—the best y years to accomplish 1 b as clearly art, the various Industries, and, In Moot of the visitors come from afar; sttatoh, ar rather of hiding it so that for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. liis life. How many are tl determined and planned as an ac­ fact, all occupations. Success In altogether they number from 10,000 to it cannot be noticed, is to apply sev­ F. J. CHENEY fit CO., Toledo, Ohio those who believe that our tion which require« only u minute. each Is dependent chiefly upon 12,000 in an average year. Frequent­ eral light ooats of shellac over it, keep­ Absolutely speaking, eternity exists originality or initiative. tors are too highly pai( alone, und time Is but u relative ly more than 100 register there a day- ing the shellac as thin as possible and would devote the best y< form. No distinguished guest of the city applying It over just enough surface their lives to looking afl The Unity of Nature As to our human personalities, neglects to walk up those steps worn to oevar the scratch completely. When welfare of children of other par­ So Was This Cottage Grove Woman which ure a part of thia universal Nature cun only be conceived by the feet not only of generals and i ents? Not many. Who Tells Her Experience. matter, and their immortality or existing to a universal »nd not PBOFE88IONAL CARDS commanders, but also of soldiers from Today the presidents of both of resurrection, It would be of the partlcul r end; to a universe every state of the Osnfederacy, fre ­ our institutions of higher learning highest Interest for us to know the ends, and not to one-—a work H. W TITU8, D. M. D. A1J too often women accept their quenters of the Davises’ weekly recep­ nro sink men. Neither can attend essence of the soul. Each of the ecstasy to he represented by a cir­ Dentistry pains and aches as natural to their Prof. Charles F. Marvin, chief of tions. to the duties of his position. They constituent atoms of our bodies Is cular movement, as Intention might the United States weather bureau, to Modern equipment. First National sex. They fail to realize that weak The tall gray brick building, topped Bank builninff. Hours. 9 to 12 and kidneys are often to blame for that have given of their energies un- Indestructible and Incessantly trnv- be signified by a straight line of shown here with the recording mee- 1 to fl. Eveuing* and Bundays bv backache, those headaches, dizzy stintingly and the strain has been els from one Incorporation to an definite length. Each effect strength­ curial barograph, an Instrument made by a little shuttered cupola, opens di­ appointment-. phone. 10: res ¿pclL auu ihui urea, aepressed feel­ ens every other. There Is no re­ rectly on the street at a modest door­ I Vuce pboue. Office too great. The physicians who at­ other. ifW-J. and DPrfpcfpH hv th® usior v *7 Logic leads us to- think that our volt In all the kingdoms from (he ing. Thousands have found new way, with steps and iron railings tended them give little hope of vu* pajciuv uiuuau, our common weal; no detachment of un supervision, measuring'on a magnified bridging a shallow Ivied trench to the health nnd strength by helping the HERBERT W. LOMBARI? ineir early recovery of their old Individual self, Is eqcully Inde­ Individual. Hence the catholic scale, the fluctuations In the pressure pavement. The rear of the house 1» weakened kidneys with Doan’s Pills Attorney at I. ve time vigor. structible, and umre Justly. But In character which makes every leaf of the air. —a stimulant diuretic. This Cottage First National Hank Building more sumptuous, with tall white Thu cost, of educating our chil­ what conditions does It exist? Un an exponent of the world. When Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone i»4 Grove case is one of many: columns werivoaiug a grass plot der what forms Is It reincarnated? we behold the landsciipe In a poetic dren has been to them many times 'Mrs. Amanda Spriggs, 500 8. 1st whereon rest the propelling shaft of St., says: “I had terrible back­ DR. C. E. FROST what it has been to the taxpayer. What were we before birth? What spirit, we do not reckon individuals. Farmer Sell* Two Log* ahull become of us after death? the Merrimac and the anchor chain ef Nature knows neither palm nor aches and could hardly get about Office in Lawson building Probably neither one regrets from Old Tree for $113 the Cumberland. Though' spacious a* Astronomy gives us the first re­ hut only vegetable life, which and dizzy spells came over me, espe­ Phone 47 what he has given, but in comput­ ply worthy of the majesty of Na­ ouk, sprouts Into forests and festoons Mankato, Minn.—belling black wal­ a dwelling, the place la small for an Cottage Grove cially when I stooped. My limbs ing the coat of educating our ture. But this reply cannot be I the globe with a garland of grasses nut logs Is a sideline In the farming ached, niy feet swelled and my kid­ executive mansion ; yet for three children, wo should not forget merely the corollary of a psychologi­ and vines.—Emerson. neys acted too frequently. Doan’s business of E. 8. Schtoeman, owner years from 1862, when the house, al­ GAVEN 0. DYOTT, M. D. those beside the taxpayer who con es solution. . Let the philosophers Pills soon had me feeling like a Physician and Burgeon of the Riverview stock farm near Jud­ ready almost half a century old. was Let them i tribute liberally and with little Imitate the astronomers. different person. The aches and son. He brought In two recently, nine rented from the city by the Confed­ Evenings by appointment Unique British ¡»land work with 1 facts Instead of specu- pails left and my kidneys did not complaint. and eight feet In length, for which Suite 3. Kern Bldg., Cottage Grove. erate government, until 1885, when the Most of Britain’s Islands have luting with i words, and one day the annoy me.” ( It might be added that President veil of Isle shull he was paid *113 cash. The logs were Entrance on north Sixth street, just their story, which 18 sometimes be entirely raised ( officials departed during the evacua­ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t (’ampbell, of the University of for our souls, which so eagerly long unique. The most striking Instance, cwt from a tree said to have been 247 tion of Richmond, it was sufficient for off Main. simply ask for a kidney remedy— Oregon, has given liberally of his for the truth. Positive science, perImps, Is Sunk Island, In the years old. git poan’s Pills—the same that DB. W. E. LEBOW the private life of Jefferson Daria private funds in gifts to the in tdence ulone, will reply: “Life Is Humber—a little world that has the Ms. Schloeman, talking of systemat­ and his family and the state affair« ad Mrs. Spriggs had. Foster-Milburn Dentist peculiar distinction of being the universal anil eternal." — Dr. Arthur stitution ho loves. He nnd his ic farming, said: "Any farmer who the Confederacy. Off lee Fifth and Main. __ ______ Hours, . 8:M Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. youngest bit of Britain. Helwyn Brown In the New York to 12 and 1 to 5:39. “ EveniDga i nnd family have actually returned in wont get any money In bls till thia It is, In point of age, a mere bant­ SiiT'day. bv nnpointmont. Phc loue» fr Historic Asaesiatlona. gifts the full amount of salary to Herald-Tribune. ling, having been formed in com­ fall has himself to blame. He has office 35, residence 161-J. Mr. Campbell has received. either been driving around in his auto Every room hss Its associations. I* Say it with printers’ ink. xxx paratively recent tfmea of land car­ or loafing. During the year I have DB. H. A. HAGEN KEPAT COTTAGEEGfo^7i°N °F ™E rrB8T NATIONAL BANK ried away by the sea from the pat np 450 tons of bay and have 70 ths large west room upstairs Winnie, Licensed Drugless Physician northeast coast. This land was the “Daughter of the Confederacy,” rLoav°ñí?X>E IN IHE BTATE OF OREGON, AT THE swept down to Spurn head and then acres of alfalfa yet to put up. It wfU was born, and from the east balcony Phone 30. Ostrander Building, CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER, 31, 1924 up the Humber, where It lodged and probably go four and one-half tone to little Joe fell to his death on the drive­ 630H Main Street, Cottage Grove In time formed an Island. Ths the acre. way beneath. In the little room oS D. A. FORBES, M. D. process Is still going on, and as • RESOURCES "There are 600 tons of ensilage In the entrance hall, Mra. Davis’ private l oans and discounts..., Physician and Surgeon continues to grow, result the Island .. $301,319.33 the rilo and I have 100 acres of con Calls answered day or night (>v<'r(lraftMf unsecured sitting room, were held the most im­ We guarantee highest 944.24 The public Is enriched without that will go 75 bushale or better to portant conferences Phones, U. 8. Government Securities Owned; between the Dr. Kime’s old office. knowing it; for this curious tor- market prices. Office 34, Residence 199-J. ^luo)d.tO ieCUr" CircuIation (U. a bonds par mutton Is the property of the the acre. At least 75 per cent of It president and Generals Loe and Jack­ 43 years in business, will be suitable for seed. Last year son, In from the battlefields around Crown. H. J. SHINN A“tadher Unit^ 12’i00 00 Reference: Bank of California. I cent seed corn to moot of the statee Richmond. On the third floor the Attorney at Law and eluding premiums, if any).... . ................................... 121.894.94 Notary Public In the Midwest and It all tested 100 secretary had his offices end visitors Rawlinson Wat Peeved 134,394.94 PAGE & SON Practices in all courts. Thirty years A number of good storlee center per cent. 1 don't waste any manure on state business were received. PORTLAND, OREGON ko*'«nd"f7ztore; who for 40 years was connected more than 000 loads.” No. L" became the headquarters of l iwf .T i '•“’’king house with the British army In India. The General Godfrey Woltsol, command« ■iwful reserve with Federal Reserve Baak general was brought prominently of the federal troops, in 1866. and Mb in vault aud amount due from nation.] b.nU England Ha* One Spot before the British public eye by be­ occupied for ths five years Vlr- ‘»g’' ,"r in ,h° “me ing home on furlough. While he Where All Are Thriving thus We have one of the best blocks of grafted walnuts in the state, gtnla was under military rule. It th«0i 791.70 was In command of n column dur­ selected V. Franquette types, supplying large commercial plants. Total of two preceding items.. London. — Hayllng Island la about became a public school for more thatn ing the South African war, Lord All varieties of stock, filberts, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, Tnïii’i'rer fU*"1 *''h H’ Tn*MUrcr «lue from U. H. Rawlinson was constantly sending the only place In England where there 90 years until It was turned over, apricots, berries, small fruits, etc. Right stock at right prices, In demands for heliographs, with Is no unemployment. neglected and dilapidated, to the »" 8« days (other than wanted her husband to paint the from MOO to 500 because the price of ror money borrowed) in contact. The only safe milk to use is that which is 28,810.95 mangle. Having told him what to farm products went up. The people of"a2«i",y; d< l’>’“t" secured by pledge kept clean from the time it leaves the udder yntil *s do. she went out to buy the dinner. had gone back to the Helds. of muiets of th« bunk or surety bond ..... v » a 40,699.82 On her return she c<>uld see no wed. a >ivitlentl h uapaid ........................... 5,500.1 HI sign of her husband In the cellar Total of demand deposits (other than bunk do “Joe. Joe!” she called. “Where Detective Arrest* Hi* Man, Powell’s dairy is open to inspection at any and all times. .. El“'.*22“N*1 four preceding items 622.294.27 . are you?" Visit it in your Sunday best, if you wish. You will carry Riveter, 350 Feet in the Air “Upstairs!” replied Joe from Ti b)CCt U’ «f«er 30 days, or away no odor of any kind. Sanitation is our watchword. above. . ' ' ' or "'“ire, anil postal aavings) Camden. N. J.—'Votna and get tag" artificateo of deposit (other than for monrt of his wife tad three chMdra* n . w white . (My euuiuiiaaioa expires 3 14 1928 ) The sign sold: ’School Ahead; I* Nerfatk. o t». VHATCH, Dircetor». Go Slow.'"—pm Panther. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine ALL OUT OF SORTS? Turkeys, Capons Veal, Hogs Poultry PLANT GRAFTED WALNUTS CARLTON NURSERY CO. BEWARE OF UNCLEAN MILK y**1-"-’-------------------- - Powell Milk Is Pure Milk