« COTTAtH^GROV^SEXTlM^Tl^RSDAY^JA^^A^V^^Jfl^ was back at work in the meat market the fore part of the week but had to return to bed yesterday. Herbert Adams returned Monday from a two weeks 'visit in Port­ land with Mrs. Adams. The eighth grade state exarni- nations were held today and will be continued tomorrow. Miss Helen Shankman left Tues- day for Oakland, Calif., having received word that her mother was seriously ill. Mias Shankman came here from California with Miss Bonita Beager about two months ago. Have You Any W. S. S.’S -—» jNeighborhood News , DELIGHT V a £ l EY. PAGE THREE T —' 1---------------------- -- ------- ■ ■ ■ ------------ I l I'LUIR Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wheeler ♦♦♦»♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦‘»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»»»»♦♦»»»è»»» called on friends on Row river I ’ Sunday afternoon. Several families from here at- tended Evangelist Fatterson ’a lee- tures both Saturday and Sunday < < 1 ► < > evenings. Alvin and Marian Sprague vis-, • » it.-I Sunday at the Darnell home.»; ( Mrs. Nettio Estes and family . > were dinner guests Christmas day ' J Received at 2 p. m. at the Charles Trembly home. < > Tuesday, January 6, by The W. A. Hemenways enter- , , N J. NELSON JR., tained the Arthur Woolcott family 1 > Cottage Grove, Oregon Christmas at dinner. Miss Violet Rigby was a Mr. Willis wires from New York that great­ guest one day last week < • ■ > est reduction in price eVer made on complete i > Tall home. < > line low priced cars just announced by Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Babcock Willys Overland. Price reductions as fol­ were guests the first of the week o at the E. R. Darnell home. lows: Touring and roadster, thirty-five dol­ (Special to The Sentinel.) Jan. Ö.—The Fred Witcher fam- ily spent New Year’s day at the W. A. Witcher home. Miss , Mary Haight visited friends in Portland during last week. Mrs. Oscar Jackson and son Lyle were in Corvallis Thursday, Lyle being unable to return to school at O. A. C. on account of his eyes, brought his things home. See Scholl and see your Mrs. M. A. Horn, who has been TREASURY Savings Certificates and money longer. (t) on the sick list, is improved. War Savings Stamps both Series of Mr. and Mrs’, T. C. Wheeler C. H. Haight, daughter Gwendo- 1920 due January 1st are now pay­ were in Eugene Monday on busi- lyn and sons Lionel and Reginald able. No more interest will be paid ness. attended the opening services of by the Government upon these ob­ BLUE MOUNTAIN. the new Congregational church in ligations. Eugene Sunday, Lionel remained | to ’resume his college work at (Special to The Sentinel.) Are you one of the mapy who will Jan. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles the U. of O. benefit financially by receiving cash Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keene and Whipps, who had been visiting Complimenting Pastor and Mrs. from the Government T R. Spearow, the Presbyterian children returned Saturday from Mr. Whipps’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. If so, you will again want to in­ congregation held open house New Salem, where they had' visited rel­ Finley Whipps, returned to Tilla­ vest your money safely, wisely and mook Monday. Year’s day in Phillips hall, The atives for a week. profitably. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duerst and New Year’s guests at the T. hall was artistically transformed into a large living room. Mrs. D. Hodges home wero Mr. Hodges’ Mr. and Mrs. Butte Mooney and PUT IT IN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT 8. L. Godard, Mrs. F. E. Menden- father and two sisters, of Rose- children visited Thursdaay with HERE AT 3% OR A CERTIFICATE Mr. and Mrs. Goe. Layng, of Mount hall, Mrs. R. E. Short and Mrs. bu rg.* OF DEPOSIT AT 4%. The Stalder family, of I.ynx View. C. C. Cruson assisted by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harry Castlo vis­ Evelyn Veatch, Miss Dolly Pitcher Hollow, visited here Sunday. The C. A. Moore family were ited Monday with Mrs. Castle’s and Miss Hazel Swanson were at the tea table at one of the ball. Sunday guests at the W. E. Nixon sister, Mrs. Claude Ivan, of Mount View, who is quite sick. The musical program was in charge home. Quite a number from hero at­ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kent and of Miss Esther Silsby. Several entertaining musical numbers were son visited at the Chas. McKibben tended the funeral of Mrs. in Cottage Grove Thursday. given by the ladies’ quartet, which home in Cottage Grove Sunday. The E. J. Sears family were Vernon Whipps returned was composed of Mesdames Matth­ Keep Your Money Earning ews, Kem, Cruson and Short. Miss Sunday guests at the j. A. Joli Powers Monday, after visiting More Money with Safety his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Kathleen Kem, of Portland, gave home. The Clyde Wright family of Whipps. several vocal solos. Those in the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seward, of receiving line were pastor Spearow, Walker and Miss Alice ■ Kent w’ero i Jack- Marcola, spent New Year’s with Mrs. Homer Galloway, Mrs. M. F. 8unday guests at the Oscar Mr. and Mrs. Harry Castlo. son home. Wyatt and S. L. Godard. CARS FOR SALE! home of Mr. Hambrick’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Witcher ❖ $> €> Mrs. Myrtle Cooley. see LONDON. Mrs. F. L. Grannis entertained were Sunday guests of Mr. and J. Nelson Jr. Marion Harpole, of Elmira, vis­ the Tuesday Bridge club at the Mrs. Lawrence Brown. 1923 Dodge touring______ $650.00 ited during the week with her Mrs. Lowell Benston, of Sagi- (Special to The Sentinel.) Gray Goose tea room at its regular 1923 Overland touring....... 425.00 uncle, Z. L. Cox, who is critically Jan. 5.—Mr. and Mrs. B. A. 1 o’clock luncheon this week. Red naw, who has been ill the past 550.00 ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cox and 1922 Overland sedan........... Carnations were the centerpiece and week with tonsilitis, was brought Pruett motored to Eugene Sunday 1923 Gray touring.... ............ . 425.00, Mr. and Mrs. Lone Lander, of Mar- the place cards were in hajmony Monday to the home of her par­ and spont the day. They were ac­ 450.00 1921 Studebaker touring.... cola, also visited during last week with the centerpiece. Following ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keene. companied home by their daughter 175.00 ! 1922 Ford touring............... with Mr. Cox. The W. E. Nixon and Hugh Jesse, who had been visiting rel­ the luncheon the members went to 1920 Ford touring....... ....... 150.00 the Grannis home, where the after­ Nixon families spent Tuesday at atives there for 10 days. Ray Nelson, auto electrician. 1920 Chevrolet touring....... 165.00 Mrs. R. E. Foreman left Satur­ N. J. Nelson Jr. has moved his noon hours were spent at bridge, the Lee Nixon home. 150.00 1918 Ford delivery_______ j. c. Huff, : of Dufur, was an day for Salem to make her home. Mrs. G. C. Dyott securing high office from the Billy Hall service 1918 Chevrolet roadster__ 60.00 Several of the neighbors gathered honors and Mrs. R. L. Stewart re­ overnight guest Monday at the 1918 Maxwell touring......... 125.00 station to the Hemenway building, ceiving the consolation prize. Mrs. home of his sister, Mrs. C. C. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. which the Trask cash grocery is 1917 Ford touring............... 125.00 Robert Phillips New Year’s eve Mr. Trask plans to R. L. Stewart beacme a member Conner. 191 Ford bug___________ 50.00 occupying. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Compton, of and spent an enjoyable time in of the club. Mrs. Arthur Hender­ 1914 Ford chasis....... ......... 35.00 move soon and Mr. Nelson will then take the entire building for a shott and Mrs. W. H. Beidler, of California, were guests at the W. social conversation and music. Mr. and Mrs. George Suther­ Eugene were invited guests of the E. Nixon home over Tuesday night. salesroom. Mrs. A. W. Cornutt will be land entertained at a dinner party club. Mrs. J. R. Lasswell, who was hostess to the Social Neighbors Sunday. The guests were J. N. •$> <$ ♦----------------------------------------------- /.> visiting at the home of her son, Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Banton, Mrs. Ivan E. Warner entertained tomorrow. 8. 8. Lasswell, returned today to Leontine Lusk has filed suit Nola Banton, Gerald Banton and the Elmartes club Tuesday after­ her home in Oakland, Oregon. SILK CREEK. against Dale Lusk for a decree of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George noon at three tables of bridge. Mrs. Have you read about the big M. H. Ellsworth secured high divorce upon the grounds of deser- Bales and daughter. reductions on Overland cars? Look honors and Mrs. Glenn Haney re­ (special to The .Bontinel.) dou. There is one minor chird. Miss Viola Welty left Saturday Jan. 5.—Edwin Estes, from Wash- for her home at Centralia, Wash. ceived the consolation prize. The pass Creek Dramatic club for Nelson’s ad on this page. Mrs. Clara Edwards, who makes will hold a meeting tomorrow eve­ Mrs. Victor Kem gave a pleas­ ington, spent the holidays with his her home with her son, E. J. Ed­ ing solo. A tempting two-course mother, Mrs. Nettie Estes. DORENA. ning in the Divide school house. Mrs. B. W. Garner and Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr. and A. W. Swan­ wards, and who has been seriously luncheon was served. Mrs. Charles Charles Trembly were visitors Wed- (Special to The Sentinel.) son were in Portland the fore part ill, is improving slowly but is still Hall was pledged a member of the nesday of last week at the Bab Jan. 5.—James Redford left fo the week on business. Mr. in a critical condition. Her son, club. Invited guests of the club cock home. Thursday for Portland by motor. Nelson brought home two new N. E. Edwards, of Ute, la., who were Mrs. M. H. Ellsworth, Mrs. came here to be with her, is visit­ W. E. Mayes, Mrs. Glenn Haney, Elder Jutzy, of Sutherlin, wan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly and Essex coaches. ing at Hornbrook, Calif., with a Miss Ruth Stewart and Mrs. Charles entertained Friday night at the R. son, Lawrence, of Cottage Grove, Galloway writes insurance. sister but expects to return today L. Paine. The latter is of Oakland, V. Darnell home and Saturday spent Sunday at the Warren Kelly William George, night watchman or tomorrow. night at the E. P. Neff home. home. Oregon. at the oil derrick, has been ill Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woolcott Jan. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. James | A son was born December 17 to ♦ ♦ ♦ several days Turing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn McCargar, of Mrs. A. G. Williams, Mrs. E. M. entertained the Burcham family Chapman, of Santa Clara, spent i lumbago. Sunday at the home of Mrs. Chap- I Baker. The father is a son of Allen, Mrs. D. T. Awbrey, Mrs. at dinner New Year evening. The correspondent wishes to cor­ man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. George Marksbury returned Sun­ Mrs. Mary McCargar, of this city. M. Aubrey and Mrs. H. O. Bennett day evening from a week’s motor entertained the Christian ladies’ rect an item printed last week. Bales. trip to San Francisco. Abe Bangs, Ninth and Main streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elliott are society yesterday afternoon in the Miss Lena Burcham spent Christ­ Mrs. 8. S. Lasswell and two mas at Hillsboro, instead of here. moving back to their ranch, after of Eugene, accompanied Mr. Marks­ church parlors, The hours were" children returned Sunday from bury upon the trip. A telephone meeting was held living in Cottage Grove for two pleasantly spent socially and de- Portland, where they • spent the Monday night at the public school months. Starr fixes watches right. Christmas-New Year vacation at lightful refreshments were served. house. Little Wilbur Doolittle has been Mrs. William Stennett has been the home of Mrs. Lasswell’s par­ The following officers were elected: Ruth and Faye Darnell spent quite ill with diphtheria. Mrs. C. F. Walker, president; Mrs. taken to a Eugene hospital. ents. Floyd McLin returned Sunday I W. H. Ostrander, Mrs. Charles the holiday week with their grand- Victor Kem underwent an opera­ Miss Genevieve Olin, of Albany, Brown, Mrs. H. O. Bennett, Mrs. mother, Mrs. Cook, of Saginaw. to Monmouth normal. tion yesterday for the removal of spent the week end here at the A. G. Williams, vice presidents; his tonsils for the second time. home of her hunt, Mrs. W. W. Mrs. William Baker, secretary; Mrs. Jennie W. Nichols arrived McFarland. Mrs. Fred Beidler, treasurer. Tuesday from San Francisco to Dr. Hagen will cure your goiter. ♦ ♦ ♦ visit at the home of her son, O. L. Mrs. A. W. Helliwell entertained Miss Flossie Mathis has moved i • Nichols. her “Please You’’ dressmaking the M. P. G. club Wednesday Be sure to read Nelson’s ad on shop from south Sixth street to the afternoon at its regular meeting. this page in regard to the great Fred Beidler property at the cor­ Five hundred wass added to the reductions on Overland cars. ner of W’hiteaker avenue and north regular diversions of needl. work and social conversation. A de­ Mrs. H. E. Allison, of Roseburg, Sixth street. spent the week end here with her Miss Mabel Martin returned Sun­ licious two-course luncheon was parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. day from Portland, where she spent served. Red carnations and potted Fi ester. the Christmas-New Year vacation plants were the artistic decoration Mr. and Mrs. E. Bushnell and at the home of her parents, Mr. for the table and about the rooms. son Donald returned Monday to and Mrs. H. J. Jorgenson, while Invited guests of the club were their home in Dexter, after spend­ recuperating. She returned Sunday Mrs. C. A. Bartell and Mrs. C. A. Hood, The latter is of Portland ing the week end here with rela­ from a Eugene hospital. and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. tives. See N. J. Nelson Jr. tor new and H. W. Titus. Dr.«Hagen will cure your goiter. used cars. ♦ ♦ ♦ • Frnak Shafley is confined to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hambrick spent Sunday in Eugene at the his home with a severe cold. He 1 APPROACHING EVENTS or Treasury Savings Certificates? Then, Keep This Money At Ji ork! SOCIETY BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE Cottage Grove, Oregon New Cars Are Reduced 1 > i » i • < > lars; business coupe, sixty dollars; all steel sedan, one hundred thirty-five dollars. Factory prices now: Touring and roadster, four hundred ninety-five dollars; coupe sedan, five hundred eighty-five dollars; busi­ ness coupe, six hundred thirty-five dollars; all steel sedan, seven hundred fifteen dollars. Give every newspaper in your community this information at once; letter follows. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IN RE­ GARD TO ABOVE PRICES, SEE N. J. NELSON JR. Dealer COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON GROCERY SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday, Jan. 9-10 Picnic hams, your choice........ Apples, cooking variety, box Honey, quart jars ______ $1.00 75c ... 65c Smith-Short Grocery The Store That appreciates Your Trade Your home print »hop—The flen- tiuel—should be always eoa»id»red • first. Usually it can handle any 1 . Jj f Job of printing you may have. J I / Z i ► i> i ► i ► i > To Attend Penney Convention. The Christian church congregation held their monthly business meet­ ing Tuesday evening. The business session was fallowed by a social hour. The primary department of the Sunday school gave an enter­ tainment program and afterwards served dainty refreshments. C. L. Lowry, of the local Penney store, will leave Friday of next week for Atlantic City, N. J., to attond a convention of the Penney store managers from over the na­ tion. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Lowry. Still We Grow! Why? Because: Thia is a strong, careful, safe and suc­ cessful institution, it in u growing, active, up-to-date bank in every par- ticular. Your account will be appreciated by the bank and your interests will always be carefully considered. Our funds are guarded by a modern burglar proof safe in a highly pro­ tected vault. Our officers are experienced bank­ ers. Our directors are all well known, ■well-to-do business men; they are directors who DIRECT. If you are not a customer of this Hank, let this/ be your invitation to become one. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK COT!'AGE GROVE FORMER REGULAR PRICE Here in a drastic clearance gale of all remaining coats and dreaaea for we’re determined on a complete clearance. You will do well to eome early for there are many who will appreciate this offering as a real sacrifice bargain. Regular $12.50, $15 00 to $25.00 diws now.... .. $6.25, $7.50 to $12.50 Regular $15, $17, $25, $35 coats now............... $7.50, $8.50, $12.50, $17.50 NEW WOMEN 8 PUMPS Jiwt received two new aatin and patent pum pH in “cut-out” effect upper with «ilk lace tie, a pair............. $4.50 i > i • i > Christian Church Holds Meeting. COATS DKESSES / i • I > JWfllASY CLEABANCE 1 « • WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. Alfred 2:17 p. I Tales of the Town The Women ’» relief corps will hold its regular meeting Saturday. The regular quarterly dinner will be served at noon and the instal­ lation of officers will be held. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Presbyterian ladies’ aid no­ ciety will meet next Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors, with Mrs. E. C. Shay, Mrs. J. Q. Willits, Mrs. Van Osdal and Mrs. J. E. Blackmore as hostesses. ♦ < ♦ The W. C. T. U. will hold regu­ lar meeting tomorrow afternoon in the Methodist church parlors. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Tuesday tHudy club l' meet next week at the home of Mrs. J. H. Chambers, with Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. C. A. Beidler as leaden. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. H. K Metcalf will entertain the I-aCorau club Tuexlay afte»- noon at its regular meeting. ■ » NEW PRINTED BILK CREPE Hcfe is the flrut of the spring seaaon’R showing and forerunner of fabric atyle in the new printed, wool filled, Milk crepe, a yard..... „........ «... $2 95