COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1925 r; BEWARE OF UNCLEAN MILK Milk is a ready carrier of anything with which it comes in contact. The only safe milk to use is that which is kept clean from the time it leaves the udder until it is used. Powell’s dairy is open to inspection at any and all times. Visit it in your Sunday best, if you wish. You will carry away no odor of any kind. Sanitation is our watchword. Our milk reaches the pasteurizing and bottling station under most sanitary conditions and then it touches nothing but machinery that has been sterilized. It goes into bottles that have been sterilized and is not touched at any time by human hands. -Pasteurizing does away with the possibility of germs of any kind and there is no chance anywhere in its handling for foreign substances of any kind to get into it. Powell Milk Is Pure Milk I Tales of the Town « Ed Anderson left Thursday for 8t. Helens, where he is employed on a city reservoir job. Mrs. Phoebe J. Stoneburg, pio­ neer resident of Cottage Grove, was taken to the state hospital Friday for treatment. Powell’s pasteurized milk is pure milk. tf Dorothy Cooper and Vivian Car­ lile were in Eugene Friday. Miss Elise Price, of Sifton, Wash., former -teacher here, and now a teacher in Vancouver high schools, was a week-end guest of the Elbert Bede family. Galloway writes insurance. The L. W. Peters family and the Elbert Bede family, the latter ac- companied by Miss Elise Price and Worth Harvey, were in Eugene Sun day afternoon to attend the baptis­ mal services for Margaret Peters and little Flora Elise Bede, held in the Episcopal church there. Billie Hall is in Portland on business. been visiting Mrs. Lee Spangen burg returned home Friday. Have you seen those automobile policies of Tom Awbrey’s? Safety at a small cost. Better play safe. Mrs. C. H. Boslough left today for a two day visit in Eugene. Misses Bertha and Hazel Steph ens, of Eugene, spent New Year’s here with their mother, Mrs. Edith Stephens. Miss Hazel has gone to Monmouth to attend normiu. Human hands never touch Powell’s pasteurized milk. tf Mrs. George Sweet is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Vernon Field and children, of Roseburg, spent the week end with Mrs. Field’s mother, Mrs. Rosa Currin. Birthday Cakes No birthday party is com­ plete without a Birthday Cake. Our facilities and ex­ perience produce the utmost in Cakes. We use only the highest quality ingredients. Eat Faultless Bread The Cottage drove Electric Bakery G. A. Sanders, Prop. I^Qptice! Scholl's kryptoks make you see. (m) DR. B. A. MALLIN (OF PORTLAND) FOOT SPECIALIST Electro-Orthopedist is at Hotel Bartell for a short time ARCHES FITTED FOR FLAT FEET Call for Your Appointment Beware of unclean milk. Buy Powell’s pasteurized milk tf JI and play safe. J. Sams has received word of H. R. Edwards, recently with the the serious illness at Prescott, Wis., sales force of the Standard Oil or his mother, who is 91 years of company in Portland, has been age. transferred to a similar position Miss Ruth ____ Straw, ____ , who had been with the local station, Increased j visiting at the home of Mrs. Peter business is given as the reason for | Nelson, returned Friday to her the increase in the sales force. j school at Troy, Mont. No chance for dirt or germs Misses Margaret and Dorothy in Powell’s pasteurized Jackson spent the holidays in Eu­ tf | gene with an aunt, returning home milk. G. R. Toliver, who was injured I yesterday. in a mill accident last summer, has Mr. and Mrs. Herald White and gone to the accident commission’s daughter, of Eugene, were New hospital in Salem for treatment. Year’s guests at the home of Mr. The F. L. Grannis family have re­ White’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. turned from spending the Christmas- W. White. Now Year vacation in Seattle at Miles Pitcher is in a Eugene hos­ the home of the parents of Mrs. pital recovering satisfactorily from ' a case of diphtheria. Grannis. Chester and Miss Vera Scott Starr fixes watches right. Gaven C. 1 Dyott atteniled the ’,P“nt New Year’s day in Eugene meeting of the Lane County Medi- j with their grandfather, L. F. cal society, held Friday evening in Wooley. Mrs. Fannie Witte, Mr. I and Mrs. Eugene. Ludrovitz, of 811- James Hanna and baby daughter Luther verton, is visiting at the home of and William Witte, of ] Portland, spent New Year’s day at the his daughter, Mrs. E. A. Lilly. Carl Witte home. Dr. Hagen will eure your goiter. Miss Virginia Bosley, who is Miss Dorothy Hankins, of Cres­ attending high school this year in well, who had been visiting her Palo Alto, Calif., spent Christmas sister, Mrs. H. A. Mason, returned an A BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHIC, OR SECRETARIAL COURSE At the Eugene Business College. This school has modern equipment, efficient teachers, and the rates are reasonable. A At for further information EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E Roberta, President 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon. Rose Brand McQueen’s Grocery Hall’s Catarrh Medicine CARLTON NURSERY CO. 159-J Is Our Number —THE— BREAD Delicious for serving with the big Sunday dinner or for stuffing the bird. Order all you need today. Like­ wise, we’re baking pan after pan of wonderful rolls—just what you and your guests will enjoy. CITY BAKERY Autin Lindsey, Proprietor. L SOCIETY Your Guests PLANT GRAFTED WALNUTS Mrs. Archie Proctor left Sunday for Tillamook to complete her work in the schools there. She will re- turn in two weeks. The N. E. Compton family, re- eently of Nebraska, enroute to Eu gene, were in the city Saturday on business. The Comptons are contemplating again locating in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Barker were guests New Year’s day and until Saturday in Eugene at the home of Charles Culp, a cousin. V. S. Goff haB bought the old Tom Parker property on south Sixth street, He is trying to got moved jnto his new quarters this week. Mrs. A. M. Crowe and son, of Tacoma, returned home today, afty being guests of Miss Luella Hur­ ley for two weeks. Harry Skilling and M. V. Castello, who are with the U. 8. navy and stationed at Bremerton, Wash., visited here during last week, re­ turning to Bremerton Thursday morning. r Mrs. C. E. Frost is recovering from a severe case of the grip, PAGE THREE Birnstiel Children Home. • IF= ping in at his home for a New Year’s watch party, the oceanion Ida «nd Paul Birnstiel, daughter being Mr. Hemenway’s birthday and son of Frank Birnstiel, who anniversary. Five hundred was the were spirited away from their fath diversion and dainty refreshments er’s home some time ago by their; were served. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. mother, who is a resident of The On a Sunday—we are sure—will assuredly enjoy a cup Miller, Mr. L. C. Michener and Mrs. Dalles, are again at home here. or two of our high quality Coffee or Tea. We have J. P. Graham were invited guests Their mother was taken sick and several excellent grades we would like you to try to the juvenile society took charge of the club. of the children, notifying their , really see how good they really are. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. H. H. Veatch, assisted by father. He had them brought to Miss Lula Currin, entertained the Portland, where he met them. Joker club Friday evening at the Veatch home, Five hundred was Mills Again Operating. the diversion and a delightful Nearly all of the mills of the luncheon was served. The hus- vicinity arc again in operation bands of the members were invited following close downs on account guests and Willi am Thum, Mrs. I of the cold weather and the Christ- Andrew J. Turner Dies. WOODMEN ASK THAT George Knowles, of this city, Mrs I mas and New Year holiday season. Andrew J. Turner, a brother of CASE BE DISMISSED Raymond Veatch, of Eugene, and The Wiese Brothers mill on Cedar Frank Turner, of Divide, died Sat­ Miss Kathleen Kem, of Portland, creek resumed today. Anderson & urday at Faile City from bronchial The Woodmen of the World head were also guests. Middleton’s mill at Latham is op­ trouble whieh followed influenza camp, which was sued a short time G G <$> erating but the saws at mill B of a year ago. The funeral will ago by Oscar F. Vaughn, who seeks A group of friends of Miss Vir- are yet idle. be held from the chapel here at a judgment for $1000 alleged due ginia Bosley, who was home from 10 o’clock Tuesday forenoon, M. V. on the policy held by the plaintiff’s California over the Christmas holi- Mrs. Godfrey, 105, Dies. Walden, the pioneer pastor, offi­ brother, who disappeared several days, honored and surprised Miss Union, Ore., Jan. 3.—Mrs. Eliza­ ciating. Interment will be in the years ago, filed an answer yester­ Bosley Friday evening by going beth Godfrey died at the home of Hawley cemetery at Divide. day, asking that the case be dis­ in upon her for a social evening. her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Ricker, Mr. Turner was born in A va, missed. It is claimed by the plain­ Games helped to make the evening this morning at the ago of 105 Mo., in August, 1857. He camo tiff that his brother is legally (lead. hours pass speedily and punch and years, eight months and 16 days. to Cottage Grove 25 years wafers, which had been brought Mrs. Godfrey was born in what is leaving here 10 years ago. The ‘‘The style of girls’ clothes nowa­ by the guests, wero served, The now the state of Maino on April 5, wife died here in 1902. days reminds me of a barbe neer but a resident of Eugene for worth, Oklahoma, are surviving sis herst Lord Jeff. A group of intimata friends several years, took up his duties ters. John, Samuel, William, Lee, gathered at the John Wallace home today as district attorney, It is and James Turner, all of Oklahoma, New Year’s day for their dinner understood that he will appoint are surviving brothers in addition and supper. The afternoon hours Gordon 8. Wells as his assistant, to the brother here. were pleasantly spent socially. Mr. Wells was defeated for the Those to enjoy the affair were the republican nomination in the May Blrtchetts Reach South America. Charles McKibben family, Mrs. Mc­ primaries. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beatty have Kibben ’s mother, Mrs. Mary 3. B. 8., ATTENTION! received word from their daughter, Sehmutz, who is visiting her fr.,m Rest Room Helps Needy. Seattle; Frank Sherman, the V. J. Twenty-eight needy families of Mrs. Grover C. Birtchott, that they Installation of officers at regullar Hazen family, Mr. and Mrs. Ham- the city were assisted by the rest have arrived safely at Bogata, Co­ meeting of Eastern Star chapter et loth and daughter, Miss Francis room during December. Within lombia, where Mr. Birtchott- is in 7:30 Friday evening at Masonic Hamloth, and Miss Ruth Bede. the month the rest room had 1500 missionary work. They were 42 temple. <$>•$>«> visitors. The contributions to the days on the way and passed By Order Worthy Matron. Complimenting Mies Elise Price, needy were made possible by the through some hot country. The who was a house guest at the generosity of the business men and Birtchetts, who wero at Bogata Elbert Bode home, Mrs Bode en­ schools of the city. for several voars, were home on a tertained a number of the houored year’s leave of absence. guest’s former students Friday eve­ Mrs. Vent Wicks Suffers Burns. r;."™ ning at an informal and impromptu Schools Reopen. Word has reached here that Mrs. both local and internal, and has been affair. Music and social conversa­ Vern Wicks, of Rujada, was se­ The schools of the city reopened successful In the treatment of Catarrh tion were the diversions and dainty verely burned several days ago today, aftor a two-week Christmas for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. refreshments were served at the when their homo was destroyed by and New Year vacation F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio close of the evening. fire. ’♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reed en­ LONDON. tertained a few friends at dinner Wo have one of tho best blocks of grafted walnuts in the state, Friday evening in honor of Miss (Special to The Sentinel.) selected V. Franquetto types, supplying largo commercial plants. Irma Randall, who was home over Jan. 2.—Winona and Evelyn, All varieties of stock, filberts, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, the holidays from her school in small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. apricots, berries, Bniall fruits, etc. Right stock at right prices, McMinnville. Ivan Abeene, have been quito ill delivered in best condition. Try us. 35 years in business. ♦ ♦ ♦ the past week. London Society. Clayton and Clifford Townsend “Old Father Time, so we believe, and Oscar Newton visited the Black is going away on New Year’s eve; Butte school Tuesday. so I am expecting others, with you, John Massey trapped another coy­ will be at our house to bid him adieu,” is the way tho invitations ote Tuesday. Mrs. R. E. Foreman has sold her read that were issued by Miss Nola place to Harold Abeene and is sell- Banton for a watch party at the inge her household goods. Sh” will home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. go to Salem to make her homo J. E. Banton. A very pleasant with her daughter Mrs. Sehiiffitz. time was enjoyed socially with Mrs. J. W. Merryman, who went various games and music. A gun to Bray, Calif., to spend Chri.stmns was fired at midnight to speed with her husband, returned Tuesday the., old year and welcome tho new. to the home of her parents, M r. Refreshments were served at mid­ and Mrs. A. 8. Newton, accom­ night. The following were present: panied by Mr. Merryman and will Misses Lillie Spahr, Winnie Grannis, spend a few days. Lula Hull, Anabel Small, Veta Call that number whenever Several farmers and their fami­ Plaster, Elsie Chestnut and Messrs. you have an item for publi­ lies from here attended the all day Roy Watkins, Leslie Hull, Claude cation. The Sentinel wants all meeting, program and New Year Sherman and Ralph Chestnut, of the news while it is news. dinner given by the Farmers union Cottage Grove; Arthur Combs, Glen If you know an item and don’t at Hebron Tuesday. The mbsic Banton, Gerald Banton ami little tell it, it’s you fault if it is furnished by some of the members daughter Geraldine, Mr. and Mrs. not printed. from Divide was especially pleasing. Harold Abeene and daughters I.o- A number from here attempted velle and Lucile and Mrs. Emma to go to Eugene Tuesday. Some Bailes and daughter Reta. made the trip all right and others ♦ ♦ ♦ turned back at Judkins point on *----------------- -- -------- ------ ----------• account of high water. APPROACHING EVENTS I 4---------------------------------- * Little Geraldine Banton was on The Christian ladies’ aid society the sick list several days last week. Clifford Townsend has been in­ will hold a regular business and social session Wednesday afternoon in the disposed for a few days with an church parlors, with Mrs. A. G. ulcerated tooth. Williams, Mrs. E. M. Allen, Mrs. D. T. Awbrey, Mrs. M. Aubrey Natlk«« Furniture Win« Fir»t and Mrs. H. O. Bennett as host» Prize for Boy Scout eases. "»ahioasd without tbs use of a ♦ ♦ <ê> The Women's Foreign missionary single nail, a table, chair and orna­ society of the Methodist church mental lamp made of rough pieces of will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Andrew Brand. Mrs. C. A. Beidler is to be the program leader. ♦ ♦ The Toujours Prete club will hold its regular meeting Wednesday evening at th«- home of Mrs. Gaven C. Dyott, with Mrs. Dyott and Mrs. R. A. Trask as hostesses. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. O. L. Nichols, Mrs. W. J. Woods and Mrs. George Matthews And that’s performance, ail- round will entertain the Constellation club superior performance for winter driv­ Thursday afternoon at its regular meeting. ing- ♦ ♦ ♦ Quick, hair trigger starting! The Tillicum club will meet Wed­ Fast acceleration —100% power, nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. A. Kurre. mileage a-plenty I ♦ ♦ ♦ All-’round performance — nothing The Elmartes club will hold it. regular meeting tomorrow afternoon sacrificed. at the home of Mrs Ivan Warner. Get a tankful today at any red, ♦ ♦ ♦ white and blue pump in town-at Mrs. A. W Helliwell will enter­ tain the M. P. G. club tomorrow Standard Oil Service Stations and at afternoon at its regular meeting. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor, of Medford, who had been here at tho Mrs. C. C. Crason home, returned with Mus Bosley as far at Medford. Mr. and Mrs. John Wynne Merry- man returned Saturday to Bray, Calif., after spending the Christ­ mas-New Year’s holidays here. Glen Bennett was fined $5 during the week for speeding on south Fifth street and driving with his muffler open. Mrs. Max Stewart has been brought home from a Portland hospital, where she had been re­ ceiving medical treatment. She is not greatly improved. . Mrs. J. O. Johnson, of Portland, arrived Saturday to be near her mother, Mrs. Amanda Gibson. W. C. Johnson suffered with an attack of hpart trouble New Year’s day. He is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Chaloupka left Thursday by motor for Los Angeles to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Byrne and Mrs. Byrne’s mother, Mrs. Mary Connoil, left Saturday by motor for San Diego, Calif, Mr. Byrne has a position there with the Swift company. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Phillips spent Friday in Drain visiting with Mrs. Matilda Applegate, re- turning that evening accompanied by Mrs. Applegate, also visited here until Saturday evening. Mr. and H. B. Griggs and son Lloyd spent Sunday in Eugene. Mrs. M. F. Wyatt is in Oregon City visiting at the home of her son, Ernest Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wyatt are to leave soon for Centralia, to which place Mr. Wyatt has been transferred by the Standard Oil company. Ray Nelson, auto electrician. Ninth and Main streets. Mi». J. F. II uua aud I'uUjihlors Ileen and Irene spent New Year 's in Portland. The Estella Salton property on old south Pacific highway has been sold to Charles White, the’ deal being made by HaH & Lang. Galloway, insurance, 511 Main. M Scholl is your home optom­ Jack Klopfentei-i and J. R. Smith etrist. (m) are down from the Bohemia district. Jack Beager left Friday to enter The W. M. Norris and C. W. O. A. C. Burge families visited at Riee Hill Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Doolittle, of Creswell, has been a guest the pa3t few days of Mrs. 8. E. Me Fai la nd. Dr. Hagen will cure your goiter. A quarterly neeting has been held during tho -past, week at the Free Methodist church. The William Telford family and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Isom, of Rose­ burg, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sams, parents of the women. George Damewood left Sunday to enter O. A. C. ; 7 I Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Short en­ tertained the H. D. 8. club at its regular meeting Friday evening. Five hundred was the diversion, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Byrne receiving the guest prize and Mr. and Mrs. Short receiving the club prize. The rooms were attractively decorated with potted plants and ferns. A delieious two-course luncheon was served, the table being centered with an artistic bouquet of red carnations. A red candle was at each end of the table. Invited guests of the club were Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams and Mrs. C. A. Hood. The latter is of Portland and was a house guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Titus. ♦ ♦ G Mrs. F. L. Grannis will enter­ tain the Tuesday Bridge club to­ morrow at its 1 o’clock luncheon at the Gray Goose tea room. Fol lowing the luncheon the bridge ses­ sion will be held at the Grannis home. Mrs. Arthur Hendershott and Mrs. W. H. Beidler, of Un­ gene, are to be invited guest« for the occasion. ♦ ♦ « The Tfllienm erth nwmben, in j their Indian eostnmes, surprised D. H. Hemenwny, one of their ntem- | hers, Wednesday evening by drop , SENTINEL There's a REAöori for the POPULA RITYrfik Alumni Will Meet Thursday. The alumni association of the Cottage Grove high school will hold a special meeting Thursday eve­ Pay A« You Go. ning 1 in the high school building, Paul—“I’d go through anything Plans for the approaching musical whieh the association is plaaaiGg for you.” Pauline—“Let’s start on your art to i bo complete. Ths musical is account.” — Melbourne being . put on t»> pay for improve- bankiag Punch. meats for a gymnasium building. dealers—“in every way a better gaso­ line.” IN EVERY STANDARD OIL COMPANY (GM m I s ) WAYA better gasoline Quitk farting O Wl* power