COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1925 PAGE TWO of intention to make three year! lr- = Proof, to establish claim to the ' land aboveu described, before E. O. ' Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, at! Notice is hereby given that by Eugene, Oregon, on the 13th day I virtue of an execution and order of January, 1925. New York Bowery Ha« an j of sale in foreclosure issued out ' Claimant names as witnesses: of the Circuit Court of Lane i William T. Minnick, David Min- < Unusual Sale. j County, Oregon, on the 24th day nick, Allen Riner, all of Oakridge, j New York.—A silent auction, where 1 of December, 1924, in a suit vhere- j Oregon; Henry Skinner, of Spring­ (non-coaly the bidders pinch the auctioneer and [ in on the 23rd day of December, field, Oregon. HAMILL A. CANADAY, where transactions run to as high as 1924, in said court Fred Ernst, recovered judgment d4-jl(2) Register. $250,000 a day Is one of the most plaintiff, 1 agains the defendants, D. N. Me- Looking forward to the New Year of Opportunity unique markets on the Bowery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS It is here that three-fourths of the Inturff and Eugenia L. Melnturff before us, we wish for all of our patrons and friends unredeemed pledge« of pawnbrokers for the sum of $700.00 with interest ; a Prosperous and Happy New Year, 1925 in the Notice is hereby given that the In the large Eastern cities are dis­ j thereon at 7 per cent per annum fullest sense. posed of. Nothing Is dealt In but jew­ 'from April 20th, 1923’until paid: undersigned has been appointed by We take this opportunity, too, to thank our patrons elry, watches, antiques and such valu­ and the further sum of $100.00 | an order of the County Court of for the good will and patronage, of the past year. able articles as high-class field glasses. attorney's fees and the costs and | Lane County, Oregon, administrat­ Several buildings on the west side disbursements herein in the sum of | rix of the estate of Robert Carter, We appreciate indeed that without the loyalty of $35.50, which judgment was en deceased, which order bears date of the Bowery, between Hester and many patrons, this establishment could not succeed. Canal streets, house the auction rooms rolled and docketed in the Clerk’s the 30th day of December, 1924. We shall use our best effort to warrant your con­ All persons having claims against and exchanges. The membership Is office in said Court in said County tinued support and patronage for the year 1925. on the 23rd day of December, 1924,, the estate of said Robert Carter, exclusive. The personnel seldom and said execution to me directed . deceased, are hereby notified and varies, except as sons or nephews of the traders succeed to the business commanding me in the name of I required to present the same, duly as the older men retire or die. Nearly the State of Oregon, in order to! verified, at the law office of satisfy said judgment, interest, at- Herbert W. Lombard) First Nation all are wealthy. i torney 'a fees, costs of suit and al Bank Building, Cottage Grove. Sales Are Held Dally. Pawnbrokers bring their unredeemed accruing costs to sell the followinu ! Oregon, on or before six months | from the date of the first publi-! pledges to the auction rooms where described real property, to-wit: Beginning at a point 19.99 chains , cation of this notice. sales are held dally. A pawnbroker START THE NEW YEAR Dated and first published this hands In for sale, for Instance, a dia­ South of the Northwest corner of mond ring and tells how much he the Jacob Kline Smith Donation first day of January, 1925. WITH A REAL SAVING FOR YOU! Land Claim No. 76, thence running BESSIE SUTER, wants for It—confidentially to the East 25.96 chains, thence south 9.63 Administratrix of the estate of J auctioneer. The auctioneer passe» chains, thence West 25.96 chains, IT omen 's High Top Shoes Robert Carter, deceased. the ring from hand to hand In a circle thence North 9.63 chains to the of speculators about him. He Is seat­ place of beginning containing Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney for estate. jl-29c(T | ed In a chair on an elevation. When twenty five acres of land more or $1.98 and $2.98 the article Is returned, he asks for a less, all in the northwest quarter of section 31, township 20, south bid. ADMINISTBATOB’8 NOTICE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 The bidders express their ambitions of runge three west of Willamette I Meridian in Lane county, State of by pinching the anatomy of the auc­ Notice is hereby given that the , High top shoes that were formerly priced $4.50, $5.00, tioneer at various points from his Oregon. undersigned administrator hns filed I Now, therefore, in the name of $6.00, $6.50, also some slippers and oxfords the same ankle to his neck. When the bidding his final account in the estate of opens he Is literally covered with the State of Oregon, iu compliance | Fred D. Peters, deceased, and in values. These bargain lots include “stylish stout Each hand has its allotted with said execution and order of the copartnership estate of Peters hands, and “regular cut” style shoes in black and brown. sale and in order to satisfy said place. The auctioneer knows, for ex­ & Mosby, and that the County ample, that the hand on his right knee judgment, interest, attorney’s fees, Court of Lane County, Oregon, has ONE DAY ONLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 Is that of Morris HIrsch, the hand on costs of suit and accruing costs, fixed February 2, 1925, at the hour the left knee Is thnt of Jacob Rabino­ I will on Saturday the 31st day of 10 o’clock A. M. at the Court I witz, the hand grasping his left elbow of January, 1925, at the hour of H em of said Court in the Lane I is that of Hyman Cohan, and so on. one o 'clock in the afternoon of County Court House in Eugene, He feels a certain squeeze repeated said day, at the southwest front Oregon, as the time and place for In a certain way. That means Morris door of the County Court House hearing objections, if any, to said HIrsch has offered $200. in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, account. Pay Aftar Auction. N. E. GLASS, otter tor sale and sell for cash, That may be the only squeeze the Administrator. at public auction, subject to re­ auctioneer gets on the article on dis­ demption as provided by law, all Fred E. Smith, Attorney play; or he may get a dozen others. for Administrator. jl-29p(T) He hands the article to the man whose of the right, title and interest of last squeeze Indicated the highest bld. said defendants, D. N. Melnturff We have one of the best blocks of grafted walnuts in tho state, Your home print shop—The Sen­ A memorandum Is made and another and Eugenia L. Melnturff, his tinel—should be always considered selected V. Franquette types, supplying large commercial plants. wife, H. 8. Melnturff, Bank of article offered. No cash Is exchanged All varieties of stock, filberts, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, first. Usually it can handle any »nd sre made st the «"d Cottage Grove, a corporation, Dora job of printing you may have. apricots, berries, small fruits, etc. Right stock at right prices, x J. DeVere and C. O. DeVere, he of the auction. delivered in best condition. Try us. 35 years in business. Sales are made with bewildering husband, J. . W. McCoy and Lane speed. When the stock Is disposed of, County, a Municipal corporation, the buyers troop downstairs to the and all persons ] claiming by, ground floor exchange rooms and get through or under them or any or ready for business. either of them 1 in and to said both local and internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh The dealers have little stalls in the premises. for over forty years. Sold by all druggiacs. main exchange where jewelry purchas­ FRANK E. TAYLOR, F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio ers visit them. Little time Is wasted * - - — Sheriff of Lane Coun In bargaining and business is usually jl 29c(T) I ty, Oregon. brisk. I SUMMONS. i except for the fact that some time | after his own printshop had given credit to Emerson, Hubbard him- Mondays and Thursdays i self, in The Philistine, made the Publisher» j statement that Emerson was not Bede & Smith. ....Editor Elbert Bede— the author. Hubbard was indefi- A tirat-cia»» publication euleiid at ! nite as to whether or not he was Cottage Grove as second-class matter himself the author, but whoever i the author may have been, Hub­ Business Office......... 55 North Sixth bard did not at the time of writing think much of the thought ex- SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! pressed in the quotation. He char- By mail (Cash in advance) One year....$2.75 I Throe months .80 I acterized it as piffle or something Six months.. 1.50 | One month..... 50 . of that sort. And Hubbard was right, even BY CARRIER $ .30 though he may have disowned his Ono month................... -...... . 1.10 own child in making such a state- Four months, in advance. . 1.60 i ment. Six months, in advance... . 3.00 One year, in advance...... In rare instances only does the world go to the woods looking for Member of the best mousetrap makers. National Editorial Association The world is guided in what it Oregon State Editorial Association demands and what it buys by the Oregon Newspaper Conference publicity it reads in the magazines and newspapers. The man who BEATING PATHS TOE THE makes a second-grade mousetrap MOUSETBAP MAKERS. and tells the world about it, builds an addition to his factory each ■Many years ago someone wrote: yoar, while the better mousetrap “If u man preach a better sermon, maker closes up his shop in the write u better book or make a woods for lack of customers ami better mousetrap than his neighbor, takes a job with the other mouse­ though ho build his house in the trap maker who has created a woods, the world will make u market for his wares. beaten path to his door.” Even the churches have taken Tho high-sounding paragraph has to advertising and the preachers been credited to both Emerson ami who g<“t the largest audiences arc Elbert Hubbard and at intervals the ones who make the people be­ literary-inclined persons stir up a lieve that they have something to furore about its authorship and say that the people ought to hoar. present an array of evidence to The quotation is a pretty little prove that Emerson did or did not sentimental thing that sounds well, write it or that Hubbard did or but it is pdre piffle. The beaten did not write it. paths these days are made to the Just now one of these periodic factories of the mousetrap maker.*: furores is being carried on in the who beat their tom-toms. editorial page of the Oregonian and much evidence has been preHented Tho live wire print shop is al­ to prove and ditprovo both con I ways ready to help in tho prep­ tentions ns to authorship. aration of advertising and printing The fact that the RoycrofterH, the copy. Our experience may be famed East Aurora print shop es- , XXX tablished by Hubbard, have done worth something to you. the quotation into printed form, giving tho credit to Emerson Correct styles always in wedding would scorn to point to tho cer­ and social stationery at the live XXX tainty of Emerson us the author I wire print shop. PINCH AUCTIONEER TO BID AT SALE Cottage 6wre Sentinel ff HRCNDE Theatre UN———WTOMM II —U B' — I Happy New Yeai May the coming year be the happiest and most prosperous of your life, is our wish for one ami all. Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories ! lodge Automobiles Billie Hall Service Station Red (Wn Gasoline * ' • fc A New Location for the New Year We hoped to be able to tell you where you would be able to find us during the New Year, but wherever it tuny be, we shall welcome you cor- dially and smilingly fill your Grocery needs Meanwhile we wish you health, long life and prosperity. Watch for our removal notice. t Trask’s Cash Grocery 1925 PLANT GRAFTED WALNUTS WEEKLY PROGRAM Friday, Jan. 2—The great I Tuesday, Jan. 6—A nitlo- Thrill -(»-Drama “HIS LAST drainie smash, “ANOTHER RACE” with an all star east MAN’S WIFD” with Lila including Boomerang the Lee, James Kirkwood. Matt wonder norse. Comedy and i Moore, Wallace Beery and Felix the Cat. Chester Conklin. And an Saturday, Jan. 3—Fred Educational Comedy. Thompson in a Rip-roarding Wednesday, Jan. 7—A Story of the West ' THE Western comedy drama DANGEROUS COWARD.” “BIG STAKES” with J. B. And a comedy. Warner and an all-star cast. Sun.-Mon., Jan. 4-5—Glo­ And a comedy. ria Swanson in ‘'.MAN­ Thursday, Jan. 8—Priscil­ HANDLED.” Emotional la Dean in an absorbing fireworks and furious fun. story of stormy love and Gloria as dramatic skyrock­ surging seas “THE STORM et and crackerjack come­ DAUGHTER.” It’s a Melo- dienne I A brand-new Swan <1 ramie Thunderbolt! Tele­ son! We’ll say so! Ami phone Girls Comedy and In­ Century comedy. ternational News. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF’8 SALE ON EXECUTION IN FOSECLOSURE. i Hall’s Catarrh Medicine CARLTON NURSERY CO. Use 3% of your gross receipts for advertising and increase the volume of your business 10%. Look Through Wall« and Floors With New X-Ray ’ Schenectady. —X-ray machines by means of which one may look through solid walls and floors as easily as a surgeon or dentist now examines sub­ cutaneous parts of his patient's body have been perfected. The Inventors il j are Dr. W. D. Coolidge and his asso­ ciates In the research laboratory of the General Electric company here. The naw apparatus, confined in a box 7 by 8 by 10 Inches and weighing only 30 pounds, Is expected to prove of great value, especially to plumbers, building contractors, electricians and jewelers. To use the device It will only be necessary to connect an ordi­ nary extension cord to the nearest lamp socket or base plug of the house­ hold lighting system. Hereafter, the inventors say, the man who wishes to hang a picture on the wall and doesn't know where to And a solid place to drive a nail will not have to ruin the wall before find­ ing the right spot The new machine may also prove a nemesis to smug­ glers. By shooting the rays through precious stones the jewelers would •aslly be able to determine the genu­ ineness of any jewel. In the Circuit Court of the State j of Oregon for Lane County: Leo B. Rice, Plaintiff, vs. Fran- ; ces Spray Rice, defendant. To Francis Spray Rice, the above- named defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above on- j titled suit within six weeks from tho date of the first publicatiou of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for in plaintiff’s complaint, to wit: for a decree ef the Court dissolving the marriage contract and bonds of matrimony! existing between you aid the plaintiff on the grounds of wilful' desertion for more than one year, j This summons is served by publi cation by order of Hon. G. 7. i Skipworth, Judge of the above named Court, dated this the 16th day of December, 1924 and the date of the first publication of this summons will be on the 18th day of December, 1924 and the date of the last publication will be on the 29th day of January, 1925. geo . j. w ’TTT. ett , Attornoy for Plaintiff, Post office address. Cottage Grove, Oregon. dl8 j2 Has Many Moton Des Moines, Iowa.—Iowa has added to Its "com and hog" fame, but rath­ er In reverse English, with the announcement of the state automobile department that on an average 97 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. counties have more automobiles than families The department bast'd the Estate of Sarah A. Brush, statement on a communication from ceased. a magazine's survey of the stats Notice is hereby given that Or- man W. Brush has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Lane County, I Propose to Study appointed administrator of the es Writings on Rocks tate of Sarah A. Brush, deecased.' Virginia City, Nev.—Weird All persons having claims against rock writings In caves ten miles said estate are hereby notified northeast of here are to be to present the same duly stated studied with a view to deter­ and verified, at the law office of mining whether they are the E. A. Wheeler in Eugene, Oregon, work of Indians, as heretofore within aix months from this 4th supposed, or of ancient Chinese. day of becember, 1924. Gee Ding, Chinese student at ORMAN W. BRUSH, the University of Nevada, made Administrator. a visit to the caves recently and A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. d4-jl(T) expsrssed belief that the writ­ ings are Chinese and depict a NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. story of ancient Buddhist priests, an attempt to circumnavigate Department of the Interior, U. S. the globe and of the landing on Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,; this continent November 26, 1924. It Is legend in China, accord- Notice is hereby given that Ing to Gee Ding, that long ago. I Julia T. Blalaeh, of Oakridge.; perhaps thousands of years back, Oregon, who, on July 10, 1980, five sMps under command of made Additional Homestead Entry. Buddhist priests aet sail and No. 012917, for 8% 8WH, L