COTTACn^jGROVJS^iENT^NEL^MOND^r^lECEMBER^ll^^O^ PAGE THREE Wayne Akers, of Oakland, Ore., Mrs. Curtis Barker and children, were married in Kelso, Wash., De­ r and Mr. and M ts . C. A. Hood, of of West Fir, spent the week end cember 18, at the Methodist par- I Portland, were house guests at the with Mr. ^Parker's parents, Mr. sonage. They ' spent Christmas at H. W. Titus home Christmas and and Mrs. C. M. Parker. the home ■ of the bride’s parents, I during the latter part of the week. Two varmint dogs owned by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. England, ot The New Year is almost here. Let one of your reso­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurre and John Barker which were lost over a Dorena. lutions be to get quality groceries at reasonable prices I daughter Dorothy were also guests week ago, returned home yesterday. ♦ ♦ ♦ by buying them here. We resolve to do everything at the Titus home Christmas. All of They had accompanied W. W. Mc­ Mrs. O. . H. McAllister entertained possible to make your grocery shopping easy and | the out-of -town guests returned Farland, Mr. Hiner and Pete Hayes j the D. I 8. club Tuesday at its i to their home« yesterday except on a hunting trip to Lost valley I Christmas meeting. The room was satisfactory. | Mrs. E. J. Titus and Mrs. C. A. a week before. The dogs started attractively decorated with Yuletide ' Hood. after a coyote and did not return. I trimmings and a large decorated George W. West, of Portland, Searching parties had been out a tree was in one corner of the * Call that number whenever The distribution of the I who was visiting his brother-in-law, number of times duriug the week, room. you have an item for publi­ | M. C. Bressler, returned home but without success. gifts and the playing of games cation. The Sentinel wants all ■ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Allen re­ were the diversions for the evening the news while it is news. Fred W. Bressler returned Wed ­ turned Saturday to their homo in | hours. Dainty refreshments were If you know an item and don’t dinner, with nil the trimmings, at APPROACHING EVENTS nesday from Salem, where he had Glendale, after spending Christmas (served. Invited guests of the club T tell it, it’s you fault if it is the expense of the county. wero E. Bloan, L. W. Hunt, R. C. been with his brother-in-law, Mar- here with Mrs. Allen ’ s parents, not printed. j Gleason, Robert Wiesert, .The Pre- | ion DeLay, who was suffering with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mitchell. Mrs. W. W. McFarland will en­ mazzi and A. Wynne. Christmas Present Brings Injury. I a serious ease of blood poisoning. tertain the LaComus club tomorrow Miss Ruth Straw, of Albany, The 18 18-nionths months old baby of Mr. •$><»<$> He is improving rapidly. afternoon at its regular meeting. who is teaching in Troy, Mont., and Mrs. Tom Miller is suffering London Society. Miss Dorothy Dahsen ♦ spent arrived Saturday for a few days ’ with painful burns on her right Mertie Ewing, who was a Christ- Mrs. A. C. Jewell, Mrs James Christmas in Portland with her visit at the home of Mrs. Peter arm caused by steam which escaped mas present nine years ago to her Nelson. Rentle, Mrs. Lilly, Mrs. II. E. when the plug blew out of a toy sister Mrs. William Francis. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumbaugh, gave a birthday anniversary party Short, Mrs. C. S. Roberts, Mrs. strain engine with which her broth­ i Rupert and Claude Coffman were over from Marshfield to spend of The Dalles, spent Christmas Christmas aftornoon and evening. N. J. Nelson Jr., Mrs. K. K. Mills er Teddy was playing. The engine i Christmas with their parents, Mr. with Mrs. Brumbaugh’s parents, Cake, candy and popcorn were and Mrs. Schofield Stewart will en­ was Teddy’s Christmas present. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cox. Miss served. The guests were Virginia tertain the Tanglefoot club to- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Markham, of . and Mrs. F. C. Coffman. morrow evening at its last dance Myrtle Point, spent Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradley, Frances Cox, another daughter, who Gore, Norman Lewis, Oscar and Bookkeeping outfits. The <»------------------------------------- « the home of Mr. Markham’s sister, formerly in the service station busi- is teaching in McMinnville, also Dolly Newton, Clayton and Clifford of this series. Sentinel. I ness here, are now located in Fiori- spent Christmas with her parents Townsend, Claude Short ridge, Her­ Mrs. Clara Burkholder enter­ Mrs. J. R. Hendricks. man, Norman and William Bach- 49 COUNTY PRISONERS ABE tained Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frost A Miller milling machine has | da for the winter but write that and will remain until Sunday. PROVIDED CHRISTMAS EATS CARD OF THANKS. Dan Parker returned today to elder, Fay Maxine, James, Hubert, at Christmas dinner. Mrs. Lydia been installed in the Miller machine I they expect to spend next winter Dunsmuir, Calif., after spending Velma and Mertie Ewing and Mr. Stouffer and Miss Belle Burkhold­ shop, It arrived from tthe east j in Oregon. Christmas is a day of stuff We desire to express our heart­ er, of Corvallis, mother and daugh­ a few days ago. W. E. Mayes has recovered from Christmas with his parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Roy Ewing. ing and the Lane county jail was felt appreciation and thanks to Mrs. C. M. Parker. ter of Mrs. Burkholder, were also Galloway, insurance, 511 Main. M I a severe case of hiccoughs, with If you know what you want, use in that condition. It. housed 40 the many kind friends who so guests and remained for the week The R. E. Griswold family and S. L. Godard has recovered from which he suffered for several days. a wautad to get it for you. xxx prisoners, which was thought to generously stood by us in our end. Mrs. Alice Richmond, of Eugene, Herbert Adams is spending a an attack of influenza. bo the record. Conditions wero so sorrow and recent bereavement, and the A. A. Richmond family, of Everett Woolley was here to The L. W. Pethrs family spent week’s vacation in Portland. O. O. this city, were dinner guests Christ- crowded that there wasn’t room during the sickness and death of spend Christmas with his parents Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gilbertson is filling in at the desk mas at the E. W. Armes home. for the Christmas tree which lmd our loved one. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Woolley. at Hotel Bartell during Mr. Adam’s Peters in Eugene. M. H. ANDERSON, Mr. Griswold returned to Eugene I n --------------------------------------------- n been planned. The prisoners were, absence. Beef and veal wanted. Bill T. E. Kirkland, newspaper man Christmas d29p N. W. WHITE and family. Friday, Mrs. Griswold and cHildren WE SELL LATE MODEL, HIGH however, ireated tí from Kirkland Wash., spent Christ­ Mrs. Sarah Harms left Friday remained until yesterday and Mrs. est grade typewriters at low Bartels. Mrs. Martha Woolley, of Spo- mas at the home of his brother, for Roseburg to visit her daughter, Richmond is yet here. prices and on easy terms. Wo also Miss Dessie Harms. kane, Wash., spent Christmas i hese J. A. Kirkland. handle all makes of adding ma­ George Robinson and William chines. Every machine is thor­ with relatives, leaving from here Pfeifer, of Portland, arrived Christ ­ Scholl ’ s kryptoks make you oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Boy (7 for Dunsmuir, Calif., to i spend mas eve and spent the remainder ” machine aud pay like rent. (m) the remainder of the winter at the see. of the week at the home of Mr. Royal Sales Co.. Inc., 500 Oregon c. F. Conklin has collected the homes of her son, Orrin Woolley, tf-su(2) Robinson’s mother, Mrs. M. V. Bldg., Portland, Ore. and daughter, Mrs. George Gilcrist. bounty on a bobcat. Is likely to be the best year Phillips. FOB SALE—FIFTEEN ACHES Mrs. B. F. Conkrite, of Los Cottage Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Garoutte, (¡rove has ever Vernon Whipps, of Powers, is river bottom land, $1500—$500 Frank Snodgrass and Mr. and Mrs. Angeles, spent Christmas with her known. May it be a Dros- visiting hi" pare*it», Mr. and M«« cash. Four roomed cottage, orch Ed Ferguson were Christmas dinner parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Alien, perous and happy one for Finley Whipps. ard. One mile from Dorena high guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and with her two daughters, Mazie you is our sineere wish. Mrs. Lillie Hathaway and Miss school—Seven miles from city, on and Emo, who made their home Ferguson. * Rose brand bread will help Arta Gibson, of Eugene,- spent Bow river road. C. L. Camp­ Dr. Hagen will cure your goiter. here with their grandparents. Mrs. make you happy. Christmas with Mrs. Frances Gray, bell. n24-jlp(2j Conkrite, with her two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews sister of the former and an aunt left Friday for Los Angeles, where FOB BETURN OF and son Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. of the latter. Mrs. Hathaway and REWARD they will join Mr. Conkrit-i ami brown leather suit case with a Alfred Matthews, of Portland, Miss Gibson recently returned from with him will leave for New spent Christmas day at the home York city to make their home. Autln Lindsey, Proprietor. a three months' visit to their old man’s belt around it. Was lost II home in Illinois. Saturday, December 20, near the of George Matthews, son of Mr. Beautiful silverware at Menden south entrance of the city. Leave and Mrs. Charles Matthews and i Stewart Mitchell, who is em­ it at the Union Oil station for hall’s Store. (M) Wendall McCargar, from Kelso, brother of Alfred. William Ward and sons, Kenneth Wash., spent Christmas at the home ployed at Roseburg, and Miss Betty reward. d22-jlp(2.' and Dalton, spent Christmas in of his mother, Mrs. Mary McCar­ Fitzgerald, of Rogue River, spent Christmas here with Mr. Mitchell ’ s FOB SALE — SLIGHTLY USED Eugene at the home of Mr. Ward’s gar. parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. piano, violin and mandolin. Terms mother. The Robert Stampley family and Mitchell. very reasonable. Mrs. Clara Burk­ Rex McFarland, son of Mr. and I. B. Morris Jr. motored up front Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson have holder, 225 north Lane lit., phone rs. Frank McFarland, who has Klamath Falls Tuesday and spent d22-29p(2) returned from Aberdeen, Wash., 118-J. len suffering witl\ a nervous Christmas at the home of Mr. and where they spent Christmas with trouble, is recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. I. B. Morris, parents of Mrs. OLD BAGS WANTED—NOTHING Stampley and Mr. Morris. Mr. their children. Mr. and Mrs. Leo less than 2 feet squaro. Must bo Scholl is your home optom­ and Johnson, who also spent Christmas clean and of matorial that will ab Mrs. Ed Skilling and baby son, (tn) etrist. there, will return tomorrow. sorb gasoline; old underclothing, of Eugene, were also Christmas Harry Grube was called to San guests at the Morris home. Mrs. flannels and the like preferred. Can not use old socks, mercerized or Jose, Calif., December 21 on account Skilling is a granddaughter. hard surfnee goods or small pieces of the death of a cousin, He is I Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chamberlain, of any kind. Wo want the best rags expected home tomorrow. «>■ Of Bogue River, spent Christmas and pay the best price, 6 cents the Charles Robison sustained Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Godard ob­ pound. id. The Sentinel SeutineL tf with Mrs. Chamberlain’s parents, ture of the right arm Friday while Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Linebaugh. served their fifty-ninth wedding carols nt Strut ford-On-Avon, Eng- GUARANTEED HOSIERY, 8AM cranking a car at the Woodson their musical lafcd—the birthplace of Shako­ Mrs. Bosa Currin returned Sun­ anniversary Christmas day at the pies your size free to agents. happiness Brothers garage where he is em­ home of their son, 8. L. Godard, Write for proposition paying $75 voices. singing Christmas speare. May 1925 be a happy and ployed. He was off the job for day from spending Christmas in Mr. and Mrs. Godard were married weekly full time, $1.50 an hour prosperous one for you, is two days but was able to be back Roseburg at tho home of her daugh­ December 25, 1865, in Fort Wayne, spare time, selling guaranteed ho­ ter, Mrs. Vernon Fields. our sineere wish for all. today. Ind. They resided in Indiana, siery to wearer; must wear or Our resolution is to make Mr. and Mrs. Lester Childs spent Iowa and Nebraska before coming replaced, free. Quick sales, repeat Galloway writes insurance. Faultless Bread and Fault­ International Stocking Christmas with relative» in Med- to Cottage Grove in 1910. Mr. orders. Miss Margaret Galloway returned nlOj 1 lc2 less broduets better and ford, returning home yesterday, Godard was 84 November 11 and mills, 6234, Norriaton, Pa. last evening from Eugene, where They made the trip with Heston more popular than ever. Mrs. Godard was 77 August 21. LOST — KEY RING WITH 8EV- she is employed in a real estate Baimbridge. Thero are seven children living, oral keys. Please return to J. Q. office, after spending Christmas i!2»p H. L. Godard, Brush, Colo.,; Mrs. Willits. ’ and the remainder of tho week ir E. R. Spencer, anil Mrs. Grace here with her parents, M r. and FOR RETURN OF VanBoskirk, of Eugene; Mrs. Mabel REWARD —patronize those who adver­ Mrs. Homer Galloway. lady’s black purse, lost Wednes­ Atkinson, Pawnee City, Neb.; Mrs. tise, because by advertising Sanders, Prop. 11 The Jackson F. Godard family, Contained Ji n Ruth Agnew, Wheatland, Wyo.; day on Main street. they show that they of Beaverton, arrived last evening S. L. Godard, of this city; and about $35, gold locket, registered are live business men. for a few days’ visit at the home letters and receipts. Helen Handers, J. F. Godard, Beaverton. Elmer Neet and Miss Myrtle of Mr. Godard’s parents, Mr. and Dorona. Finder may leave at Hen —-which means that N ♦ ♦ Potts spent Christmas day in Mrs. H. R. Godard. They expect