PAGE FOUR CO12j\G^^iROVJ^SENTINEL^niURSr)^Y^JOVE£Ui£ilL22h^22i Mrs. R. G. Landwehr, of Astoria, I Elliott, Newlyweds, of Dorena. j Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Porter, Mrs. | were business visitors in Eugono is visiting her. spent Sunday with anil T were entertained with a roue who is recovering from a serious Mr. and Mrs. Carl Volgamore1 Clarence Thornton, Mrs. Tom I Thursday of last week. their sister, Mrs. Tom Foster at ing charivari at a late hour by t illness. and children, of Vancouver, ar- Johnson, Mira Fisher and Sarah number of their friends. Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Free and Mr. and rived Sunday evening at the Chas. , Lajoie. LONDON. THORNTON CORNERS Mrs. Edwards, of Portland, stopped Teeters home. | Miss June Samson visited at over one day last week at the the h omc o le, W. Mr. and Mrs. C. M McLin AlcLin and ¡the home of f ber her une uncle, W. _ E. _ Lc- (Special to The Sentinel.) (Special to The Sentinel.) Nov. 18.—William Bachelder has Wm. Haupt home while enroute family have been attending church bow, in Cottage Grove last week, Nov. 17.—Clifford Shortridge, of at Saginaw the r-st week. . had a beautiful rug made from to Los Angeles to visit the mother services ,, ,, ,, , z- ,, mo . Air. and Airs. Slater a Idaville, visited Wednesday with Air. and , Airs. Fred Kelly ,, , made . the hide of the bear which he of the women, Mrs. Win. Haupt, , . , business trip to Creswell Friday, his parents, Mr. and Airs. 8. P. who is at the home of another tored to Eugene one day last week recently killed. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grose, , Shortridge and left for Roseburg The high school play was given Mrs. Emily Lake, who hud been daughter in Los Angeles. If Mrs. of Clyde, Kansas, visited with Mr. He expeets to visiting Mrs. R. E. Foreman for Haupt is well enough to stand Friday evening at the hall. All an: 500 eggs, »27.50; 1000 eggs, »50. Also pure bred White Leghorns, O. A. <’ ami Hollywood strain, 2 and 3 old hens except a few early hatched pullets, all mated to cockerels with records of 240-280. 100 chicks, »14.50; 500 chicks. »70; 1000 chick*. $130: 1 ■> eggs, »1; 100 eggs. I »5,50; 500 eggs. »25; 1000 eggs, I FIS. Guaranteed 90% fertile eggs. I 10-day test. Guaranteed 100% live | delivery on baby chicks. Terms!’I 20rl with order, balance due 10 I days before shipment. W. N I Elliott, 5 miles east of Cottage I Grove on Row river road. Phone I 25 F 5. Cottage Grove, Ore.. Pi »ton I K««’e a20d4dl5 jlp | VVI3 All Trimmed Hats Reduced One-Third to One-Half //