PAGE FOUR COTT^O^JROV^^SENTINEL^JfONDAYjJJOVEMBERWl^ l i T ... ■■ ..I IL .................................. =< NOTICE TO NEIGHBORHOOD READERS: It is the wish of The Sentinel to give all the new» of the Cottage Grove country—and to give neighborhood news as close as possible to the hour of publi­ cation. In the effort to get the news at as late a moment as possible. The Sentinel often finds it physically impossible to get it all into type and for that reason has to 1 * blue pencil * ’ many items which it would Like to print but which do not seem to be of sufficient importance to warrant holding up the print­ ing of the paper. There are many ' reasons why items are sometimes omitted. An item or two sometimes lot» to be “lift­ ed, ’ ’ after having been put into type, because there is just room for a neighborhood letter with the one or two items omitted. The neighborhood correspondent is not to blame for exigencies I which ariise in the office of publication. Often the corres­ pondent has tuken great pains to get an item which has to be eliminated for one of the re asons given above, or for some other reason. The Sentinel asks its neighborhood readers to bear in mind that the neighborhood correspondent endeavors to send every available item and that The Sentinel endeavors to pub­ lish every item of interest deal­ ing with the activities of its readers and their friends. If an item is omitted, no slight is intended, either by the corres­ pondent or by The Sentinel. Readers will greatly assist by communicating important items to the neighborhood correspond­ ent. The Sentinel particularly wishes unusual and good booster stories. Some way is always found to give space to them. Keep your neighborhood in the news columns. tf ----------- ------------------ -- 2) Notice To Correspondents. The Sentinel wishes neigh­ borhood news for its Monday issue, as well as for its Thurs­ day issue. Important happen­ ings should be sent for the issue immediately following. Personal items may be sent once a week for entire week when correspondent finds it inconvenient to do so oftencr. If an important happening misses the issue immediately following it should, of course, be sent for the next issue. Correspondents are requested to use their best judgment in giving the readers of their community the best service possible. "YOU'LL BE SURPRISED" t THERE ISN’T A MOTHER BUT WHO ENJOYS MAKING A BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR HER YOUNGSTER. WHAT A PRIDE SHE TAKES TN HER ACHIEVEMENT AND HOW THE KIDDIES RELISH A REA1 HONEST TO-GOODNESS CAKE. LONDON. Nov. 7.—Mrs. A. S. Newton visited her daughtor, Mr». John Merryman, in Cottage Grove Moli­ day and Tuesday. Joseph Hirona, who visited his mother, Mrs. u. E. Foreman, left Tuesday for hie homo in Yacolt, Wash. Lishor and Levi Geer and Joe Goer and family motored to Eu­ gene Thursday. Mrs. Charles Powell has been on the sick list the past week, being threatened with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones were Eugene visitors Thursday. M rs. Robert Phillipa wont to Cottage Grove Saturday to ac- company her daughter, Mrs. Morl King, to Toledo, Ore., whore the Kings will make their home, J. Phillips expects to be gone week or ton days. Robert Phillipts is adding to tho looks and convenience of his house by building on a porch. Tho »owing club will meet with Mrs. John Small November 20. Other» eome here for printing. You are already here. Patrouiza the live wire print »hop for every­ thing in printing. m I WE BELL LATE MODEL, HIGH- est grade typewriters at low price» and on easy terms. W« also handle all makes of adding ma­ chines. Every machine is thor­ oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Buy a machine and pay like rent. Royal Bales Cb„ Inc.. 500 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf-sn OLD KAGB WANTED—NOTHING less than 2 feet soaare. Must be clean and of material that will ab sorb gasoline; old underclothing, flannels and the like preferred. Can not use old socka, mercerised or hard surface goods or small pieces of any kind. We want and pay the best pnee pound. The Sentinel. GUARANTEED HOSIERY, 8AM- ples your size free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed ho­ siery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking mills, 6234, Norriston, Pa. nl0jllc2 FOR SALE.—1923 FORD TOUR ing car. Price, $295. Terras. 704 Birch Ave. nlOc WANTED—DAY BOARDERS AT my residence, 38 Twelfth street, Mrs. Flora McGee. n3-10-17 FOR QUICK SALE—TERMINAL Cafe in Terminal Hotel, Rose­ burg—owner returning to Alaska —come and see it. nl0-20p2 LOST—LARGE YELLOW AND white Persian cat. Telephone 32F12._______________________ nlOc FOR SALE—NEW HOME SEW- ing machine. Mrs. Elbert Smith Fifth & Quincy. Phone 166J. nl0tf2 RESIDENCE BARGAINS No. 1—Half acre close in, fine fruit, 6-room house, for cash only $1750. No. 2—Fine 60x160 lot, close in. good 7-room house, modern; 9 big eherry trees, 2 pear, 3 big grape vines. An exceptionally fine place. Only $2500. HOMER GALLOWAY. FOR SALE—REGISTERED JER- sey bull calf. N. E. Glass. nlOc FOR SALE—WAGON, TEAM AND harness, or would sell team separati ly. Weight of team about 1700 or 1800 pounds each. R. E. Lackey. Phone 183R. n!7p2 Sealed in its Purity Package spearmini Try a sack today. 'YOU'LL BE SURPRISED99 Engraving—embasaiag—The Rent inel—your live wire priat »hop. m If you know whet you want, ne- a wanted will get it for you. •• Our investment department will be glad to serve you, whether you desire to purchase one share or many. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Ir YOU SHOULD BE A SHAREHOLDER CHANGE TO ZEROLENE U7JV7TA LUBRICANTS For full injbvmahon about tk