The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, October 02, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Master Robert Mill* spent a hap­
py fourth
birthday anniversary
Saturday afternoon. when 11 of
his little playmates responded to
invitations issued by his mother,
Mrs. K. K. 'Mills.
Games and
contests were held on tho lawn of
Mills home.
whistles were given the guests dur­
ing their lay.
Late in the after
noon the guests were called into
the house und refreshments were
served. At each place w’ere pince
curds to which a ribbon wa tica
leading to u fish pond in th cen-
ter of the table, where the
end of the ribbon was tied
favor for each guest. In a<l
llypopx were used a« favor-
Weekly Program
Thur». Oct. 2. A stirring
drama of the Wild West.
Hoot Gibson in “Sawdust
Trail.” Comedy and news
Fri. Oct. «3. Dorothy Dal-
ton in “Tho Moral Sinner.”
It has everything romance,
heart-appeal and
the rest. And a comedy.
Sul. Oct. 4. Buster Keat-
i ill “Sherlock -Jr.” An
■gy of mirth, lie was the
cal movie operator, his
val the town dandy, and
oy both wanted “her.”
’s Buster’s best bet yet.
nd a comedy.
5-6. A
Sun.-Mon. Oct.
I, “The
»hooting of Dan Mciircw.”
From “33m Spell of the
Yukon by Robert W. Ser­
vice. With Barbara La Marr,
Lew Cody, Mae Busch and
Percy Alarm out.
And a
Tues.-Wed. Oct.
“Tiger Love” with
The amazing love adven­
tures of a Spanish tigress
and the man who taint'd her.
And a comedy.
3’hu rs. Oct. 9. “Ilalf-a-
Dollar Bill” with Anna Q.
Nil Ison, William Carleton
Haymond Hatton, Mitchell
Lewis and Frank Darrow.
A drama of the. bounding
deep. Comedy and News
Chevrolet used cars, opened or (dosed
models. Bring yours in and see how
easy you can luiy a new one.
We suggest you have* that automatic
windshield swipe
wreck yours or the other fellow's ear.
Weed skill chain season is now' on.
have* them.
Beaulieu & Harrel
Repair Shop
i» o cream, individual cakes de< < . -
ated with a large “4”, brownie
rookies tind a birthday cuke we/u
Those invited were Ma*
jorie Ellen Titus, Joe Grube, Dana
and Charlotte Buikhoider, Frank
und Earl Baldwin, Kay Dicksci ,
Mary Janes Him th, Robert Grannis,
Dan Trask.
1 itnciu
hurt C. Woodard enter
Utopia club Thursday
i ternoon being |dca.->untiy
lly. Attractive bouqueis
loncydewcd dahlias and
brilliant shades were the
for the rooms,
A do-
e fable being centered
iquet of dahlias in artis-
An additional
the afternoon was Miss
Ha Buell, of Falls City, sister of
.ars. Wo. laid, who was visiting
th< c«l W ïi hi:<l
The club
• Miss Mi i jorie Ila
Woodard, (laiit thfer of Mrs. Wood-
a rd, with a prettty lavuliere ns
she is thi firs ‘ baby to come into
I he hdm«» of a
since its oi ganizi
meeting W’ill be
■ i h M » Omer ’
Mrs. O. L. Nichols cnt(;'t;ii:ied
the M. P. G. club Tuesday nt a
1 ( ’clock luncheon nt Hotel BarfeJI.
Just ns the members were being
-eatod they were pleasantly sur­
prised by th«* appearance of Mr*.
(>rge A. Proctor, a former mem­
ber who recently moved to Medford.
A templing luncheon was served,
the table being center« cd wi h n»
attractive bouquet of daisies o*
yellow, tho club’s color, Goldenrod
place cards were used,
thi' luncheon 'the guests .vero taken
to tho Nichols home, where tin
afternoon was pleasantly spent In
social conversation nnd at fancy
v ork.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Winters Wallace,
>f Silverdale. Wash., who were mar­
ried here September II, 1904, were
‘oi.’iplimented with a surprise party
pienib'r 11 at their home in
“ ■ h 1 v.’id:i 1 i, the occasion being their
annive rsary.
. 75 fi
und neighbor'
honored couple
the recipients of a beautiful
:» set. .hdin Wallnce. of this
is a brother of Mr. Wallace 1
Mrs. G. M. Scott is a niece ,
-Vallace family were residents!
s city for a number of years.,
wedding was performed in |
oh n Lome on Quincy avenin
Mr. Wallace’s father, Rev.!
Wallace reading tho cere j
Th., birthday anniversaries of II
A. Hagen, J V. Stewart and Mr.
| and Mrs. W. I.. Hatch, all of which
j occurred tho latter payt of last
week, were the motive for the gath
•‘ring of a group of friends for
Sunday dinner at the Hatch home
Mr. Belle Schindler and daughter.
I Miss Bell, of Roseburg, mother
i a ml sister of Mis. Hatch and Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Driscoll, of Cres
A ell. were present.
E J. Short ridge entertained
a number of friends nt dinnei
Tuesd. y evening, complimenting and
urprising «1. B. Crane, tin*«day be
ing his sixty first birthday anni­
A cuke with Bl lighted
candles adorned the table. Follow
ing tho dinner
sitopt socially.
An Automatic Electric Range - Hot Point
The Rangg with
Electric Timer
Speed Unit (» in.
Oversized oven with
Shelf Ih wir
$8.00 DOWN
perlai vas\ remis, lor a
September S to October 1 ».
i’he range that hundreds of women saw in actual use durinz
I lot point Ranges of all types.
Mountain States Power Company
Tho Social
Thursday afternoon at the home
d Mrs. B. R. Job for their first
mueiing since the summer vacation.
Following the social hours, a dainty
luncheon was served, the table be-
• -.g decorated with VanDyke dahlias
of the orchid shades.
Cosmos in
pretty arrangement mudo^the rooms
Mrs. D. T. Awbrey
and Mrs. F. E. Mendenhall
invited truest« of the club,
next meeting will bp hr hi next
Thursday at the honip of Miss
Esther Silsby
Mr. an I Mis. D. H. Heinen w ay
entertained the Tillicum club last
•veiling at its first regular meeting
summer adjournment.
Five hundred was enjoyed and was
followed by a delicious two-course
Tho rooms were at­
ari ively decorated with a pro­
fusion of autumn leaves and dahlias
of briUiunt shade*.
The hineheon
table was centered with a large
bouquet of dahlias in i artistic ■ ar-
Additional guests tor
the e 'veiling were Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Graham und Mr. . and Mrs.
H. A. Miller.
Tho birthday anniversary of Mrs.
__ .
Henry Rohde was the incentive for
a social gtithering of a group of
intimate friends Saturday evening,
The guests compk'tely surprised
honored one by gathering ui
the Rohde home while the family
was attending the show.
Lq pon
their return the Rhodes found the
guests seated in the house in the
dai k.
After a social evening de-
lightful refreshments, which the
guests had brought, were served.
❖ ❖ <S>
.dr. and Mrs. Ira Bcidlcr w’ere
Mir prise-1 by a group of intimate
friends Wednesday evening of last
week in observance of their twen­
tieth wedding anniversary.
socially and delightful refreshments,
tho guests,
served. Those to enjoy the . affair
were tho Charles McKibben, Verne,
Haz'ii, Elmer Kent and Henry
Rohde families, Mrs. Mary Schmutz,
und Mr. ami Mrs. A. E. Mamloth.
<§> <i> <^>
The Elmartes club, until
___ recently
m «
the 8. T. 8. Club, met Tuesday a
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred
Anderson. Mrs. Georg Bjorset was
elected president in place of Mrs.
Ivan Warner, resigned, and Mrs.
Herman Edwards was elected vice
preside jit in place of Mrs. Bjorset.
Mrs. H. A. Hagen was pledged a
member of the club.
the business session tho afternoon
was spent socially and delirious re
fresh men ts were served.
Airs. T. C. Wheeler, Mrs. O. !..
Nichols, Mrs. D. O. Byrne, Mrs. W.
E. Lebow', Mrs. A. W. Swanson
• id
Miss Hazel Swanson were
hostesses for the social session ut
the Eastern Star chapter held Fri
day evening after the regular bus
iness meeting.
Refreshments of
apple pie a la modo and coffee
wero served
<$> « <s>
'I’he engagement of Miss Bertha
Hays, of Eugene, sister of Super-
i itendent Hays, of this city, to
N> d M« Allistt»!-, also of Eugeni' was
m; <h known a few days ago at Miss
Hays’ sorority, Alpha Xi Delta.
Miss Hays is a teacher in the
biology department at tho univer­
sity and Mr. McAllister in the
eivies departnient.
N ational park
Fifty-Mile Preierve for lii
Fauna and Flora,
Cape Town.—South Africa
have a great national park similar ti
those which exist in America, Canada
and Australia. It Ues In a wondroua
country, Mont-aux-Sources, in Lira
kensberg, a land of peaks and pine
throughout South Africa, Here ar«
the caves containing the Bushman
paintings, subject of profoundly In­
teresting historical controversy.
It is here too that the lordly Tugela
takes Its source In a water-cut tunnel
through which the stream drops from
a height of 2,000 feet. Nearly th«
whole of the region tn Its fifty mile«
extent Is owned by the government,
and the Natal people have cordially
accepted tlie ownership of this glori-
ous natural paradise.
The fauna and flora are to be pro-
jected, and arrangements have been
made for the réintroduction of the
natural buck. Thousands of year«
ago the zebra and the koodoo and the
eland used to roam this gorgeous
country, and soon It Is hoped that
these animals will find here a natural
All shooting of game tn the park
and the destruction of bush by na­
tives has been prohibited, and the Na­
tal administration Is confident that all
these species will Increase and the
bush and grass soon be restored, In
the Mont-aux-Sources area a park su-
perlntendent Is now In residence with
• staff of rangers. Certain parts of
the national park are especially fitted
for the purposes of afforestation, and
exotic timber trees are to be intro­
The Natal administration 1« consid­
ering the erection of a larger hotel
for the accommodation of visitor«
than the single buildings at present
existing, The idea Is that the new
hotel should be on a site about 4,000
feet above sea level, with the moun­
tains several thousand feet above, und
within easy access to bushel, streams
and waterfalls, so that picnic partie«
can have a wide choice of beauty
spots and bathing pools.
THE GUESSING CONTEST You might obtain your
umbrella for nothing. Cor every dollar spent here on
an umbrella you are allowed to make a guess on the
number of articles contained in tjjo glass jar in our
cast window. If your guess is correct and is the first
correct one the amount paid for your umbrella will
be refundeel.
The ncv. creation in umbrelladom, is made with short
handle, heavy silk, wide border, assorted colors and
16 gilt ribs.
Be Sure and Look Over Our Large Stock
The Fair Store
Wright & Caldwell
Over 6000 Item«
Use 3% of vour « toss receipts for advertising
and increase the volume of vour business 10%
Advertised Goods Stay on the Market
picked up your family paper
this evening and saw a new
baking powder advertised—
would you try that brand to­
morrow? Hardly! Why? Because
you do not know the brand. How
do yon become familiar, then, with
most of your household necessities?
Through advertising.
An article
that you see advertised continuous­
ly appeals to y^u. Your good sense
tells you that it must be right, else
itacould not remain on the market.
And what advertising is to an indi­
vidual article it is to a business
institution. Advertising draws trade
to a store. If that store continues
to advertise, it is satisfying its
customers. No business can amount
to much without advertising, nor
can advertising do any business
any good unless that business lives
up to its
then is plainly seen why it pays to
trade with the continuous adver­
fl II
Advertisement for Ear
Brings Several Offers
Chicago.—Philanthropy, mother love,
bravado, desperation and a father’s
anxiety to obtalD money to care for a
little son, all figured In answers to tho
advertisement by a plastic surgeon ful­
some one who would sell part of s
human ear.
The surgeon has a patient, a young
man, who was In a runaway accident
eight month» ago and half his left ear
hnd to be amputated. Now he desires
to mnrry and U anxious to have the
ear patched up.
An Englishman was a philanthropist.
He wanted no pay, but desired to help
out an unfortunate man. He already
has given away blood for transfusion
and a number of persons are wearing
patches of his skin, contributed In
grafting operations.
Helene Newton and John
The mother of «lx children, of whom
she was the sole support, offered her
ear. She already has sold her blood in
cases of transfusion, She said she
needed the money and could drape
her hair over the missing ear.
A lake sailor came In and sold he
would contribute an ear just fol the
fun of the thing—merely a cnse of
bravndo, the surgeons say.
'Faylor, Mrs. C. A.
All the ears submitted are normal
. V Stewart, Mrs. and the surgeon Insists upon an ab­
liumiell, Mrs. W. H. Ostrtimler,
normally large ear.
•I. ri'('v. n and Mrs. (>. H. Wil
ntertnined th«» Christian la-
aid soviet) yesterday af«t
it its experienee social. Tht
was held in the vhurrh pm
Dainty refreshments were
Soulful Greetings Block
Traffic in Paris Subway
Paris.—Romance has to get out of
the path of progress. Paris, among Its
other picturesque aspect«, always
M. P. Garoutte entertained seemed to Americans like a great “lov
t ........
Noble . Grunds*
club last
ers’ lane,” especially In the morning
huraday afternoon at its regular
ice! ing.
Social conversation and and evening, when young people go
fancy work were the diversions, A along hand In hand to and from work,
tempting two-course luncheon wax and at parting and reuniting stand
■ r\ed, the table being centered sometime« for minutes locked in a fond
witlbqi beautiful bouquet of rust's, embrace as though saying farewell for
Earl Garoutte was an addi- ever.
The city authorities have stationed
censors to break up these soulful
King’s Herald missionary
laud met Saturday afternoon In greetings In the subway stations.
tho Methdist church parlors.
study of Malaysia was taken up.
\t i tie close of the study session
dainty refreshments were served.
Miss Dorethy Uniph rev and Mis-
liesfH'r Hubbell, both little missis,
were the hostesses.
e $
Mrs. S. 8, LasswiU was host ex-
to the Tuesday Bridge club this
week at its regular I o'clock luucli-
♦ ■ »n. At the card session Mrs. F.
L. Gnunmx won high honors and
Mr>. G. C. Dyutt received the con
•la lien prize.
Grube was an invited guest.
d* have been issu«'d announc*
1 gntfement of Miss Ruth
irt, daughter of Mr. and Mr*.
Stew nr., to Cecil B. Caldwell,
f the proprietor* of the Fair
Tho date of the wedding
be announced Inter.
t:iiued her Sundav m hool class of
Tuexilnv afternoon.
Vines were made for social gather-
■ gx during the winter. Games wer<
played and dainty refreshments
we »» served.
J. R.
women** foreign
ty met yvi*ter*tn>
M i.w Grace Black
lip was the tuple
London Society 1«
“Hunting Treasure
London.—A fine and su«pen
slon of her driving license. Im
posed on the Hon. Lois Sturt, a
socially prominent young woman
of London, for speeding at
rate of 50 miles an hour in He
gent park, has brought Into the
light the activities of what ha«
come to be known as the "Soci­
ety of Bright Young People.”
The arrest and fine revealed
that the latest hobby of the
younger social set is the «tabu
Money Is secreted In
various parts of London, anil
motor parties .follow the trail ;
from point to point, with clues 4
which involve a combination •f i
quotations or the solving of J
acrostics. *
Lady mans C<>op«r la one of
the keenest players In this game, :
the style of which may hence
forth be crampe t, however, by 4
Miss Sturt's breaeii of the »4*0,1
laws. She was fiad to Inform
rhe court, however, that she had
carried off the prise tn the con­
Local welterweight
next Thursday.
who will meet Champion Peter Buzukos here
A Roast You’ll Like
A standing Rib Roast of choicest Beef,
so tender that it will roast to a turn in
almost no time. Fell us how heavy vou
want it, and "e will select one that will
please you.
Quality Market
Free D«liv«ry