COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1924 PAGE TWO ami her daughter, Mrs. Elmer son. M fr . Carl Witte and Victor Kern each guve a number and Mrs. H. W. Titus a reading. THEATRE ARCADE Weekly Program Thur»., Sept. 18.—Frank­ lin Farnuin in “Baffled.” Action fast and furious. Fighting Blood’» Round No. 11. International New». Fri., Sept. 19.—“The Guil­ ty One,” with Agne» Ayres. A mystery drama that keeps you thrilled and guessing till tho last flash. And a comedy. Sat., Sept. 20.— Buck Jones in “Against All Odds.” A hair raising hurricane of thrills. And a comedy. Sun.-Mon., Sept. 21-22. - “Triumph,” with Beatrice Joy, Rod I.a Rocque and oth- «•r featured players. A mod­ ern society love-drama, big­ ger and better than “Man­ slaughter.” And a comedy. Tues.-Wed., Sept. 23-24 “Enemies of Women,” with Lionel Barrymore and Alma Rubens. It’s a privilege to be able to show this picture here and we sincerely ad­ vise those who seek truly big things of the tion picture art not to it. And a comedy. Thurs., Sept. 25. ing Chances,” with Hoxie. Fighting 1 round No. 12. And national News. ter of B. E., auditor of the Mountain States Power Company. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. Mrs W. L. Darby entertained th«' and Mrs. H. II. Veateh. The happy Past Matrons’ club Monday after­ couple left soon after the ceremony noon at its regular meeting. Fancy on n two weeks’ motor trip. Upon work and social conversation wore their return they will make their th«« diversions. Fifteen members homo in Eugene, where Mr. Veateh were present and two guests, Mrs. is employed with the R. A. Babb D. T. Awbrey, past matron at Eu­ Hardware company. • • gene, from where she recently moved here, and Mrs. B. R. Pine, | The following officers were elect who has recently moved here from <‘d at 11 meeting of the W, . C. T. U. Oakland, where «he had been held Friday afternoon in th<* Pres- worthy matron, Both giiests be byterian church: M rs. A. C. Spriggs. raino memb«*rs. Dainty refresh president; Mrs. J. R. Hendricks, m«’nts were sorvod by Mrs. Gladys vice president; Mrs. II. C. Hart, l I ....... II. W. Tit Jackson, daughter of Mrs. Darby, secretary Mrs. ami Misses Grace and Kathryn] responding secretary; Mrs. J. Sams, Vico presidents from Pott«T, th«* latter two of Eugene treasurer. and guests at tho home of their each church were appointed as fol­ low's: Presbyterian, Mrs. Mary aunt. Mrs. Darby. Smith; Christian, Mrs. C. W. Cald­ 4» well; Baptist, Mi>. II. W. Titus; Miss Ethel Arne entertained for h«‘r tenth birthday anniversary Rat Methodist, Mrs. J. Sams. Mrs. H. urday afternoon, when ten of her C. Hart was appointed delegate small playmates nwponded to invi from tho local organization to at­ tatioiiN issued by h«’r mother. Mrs. tend the state convention to bt Rufus Arne. Games nnd play made held in Corvallis October 6 to 9. '♦’> the afternoon pass happily, after Th«» departure of Mr. and 1 M IK. which a birthday lunch was served. A number of gifts were* received Ed Tullnr ami son Earl, who left the fore part of the wook for by tho little hostess. Eugene to make their home, win <•> « ■ «> Etho inspiration for a number • of A wedding of interest to the dinner parties during last i week. bridegroom’s friends hero was that M rs. T C. Oox entertained I the of Raymond Veateh, of this <$> <^> Mon Mrs. vocal gave Hardware \ll pioneers are invited to be guests of the Creswell Civic Im- I i vement club and of A. II. Me- Dt.mthl, Eugene theater man, nt a Moving of ‘‘The Covered Wagon” i <’r< well Tuvsdav night, Reptom- ’he women of the civic invito all pioneers who in covered wagons to guests at a 6 o’clock dinner preceding the show, The pioneers are requested to semi their names to Mrs. W. Wvatt at Cíes noli not later than September 20. AROUMO PRoMeòCUOUS ùrtVS ME MADDER TVtAM TUUMOEQ) I JEST HATE T* FW NGUOGH GOS d GUM OM NH SHOES SENTINEL llavo you ever considered what is meant by the hun­ dreds of ears parked in the business sections during business hours? to work, leaving tu r< marooned because and i> by the husband OTP Baptidt Church—Tenth and Adams, : E. K. Clevenger, minister. This- ! church stands for the full gospel message. A welcome is given to all who come. Bible school nt 10. 1 preaching at 11 and 7:30. Young people's meeting at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evenings at 7:3’ \fter the prayer meeting the pastor conducts a class in bible study. reason why architects and ¡•ban and many city homes vin garages. • • • Christian Church, the 4 ‘ home like ’ jnurch—A. J. Adams, minister. Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and communion at 11, Christian endea vor at 6:30, evening service nt 7:30 Methodist Church—Rev. J. H. Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, morning woiship at 11, Ep worth leugue at 7, evening service at 7:30. Everybody is welcome tc attend all of these services. Special musical numbers this Sunday fore­ noon by Mrs. Rex Underwood and Miss Alberta Potter, of Eugene. • » » Christian 8cieuce Church—Corner -t Jefferson avenue and Second street.. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m. • • • Free Methodist church—Corner of Monroe avenue and south Fifth street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun day school at 10, foronoon services at 11, evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday evenings. Seventh Day Adventist Church-— Acs. ¿uulu nuuei. Services every Aiturday. Sabbath school at 10, church service at II; prayer meet trig Wednesday evenings at 7:30. I UTILITY COUPE with high-grade body i.takes all extra car, es­ pecially in combination with a 5-passeng< r Touring or Sedan. every day utility for shopping, children to school in bad are low yet the quality is high. Utiliiy Coupe $640 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. rVaulieu & Barrel Buick Repair Ship Chevrolet Sunday School services in the Latham school house every Sunday at 9:45. Mrs. Hugh Trunnell, su- jM'rintcndent; Mrs. Winnie Hagerty, assistant superintendent. Fords Collide. Two Fords, one a coupe being driven bv Arnold Suiker and the other the laundry delivery wagon being driven by John Wirth, col­ lided Monday afternoon nt the cor­ ner of Main and Sixth streets. Fenders on both ears were slightly damaged. Each driver stood his own damages. WE MATE -TO SEE AM ADVERTISER. "THROW SOMETMIMG TOGETHER TO FltL UP THE SPACE'." THATS LIKE AM I ORATOR SATIMG AMTTHING, JUST TO MAKE A NOISE I NEITHEi KAAKF.ANV IMPPeesiOU ON TH’ PEOPLE TWESRE ADDRESSING! ) meets this C. Cruson, Mrs. (’lara This is he summer ole euos o eviEw.M' gum THE Is Your Wife Marooned During the Day? MICKIE SAYS— the church OF A'L TH’ PEF’HCVXlS PASTIMES, Tins HERE DRuPPnï that is the number to call when you have a news item. If you know un item and it doesn't ge» printed, the fault ia yours for not taking a moment to phone it in. Presbyterian Church—J. Bruce Giffen, acting pastor during the absence of A. Ralph Spearow. Haiulay school at 10. forenoon ser­ vice at 11, evening service at 8. meeting since the next Thursday .Mrs. B. R. Job. TH’ OLE GROUCH 159-J Vatican and City Plan to Look After 1925 Throng. r Lithographing, engraving. die work. The Sentinel’s live wire nrint shop is the place. PIONEERS TO SEE COVERED WAGON MOVIE AT CRESWELL Knowles & Graber Uhurch News ---------* | »------------ - - The American Legion and the auxiliary of that organization met Monday evening in I. <>. O. F. hull, After each organization had held Rome.—The Eternal city has gen­ separate business sessions the ladies erally taken eternally long to make joined the men. who wi re hosts at those alterations which her Increasing a watermelon feed. size and growing population render Now, however, she has The M. P. G. club Diet Tuesday necessary. at the horn«* of Mrs. J. T. Smith. drawn up a program of Improvements The rooms were attractively dec­ which. If half of It Is carried out, will orated with autumn lertves of bril- transform Rome from an old-fash­ | Hunt h . *s. After a social after­ ioned, somewhat disorganized city into noon, a dainty two course )tinch«*on a modern capital. These changes will was s«*rv<*d. A centerpiece of zin­ nias and snapdragons made th' be made between now and next Janu­ tnblo u! tractive*. Mrs. Bf Mrs. W. .1. Woods, and 1,000,(NX) and 3.000.000 rd'grims. Mrs. J. V. McGee, of Albany, sister The greatest needs of these visitors of Mrs. Trask, were additional will be for housing accommodations, guests for the occasion. food and means of transport. <•» ■$> Both the Vatican and the municipal­ Mrs. Elizabeth Fahrenwald enter­ ity are ceding ground on favorable tained a few friends ui dinner in her new home Sunday in honor of terms on which are being erected buildings suitable for future use as her birthday anniversary. <^> hotels. The Vatican especially Is con­ Mrs. C. J. Ken nntertaaied the sidering the needs of the poorer pil­ Tuesday Bridge club this week at grims. for whom large barrack-llke its regular 1 o'clock luncheon. At houses will be provided, where all, the card session Mrs. T. G. Sudtell however small their means, may have won high honors and Mrs. W. H. shelter and a reasonable amount of Daugber y received the consolation comfort. pi izc. The population of Rome has grown Bennett un­ from the 250,000 in 1870 to about L- friends and 000,000 today. dinner Wed- When Rome became the capital an the occasion excellent system of drainage was In- •irthdny iui - stalled, but the Increase of population Floyd. The has necessitated Its enlargement, and he recipient this year alterations and Improvements on a huge scale are being carried out. Half the roads of Rome have been API 2.3ACIIING EVENTS relald tills winter and the other half are awaiting their turn to be dug up. In preparation for holy year a large The Joker club meets tomorrow evening with Mrs. S. V. Allison number of new lines of trams and for their first meeting this fall. autobusses will link together those al­ ♦ ready existing, in order that pilgrims '¡’he Rebekah lodge plans to ob- may easily visit the distant basilicas • i vo its seventy-fifth birthday an­ and do as much sightseeing as is pos­ niversary Saturday evening with a basket dinner. Th«’ affair is to be sible In the Intervals of their religious _________ held at the I. O. <>. F. hall and exercises. all (hldfellows have been invited. .. : .. Works as Lumberjack The Utopia club meets Thmsda.w afternoon with Mrs. to Earn College Tuition belt Woodard. 'i’ Mrs. W. W. McFarland will hostess to the I.acomus dub at regular meeting Tuesday. Mrs. G. W. McQueen entertained M rs. the following guests nt dinner Wed nesday of last week: Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cone and their daughter, Mrs. Benton Yost and her son Percy, of Portland; and another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cones, M rs. Ivan Pollard and «laughter June, of Omaha, Nob., th«» James Potts family, Mrs. Annie Petrie, Elmer Neet ami Albert Griffin, of this city, Mrs. Cone is an aunt of Mrs. 1 McQueen. <$> <§> Orville D. Allison nnd Miss St cl Kensington In Woolfolk, both of Roseburg, were married in that city Wednesday of a fternoon. last week. Mr. Allison spent his boyhood days her«’ and has been a frequent visitor, He is a nephew of R. V. ami F. H. Allison nnd is a brakeman for the Southern P» cific company. <$> > < <«■ The first fall I meeting of the Unstern Star chapter was held Fri day evening, Following tho buii- ness session an entertaining pro­ grain was given. A piano duet vas given by Mrs, Bessie Si 11 <■ I i f ft ‘ T ■* ROME PRÉPARÉS FOR 1,000,000 PILGRIMS OQ clothes oa cm tu ' BOTT caa S OÇ CUAlRAO«. TABLE? IM RESTAURANTS OR 6O0M FOUNtAlUS ^Annual Oregon State Fair SALEM *■ September 22-27 Rely tipon Southern Pacific comfortable, convenient and economical service to take you to the fair thia yea . The Interesting Exhibits — The Gay Crowds • The Horse Races—The Many Free Attraction', Pleasure, Recreation, Education For full train information, communicate with AOS Aiur Here's a girl of courage and orig­ inality. Probably the only girl lum­ berjack In the world. She spends the summer months booming logs on Moosehead lake, Klnto. Maine, to earn money for her college tuition. She Is shown here keeping her balance on logs, a very difficult task for men. and unheard of for girls. Miss Ruth C. Apgar of Easton, Pa., Is si iown on the job. LUXURN’ XHEHW A RSNtMG luwsDAorr 0CHXKH»aO olftr you the opportunity of travelling that road. September 2nd, Sth. loth, 22n