OTTAG^«RO^^ENTINEL^rHURSDAY^EPTEMBE^^^9^ PAGE TWO The Tuesday Study club met this week at the home of Mrs. George Matthews. The study of several The M. 1*. O. club observed its 1 American composers was taken up uunivemary Wednesday and a 10 minute talk was given ou eleventh afternoon of lust week nt the home each. Selections of Jessie 1.. Gay­ of Mrs. Roy Short, A busiúes lor were given bv Master Harold session was held at which the fol­ Mackin and Armand Wynne Jr. lowing officers wero elected: Mrs. Mrs. George Matthews, who had I Elbert Smith, president; Mrs. W. J. the study of Carrie Jacobs Bond, | Woods, secretary-treasurer. Bou­ gave her vocal number, “The End quets of gulden snapdragons, Afri­ of a Perfect Dav.” Selections from can marigolds and zinnias in pretty the other component were given on arrangement made the rooms al­ the victrola. Guests of the dub ii social after­ were Miss Esther Silsbv and Mrs. tractive. Following ~ neon, u two-course luncheon was A. I.. Wynne. The next meeting A large birthday cake, will be held September 23 at the served, Umphrey. adorned with 11 white candles, homo of Mrs. C. E. <^> centered the luncheon table. At each The Methodist foreign missionary end an attractive bouquet of pink sweet peas and clarkias was placed, society met Wednesday afternoon fho place curds ua & o carried out of last week in the ehurch parlors the color scheme. Out-of-towu and elected the following officers: " H. Chambers, reelected guests were Mrs. Fannie Davis, of ' Mrs. J. ~ Lincoln, Neb., mother of Mrs. I president; Mrs. C. A. Beidler, vice­ Woods; Miss Minnie Wilcox, of president; Miss Grace Blackwell, Portland, sister of Mrs. C. C. secretary; Mrs. C. E. Um ph rey, Cruson, and Mrs. E. J. Titus, who treasurer; Mrs. J. R. Hendricks, was here from Eugene visiting her corresponding secretary. Mrs. J. H. son. Hurry Titus. The club will Chambers had charge of the study hold its next meeting Tuesday at program which was on the mission­ ary work in Malaysia. the home of Mrs. J. T. Smith. <$> Q I SOCIETY S'--------- ARCADE THEATRE Weekly Program Thursday, Sept. 11.—Hoot Gibson in “Broadway Or Bust.” Fighting Bloods and International News. Fri., Sept. 12.—J. B. War­ ner the cowboy star in “Flaming Hearts ” Anti a comedy. Sat., Sept. 13.—“Strang­ ers of the Night ” (Cap­ tain Applejack) with Bar­ bara LaMarr, Enid Bennett, Matt Moore and others. And a comedy. Sun.-Mon., Sept. 14-15.— “The Plunderer” with Frank Mayo, Evelyn Brent, Tom Santschi and Peggy Shaw. And a comedy. Tues., Sept. 16. - “The Bedroom Window” with May McAvoy, Malcom Mac- Gragor, Richard Cortez, Robert Edeson, Geo. Faw­ cett and Ethel Wales. And a comedy. Wed., Sept. 17.—“The Eternal 3” with Hobart Bosworth, Bessie Ixtve, Ray­ mond Griffith and Claire Windsor. And a comedy. Thurs., Sept. 18.—“The Fair Cheat.” with Dorothy MacKaill and Edmund Breese. Fighting Bloods and International News. 'I r al F chevrolët I Why Do People Buy Automobiles FOR ■ (T Good Bye, Vacation Hello, SCHOOL Pencils Pen holders Pen points Crayolas Paste Rulers Ink Drawing paper Practice paper Rubber bands Pencil boxes Compasses Pencil clips Pencil sharpeners Note books Composition books Spelling blanks Fountain pens Automatic pencils Pencil lead Paints Scissors Dividers Loose leaf covers Loose leaf fillers Reinforcements Protractors School Supplies of all kinds BIG Fair TABLET See our 260 pages We have everything needed for school except the text books Tho LaComus club held its first Miss Marian White entertained a few friends Thursday last at an meeting this season Tuesday after­ informal evening of five hundred noon at the home of Mrs. C. J. m honor of Misses Bertha and Fern Kern, After a social afternoon, a Hay», of Eugene, the object of the two-courso luncheon was served. The rooms and table were attrac­ party being that the honor guests might become better acquainted tive with fall flowers. The next with tho Cottage Grove young meeting will be held September 23 The affair was held at with Mrs. W. W. McFarland. people, tho homo of Mrs. Georg Bjorset. The Kensington club will meet Garden flowers were the attractive decorations for the rooms and , tomorrow afternoon. ❖ tables. Delicious refreshments were Thornton Corners Society. served following the cards. Those Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Ponsford io enjoy the affair wore Mrs. H. A. Hagen, Mrs. Ivan Warner, Mrs. H. • were hosts Wednesday evening at F. Edwards, Miss Bethel Gowdy, a farewell party at their home for Miss Evelyn Vcatch, ‘Mrs. Georg Mr. and Mrs. Minter, of Walden, Bjorset. Miss Hazel Swanson, Miss 1 who have gone to Seattle. Margaret Galloway and Miss Wilma London Society. White. The Busy Beee sewing club met <5* For the first week of the school term we will give free with last week with Mrs. John Small. Thu Toujours Prete club enjoyed The next meeting, which will be every purchase of 25c or more of school supplies, a pencil with its annual no-hostess dinner party the last this year, will be with Wednesday evening of last week Hazel your full name stamped on it. We have a new machine for and Bernice Thorn ou at tho home of Mrs. R. L. Stewart, j Thursday afternoon. this purpose. This was the first meeting since I <«> the summer vacation. Following i Mount View Society. the dinner a business meeting was' Mrs. Amanda Sears entertained, held at which the following offi­ about twenty-five young people cer» were elected: Miss Rita Kelly,! Thursday evening in honor of the I president; Miss Ermine Violette,! birthday anniversary of her son vice-president; Miss Clara Milne, Prison, to whom the affair was a secretary-treasurer. A social even i surpriso A pleasant evening was ing followed. Thu club will hold spent at cards and dancing and re­ its next regular meeting September 24 at the home of Mrs. Fred freshments wero served Bennett. SILK CREEK. Tho Baptist church congregation (Special to The Sentinel.) honored Mr. and Mrs. Avery Minter Sept. 9.— Ruth and Faye Dorrell with a farewell party Wednesday spent several days recently visiting evening of last week at the J. H. at Oakridge. Ponsford home. The Minters have Prof, and Mrs. Campbell, of Suth­ gone to Seattle, whore Mr. Minter erlin, who will have charge of the is taking up evangelistic work. A church school, have arrived and are itucini evening was enjoyed, after settled in the school dormitory. which dainty refreshments were Mrs. E. M. Babcock and son served. Mr. and Mrs. Minter were i Kenneth returned Monday from a the recipients of a beautiful set of motor trip to Portland. teaspoons. Mr. Minter’s place as Alvin Walker, of Klamath Falls superintendent of the Baptist Sun­ spent Monday night at the Babcock day school has been taken by Roy j homo and’ went on to Medford Howard. Tuesday. <$> <$» Mrs. Nettie Estes has gone io Completely surprising Mrs. Alvis the Scarborough prune orchards at Wicks, nee Miss Marie MeCargar, I Corrected. Unruly Waves. First Salesman—“I stopped at about twenty of her friends gave Creswell. Mrs. VV illiam Webb, of Spokane, I 4 zealous but untrained reformer In 1930. “Central! You’ve given the Hotel Halfback.’’ her a kitchen shower Friday after-; was a visitor nt the Will Doriess | had obtained permission to speak me the wrong wave-length. — Little Second Salesman—“That’s a very noow at the home of Miss Esther home Sunday and Monday. Koek Gazette. at the county jail. peculiar name for a hotel, it seems The presentation of the | Bilsby. Word has been received by Mr. “Brothers,’’ he pleaded with to me. ’ ’ gifts was cleverly arranged, arranged. Miss and Mrs. David Estes of the ar­ Three thousand people r.-il The First Salesman—“Well, they call Frances Mackin and Miss Madelle ' rival of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Har­ them, “lose no time in turning tn What have it the Halfback because everybody the pathway of righteousness. Re­ Sentinel each week. Beidler, made up 1 as pickaninnies, din at Loma Linda, Calif. member we are here today and you to toll this vnst throngf sho stops there kicks coming to Mrs. . Wicks’ door with L Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Babcock a large basket, supposedly filled | and daughters Sue and Judith, who gone tomorrow. ’ ’ Gloomy voice from the rei with clothes but in reality filled1 had been visiting their parents, “I’ve got 18 years here yet.’ with gifts. After a social afternoon, left for Portland Tuesday. Mr. London Opinion. dainty refroahmenta were nerved. Babcock has employment there. ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grimes enter I Lithographing, engraving, steel Mrs. W. IL Ostrander entertained I about 20 friends last Thursday tinned 1 rof. and Mrs. Campbell I ¿Re work. The Sentinel’s live wire and son at dinner Saturday. print shop is the place. afternoon at a shower in honor of her daughter. Mrs. Clarence Spen­ Bellhop (-iftcr guest has rung for cer, of Eugene, who was visiting ten minute»): “Did you ring sir!’’ with her mother. Social con versa - i Guest: “No, I was tolling. I tion and needlework were the di-: thought you were dead.’’ versions enjoyed, after which dainty refreshments were served. “Although unable to make the acquaintance of a young lady I met Miss Eloise Knox celebrated her in a revolvong dior, I began going tenth birthday anniversary happily around with her. Saturday afternoon, when 20 of ------------------------------------------- her little playmates responded to invitations issued by her mother, Mrs. Frank Knox. Games and con­ <£-------------------- tests were played, after which a Presbyterian Church—J. Bruce birthday’ lunch was served on the Giffen, acting pastor during th<* lawn. To th e <$> absence of A. Ralph Spearow. RIDS ENTIRE ' school at 10. forenoon ser- Sunday ^Annual Mrs. O. W. Hays entertained 30 ROOM OF FLIES school mates of her daughter Eve­ vico at 11, evening service at 8. IN A FEW MINUTES lyn Monday afternoon, the occasion SALEM ’ September 22-27 being Evelyn’s ninth birthday an-1 Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams. n ¡versa rv. Games and play made E. li. Clevenger, minister. Thi, ' Fight flies with CENOL FLY the afternoon hours pass speedily. church sfttni* ds for the full gospel DESTROYER. Wipe out a Da intv refreshments were served. message. A welcome is _ given to all | whole army of them in a few > 4» > who come. Bible school at 10. minute«. Simply spray the room and The Baptist ladies’ aid society preaching at 11 and 7:30. Young the flies fall dead. CENOL FLY DE­ will entertain tomorrow evening ar people's meeting at 6:30. Prayer STROYER is quick, sure, safe to use. Pleasure, Recreation, Education a benefit ice cream and watermelon meeting Thursday evenings at 7:3i Pleasing odor. For fuU trai. information. communlrate with social, to bo held on the lawn at After the prayer meeting the pastor Sold by the K. K. Mills home. The object conducts a das« in bible study. is to raise money for improvements KEM’S for DRUGS at th«» Baptist church. Cenol Agency Christian Church, the “ home like ’* <* minister. —A. J. Adams, _____ Th«» Presbyterian ladies* aid soci church Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and etv met yesterday afternoon in the church parlors, with Mrs. R. R communion at 11, Christian endear vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. J•»!». Mrs. M. W. Connell, Mrs. A. • • • \\ Sunnson and Mrs. John Groves Methodist Church—Rev. J. H. as hostesses. Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at ♦ ♦ ♦ after every meal Mrs. C. C. Cruson, Mrs. C. _ 8. 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep worth league lea at 7, evening service Roberts and Mrs. Clara Burkholder Cleanses month and will entertain the Constellation club at 7:30. Everybody in welcome to teeth and aids digestion. attend all of theee services. next Thursday afternoon at its Relieves that over­ first meeting since the summer v neat ion. Christina Science Church—Corne’ eaten feeling and acid + + < •f Jefferson avenue and Second mouth. Its l-a-s-t-i-n-g flavor 1 ho American Legion and the street. Sunday services at 11 a. m. anuxiliarv of that organization will Wednesday services nt 7:30 p. in. saltslies the craving lor sweets. hold a joint meeting Monday even ing. The K. P. staff of the legion Free Methodist church—Corner of Wrigley’s is double will servo a banquet. Monroe avenue and south Fifth value in the bcoettt and ♦ ♦ ♦ street —D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun pleasure II provides. Mrs. W. L. Dnrbv will be host day school at 10, forenoon services __ . ess Monday afternoon to the Pu*t at 11, evening service at 7:30. Sralrd tn its Purity Matrons* club at their first regular Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thuraday Pockaf*. meeting since the summer vacation. evenings. ♦ ♦ ♦ CH’ The W. C. T. I*, will meet to Seventh Pay Adventist Church— morrow afternoon in the Presbv A'est Main street. Services every terian church and hold their nn Saturday. Sabbath school at 10. nun I election of officer*. church service at 11; prayer meet ALL DAY DELIVERY ♦ ♦ ♦ mg Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Tho Tues«lav Bri«lge chib Services wi|^ be held in the I-a- held its first meeting ot the season tSd next Tuesday with Mrs. C. J. Kcm. . hum school house in the forenoon i on Rtindava for an esiended length The W. R. C. will hold their of time. G-ilan Jordan, of Eugvne, Free Delivery CULVER | AHDER50N. PROPS regular meeting Hntunlny afternoon. will have charge. Pb0M M The Pencil Vending Machine will be for use after first week 5c for a pencil with your name stamped on it FREE! Special Price on Sweaters for both boys and girls in Loose Leaf newest styles and colors Covers. New Barrettes Novelties See Them Beaulieu & Harrel Dealers in Chevrolet and Buick Cars. The Fair Store Over 6000 Items Lane County FAIR Monday-Thurs. Sept. 15-18 Church News FLY DESTROYER Every patron of The Sentinel is helping to give Cottage Grove a newspaper which emi­ nent authority has stated to be one of the best, country newspapers published anywhere THE FIRST IN THE FIELD WM. H. JONES Buying Trading Selling BONDS and STOCKS You receive the same service in either buying or selling as others have been receiving who live in larger cities. Operating the only Exclusive Bond and Stock Brokers office between San Francisco and Portland. Correspondents: Clarke. Kendall &.Co„ Portland. Also Eastern and Southern Firms. “ I LEAD—OTHERS FOLLOW ” INQUIRIES SOLICITED 848 Willamette St., Eugene Wright & Caldwell Oregon State Fair Harry A. Morse, Agent WRIGLEYS Southern Pacific DELICIOUS Bacon, breakfait Ham, Weiners ami mimerons other the place to get then). at a reasonable price Quality Market '1