COTTAGE^GROV^SENTIN^JHURSDAY^SEPTEMBER^n^ PAGE EIGHT GOOD WOOD FOR HALE—ALSO i Uhn COUNTY AGENT IS peaches. C. C. Kouts, 405 First * MAKING POOL IN PYROTOL T *4p ------ ♦----------------------- --------------------------- ♦ street, phone 145-Y. —-------------------------- --------------------------1 Pyrotol, a new explosive that is WANTED—OLD BAGS. MUST BE FOR SALE OK TRADE- FIVE-r^being made out of surplus war rna- large and clean. The Sentinel, e pasHcngi r. six cylinder Chalmersiterial, will be available for distri ord r. i bution to farmers in Lane county MONEY FOB YOU—PAY CASH car in first class running Will ( this winter according to C. R. for your wuutads and get three New curtains aud new top. lot. Inquife at . Briggs, county agent of Linn insertions for the price of two. tfp trade for vacant St iii in. I FOB HALE—700 HEAD OF SHEEP. Will let soma on shares. J. W. Veatch. a21s4p AGENTS— SELL GUARANTEED hosiery direct from mill to wear­ er; all styles and colors; salary paid for full time or spare hours; no money needed for samples. International Mills, 758, Norriston, Pa.________________________ spt!8pd. FOR SALE—TRAP NESTS. A bargain if taken at once. Ono brooder, 1000 chick capacity, cheap. See J. H. Hoard, 322 Second street. u21tfe FOR EENT.—255 ACRE RANCH. 3 Mi miles west of Drain on Scottsburg road, 100 acres tillable, good pusture and plenty of water. For particulars, write George L Steulsmilh, Gearhart Hotel, Gear­ hart, Oregon. a28 s4p FOR HALE—F 1,0 R E N CE OIL stove, first class condition. Mrs. Joo Smith, 104 Fifth St., phone 158.1. a28tfc HtMEli -TO BUY A stlll.l. partly improved farm. Must be within 7 miles of small town on good road. Prefer place with few ceres of bottom land ami small clock. Priced right and good terms. Give full description in first letter. J. 0. Buber, Curtin, Ore. s!8p FOR HALE 1 OVERLAND Fol li coupe, completely overhauled, in good condition. Billie Hall s garage. Phono 61. *4n W ANTED-HCIIOi'I 11.\CUEi: "R school girl who wishes a room ami who will do her own cooking; muv have use of whole house. Mrs. Annie Petrie, 212 Columbin court. 'I 18p W \NTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRI S to room and board. Oalv two blocks from high schmd building Mrs. 11 T. Grannis. 225 \diin< a vonue._________ 84 luji Boys’ KNICKER SUITS New Fall Coats for girls in sizes 6 to 14 years. All wool materials in plain shades of brown, tan, blue. Also plaids and (diecks. Cleverly trimmed with buttons, silk stitching, tassels, etc. Many with fur collars. Priced without fear of com­ petition are these boys’ suits at $5. Many have two pairs of fully lined knickers. Seams are taped to give extra strength. The fabrics are ail wool and wool mixed cassi- mere and ail wool serge. Neat patterns of brown and blue mixtures and blue serge. Sizes for bovs of 8 to 14 years. $5.00 • Stylish iiik I servicable for teachers or pupils. I’'oiir good styles in sizes 16 to 40. Tan au to 7, pair— $3.95 Boys’ black waterproof blucher school shoes, solid bather soles end counters. Sizes 12 to 2. pair................................$3.25 Sizes 2l/2 to 5*/^, pair........................ $3.75 Boys’ tan calf blucher school shoes, na­ ture’s last, solid leather soles and count­ ers, low rubber tip heels. Sizes 9 to 12, pair................... $2.95 Sizes 12*/2 to 2, pair...................... $3.25 Sizes 2*2 to 5, pair.............................. $3.45 A Fixate Hat Girls' ‘'Munsingwear” worsted (wool and cotton > union suits. Long sleeves, ankle length, drop seat style, medium weight. Ac. - s to 12 years, suit $2.25 Ages 13 to 18 wears, suit $2.75 With every 3 pairs of Allen A stockings for Children MISSES’ COATS $16.75 Unequalled ill value elsewhere are these coals of all wool polaire. Come in sixes Hi, IS, 20 nnd 15, 17, 19 Plaid and plain shades of tan, brown and navy. Collars of fur or s. If material. CHILDRENS HOSE 25c Girls’ medium cotton ribbed hose made with reinforced toes and he, Is. black and cordovan, all sizes, special at, pair............................ 25c C — BOYS’ UNION SUITS, 98c BOYS’ MACKINAWS, OVERCOATS $6.85 Mackinaws for boys 8 to 16 years. Made of good quality wool mackinaw cloth in blue, brown and green plaid patterns. Overcoats for boys, 12 to 18 years, in brown and green colorings, belted models. Pull over style sweaters in navy blue- collar, cui.s. bottom and body stripes in orange. Shawl collar. Sizes 28 to 34. Aie Y oh Tired, Achy, All Run Down? Tired all the time! Ilin»’, atiff and achy? Tortured with nagging backache I Knife like twinges when you stoop or lift I Miserable with headaches, dirrv spells and bladder irregularities! All arc signa of kidney sickness' line Doan's Pill»—« stimulant di arctic to the kidneys Here's Cottage Grove testimony: Mrs F J Leum. 725 S Second 8t., save: "I consider Doan’s Villa n good remedy for kidney complaint ns I have need them at different times when my kidney* were out of order nnd when I feit run down. Mv kidneys acted irregularly, too. but Doan's always gave me relief from these attneks and benefited me in every way.” Trice 60c, at all deniers. Ikint simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. la-uni had. Foster Milburn Co , Mfr«.. Buffalo, N Y. School caps of all wool materials in pretty mixed patterns of brown, blue and gray. Sizes 6(4 to 7V&- BOYS’ SWEATERS, $2.25 GIRLS’ UNION SUITS $2.25 and $2.75 This OottAge Grove Resident Telia Yon How to Get Well. BOYS’ CAPS, 95c AND $1.25 Misses’ brown calf bal school shoes, na­ Cotton ribbed union suits with long sleeves. ture’s last, low heels. Sizes 8l/2 to 12, pair.......................... $3.00 Medium heavy weight for fall wear. Sizes Sizes 12*/2 to 2, pair.......................... $3.50 26 to 34. Same shoe as described above, in black calf. Sizes 8V2 to 12, pair...................... $2.85 Sizes 121/2 to 2, pair....................... $3.25 (¡il ls’ “Munsingwear” union suits made of line combed cotton yarns. !x>ng sleeves, ankle length, drop seat style, medium weight. Ages 8 to 12, suit $1.50 Ages 13 to IS, smi $1.75 WANTED BY CAPABLE GIRI. A place to help with house work for room and board while iittendiiig High School in Cottage Grove, J. C. Beker. Curtin. Oro. s|8p FOR HALE 30 EWES \ND 2 bucks. I M Hankins, Disston route, phono 3 F33. s4 I8p Girls’ COATS SCHOOL DRESSES $8.75 WANTED-FURNISHED HOI HE keeping rooms to rent. Close in. Apply 37 north Huth street. s4p WANTED A FEW GOOD MILK cows. 11. E. Henneman. Curtin. Oregoa. s4pd This road has beeu the subject of much contention for many years. It was built by the railway to take the plpce of a roadway takeu by the ¡allway for its roadbed for its Coos bay line. After several years of wrangling, the railway nnd the recent county court ar­ ranged a compromise. “Get Ready for School Week” MARCELLING—AT MY HOME, 129 S. 5th street. For appointment phono 117 B. Mrs. 8. V. Allison. s4p FOR SAI.E OR LEASE Foil pasturo—80 aero stock ranch, 4*4 miles south of Cottage Grove. All under good fence, running water tile year around. Three room cot tage. Write owner, Mrs. J. Jack son, 1256 1’ugo St., Sun Francisco, California. a28sllpd Road to Be Barricaded. | ground and mixed with nitrate of The Mapleion Cushman road, built soda. Because it is a little strong ’ by th • Southern Pacific railway, is er than dy infinite it is somewhat to be barricaded during the winter, faster. ’ months on account of its dangerous I Orders for pyrotol will be pooled condition. Many of ihy dangerous through the county ag« nt s offic • places will be widened before the at Corvallis. The cost of the py­ road is opened for traffic in the . rotol. laid down in Corvallis, is spring. A speed limit of 10 ■f 7.99 the hundred. has been placed upon the road. $6.75, $8.75 $10.75 FOB HALE—TIMBER; 120 ACRES mostly fine second growth. Fine for small mill or piling camp. 1 Mi miles to R. R. station. Will sell very reasonable. Leo Thompson, Dorena, Oregon. aug21 sept-1 p