COTTAGE PROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924 PAPE SIX DELIGHT VALLEY. Specials for Friday and Saturday Tub Blouses of strip'd or check dimity or English broadcloth— 95c Wash Dresses for girls and misses, ages 6 to 14; made of fast color crepe, linene suiting and ginghams; attractive styles, each— $1.98 day but Miss Mary remained for a They are accompanied by their two longer visit. sons. (Special to The Sentinel.) The E. J. Kent family were din­ The F. A. Gore family are en- July 15.—Jess Tucker left lest ner guests Sunday at the Ira Beidler joying their new radio which their week for Gurdiner to work ill a home. son, T. D. Gore, has installed in logging camp. A team from Divide played ball their home. The J. A. Joll family wax iu Eu­ at Wulker Sunday with a mixed Arthur Combs has purchased a gene Saturday. team. The visitors lost. new Ford touring car. Miss Bena Cornutt went to Eu The young people of the Saginaw Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland gene last week to be employed dur Sunday school will hold a picnic and children. Marvis and Wilma, ing vacation. in Horn ’» grove Thursday evening. went to Lorane Friday for a week’4 The Ben Jackson family and I visit with relatives and friends. Grandpa Jackson, of Walker, were LONDON The Busy Bee sewing club will Sunday guests at the Oscar Jack- meet Thursday afternoon at the son homo. (Special to The Sentinel.) tome of Miss Elva Powell. Lawrence Montieth left Sunday July 14.—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan i Ly Mr. Hutchinson, of Corvallis, is for Portland. Mrs. Montieth and ons are enjoying a visit from their L___ visiting with the Combs family. I little daughter expect to join him daughter and her husband, Mr. and Miss Nola Banton, with a party in about two weeks. Mra^Arthiir^Satram^of^Tro^^JJont. ^f^riends^^frorr^Cottagf^^rovej^no^ Tho C. A. Moore and Hugh Nixon families and Ed Anderson were din­ ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nixon. T. D. Hodges' father, brother and sister, of Roseburg, came up Friday for a visit at the Hodges’ home. Mr. Hodges and son returned Suri- Khaki Knickers WANT ADS for outing wear; well made, of good quality material; all sizes— COTTAGE GROVE AUTO WRECK ing House. Parts for cars at half price. Trailers built to order. Used cars bought and sold. Long Build­ ing, corner Tenth street and Wash­ ington avenue. a24a8p $2.35 Sweaters Sleeveless sweaters of fine worsted and fibre yarns; attractive color combinations— WANTED—OLD BAGS. MUST BE large and clean. The Sentinel, c MONEY FOB YOU—PAY CASH for your wantads and get three insertions for the price of two. tfp $2.95 Women’s Suits All remaining spring suits (navy blue excepted) will be closed out at one-half to one-third of original prices— $14.75 if Heífimeíí. Bangs &Marksburyf Oaifliijht Storefor Quality and Service / FOB SALE—THE W. H. AND Sarah E. Blair property across the street from Beidler’s feed store, one block from First National Bank. In order to close the estate this prop­ erty will be sold. Address Frank E. Blair. Lowell, Ore. my29ag7p HAY FOR SALE—THIS YEAR’S crop clover, vetch and oats and grain hay. T. D. Hodges, Saginaw, Ore. jl3-I7p FOR SALE—ONE REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, milking strain, 2 years old; also a few young cows and heifers. Cows will freshen in October. H. E. Henneman, Curtin, Oro. jl3-17p “BUICK” FOR SALE—AIREDALE.PUPPIES. See Beach at the Sarff barber shop. jl3-17p The FINE VARIETY OF IRRIGATED potatoes. Order now. Prices right. C. A. King Vegetable Ranch, phone 1F5. tfo FOR SALE—BALED OATS AND vetch hay. E. J. Kent, Disston route, phone 38-F21. jl3-17p New Buick Sixes Are Out FOR SALE—K ALE PLANTS. Phone 187-J or call at Allison barber shop for Kramer. j!10-24p Twenty-three models to choose from at pre-war prices ranging from $1390 to $3300 SHEPHERD PUPS FOR SAUS AT $5 each. Arnold Duerst, Box 34, Cottago Grove, Ore. jllO 24p Standard Six touring, here Standard Six touring, enclosed FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping for rent. Inquire nt 305 south Sixth street. jll0-24p $1425 $1505 Beaulieu & Harrel Buick Chevrolet IT ¡ALWAYS ¡PAYS :TO ¡TRADE : AT ¡GRAYS Gray’s Way PAY CASH AND PAY LESS FOR SALE—NO. 1 MILK COW, T. B. tested. Mrs. George Kebel­ beck. Cottage Grove, Ore., phone 39-F21. jU0-24p FOR SALE—GOOD O. I. C. BROOD sow. duo to faTrow September 1. Phono 39-F15. Six miles south of Cottago Grove. F. C. Führer. jl0-24p FOR SALE OR TRADE—TRACT 100x100, adjoining river in Milapoo park addition. New or used ear in good condition considered in trade. Address 570 east Fifteenth street, Eugene, Ore. jll7p WANTED—MEN OB WOMEN TO take ordors for genuine guaran­ teed hosiery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 un hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Norris­ town, Pa. jlyl7novl3p One Week Specials—Buy for Cash and be convinced that. Gray sells for less. SUGAR FOR SALE TEAM OF MARES, weighing 1400 lbB. each; gentle and true; about 9 years of age; would sell separately. H. H. Quimby, one mile east of Cottage Grove, phono 29 F13. jll7-31p Cane Cane 100 lbs............ $8.00 25 lbs........ .... $2.10 50 lbs $4.15 10 lbs 85c FLOUR McKenzie, best, soft wheat, sack $1.50 Dalles Diamond, eastern Oregon hard wheat, sack.... ..... . ......................... $1.80 Kerr's Best, fancy patent, sack $1.90 Peter Pan, made by Crown Mills $1.90 Sapphire, Montana’s best . $2.05 Flour is advancing—buv today Ci Cured » BACON Side, the. best, lb................ Picnics, new shipment, lb...... LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE FOR sale, $20. Box 302, City. jll7p 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT A bargain. Located at 1420 west Main street. For particulars inquire at 333 Madison avenue, near high school buildiug. jll7 31p all in sanitary cloth sacks Fed” 25c 20c Highest price paid for eggs and poultry The Character of a Store Depends Upon Itsjdeals ^TORES, as well as individuals, must have ideals. Only so will the right kind of success come. From the time this store was established there has been on the part of the house a definite sense of our obligation to the community, For it is self- evident that, only from our ability to be or service will our right to prosperity and success come. How well we are living up to our store ideals is for our customers to .judge, You have a right to judge our sincerity of purpose from the results manifested in our treatment of you as a customer We should be glad to have you tell us of ways in which our service to you may be improved Historical Bits About Combs E-J Hi-Kicks Shoe The oldest known combs, made of bone, were found among the relics of the stone age of man in Denmark. Like all other articles of personal use, combs soon be­ came articles of luxury. To relieve harrassed husbands, Diocletian, Roman emperor during the fourth century, ordered that no woman should buy or wear combs which cost more than 14 denarii apiece. It is a long, long way from then to now. Our combs are so reasonably priced that no decree or legislation is needed. The first combs were shaped like hands. The latest combs we have in stock are for bobbed hair, are manufactured of celluloid, with colored tops, set, with brilliants and priced only 20 cents. III-KICK SELLING POINTS OF INTEREST TO CUSTOMERS New barettes, in every wanted shape and color, priced 15 to 50 cents. New bandeaus, “The Ilalo,’’ ideal for auto driving and sports of all kinds. Fits perfectly across forehead; no clastic in front to cause pressure and discomfort. All the leading shades. lViced 50 cents. ROUN8EVI1.I. SELlAt DRY FOR est wood, l’hone 76. Your orders appreciated. jll7sptllp FOR SALE—43 ACRES OF LAND, 7 tniles from city on Ixmdon road. Part in cultivation. Loug time terms to responsible party. If interested and more information is desired, see John N, Taylor, Latham. jll7 31p FOR SALE OR TRADE—A GOOD 3*» heavy »agon, $60; 3-year old colt, $45. Will take lumber, wood or hav in exchange. R. C. Arne, phone 15F5. jll7-31p LOST EASTERN STAR PIN ON July 3. Phone 71. Reward. jll"p BARGAINS IN FARM MATER inis, as I am obliged to leave niv farm. Have the following: Fine, heavy mare, extra good cow. 200 yearling hone, 2 full-blood Shrop shire buck lambs, 35 full blood bronze turkeys, good disc »nd new separator. F. R. Phillipa. Diaaton route, phone 1F14. jll7e YOUNG FRIERS AIJ. READY TO fry. Phone order» to 2 F2. jl!7pj FORD CHASSIS FOR 8AI.E AT A bargain. Motor in fine shape. O. 0. Fouta, 405 First atreet. jlUp' m IN g I.E DRIVER AND SADDLE horse, full of life but safe for i children. Also carriage sad harness II for trade for a good cow. fresh this || fall. Address P. O. box 13, Sncinaw. ill Ora. jinstpl^ 1— Flexible super-wearing soles, five-cupped to give ground grip. 2— Double-ply canvas uppers—light and cool. 3— Liberal leather trimming where hard wear comes. 4— Three layers of leather between foot and rubber outsole to prevent any chance of drawing. 5— Inside leather counter to support ankle and keep shoe in shape. A value proposition throughout, they are a new answer to an old demand expressed by men and boys everywhere for light-weight, flexible, long-wearing footwear. Best all round shoe for hard service or hard play. Sold only at Burkholder’s. Boys’ sizes, 10 to 13i/2, priced..... $2.00 Boys’ sizes, 1 to 2, priced........... $2.25 Boys’ sizes, 2*/2 to 5>/2, priced........ $2.50 ........... Men’s sizes. 6 to 10, priced » . $3.00 Also new ladies’ sport, head bands. Groceries New hairpins for bobbed hair that will “stay put.” priced 10 centa. WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD BRING PRICES DOWN FOB SALE CHEAP—GOOD SHOT gun, $30. M. E. Pcttet, Saginaw, Ore. jU7p FOR RENT—HOUSE ON WEST Main street. Claud Kime. jll7p night of last week with Mr. Riser’s sister. Mrs. J. J. Kebelbeck. Lincoln Taylor underwent an op­ eration nt a Eugene hospital lust Thursday. His condition is reported as satisfactory. The Endeavor society will give a “Family Album’’ entertainment and social July 18. There will be no admission fee but home made candy, cake and ice cream will be sold. Mrs. Woolley, of Dunsmuir, Calif., visited Saturday with Mrs. Jessie Oilcrist. Charlie White was in Roseburg HEBRON on business Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kebelbeck and (Special to The Sentinel) __ ____ July 14. ____ —Mr. ____ and __ Mrs. Piser and children attended church in Cottage bab^L of Sta^tonJ visited.Monday GroveSunda£ tored up the McKenzie Sunday for an outing. Mr. and Mr». B. A. Pruett and daughter Jessie, Miss Ruth Bailes and Clayton Townsend visited Bun­ day at Anlauf with the T. B. Rob­ erts family. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland motored to Row River Sunday and visited at the home of Mrs. Suther­ land’s mother, Mrs. Elmore. They Mias were accompanied home by Miss Dorothy Elmore. Handkerchiefs NEW HANDKERCHIEFS— ALL PRICED 25c Do you want a handkerchief to match your new gingham dress! We have them to match almost any gingham, either in the solid color body or the gingham checked border. A new and pleasing novelty. AU fine lawn. Solid colored handkerchiefs with cross bands of oth­ er harmonious colors, or solid colored with embroidered corners. Fine white extra sheer lawn finished crochet edge, eyelet embroidered corners. Other handkerchiefs, priced 5c, lt)c, 15c. both plain and embroidered. Ladies’ and Misses’ Hand-Made Underwear Silk vests in flesh unti orchid, trimmed with ribbon and flower ornamenta, priced..............................................$1.25 Step-in suits of barred and striped material, lace trimmed, all dainty colors, priced.... $1, $1.25, $2.25 Quality considered we are able to and will sell you a bill of groceries cheaper than anyone else in Cottage Grove, bar none. 25c Sunkist sugar peas„ 20c 20c Goody Goody peas... 17c 25c Red Ribbon corn..... 23c 25c solid pack tomatoes ... 20c Oregon white beans.... . .....8c Fels Naptha soap, 2 for... 15c 30c Cream of Wheat.... . 25c Kellogg’s bran flakes.... 10c a Karo Syrup Red label Blue label 5 lbs., 50c; 10 lbs., 95c ....... -5 lbs., 40c; 10 lbs., 77c 4 SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mazola oil pt.. 26c; qt., 50c; */2 gal., 98c Van Camp’s Clean Easy soap.. 6 bars 25c Guittard’s cocoa ..... 1 lb., 29c; 3 lbs., 82c C. H. Burkholder J f