COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924 PAGE EIGHT -------- =--------- =---------- :---------9 Neighborhood News 4» l I <$■--------------------- THORNTON CORNERS. (Special to The Sentinel.) June 30.—Mr. and Mr«. Marion Whitlatch, of Coburg, visited Sun day of last week with Mr. and Mrs A. T. Beidier. Mrs. Wbitlateh and ri Mrs. Beidier were formerly neigh bors while living on their home steads in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Langdon and daughter, Mrs. Lee, of Elkhead, vis­ ited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dodge. Mrs. Harris, of Leona, was nt the Wm. Robertson home Sunday after­ noon. Homer Conger, of Portland, was a guest Friday of Mr. and Airs. C. A. Dodge. Mr. and -- - - Mrs.. - Frank Knox and children spent Saturday with Mr. Knox’s sister, Mrs. A. T. Beidier. Roy Dixon was up last week from the camp ut Detroit, where he i» employed on a pole contract. Mrs. Oscar Smith and children, of Cottage Grove, visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dodge. Tom Richardson has been quite ill during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and baby, of Cottage Grove, visited Fri- Pearl Plaster, of Portland, is vis- day at the C. A. Dodge home, ¡ting with his parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. .James Plaster. Miss Osie Chapman, of Salem, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher. PLATFORM ADOPTED " BY REPUBLICANS Reaffirms Traditional Policies and Declares for Member­ ship in World Court. The platform reaffirms tho tradi­ tional party policies, condemns mis­ conduct in office regardless of party, declares for membership In the world court as recommended by President Coolidge, suggests that farm prices should be brought to a parity with those of the products farmers buy, and does not mention the bonus or Japanese exclusion. The important planks summarized are as follows: Declares for Btrict economy in ad­ ministration ot government and lauds republican administration in reducing taxation and public debt. Pledges progressive reduction of taxes and endorses plan of President Coolidge to call a national conference to devise methods of lightening tax burden. Favors comprehensive reorganiza­ tion of executive departments and Rubber stamps of overy kind at bureaus and enforcement of merit sys­ Tho Sentinel livo wiro print shop. tem in civil service. Anything in tho printing or allied Refuses to consider cancellation of linos ran bo secured at or through foreign debts and stands tor settle­ your homo live wiro print shop. ment with all debtor countries on baslB similar to that made with Great -■Ü Britain. Reaffirms belief In protective tariff MY FRENCH DRAFT STALLION, Lucky, No. 32253, will stand at and in the elastic provision adopted in Cottage Grovo Saturdays. E. D. tariff aot ot 1922. Mills. W. R. Cochran, Mgr. a3jly3p Stands for agreement among nations COTTAGE Gito VE AUTO WRECK to prevent war and preserve peace and ing House. Parts for cars at hall­ endorses permanent court of interna­ price. Trailers built to order. Used cars bought and sold. Long Build tional justice and adherence to this mg, corner Tenth street and Wash tribunal as recommended by President ington avenue. a24u8p Coolidge. Advocates calling of a conference on WANTED—OLD RAGS. MUST BE large and clean. The Sentiuel. c the limitation of land forces, the use pro- MONEY FOR YOU—PAY CASH of submarines and poison gas as for your wantads and get three posed by President Coolidge. insertions for the price of two. tip Lauds friendly adjustment of dit FOR BALE—THE W. H. AND ferences with Mexico. Recognizes adverse agricultural c.on- Sarah E. Blair property ucross the street from Beidier ’ h feed store, one dltions have brought about distress block from First National Bank. In and pledges party to take whatever order to close tho estate tliis prop­ steps necessary to bring baok balanc­ erty will bo sold. Address Frank E. Blair, IxtweU, Orc. my2t*ag7p ed conditions between agriculture, in­ dustry and labor and reorganization NOW HOOKING ORDERS FOR of market system on sounder and more irrigated loganberries Market price delivered nt your door. O, A. economical lines. King, Disston route. Cottage Grove, Pledgee continuation of policy of co­ phone 1 F5. jnlStfe operation with the states in highway building. Commends congress for adoption ot constitutional amendment authorizing legislation on child labor and urges prompt consiileratlon by stdfe legisla­ tures. Pledges continuance of successful Fo.X TERRIER PUPS FOR SALE efforts of republican administration to About 5 weeks old; uiiilo, $5; fe­ Beven-day, 12-hour weak in male, ♦ 2.50. Alvin Allen, Lvrnne eliminate route, pilone 22 -Fl 1. Ju 1 l>-.jl3p Industry. Favors a caretui and scienitfic re adjustment of railroad rates with a view to encouragement ot agrlivilture and basic Industries without iragaring railroad service. Stands against all attempts to put the government into business and op­ poses nationalization or government ownership of public utilities. Favors permanent merchant marine, built by Americans, owned by Amer­ icans and manned by Americans. Urges congress to enact at earliest possible date a federal anti-lynching law. Development of natural resources MUHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, furnished, with sleeping porch, for and Improvement ot rivers and har­ tent. Mrs. 8. H. McFarland, .'107 bors and waterways favored. nui / Sevcuth, phono 137 L. jL’tijlltlp Promises continual and increasing TWO FURNISHED APARTMENTS solicitude tor all those suffering dis­ on ground floor, one two room and one tour room, with bath. Win. ability as a result of service in time Baker, 223 Cherry court. jn2(ijlllh> of war. Believes in time ot war nation GOOD Ill'll.IHNG LOTS FOR should not only draft ita citizens but " E. A. Gleason. IMJHOp also ot-sry resource -which may oon tribute to success. Enderses protection against unre­ stricted Immigration. HOI ’SE FOR RENT AT ONGE. Declavea time tor granting tndepend Sewn rooms, nice bath, shade mid ence of Philippines has not yet ar­ fruit trees mid berries, gnrnge, etc. Address Box S3, Corvnllis, or see rived. O. (). \ eateh, Cottage Grove. jnStftfc Endorses policy ot present admin istratlc*> with reference to Alaska and GIBBON REFRIGERATORS FOR •niv; also nice line of thormoa favors a continuance of the develop­ bottles. (loud price on new luwn ment of the territory. mower* this week. Also good sudJL- Continuation of reclamation of arid ponv for side. Short's Second Hand and setni-artd lands pledged. Htore.______ jnlSjliOp Opposes further weakening of army and promises to round out nawy to full strength allowed under treaty. Reaffirms devotion to orderly gov ertziuont and urges rep pec t for law and ortder. Demands the speedy. fearless and Impartial prosecution of all wrong­ FOR SHE ONE REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, milking «train, 2 doers without regard to political af­ year» uldt'alan a few voting cow» filiation or position, but declares no amt heifers. Cow» will freshen in greater wrong can be committed October. Il E Henneman, Curtin. against the people than the attempt Ow». __________ j 13-17p to desire* their trust to the great body 1*1 \NO FOR SAI F CITY. ONT Y of their public servants. ♦ 15 ilowii; balance like rent. R Emphasizes responsibility of party F Cnltahnn. Eu^en < ‘re jBp to people and urges the people to MW1 8M \I.I. ( elect a republican president and vice vsllitublc fur »vi pnwldant. to elect to the senate and Iswt June Iti Imtv the house of representatives men and mid .1. W. Veatc women who believe In Che republican for r ■ turn. Hallie princkpies. acknowledge party reapoa- »MR 8 M E AIRI EDM E PUrriES. slbtlUy and who can be relied on to > B. ..h at 1 tho Bsrff barber rh«»p. __________ 113 17p keep igith with the peogile by carry­ ing out the program which the re »MR HAI.E BAI. -ED OATH AND inibOhan party presents and pledges vetch hav. E J. Kent, Dineton route, phone 38 »'81. jUMTp, Itself to talfUL WANTADS second day’s session. Permanent Chairman Frank W. Mondell of Wyo­ ming tn his speech admonished repub­ licans to see to it that only those who are “republicans in principle as well as in name” be elected to congress. A prolonged demonstration for Presi­ dent Coolidge started when Charles B. Warren, ohairatan of the resolutions committee, reading his report, men­ tioned the president. Through all the demonstration for the president and the platform the delegates from Wisconsin remained silently in their seats, taking no part anti Ignoring the cat calle, hisses, jeers and shouts directed toward them from the marching throng and from the gal­ leries. The Coolidge marchers, however, were determined to get the Wiscon­ sin delegation on its feet and it final­ ly accomplished it by forming a circle around them and singing th« Star Spangled Banner. The La Follette delegatee solemnly rose and stood at attention through- out the singing and then stolidly re­ sumed their chairs while the demon­ stration for Coolidge proceeded. La Follette Platform Rejected. The convention adopted its plat-1 form, as reported by the resolutions committee, and rejected the La Fol­ lette planks presented from the Wis­ consin delegation. Chairman Warren of the resolutions I committee, read the platform as it ’ finally was approved and moved Its adoption. Representative Cooper of Wisconsin presented the La Folletfte: platform and spoke in its support. Mr. Warren made no extended arguments against the La Follette planks, merely reminding the convention that the platform as brought in from the com­ mittee had been approved by every | member except the member from Wis- i consin and that the committee's action might be considered a fair cross sec­ tion of the sentiment of the conven­ tion. While the selection ot the candidate for president was a mere formality the naming of a candidate for vice-| president provoked a spirited contest, resulting tn the nomination of Charles I G. Dawes of Illinois, but his nomina­ tion came only after the convention | had once chosen former Governor Low­ den of Illinois, who declined to accept the place. Eight candidates were placed in nomination and the ballots on the first roll call were divided among the four leaders, Lowden, Kenyon, Dawes and Burton of Ohio. Many delegations voted for favorite sons as a com pl I ment, while others divided their votes among various candidates. A switch of 78 votes from Pennsyl- J vanla to Theodore E. Burton on the I second ballot gave the nomination to Lowden. Lowden Declines Nomination. When Chairman Mondell informed the convention that Mr. Lowden, from his home in Oregon, Ill., sent word that he positively refused to accept the nomination, it was agreed on all sides that the only thing tor the con vention to do was to go at it again and there was a series of hurried con­ ferences and caucuses on the floor. It developed openly that William Butler was insisting on the nomina­ tion of Secretary Hoover and working bard for him while the Dawes people worked like trojans to line up the delegatee for the general. LONDON. (Special to The Sentinel.) June 30.—Mrs. J. E. Banton and daughters, Mrs. Harold Abeene and M inm Nok, motored to Walker Tbwntday after cherries. Mrs. Charles Wood entertained a few children at a 6 o’clock tea party Wednesday evening. Tho«e present were Clayton and Clifford Townsend, Daisy and Warren War- ick, Grace Hays and Robin Wood. A baseball team from the Wood­ ard mill played the London team Tuesday evening, the score being 10 to 7 in favor of the lumbermen. In a return game Friday evening London won, the score being 14 to 7. Mrs. Earl Layton and little daughter Patxy left Thursday for Seattle to join Mr. Layton, who has a 30 day leave of absence from the navy. Earl Fullmer, of Cottage Grove, visited with friends here Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Gt‘orge M. Scott and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. A. jB. Reese and son, en route from El­ gin, Ore., to their homes at Graton, Calif., visited ‘ over Tuesday “ night at the J. E. Banton and John Massey homes. The Busy Bee sewing club met Friday afternoon with Miss Vir- ginia Gore, The next meeting will be with Miss Beta Bailes on Thurs- True Love. “Young man, do you know how I made my money?” “Yes, but I can’t permit that t0 stand in the way of Muriel’s happi ness. ’ ’ • * In making any purchase, large or small, your most important consideration is “Has this merchandise the lasting quality which will make me glad 1 bought it when I have tested it for lasting satisfaction.” You may be sure that in buying from us every item is chosen with this high standard of quality in mind whether you are trading at the notion counter where individual items represent small cash expenditures or in any section of the store. Shirts, Collars and Ties Ladies’ Summer Vests SHIRTS are tailored as can only those makers who have learned to adapt their patterns to the sizes necessary to properly fit. They come with or without attached COLLARS in all the latest popular solid colors or com­ bination stripes. Crisp collars or the popular soft kind are offered in comfortable shapes and styles for su ni- mer wear. TIES—Our selection of neckwear includes the iatesi widths, designs and colors. Many are knitted, with plain and fancy stripes. A FULL STOCK—SIZES 32 TO 48 Priced 10c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c One of Your Most Important Summer Suits For vacation yon will want a well-fitting, good looking bathing suit. You know that for a considerable part of the time while you are away you will be practically “living in” your bathing suit. And while you are still in the office you appreciate so much that invigorating plunge and swim after the day’s work. Well-fitting suits cut to permit the greatest freedom in diving and swimming—we have them in one-piece with skirt models in a variety of colors and styles pop­ ular this summer. For those who prefer the shirt and belted trunk combination, we offer a wide selection in plain and novelty effects. All of our suits of wool are color fast and preshrunk for long service. Practical, Dainty and Cool is the summer frock of tissue gingham. This sheer ma­ terial comes in many attractive patterns in plaids and checks, and the range of colors is more than usually comprehensive. Priced....................... 45c, 55c, 65c, 70c Underwear Will only mention two numbers that we think are ex­ ccptional values at the price: No. 1453—Closed bodice top, fancy mercerized silk straps, well woven, smooth and soft ; no flaws ol­ sec- onds. Priced each.......................... 35c No. 1478—Tube top, extra elastic, fancy silk stripe, man­ ufactured from fine yarn. Price only.............................60c Men sfSummer Underwear Men’s athletic union suits, B. V. D. pattern, sizes 34 to 46. No. 2118—A bargain for the price................................. 75c No. 1521 -Athena, the name is a guarantee for fit, fin­ ish and satisfactory wear; lustrous fish-eye pearl’but­ tons, tilled seams double sewed, lape faced front and back. Good woven elastic back insert full 2*/2 inches wide. The best in Cottage Grove for the price........... $1.00 No. 1324 Athena, manufactured much the same as No. 1521 but of better grade striped material, price..... $1.25 No. 1552—Athena, athletic union suit, more finely fin­ ished, beautifully mercerized silk stripe, a suit without a single ilaw, made for the man who cares. Price... $1.50 No. 1315—Something new. Men’s athletic union com­ bination suit, sleeveless, knee length, trunk well woven porus knit, tbigh and legs fine grade barred madras cloth; well finished in every part; even cooler than a B. V. D. Priced only..................................................... $1.25 !■ or the man who does not wish athletic underwear, we have balbriggan union suits, both white and ecru, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 per suit. Separate shirts anti drawers, all sizes from 34 to 46; color, ecru; fine woven, soft, elastic, no seconds, tape finished, priced each.....75c COOL AND COMFORTABLE FOR LADIES No. 3706 Union suit, bodice top, tight knee, ribbon trimmed, fine, light yet durable. Priced per suit........60c No. 23-66— Athena union suit, closed band top, lace a'd silk trim; fine sea island cotton yarn, filled seams, elastic weave; one of the best fitting union suits manufactured in America. The name “Athena” is a practical guar­ antee of quality. Priced per suit................................ $1.25 Other union suits at Mr. Mondell read the convention the telegram ho had received from Mr Lowden. Then the chair recognized Lawrence Y. Sherman ot Illinois. In behalf of the Illinois delegates be moved that Loveden's declination ba accepted. Th* convention adopted the motion with none scattering noos. The clerk then ba«aa calling the roll on tho third ballot tor vice-president. The unofficial totals on tho third ballot were Dawes. 881H; Hoover. 144 H; Kenyon. U. After the nomination of General Dawes had been announced and Sen at or James C. Watson bad moved It be made by acclamation. Senator Pep­ per of Penaoylvaaia took the platform aad offered a resolution to appoint Chairman Mandell of the convention chairman ct tho committee to notify President Coolidge of his nomination aad to appoint Theodore K Burton chairman of the committee to notify General Dawee of bls nomination. Old Home Week. “Going home for old horn.- week!” “I b the grand jury in sessionf” ‘ ‘Nope. ’ ’ ‘ ‘ Yep. ’ ’—Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Quality Counts, Even in Small Things No. 3702—Union suit, low neck, tight knee, comfy cut, embroidery beading trim. Priced per suit...................45c CHARLH8 O. DAWKS played at Divide Sunday, the score being 27 to 17 in favor of London. John Sutherland hilS purchased a new Ford touring car. 7* There is nothing that adds more to one’s comfort and a general feeling of well being as well made, well fit- ting and well finished underwear. This we claim to have in stock. Who Received the Republican Nomlna- tlan far Vice-President. day afternoon. July 3. Ed Brasher sprained or dislocated an ankle last week while hauling wood. Miss Nola Banton substituted as operator in the telephoni exchange in Cottage Grove Saturday and Sun day. “Dad” Lyons claims the honor of having the earliest cabbage in the neighborhood this year, Scute of the heads weigh five pounds. Mrs. B. A. Pruett was on the sick list Sunday. Linn Garoutte was here Sunday from Califi-nia renewing old se­ quaintanees. This was ll is boy hoed home. London anil Divide baseball teams 35c, 50c and $1.00 Union Suits for Boys and Girls Use the same care in buying for the “kiddies” hot weather comfort union suits as you do your own. We have a good suit, either for boys or girls, ages 2 to 14 Athletic B. V. D. style, sleeveless, knee length, light weight but strong cloth, teams double sewed, Marshall Field & Co. quality. Priced........... ................ 50c, 60c, 70c Groceries WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD B ICING PRICES DOWN 25c Preferred Stock peas 20c Goody Goody peas. 20c ................. 17c 30c I referred Stock Golden Bantam corn 25c Sunkist corn.. 15c Campbell’s soups... ............... 25c S. &: \\ . minced* razor clams ................. 14c 19c 10c 35c Preferred Stock tuna fish Good bulk rolled oats, per lb. 5c 1 olar \\ hite laundry soap.. Oranges per dozen.................... I r 30c ........... 6 bars 25c 20c to 50c SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY WATERMELONS, PER I.B lemons , per dozen . .... 2’/