The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, July 03, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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and one that will com­
Policies which mand
for you much re­
spect in the community,
is a book showing your
oritur success deposits
in our institu­
tion, which is patron­
ized by the most promi­
nent and successful cit­
izens in business. It. is
a wise policy to bank
(The Old Reliable)
Tales of the
---------- —-
4 -
Elbert Bede spent Monday night
in Eugene, where he had gone upon
an urgent invitation to act as chair
man of the reception committee for
a six-pound daughter who arrived
Tuesday afternoon.
Mother and
babe are doing splendidly.
Miss Alsea Hawley and Mrs. Eob-
eit Kenedy were business visitors
in Eugene Tuesday.
John Nokes and H. A. Sutherland
have gone to the Bohemia mining
district for the summer.
Ivan Barker, who graduated from
the course in pharmacy nt North
Pacific college in Portland in June,
passed the state pharmacy exami­
nations, according to word received
Tuesday by Mrs. Barker, who has
remained here while her husband
completed his school work.
Miss Ku thy Powers plans to leave
Saturday morning for Longview,
Wash., to be with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Powers.
The Sentinel is entitled to
the salesbook business of Cot­
The Sentinel is entitled to
tage Grove on the basis of the salesbook business of Cot­
quality and price.
tage Grove on the basis of
Jessie M. Lowry has been granted quality and price.
a divorce from Sidney E. Lowry.
A nine-pound daughter was born
They were married at Vancouver
July 3, 1915, and there are three Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Kussell
minor children, Alice, Jean and Proudfit, of Star.
Heath, who were given into the
Earnest Heaton has bought the
custody of the mother.
Kay Baker home on Ash avenue.
The sale was made through Hull
& I^ang.
K. M. Bird has bought two lots
on Ash avenue from Hall & Lang.
Bookkeeping outfits of every kind.
The Sentinel.
You may put on a fine suit, but
if your laundry work has been
erly Miss Thelma Breedlove, accom­
shoddily done, or your collar is
panied by Mr. end Mrs. Thompson,
soiled you do not appear to be
of Gateway, spent Sunday and Mon­
well dressed, whereas, a finely
visiting at the home of Mrs.
laundered, clean collar will take
Carr’s parents, Mr. and
the edge off the appearance of a
Herbert Breedlove.
Miss Helen
slightly shabby suit. Our work
Breedlove, who had been visiting at
is guaranteed. The customer is
Gateway with her sister, came home
to be the judge of whether it is
with them and Mr. Breedlove ac­
satisfactory. Your money back
companied them back to eastern
if you say the work is not first
Oregon when they returned Tues­
class. Dry cleaning and laundry
day. He will remain there for two
work called for and delivered.
weeks, when Mr. and Mrs. Carr will
come to Cottage Grove for a visit.
D. W. Sturges is at home recup­
erating from a sick spell which has
confined him to his home for about
two w’eeks.
For that vacation trip—take some
A five-piece orchestra is being or­
ganized under the direction of Miss music along. Come in and hear the
latest hits on the Camp Fone, the
Ruth Stewart.
phonograph especially built for the
*A* shingles in the ware outdoors,
You ’ll want this instru-
house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­ inent, once you see it. The Picture
ment, plaster and a lot of other Shop.
builders’ needs. S. L. Godard. Kenneth DeLassus is here from
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobsen Eugene to spend the Fourth with
and children, former residents, ar­ his grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Hol-
rived Sunday from Silverton for a land.
Hiram Griggs has a new Chevrolet
visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Magindry, of touring car purchased through Beau­
Eugene, are on a two weeks’ motor lieu & Barrel.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cone returned
trip into British Columbia
Monday from Portland, where they
had been visiting.
Mrs. Clarabelle Hawkins, mother
of F. W. Hawkins, has been taken
to the Pacific Christian hospital in
*A* shingles in the ware­
house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­
ment, plaster and a lot of other
builders’ needs. S. L. Godard.
City BaKery
Lindsey & Davis, Proprietors
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woodard and
granddaughters, Vivian Margue­
rite Carlile, returned Sunday after­
noon from a motor trip to Crater
lake and the Oregon caves.
Have party who wants five acres
close to city. See Hall & Lang.
Mrs. Ed Blakley and son Howard
returned Sunday evening from Cen­
tralia, Wash., where they had been
visiting Mrs. George Bowlby (Miss
Jessie McCord), formerly of this
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson left
this morning for Aberdeen, Wash.,
on a business trip. They will re­
main away over the Fourth.
Mrs. Marie Mosier has moved
from Whiteaker avenue to the
George Brumfield property on old
south Pacific highway.
Pictures of the parade, floats and
events of the Fourth. We’ll have
them the following day. The Pic
lure Shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Griffin
have returned to their home at
Liberty Bond, Wash., after visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Meeks and
Mrs. Bert Stoneburg motored to
Philomath Thursday and spent the
«lay with relatives.
George Damewood arrived home
last week from North Bend, where
he had been in a hospital recovering
from injuries sustained to a foot
in an accident.
Stewart for good plumbing.
A 10-pound daughter was born
June 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Owen
J. 8. McKay is recovering from
injuries sustained in a fall last
Miss Minnie Wilcox has arrived
from California to spend the sum­
mer with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Cru­
Filing cabinets. The Sentinel, tf
James McCormick, Mrs. J. W.
McCormick. Claire an«) Jack Me-
Cormick and Mrs. W. F. Lewis have
returned from a week’s motor trip
to Ashland and Klamath Falls.
H. W. Titus has been limping
around during the past week. He
pitched part of a game of ball last.
4th of July
Smith-Short Grocery
week for Bill Thum's all-star team
and yanked some of the tendons
of one lee loose trying to put over
some twisters. When Harry pitches
he pitches with his whole body.
All kinds of filing equipment.
The Sentinel.
Kupert and Claud Coffman were
here from North Bend during the
past week visiting at th^home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Coffman. Rupert is recovering from
an operation for hernia.
Mrs. James Watt, of Portland,
who had been earing for the Arthur
Woolcott home while Mrs. Woolcott
was in the hospital, returned homo
Friday. Mrs. Wooleott and Mrs.
Watt are both survivors of the
Titanic and were passengers in the
same lifeboat.
I can give you perfect eyesight
without glasses. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Dr. H. A. Hagen.
Cottage Grove was well represent­
ed at the Ku Klux Klan demonstra­
tion at Eugene Saturday, both by
participants and by spectators.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Monroe, who
left here several mouths ago on an
auto tour, have purchased property
in San Diego and will open a photo
gallery there.
Jeptha Hart, who has been ser
iously ill, is improving slowly.
Galloway writes insurance.
Margaret Wood and D. Lenora
Hinkle have been elected to posi­
tions as grade teachers.
Mrs. D. C. Bosley and son Fred
returned Saturday from Salem and
Woodburn, where they had been
visiting friends.
Mrs. John Clark and son
have returned from a visit
Mrs. Clark’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. B Hoge, at Prosser, Wash.
Office equipment of various kinds.
The Sentinel.
Mrs. George McGowan, of Yon
ealbi, but a former resident of this
city, was a week end guest of Mrs.
Amelia Currin.
The A. W. Swansons, accompanied
by Miss Margaret Galloway, motored
to Salem Sunday. Miss Galloway
remained there, where she has em­
ployment in an insurance office dur­
ing the vacation of one of the em­
ployes, but the Swansons went on
to Spongs Landing, 8 miles from
Salem, where they attended an
Idaho picnic.
Royal Anne cherries for sale at
Knox ranch, one mile east of city,
phone O-F-ll.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woodard and
granddaughters. Misses Vivian and
Marguerite Carlile, returned Sunday
from a motor trip to Klamath Falls,
Crater l^ake. Josephine caves and
other interesting points in southern
Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore returned
last Thursday to their home in Cor­
nelius, after a visit here at the
home of their granddaughter, Mrs.
L. 11. Weise.
Mothers’ club will serve ice
cream and cake at rest room
Orville Spear and family are to
arrive today from Alhambra, Calif.,
to spend the Fourth of July at the
home of Mr. Spear’s mother, Mrs.
George Young.
Mrs. Ella Mitchell, of McMinn­
ville, and her son, Curtis Miller, of
Banks, spent last week end at the
home of George M. Miller, brother-
in-law of " Mrs. . Mitchell,
.............. The Mala
Miller family joined them sundu)
at the George Miller home.
Miss Lucile Whitlock underwent
*A* shingles in the ware­ an operation for appendicitis lust
in a Eugene hospital, Her
house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­ Friday
sister, Mrs. L. E. Stroud, of Port
ment, plaster and a lot of other land, is there with her. Miss Whit
builders’ needs. S. L. Godard. lock is getting along nicely.
Ixse Nichols returned Wednesday
Joseph Brieher returned Saturday
of last week from Eugene, where
from Portland.
had been in a hospital with a
E. J. Edwards, agriculture teacher
in the high school, is attending fractured leg. He is getting along
as well as can be expected.
summer school at O. A. C.
The Cottage Grove ice plant has j Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wirth with
their smaller children are visiting in
a new Star delivery truck.
Baker at the home of two daugh­
ters. The older son has charge of
the laundry during Mr. Wirth’s
C. A. Bartell and George Bcott
something about casting thy
the week end at Lundpark at
bread upon the waters and I spent
Barts Inn. They returned Sunday
it will return after many evening accompanied by Mrs. Scott,
days. They didn’t have j who had been visiting there during
Faultless Bread . in those i last week. Mrs. Bartell with daugh­
Donna and Miss Vera Bcott re­
good old days, but they must ter
mained for a longer outing.
have had something similar.
The Cottage Grove merchants’
Faultless Bread, in its | baseball team won from Walker in
waxed wrapper, probably a game here Friday evening, the
would float for many days, I score being 16 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Allison and
but Faultless Bread is such «laughters
and niece, Jean and Alice
a high class bakery product I and Miss Eloise Atkins, who is here
that it is seldom kept around I from Portland visiting at the Alli­
that long——and it never son home, motored to Monroe bun
i day and attended a picnic which
comes back.
was a reunion of a group of school
Faultless Bread is made to mates of Mrs. Allison.
eat—and it is eaten in large
Miss Hazel Swanson and Miss
quantities by the residents Evelyn Veatch spent the week end
Oakridge at the home of Mr. and
of the Cottage Grove coun­ ! in
Mrs. Jack Davis. Mrs. Davis was
try. Those who eat it tell US 1 Miss Eva Brock us.
that it is just as good, or
Ellis Robinson, who had been
better, than bread that is breaking horses in eastern Oregon,
returned home the latter part of
shipped in.
week, having been injured by a
It is upon the basis that it | last
horse kicking him.
is just as good, or better,
Mrs. Ole Christensen and small
than bread made elsewhere daughter left Saturday for Ban
that we are endeavoring to Francisco to join Mr. Christenson,
the Southern Pacific hos­
get all the bread business of who is in in that
city. Mr. Christensen
Cottage Grove to stay in pital
is getting along very satisfactorily.
Cottage Grove.
Miss Margaret Cramer , t of Oak
. land, Calif., spent the week end at
the George Proctor home.
Pastor and Mrs. A. J. Adams,
Mrs. John Taylor. Mrs. Harvey
¡Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson,
Mrs. Emma Miller and Mrs. Malinda
Sanders & Bennett, Props. ¡Aubrey
leave today to attend the
¿J j state convention of the Christian
church which will be held at Turner
Mr. and Mrs. I B. Morri», with |
their son Roy and his family,
are . will be held at the Christian church
in Klamath Falls this week on 1—
-1 during t“c pastor’s absence but Hun -
day school and communion service«
. I will be held Sunday forenoons and
Looseleaf systems of every kind. f Christian endeavor in the even inn.
The Sentinel.
tf |
Leonard Fairey, superintendent of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nokes, of I the Warren Construction company,
Albany, visited during the week at now
uow employed
,.u here,
went to Port-
the home of Mr. Noke»’ parents, ,„nd MondBy t to remain over the
Mr. and Mr». John Nokes.
Mrs. T. A. Benson, of Portland,
Mrs. Herman Edwards is planning
is visiting at the home of her grand ,to leave the fore part of the week
mother, Mrs. W. H. Phillips. Mr. for Newman lake, near Spokane, to
Benson will arrive tomorrow and , visit at the
they will return home Bunday.
parents, Mr.
Miss Mina Converse, of Canyon­ gren.
ville, visited during the week with
Georg Bjorsct wär in Marcóla and
Miss Doris Mulvihill.
Wendling on business last Thursday
Special ruled forms of every kind. and Friday. He was accompanied
The Sentinel.
tf by Mrs. Bjorset.
Ralph Teeters was discharged
The Andrew Stevens family is
from the veterans’ hospital in Port­ moving today to their former home
land Wednesday and he and his at Creswell.
wife and child are making their
The George Jacobsen family, form
home here with his parents. Mr. and ' erly of this city, now of Silverton,
Mrs. George Teeters.
have been camping during the week
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. White re at the 8. L. Godard place.
turned Wednesday of last week
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Coleman, of
from a visit at the home of a Corvallis, spent Sunday at the home
brother of Mr. White at Burlin­ of Mrs. Coleman 's sister, Mrs. C. C.
game, Calif.
Cruson. They returned that even
Galloway for insurance. 511 Main. ing accompanied by their daughters,
The Lester Ralston family, of Constance and Grace, who visited
Shasta county. Calif., visited during during last week at the Cruson
the week at the home of Mr. Rai home.
»ton’s mother. Mrs. Ixiuise Ralston.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stevens, L. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyle and Michener, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve
Miss Aris Yeo, of Pullman, Wash., Miller, Ted Shields, of this city;
visited during the week at the home Mr. and Mrs. Cart Lebow, and Mr.
of Mrs. William Baimbridge, sister and Mrs. Clay Stone, of Creswell,
picnicked Sunday at Bear creek,
of Mrs. Lyle and Miss Yeo.
Lincoln Taylor received treat- near Creswell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Damewood,
ment at a Eugene hospital during
Mr. and Mrs Glenn Bcott and Mr.
the past week.
Mrs. Al Bogan, the latter two
Ray Nelson, auto electrician. and
of Portland, who were here visiting
Miss Anne Daugherty, who haa at the home of Mrs. Bogan's par
been teaching in a high school in ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wess Chrfsman,
Beattie, is here viaiting at the home left Sunday on an outing trip to
of her brother. W. H. Daugherty, Yachats bay.
She will return to her home in New­
Pete Nelson ha- bought the George
port the fore part of next week.
A. Proetor property on Adams ave­
Mr* J. C. Perkins, of Haines, nue near the Baptist church. The
sister of Mr-. George Hawley and Proctors plan to leave noon for Med­
a niece of Mrs. Amelia Currin, in ford. where they will make their
recuperating satisfactorily from an home.
operation for the removal of a
Mies Maud T^mson in spending
goiter which »he underwent June 23 her vacation in Walla Walla, Wash.,
in a Portland hospital.
at the home of relatives.
The Cottage Grove
Electric Bakery
J. R. Hendricks has installed an
irrigation plant at his home in Bt.
Helens court which is on the bank
of the river.
Archie Piper with his sons LeMar
and Bernard, of Portland, spent the
week end at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Piper.
Mrs. Catharine Bader spent the
week end in Salem at the home of
a niece, Mrs. Bolton Hamble.
Miss Osie Chapman, of Valsetz, vis­
ited during the week at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. Rosa Currin.
Mrs. Carl King, accompanied by
Miss Delta Hopper, left Tuesday
morning by motor for Newport to
join Mr. King, who has purchased
a half interest in a confectionery
business at Toledo. The Kings will
make their home in Newport during
this month.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garoutte and
son Colin, of this city, and Mrs.
Garoutte’s sister, Mrs. Eugene Mat­
lock, of Portland, and son Jack re­
turned here yesterday from an out­
ing trip to Belknap springs. They
were joined in Eugene by Mrs.
Matlock’s daughter, Miss Virginia,
who had been visiting with rela­
tives there. Mr. Mat lock will ar­
rive tomorrow to join his family
and spend the remainder of the
week. The Matlocks will return to
Portland Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jack Callahan and children,
of Portland, who had been visiting
with Mrs. Callahan’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, and at
the homes of Mrs. Callahan’s sis
ters, Mrs. W. A. Garoutte and Mrs.
Harold Dugan, returned home Sun­
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan took
them by motor ns far as Jefferson,
where Mr. Callahan met his family.
Fruits and Berries
for Canning
HOUSEWIVES--The Canning and Preserving Season
has started. The market now offers Berries in profu­
sion. Other fruits will be on the market almost before
you know it. Let us know your wants and take care
of you at the most opportune condition of the market.
Better get your Sugar now before another advance.
McQueen’s Grocery
Make Waterfall Climb HiU.
Scotland has some canny engi­
neers who have succeeded in mak­
ing a waterfull nt Walkrrburn work
a turbine which makes electricity,
then climb back up hill and come
down again through tho turbine
with doubled power.
This miracle of thrift and engi­
neering is accomplished by using
part of the electric output for which
there is no demand during the day
to pump water back up the hill to
a special reservoir. Then, wheu
there is a big demand for current,
the water is released from the res­
ervoir and, added to the regular
flow of the waterfull, doubles the
Mr. anil Mrs. F. C. Führer and
daughter, Miss Hazel, left yesterday
by motor for Seattle to spend the
Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Führer’s
son Charles, who is in the navy.
Joe Arnold arrived Monday from
Portland to visit at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Josiah Porter.
Miss Guera Huge, of Portland, will
arrive today to visit at the Porter
Mr. a »id Mrs. \V. E. Namur went
to Portland yesterday morning on
business to remain several days.
Miss Viola Fiester, a teacher in
the schools of Minneapolis, Minn.,
l as a rived for a visit at the homo
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Fiester. Mr. and Mrs. Hurshel Alli­
son, of Roseburg, who arrived here
Tuesday, motored» to Portland after
Miss Fiester, who is a sister of
Mrs. Allison. Miss Fiester has vis­
ited here but twice, the other visit
being 12 years ago.
Mrs. Martha Martin, who had
been visitiiur at the home of her
son, R. T Martin, returned to her
home in Yan.hill yesterday.
F. E. Dickson left the latter part
of last week to spend his vacation
with his parents at Toledo. Mrs.
Dickson and son left yesterday to
join him.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kurre and
small daughter, with Mrs. Kurre’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. XV. Mc­
Bride, and their sons-in-law and
daughters and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Trenery and son and
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Eddy, all of
Portland, are here to spend tho
Fourth nt the homes of Mr. Kurre’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurre,
and Mr. and Mrs. McBride’s daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Mutter.
AMERICAN OLYMPIC TEAM Christian Church Buys Parsonage
The Christian church has bought
Ralph Spearow, pole vaulting the C. H. VanDenburg property
pastor of Cottage next to the church for a parsonage.
Grove, who is in Franco to represent Mr. and Mrs. VanDenburg contem­
Oregon at the Olympic meet, has plate moving to Eugene, which was
been appointed chaplain of tho their home before they came here.
American Olympic team.
The tonic for the business world—
Say it with printers’ ink.
livo wire wantadfl.
Mrs. R. L. Stewart and daughter
Margaret are visiting in Albany
with relatives. Mr. Stewart, who is
having his vacation, will join them
after the Fourth.
Realtors Oppose Road Signs.
The Eugene realty board has gone
on record as opposing commercial
road signs that detract from the
beauty of the highways. It was
pointed out at the meeting that
every realty denier tries to meet
the competition of every other
dealer, with the result that none
gets any advantage from putting
up signs and marring the scenery.
Big Street Carnival and Dance
JULY 4th
Auspices American Legion
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Larson, of
Washington, are visiting with Mr.
Larson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Lu rson.
Mrs. 'Lena Eldridge, of Portland,
who had been visiting nt the O. W.
Perry home, returned home yester­
Mrs. E. L. Smith will arrive to
day from Melrose to spend the re­
mainder of the week nt the homes
of her children, Mrs. A. W. Helli-
wvll, Mrs. Pete Nelson and Marvin
The I. O. O. F. lodge realized
$71.25 from the picture “The Shep­
herd Kin" ’’ which they sponsored.
The Bill, Ed and Louis Wiese
families have gone to Hillsboro to
spend the Fourth with relatives.
Volney Hand, who hud been con
fined to his bed with rheumatism
for a week, was taken to Boswell
springs Tuesday for treatment.
The Harry Btoneburg and Harley
Gates families and Mrs. Bert Stone­
burg, mother of Mr. Btoneburg and
Mrs. Gates, went to North Bend
Tuesday to spend the Fourth with
Mrs. Paul Jonos, of Port hi nd, is
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Eakin. She was librarian here a
number of years ago and has a sim­
ilar position in a Portland library.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hall, recent
arrivals from Portland, are occupy
ing the home of Miss Marietta
Hamant, who leaves today for n
visit in California. Mr. Hall has
purchased the Nelson service station.
George Turner, of London, Eng.,;
visited during the week at the home
of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
George Anderson.
Hester Heard was in Eugene Tues
day for medical treatment. She
will return there the latter part of
the week to undergo an operation
for appendicitis.
Claude Monroe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Monroe, left Tuesday
for Vancouver, where he is to be
employed as a cook in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenks Rentle left
Tuesday by motor for Portland to
spend the Fourth. Mrs. Rentle, who
is a member of the staff at Um
phrey & Mackin’s, is on a two
weeks’ vacation.
Mrs. R. B. Hanna will arrive
home today from month’s visit with
relatives in the middle weat.
Miss Marlette Hamant leaves tn
day for a month’s visit in Hunt
ington Park, Calif., with Mrs. J. R
Plummer, who formerly resided here
at the home of her daughter, the
late Mrs. E. O. Elliott.
Mrs. B. F. Dusthimer, who had
been visiting for fen days at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. C. D.
Corbel 1, and witA other relatives,
left yesterday for her homo in Rich
mond. Calif.
Mrs. Al Noth and daughter Viv­
ian. of Medford, are visiting at
the home of Mrs. Noth’» parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wills.
Eugene Should Set Example.
Eugene Register: Eugene ought
to build an auditorium as its share
of the university gift campaign.
The five millions that will bo con
tributed i>y others will be spent
here, thus providing employment in
Eugene, making room for new fam­
ilies here and keeping Eugene’s
building permits up in the list of
metropolitan cities. Eugene will be
the chief beneficiary of the build
ing campaign, and what it does as
its share ,.»11 be carefully watched.
.Besides, Eugene ought to have
such an auditorium as is planned.
This city is centrally located in
Oregon. It is admirably served by
railroad and stage lines. It will
soon be splendidly equipped with
modern hotels. With adequate au­
ditorium space, ther«‘ is every rea­
son why it should become the con­
vention city.
Message Tax Abolished.
Talk is now cheaper than ever.
The federal tax on telephone and
telegraph messages was abolished
Well Matched.
“Ho you dare to say you are an
ideal match for my daughter,’’ said
old Gotrox.
“1 do, sir,” replied the cheeky
“Why, you've never earned a
dollar in your life.”
”Neither has she.”
An Aid to Romance.
Maude: Was it a case of love at
first sightY
Claude: No, second sight.. When
he saw her the first time he didn’t
know she owned a flock of apart*
ment houses.—New York Hun.
The Modernist.
Y. M. C. A. Boys Break Camp.
“Did tho »penker electrify hi»
The Eugene Y. M. C. A. boys’ audience«’’
cnnip on Row river broke up Bat-
“No, ho merely gn»sc<l it.”—Wil
urdny, after a two weeks’ outing,
lanictte Collegian.
and by night all those in attendance
and their chmp equipment had ar­
Happy Thought.
rived safely in Eugene. The boys
“There’» »oiu<q|iiug in the world
reported having a splendid time
and to have greatly improved physi­ be»ide» money.”
“Ye», there’s the poorhouse.”
cally from their life in the outdoors.
There wore 52 members of the pur
You have a modern livo wire
ty, including the loaders, cook,
print shop in your own eity.
physical director, etc.
with inanhed potatoea
and gravy
H A Z E L W O O I)
Take Home a Brick