The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, July 03, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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if ottave (Grave Sentinel
A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty
of Backbone
Striking Illustration of Gossip
hea JiP — he ' ll double
CROSS ya - he ' s G ot a
Bede & Smith__
Elbert Bede-------
By L. F. Van Zelm
-And the mortal is —
If -/ou ha-ve aaiythintr mein
to sa,y a.bout a. g;uy_, be
Sure be isn't fitting' be-
hind you. *
'/ ?
"T ongue on him —
B aying « something
' wicked
A fir»t-clus» publication entered at
Cottage Grove as second eland matter
Business Office--------55 North Sixt.1,
Due year___ |2.25 | Three mouth» 65c
Six month»- 1.15 I Single copy— 5c
2 ~~
Member of
National Editorial A»»ociatiou
Oregon Statu Editorial Association
Oregon Newspaper Conference
Lane County Publishers' Association
It is always a greater pleasure
for The Sentinel to praise than to
Never has it been accused of be-
ing slow to censure where it thought
censure due.
wish to leave to those who will fol
If it would be consistent it low
should bo equally quick to praise.
This is a refreshing demonstration
It is always pleasant to compli of appreciation of education on the
merit where criticism has been of­ part of those who will benefit by
Think of the Thing» Other» Think
fered iu tho past.
it. This is a refreshing demonstra
Something happened within the tion of a feeling on the part of
past week that is worthy of more students that they should begin to
Repetition is poor rhetoric but
than passing comment.
take a real part in the affairs of good advertising.
When it was learned that the their community.
Such an appreciation, such a feel­
school district lacked $700 of hav­
Some spring fever is just common
ing enough to build the kind of ing, augurs will for the future in ordinary laziness.
» « «
s -hooihouse and gymnasium that it which these young people will take
is desired to build, the student body the place of those who now criti-
Things you learn by experience
raise the
you seldom forget.
» • «
amount of money that the school
district was short.
The writer of epitaphs is one
Tho members of the student body
writer who never criticizes.
will get no use whatever of the
The sunshine is just right,
Tho girl who doesn’t get married1
new grude school building. At best
If it rained that would be all
four years is the limit that they right.
this year nmy break her pic».
. . .
will use the gymnasium.
We forgive our enemies their sins.
But they are willing to put. up
The shortcomings of our friends
$700 to have the kind of gymna­ are forgotten.
aiVuud on Eve’s apron strings.
sium they want and the kind they
We don’t care who the democrat :s
I have nominated.
Tho comic supplement’s lack of
We can’t keep cool with Coolidge. humor is tho funniest thing about
What’s the use fussing about it.
Tho flowers were never so pretty.
There is only one thing that beats
We never before had so many the woman gossip and that is the
friends—who like to smoke cigars. man gossip.
• « •
We don’t care if the girls do
bob their hair.
An inflamed proboscis is not gen­
Wo don’t care if the dear things erally considered a shining light
do smear their checks with paste worthy of being followed.
« • •
and their lips with rouge.
No one owes us any money we
The value of your opinions de­
can’t collect.
pends largely upon whether you or
We owe no one any money we someone else is appraising them.
• « •
can’t pay.
Tho league of nations or a world
Those who have never felt Bor­
court are of no import.
Toilet Requisites
row or grief are in no position to
An editor has an easy life and a sympathize with thoso who have.
FmerXency Kits
councilman is never damned for his
• • •
Crrams-'Lohons IJ,
A person who tells
a secret
FvrnjduqKemedirs S ,
None of our friends have slighted that someone else has
him can
Outii^nislentalf E i|
us and our enemies have forgotten hardly be expected to
their enmity.
• • •
For once, everything seems to be
- a
A man can sometimes get a long
going exactly tho way it should in way
'* a young woman - by sit-
this old world.
ting still—and holding her on his
Possibly you’ve guessed it.
It ’« a girl.
Let rill’: REXALL STORE And tho finest specimen ever
If men were only as smart as
Have you time and money in produced in this favored section of their
* are, this
think they
1 he purchase of your vaeal on tho famous, fertile, fruitful Wil­ world wives
would bo inundated with n
ncccssit ies.
deluge of greatness.
Here, under one roof, and at
attractive prices, you will find
I’lashlights, Kodaks, Swim-
Kaps, Stationery, Fountain
Pens, Firstaid Kits and every­
thing you jiee<| in the line of
Toilet. Requisites. Also Shav­
ing Articles and Smoker’s Sup­
plies for the men.
Several specials this week at
unusual prices, quality guar­
anteed !
.Fuzz is now being put forward
:if a cause of goiter. The Sentinel
doubts whether there is any truth
in such a claim, unless it be that
dissipation weakens the resisting
power of the body, but goiter is a
mild accusation to bo laid nt the
door of jazz. It is responsible for
things more dangerous to the public
health mid welfare than goiter,
Goiter is to be welcomed as com
pa red with things for which jazz
really is responsible.
Anthropologist* now claim that
man is not descended directly from
ape and that man had his origin
some 100,000 years ago. The files
of The Sentinel of that period are
The REXALL Store
I incomplete, for which reason it is
C. J. Kem, Trop. Cottage Grovo, Ore. not prepared to discuss intelligently
its contention that man did descend
I from tho ape. The Sentinel is of
i the opinion that the descent must
I have started at least 400,000 rears
ago, for some men conldn’t have
descended so far in less time.
Kem s for Drugs
kre three
balls the
si£n of a
because the Medici family
Italy gained their name fr
practicing medicine. They
came the fust money lend
and its. d as a sign their c<
of alms, which bore three go
eti "pills.” Many save hea
and money by using
Mlncrnl Oil
*«. a
Rusaian Tyr
to ke< p the body free fr<
Kem s for Drugs
Z>rwx JAv»
his mind was superior to his body,
lost out. A man who would attempt
such an experiment hasn’t any
mind to start with.
A man who insists on paying his
street car faro after tho conductor
has passed him up, should be put in
touch with Diogenes.
It now develops that airpianists
are after the money—and we had
thought the nature of their business
put them ubovo worldly lusts!
The reason wo speak of our rich
men leaving so many "cool” mil­
lions is because they used the freez­
ing out process in acquiring them.
• « •
It’s funny how n woman will re­
member the day and month of her
birthday anniversary, but can’t re­
member the year in which she was
• • •
Borno men will work just as hard
trying not to lose over half their
salaries in a poker game ns theii
wives will to make the other half
pay the bills.
An exchange says the best young
man in tho world lives in Massachu­
setts and that he has never used
tobacco, never touched liquor, never
sworn, and never kissed the girls.
He's dead enough to start the fun­
eral services.
• • «
The old saying, “It is never too
late to mead'' must have been writ­
ten by the mother of a large family I
of growing children.
To the friends and patrons
of Nelson’s Service Station,
which through five years of
business in Cottage Grove,
has established itself as a
firm of trust and service, 1
extend the wish that the
same pleasant relationship
built up by Mr. Nelson may
continue under the new
management. However we
do not intend to stand en­
tirely upon the reputation
for service which the name
Nelson’s Service Station has
come to mean but we in­
tend to maintain the same
standard of efficiency in the
work which our shop turns
We are to continue the
service station and shop re­
pair branches of the busi­
ness in the same location
and will appreciate a chance
to demonstrate our quality
work. If you have no work
to be done call in anyway
and get acquainted. We are
going to make our home in
Cottage Grove and we want
to get acquainted as quickly
as possible.
Successor to N. J. Nelson Jr.
The question i* being repeatedly
asked as to how long a dream lasts.
Wo imagine it would be largely dis­
pelled when the newly married hus­
band awoko in the morn and saw
most of his bride’s beauty piled up
on the dresser.
Church Nev;
Presbyicrian Church—R.
Spenruw, pastor. Sunday school at
10, Men’s Forum nt 10, morning
hour at 11, junior Endeavor at 3,
evening service at 7:30.
• • •
Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams,
E. R. Clevenger, minister. This
church stands for the full gospel
message. A welcome is given to all
’ who
..Lu come. Bible school at 10,
preaching at 11 und 7:30. Young
people’s meeting at 6:30. Prayer
meeting Thursday evenings at 7:30.
After the prayer meeting the pastor
conduct* a class in biblo study.
. . .
Christian Church, the ‘ ‘ home like ’’
enureh—A. J. Adams, ministor.
Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and
communion at 11, Christian endea­
vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30.
’ * *
Methodist Church—Rev. J. H.
Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at
9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep­
worth league nt 7, evening service
at 7:30. Everybody is welcome to
attend all of these services.
Free Methodist church—Corner of
Monroe avenue and south Fifth
street—D. S. Forrester, pastor, Sun­
day school at 10, foronoon services
at 11, evening service at 7:30.
Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday
• « »
Christian Science Church—Corner
>f Jefferson avenue and Second
street. Sunday services at 11 a. m.
Wednesday services at 8 p. m
« • «
Seventh Day Adventist Church—
A’est Main street. Services every
Saturday. Sabbath school at 10,
church service at 11; prayer meet­
ing Wednesday evenings at 7:30.
» » »
Services will be held in the La­
tham school house in the forenoon
on Sundays for an extended length
of time. Galan Jordan of Eugene,
will have charge.
uo\ \ oo wert mn
Is the Nation’s Greatest Playground
Every American should share in the Inspiration
of Its towering peaks, leaping geysers, growling
grottos, boiling cauldrons, in the midst of which
are magnificent hotels, charming cottage village!*
30U miles of matchless boulevards and all the
comforts of home.
Send for our booklet. It tells the thrilling story
of nature’s wonderland. Cur
Service DAILY between Portland and West
Yellowstone by the
U nion P acific S ystem
makes the trip very comfortable.
Let our representatives make your Itinerary
and arrange your reservations, etc.
Traveling Passenger Agent
with headquarters at
637 Pittock Block. Portland
will call personally and arrange all
details; drop him a card or address
wm . mcmurray
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Cold Lunches
for Hot Days
There is a double advantage in serving cold lunches on
hot days. Your family enjoys them more, because cold
foods appeal more when the weather is hot, and you
save yourself many hours of work over a hot stove, for
you can come here and select from our complete as­
sortments practically every item needed for a tasty and
wholesome meal.
Quality Market
Free Delivery
Mr. McAdoo is going to build his
own broadcasting station. Perhaps
he can find some abandoned oil
derrick to use for his aerial.—Omn-
ha Bee.
1 wish to announce that
I have sold the service sta­
A California young woman has
tion and shop departments
sued her husband for divorce. lie is
A newspaper speaks of an item
of the business which 1 have
serving ten years for embezzlement
when he was n bank cashier. His as a story—the readers are more
operated for five years and
wile’s petition is brief, merely es­ outspoken and not so inclined to
thank the friends and
tablishing the fact of her husband’s bent about the bush—they call it
patrons for the pleasant busi­
conviction, upon which ground the just a plain lie.
ness relations we have had
law says she is entitled to a di-
Your brain will be brighter and
, \ orce.
during that time.
“I’ll wait for him—wait if it’s a better if you live frugally and eat
1 am not leaving Cottage
thousand years,’’ said the wife sparingly of meat—in fact, the par­
Grove. My homo is here
taking of that kind of a diet dis-
when her husband was sent to pris­ Inking
on a vear ago. The husband, who plays your wisdom.
and I shall continue in busi­
. . .
is now but 22 years old, said he
ness here at the same place,
It may be some satisfaction to
took the money to give his bride all
having retained for myself
the things he wanted her to have. know that those who aro benefited I
She corroborated his story.
tho most by tho tariff are the ones. the sales agencies for the
Dodge, Overland and Willys-
When the young husband was who get stung for customs duties
leaving for prison his wife said : on their wives’ clothes.
Knight automobiles.
‘‘When a man makes a mistake, al
My successor, W. M. Hall,
though it is hard for her, a wife
They say that money talks, but
recently of Portland, has
should stand by him.’’ This wife from any noise we’ve over heard it
stood on
make we'd imagine it was deaf and
had years of experience in i
¡and then
dumb, tongue-tied and had lost con­
the automobile business, lie ’
trol of its vocal organs.
will conduct the business in
It is a case of two who were
much the same manner
• over young nt marringe. It is n
A judge says married women do
j t mgedv of vouth and inexperience, not own their own clothes. We’d
which has won for us a repu­
I’hv young husband went wrong be willing to take a chance that he
for service and quality
buying glittering gewgaws for the doesn’t make any such careless
mechanical work.
girl wife. She accepted his sacri­ statements around his own house.
courtesies toward him will
• • •
fices without knowing the fearful
cost it was to him.
be appreciated by myself as
When a man gets up with an en­
The best wav to think of it all larged cranium, a thick tongue, a
well as Mr. Hall.
1» that it was a misunderstanding sick stonmeh and aching eyes, we
II around. It was a blunder when fail to see how he can interpret
the\ married without a better real- the doings of the night before as a
irntion of what the cost of marriage good t iiue.
is. It was a blunder when he gave
When paper is made from corn
her a wrong understanding of his
Rockefeller advises everyone to stalks, the farmer can feed his
financial powers. It was wrong
when she accepted so much without “be content with what you have.'* newspapers to the cow and let bossy
ascertaining from him what the It is the general opinion that if the digest the news for him. In that
giver of this sag«' advice had al­ way he will get the cream without
price was.
The case is of value only ns one ways felt the same way himself tho wasting time looking through a lot
added experience. From the nltnr rest of ns would have more to bo of stuff he doesn’t care about.
to the pe ntentiarv is n dismal way. contented with.
The home is the foundation of the
From wedding beus and a woman’s
Olden time lover* used to write state. The condition of the homes
love to the clang of steel doors and
tho click of the locks in a pnsou,
is reflected in the government and
were a* prolific writer* a* present without homes we would all be
ix a uielanrholv J»eqiivl.
It was the penalty for a girl i day levers, only a short courtship anarchists and such minds as those
wife’s hunger for pretty things and | would have been necessary to pro- of Lincoln. Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson
a boy husband’s lack of stern in i v ide n stock of tablets sufficient and Harding would still be in an
tegrity. Exchange.
, for tho construction of a homo.
embryonic stat«.
Gooo tAOMEx xo G ay out A
Phone 46