Œhr Xnttanr (brmtr Srntinrl — /— VOLUME XXXIV ___ o\, o _______________ MAh ZIG-ZAGGING ON THE HIGHWAY IS FOUND NOT ' | SO CRAZY AS HE SEEMS COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924 IOWAN NOIES PRODUCTIVITY OF * | HAVING •M»> I SEEN VISITOR TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO -------------------------------- ---- ----- NUMBER 43 xy - I EVERYONE IS INTERESTED | IN UNUSUAL STORIES OF PRODUCTS OF THE FARM GAY STREET CARNIVAL WILL BE FEATURE Of FOURTH I ------------------------------------------- - — -4 I xyss of sight does not prevent | A party of tourists from Wash Residents of the Cottage Grove S. L. Godard Contractors, Success ington who were here Monday re­ 8ays It Is Our Own Fault That one from remembering those seen New Owner Is Man of Experience; country should bear in mind that Athletic Events Big Attraction to ported to the police officials that many years agv before sight was the many living elsewhere who get ful Bidders, Have Already We Don’t Help Nature to Transaction Does Not Affect thev had passed a demented man lost. Out of Town People; flpoei.er The Sentinel are interested in sto­ on the highway between Saginaw A few days ago J. F. Started Work. Myers, of ries of the production of the Cot­ Produce More. Sales Agency. Is Former Resident. and Walker. They said that he was Portland, field agent for the state's tage Grove soil. Not only are they zig-zagging back and forth across institution for the adult blind, interested but many have become After considerable revision of the paving paying no attention to “Oregon is unquestionably a great called upon Waldo Miller, of this Nelson’s service station, estnb- The program of events for Cot- specifications to bring the cost the traffic. He had been nearly state and a great agricultural sec­ city, who once had sight but has lished five years ago by N. J. Nel residents of the Cottage Grove tage Grovo’s Fourth of July cele- country through learning through within the amount of money avail­ run down by the party which re­ tion,’’ said Jasper Buckmuster, of been without it for many years. son Jr., has been purchased by W. nows stories of what the soil here bration is complete, with each indi able. a contract has beeu let to ported his queer actions, He re- Aredale, la., who was a visitor here After they hud conversed for M. Hall, of Portland. Mr. Hall will vidual event a special attraction 8. L. Godard contractors, local fused to answer their inquiries and, last week. ‘ ‘ All forms of soil crops sonic time, Mr. Miller inquired of take over the service station and has done. Friends to whom resi­ leading up to the gay street carai- semi the paper are interested uuilding firm composed of 8. L. fearing that he might become vio- seem to grow in this particu­ Mr. Myers whether he hud not been the shop repair departments anil dents in such items. They may not know val in the evening. All Main street ~ Godard and Vinal T. Randall, lent, they came on into the city lar section more luxuriantly than a piano tuner back in Canyon City, Mr. Nelson will retain th«- salesroom many of thoso mentioned in the will be closed to automobiles during for the proposed first unit of to report. anywhere else, but you aren’t get Colo., 22 years before. Mr. Mycts and thi' agency for the Dodge. Over news items but folks everywhere the street parade in tho morning j school building and a grade _ — a A party of several husky men ting nearly so much as you could replied that he had. The two had land and Willys Knight automobiles. know about potatoes, about eggs, and no parking of cars will be per­ gymnasium building. A unique fea­ was made up and the man was out of your soil. been well acquainted at that time. Mr Nelson established the service about fruit, berries, sheep, cows, mitted near the carnival eenter at ture iu connection with the letting found as described and was yet zig­ “If you gave your crops the Mr. Miller has no trouble what­ station in its former location on and other products of the farm and any time during the day. Although of this contract is that the student zagging back and forth across the same attention that we in Iowa do ever in recognizing without hesita­ Main street July 1, 1919, and the they like to know about such things all Main street will be given over body has agreed to raise $700 of paving and paying no attention to you would produce a great deal tion his hundreds of friends. He deal for the sale to Mr. Hall was in the country in which you live. to the carnival, the center of gaiety the cost of the building program, warnings from approaching cars. more and if you would provide irri­ knows them by their voices and it consummated Tuesday, exactly five They like to read the stories even will be at Seventh and Main streets. showing high appreciation of educa­ Members of the party conversed gation you could probably double was by this method that he recog­ years later. A little less than two though they may not fully believe Beginning with the wrestling tion on the part of those who are with him and he appeared to be your production. With your many nized Mr. Myers. years match between Ralph Hand, local - . ago _ Mr. Nelson ---------- moved ------- .. his them. getting the benefit of it. Mr. Myers was accompanied by business into its present handsome rational in every way except in the mountain streams from which water If you have any farm product favorite, aud Ray McCarrol, east­ The contract was let to Godard way he zig-zagged back and forth can be brought by the simple pro­ his wife and by Mr. and Mrs. El­ quarters on south Fifth, erected es­ earlier than anyone else, if you ern Oregon cowboy, the celebration & Randall at $18,526.25. Their orig­ on the paving, causing cold chills cess of building some sort of a mer Lawrence, their son-in-law nod pecially for the purpose from plans have some product that is unusually will attract visitors from far and inal bid, combined with the ac­ to run up and down the spines of sluiceway and letting it run down daughter. made by Mr. Nelson. The building large or has some other unusual near. Fans from up and down tho cepted bid for plumbing and heat­ operators of motor cars. For a long hill, there is uo reason why yon is owned by B. K. Lnwson. of Wed characteristic, if your hens lay an valley will be here this evening to ing, was $21,750. The razing of the time he refused to say why he was can’t have the water upon which <£>-------------------------------------------------- derburn. unusual number of eggs, or hatch an attend the wrestling match. At 4:30 old ubaudoued frame school house giving the highway such minute all crops thrive. | SENTINEL DESIRES A LIST Mr. Hull, who with Mrs. Hall ar­ unusual number of chickens, or sturt tomorrow morning a sunrise salute is included in the contract. The inspection but finally gave the ex­ rived here several days ago from laying at a precocious age, if your will bo fired. “The trouble is that you don’t | OF THOSE WHO RESIDED lumber in this becomes the property planation that he had read a want- have to work your soil the way we | HERE PRIOR TO YEAR 1880 | Portland, has had years of selling cow produces an unusual amount of Tho big street parade will form at of the contractor and will be used ad in The Sentinel that offered a do to get a crop. Nature provides <£----------------------------------------------- experience with R. M. Wade & Com- butter fat, if your sheep have an the armory lit 9:30. J. W. Veateh is in the construction of the new reward of $50 for finding a pack­ a bountiful crop with little effort, The Sentinel desires to secure a puny and other well known firms, unusual amount I of wool, if any- to bo marshal of tho day and will buildings. The grade school unit age of greenbacks that had beeu but how you could take advantage list of all residents of the Cottage He took charge of the business thing happens < on your farm that head the parade. will be of tile with stucco finish lost between Saginaw and Walker. of what nature provides is well il­ Grove country who were here pre Tuesday morning. would interest 1 you if it happened Miss Nellie Stewart, who will and the gymnasium will be entirely Immediately all members of the lustrated by the difference between vious to 1880. Those who were on some other 1 farm, tell The Sen be Goddess of Liberty, will ba of wooden construction. party joined in the search, the fall aud spring grain. The fall here before that time will confer tinel about it. The unusual inter- attended by Janice Knox, Dorothy The plumbing and heating work package was found, the reward was planted grain gets plenty of mois­ a favor by handing in their names, BOBBED HAIR IMPERILS osts everybody. Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Lass we 11 PROSPERITY OF CHEFOO will be done by J. 8. Stewart, of divided and everybody was happy. ture to put it high enough to pro­ giving date of arrival, date of Incidentally Tho Sentinel wants aud Eleanor Hays as flower girls. alterations Cottage Grove. Home ~ No wonder Sentinel wantads get tect th? ground before hot weather birth and whence they came. all the news of tho Cottage Grove Something novel in tho decoration The future commercial prosperity country at any and all times. If were mado in the specifications results. of the floats for the goddess and arrives and it has attained its full of Chefoo, China, a city of 100,000 you can’t put it into n story, call for Columbia, Miss Marian White, upon which bids had been asked growth before there is any suffering population, can be determined only and this was let as a part of and tell The Sentinel about it. If .is promised by the American laigion for luck of moisture. Your spring when it is known whether American you haven’t time to call, use the auxiliary committee in charge of ihe contract entered into with God­ grain usually can not be planted women will continue to bob their ard Ac Randall. phone. these two entries. Music for the until after the spring rains have hair or return to flowing trasses. There were nine bidders for the parade will bo furnished by the partially worked their way out of Business men anxiously await word $19,300 of bonds issued for the con Eugene band of 25 pieces. the ground and then often, as this as to the tonsoriul mode to be struction program. All bidders of­ A cash prize of $10 will bo given year, sufficient moisture is not pro L. B. Garoutte Comes to Visit Bust­ established by American women. fered a premium, ranging from to the winner in each of the 11 di­ vided to give it full growth. De­ Chefoo’s chief industry is making $41.50 to $305, the latter amount Most of Machinery Had Beeu Re­ spite all that has been said about ling City Which He Left visions of tho parade, with ribbon hair nets nnd $5,000,(100 worth are being offered by the state treasurer. moved to New Structure; Loss badges for second and third prizes a drouth here this year, I have »een Only a Village. sold to this country each year, be­ The First National bank was award­ ii each division. A grand prize of what seem to me to be good crops. ’ ’ Is $3000; No Insurance. sides $3,000,000 worth sold to Franco ed the issue at a premium of $25 will be awarded for tho best Mr. Buckmaster has been an Iowa Southern Pacific Is Offering to Pur ­ and other countries. $289.50. It was determined that the “There has been a great change float in the entire parade, irrespec­ farmer for many years but has now The hair is gathered from all expense that would be saved by chase Ties at Lowest Price The old A. L. Woodard sawmill,- practically retired. Quite naturally in the Slabtown of 1865 with its tive of division. A fund contrib­ handling the issue ut home would out from Divide, was destroyed by he was inquisitive as to what suc­ three houses that 1 once knew,’’ parts of the world and tho weaving uted by merchants of the city Made in Years. offset the difference in the pre­ fire late Saturday afternoon. The cess Oregon has had with the pro­ said L. B. Garoutte, of Sacramento, is done by Chinese girls. Much of it n akes u«> the prize money. mium offered, which was only mill was to have been abandoned duction of corn. He and Mrs. Buck­ who visited with relatives here dur is done in private homes and in­ The parade will be followed by spected e.t a factory. Factory ex ­ $15.50. An increasing number of inquiries speaking and a program in the city within a few days and a large part master were guests at the home of ing the past week. He said he could perts get more |>ay than those who The bids on the building program of the machinery had been moved their nephew, Elbert Bede. for prices on lumber has slightly park. George O. Knowles will give hardly recognize the bustling indus­ were as follows: trial center of today as the grown­ work nt home, drawing as high as encouraged operators in this section. the address of welcome and E. R. into a new structure located a short Grade school unit—Lebow & Scar­ distance away. The engine, boiler up village from which he departed seven cents a day. In China the The Southern Pacific evidently is Clevenger, pastor of the Baptist brough, Creswell,, $11,000; Godard & and carriage were still in the old M'KENZIE PASS ROAD HAS many years ago, at that time lo­ price for the nets run from $1 to contemplating purchases in tho near church will deliver the invocation. BEEN OPENED TO TRAFFIC Randall, $11,889.90; Gymnasium— mill and were damaged to the ex­ future and purchases by tho rail The patriotic address of the day is cated almost entirely on the west $2 a gross. W. L. Hubbell, $9880.33; Godard & tent of about $3000. There was no roads always presage a revival of to be delivered by J. 8. Medley, The McKenzie pass road was side, while the east side is now the Randall, $7772.72. Razing old build­ insurance. The lumber from this industry. The Southern Pacific is of Eugene, but formerly of this main business section. LORANE COTTAGE GROVE ing—Godard & Randall, $500. Heat­ mill is flumed to the planer and opened to traffic Sunday, road Mr. Garoutte’s parents were the ROAD WORK COMPLETED offering $17.50 for select common city. Music will be furnished by ing and plumbing—Nelson Brothers, dock several miles away, so that work having been completed at pioneers, Sam and Nancy Garoutte. tics, which is considerably below tho Eugene band. Salem, $3349; J. 8. Stewart, there was none at the mill to be points where it was impossible to The baskot dinner, with free cof­ He was accompanied here by his The Warren Construct ion company the price of $25 paid a year ago. It provide detours. The road is for $3439.72; F. E. Kreatz, Eugene, endangered by the flames. is not known that any of the mills the most part gravel surfaced with daughter. Miss Beruice. Mrs. Ga­ has completed its contract upon tho hnve accepted any orders at this fee furnished, will follow the pro­ (heating only), $2398; L. E. Inman, gram in the park, and from 1 to routte, who is employed in the busi ­ A. L._ Woodard, the owner, was now portion of tho Lorane Cottage Silverton, $3380; Raymond Ma ria It away on a motor trip at the time broken stone, but near the summit ness office of the Sacramento Boe, Grove road, which is now open to new low figure, which is below 2:30 a program of small sports has are some steep and narrow sections Co., Eugene, $4300. what it was coating to produce the been arranged. For those who wish of the fire, but a telegram sent to where she has been for 10 years, traffic. When combined for the entire Grants Pass reached him Sunday and steep grades. Although there probably will visit here during her Work started upon this portion ties ut the time of tho slump in tho to dance the Elkins orchestra, of are rough spots the road is passable building program, W. L. Hubbell’s morning on his way home from vacation but was unable to come nt of the road, 5Vy miles in length, lumber market. The price was down Eugene, has been engaged to play bid totaled $28,373.53. Godard - - & • Crater hike and the Oregon caves. and there is no danger to travelers this time. Their son Earl recently three years ago nnd it ¡ r one of tho to $16 three years ago but at that all afternoon nt the armory. provided caution is used. Randall's bid combined totaled time wages were considerably lower Manager Earl Hill of the local No cause for the fire was known. Construction work is now going underwent an operation from which roads that was the subject of much than at present. $21,750. baseball team has picked his team A sawdust pile was burning but it he is recovering satisfactorily. controversy during the recent recall In connection with the offer of was not thought that the confla­ on over the lava beds and it may This is the first indication that to meet tho Sellwood toain of Port campaign. It is understood to be the high school student body to gration could have started from bo necessary to close the road for the railways intend entering the lend in the afternoon. Tho lineup the intention of the county court short periods this summer but de ­ CANADA THISTLE IS SAID buying market that local mills hnve is Dale Cutsforth, c; Fred Langston, raise $700, it was found that sev­ this. tours will be provided wherever TO MENACE MANY FARMS to use a roller upon this roml be had. eral hundred dollars would be re­ p; Kenneth DeLassus, lb; Claude to use a roller upon this road when possible and very little inconven- quired to pay for the bond to be CHERRY CROP HERE IS ONE Kime, 2b; Cleo Morelock, 3b; Roy the fall rains start. The base has icnce is anticipated. The contractor The Canada thistlo situation in furnished by the contractor, which Heck, m ; McCarter, rf; Carl Cellors, OF HEAVIEST EVER KNOWN transported supplies and equipment Lane county is quite serious, says been rolled upon that part of tho CAMP FIRE PERMITS ARE the student body had ugreed to care NOW REQUIRED IN FORESTS cf; George McQueen, If. Tho team over the snow on sleds to get an C. E. Stewart, county fruit inspec- road where tho finishing course for as a part of the $700. This which wins the game hero on tho had not been put on under the obi Despite late frosts and late rains, early start this spring. The dis- of the cam tor, who bus charge amount was saved by securing a The national forests of the Cot Fourth will piny at Oakland July county court, but sufficient water large number of business men of the eherry crop this year has been tance from Eugene to Bend by this paign to eradicate the weeds, and is not now available for use in tage Grove country have been post­ 5 with the winner of the Oakland- one of the heaviest in the history of route has been reduced to 117 miles. iliastic action may be taken in somu the city as signers of the bond. ed by the forest service giving no­ Dillnrd game at Oakland on the this section. Nearly all of the cher- localities if farmers do not co­ finishing tho top course with a tice that nmpfiro permits are re- Fourth. The razing of the old building is roller. ry trees have been so heavily laden Alumni Elect Officers. operate in the work. about half completed and the con­ that the limbs have bent under Tho plug-ugly pnrado nnd other quired. These may be secured from The Cottage Grove Alumni associ­ Tho inspector has conferred with struction of the basement for the their burden. E. 8. Holderman, ranger, at the special features are scheduled for ation elected the following officers members of the dounty court in McKenzie Project Deferred. new grade building unit is also I-ay ng creek ranger station. No 7:30 o’clock, just preceding the car­ The Sentinel has had on display at their meeting last Thursday eve­ regard to the i>e»t and said some Portland, Ore., June 27.—Surfac­ about half finished. Considerable ~ during the past week a single clus- ning: Clyde Leonard, president; farms that have not been occupied ing of an Smile section of Dead blanket permits are issued and per- nival and street dance and the firo- material for the building is already ter containing 32 cherries, which mission must be secured for each works display. The hitter is to be on the ground. The time limit on gives some idea of how thick the Miss Hazel Swanson, vice president: recently are literally covered with Horse grade of the McKenzie high­ trip into, the forests, No permits on Mount David. Miss Florence McFarland, secre ­ the weeds. Commissioner Hurd said way in Lane county will be held the grade building is September 15 fruit has grown on the trees. As are required for the use of gasoline and on the gymnasium October 15. high as 75 gallons have been picked tary and treasurer. The constitution that he knew of one farm in the over until next year following re­ stoves, as these produce no coals ROSEBUSH STALK HAS 36 drawn np by Miss Lula Currin, Miss Coburg locality, nenr his own, where jection of two bids for the job by Mr. Godard and Mr. Randall in from a single tree. Bings and Royal and with their use there ia no dan­ BLOOMS ALL AT ONE TIME vite the public to look over the Annes, the favorites here, have Rita Kelly and Ren Sanford was ic would cost more than the farm the bureau of public roads Friday. ger of fire being left after the de­ adopted. A regular meeting will be is worth to kill the Canada thistles Both were too high, Engineer Pur­ parture of campers. plans nnd to watch the work as it borne almost equally as heavy. How luxuriantly flowers grow in held the first week in June of each on it. A definite plan of action cell said. progresses. They have expressed this favored section of the famous, It is almost impossible to keep Next year the section will bo in­ themselves as willing to extend any things from growing in this fa­ year. Special bi-monthly meetings will soon be decided upon, said the J. B. Rouse in Auto Accident. fertile, fruitful Willamette is illus­ courtesies possible in the explana­ vored section of the famous, fertile, are to be called by the president. commissioner, after tho conference cluded in a larger project, with the Ismdon, July 1.—(Special,)-—J. B trated by the fact that Mrs. J. V. Any alumnus of the Cottage Grove with Ins,lector Stewart. concurrence of the sfnte, Purcell Rouse, who is past 70 years of age, Stewart has a rose bush a single tion of the plans and buildings. fruitful Willamette. high school ia eligible to member- said, and bids on tho whole will be escaped injury in an accident Sat­ stalk of which had 36 blooms at Watch the lnl>el on your paper. ship. The dues are 50 cents a year. accepted,___________________________ urday in which his car, which ho one timo. Home wero in full bloom Edna Sullivan Is Speaker. First Real Oil Showing. was driving was badly damaged while others were just aliening. Mrs. Edna Sullivan, who is a The first real showing of oil in Mr. Bouse did not know exactly Mrs. Stewart does not know the frequent visitor with relatives hei re, the Cottage Grove well was found how tho accident happened but said variety. The stalk grows to a height wns the principal speaker at a re­ Saturday. When the big baler was that ns he wns driving along lei- of three or four feet and the flow cent meeting of the Eugene realty dumped the oil floated off on top surely on the highway a ear in ers are a delicate coral pink of board. She gave an account of her in such quantity that it seemed as which several men wero passengers medium sino and grow in clusters attendance at the recent session of if the entire mess must be oil. The enmc up behind him and ran into of five or six. The bush has at­ the national association of real es­ oil being saved in small quantities him with such force ns to damage tracted considerable attention from tate dealers held at Washington,_D. from the Eugene well evaporates both cars considerably. He said that passersby. C. She was a delegnte from Eu- rapidly, indicating that it is of high ns there was but one of him and gene. grade. At this well the casing is several of them they forced him to CANNERY TO HANDLE BEANS being put down to the point that pay $20 for the damage to their AND BERRIE8 THIS MONTH Library Report for June. the drill has reached, as there is rar and then drove away and left The library report for June, as some fear that the tapping of a him to get homo as best ho could, The Cottage Grove cannery will kept by the local librarian, is as gusher, which is considered a pos­ Ho did not know those in the other open about the twenty-fifth of July, follows: Number of fiction read, sibility, would wreck the well if the handling evergreen blackberries and 616; non-fiction, 18; juvenile, 393, a casing was not down full depth. string beans first. Before the can total of 1027; new borrowers, 11; P. Shortridge Injured. nery opens a retort for cooking fines collected, $7.92; amount ex­ Calapooyn Springs to Celebrate. Thornton Corners, June 30.— (flpe beans under pressure will be in­ pended, 80 cents; notices sent. 24. Calapooya springs is to have a rial.)- H. I’. Shortridge was serious­ stalled. Books were presented to the library special program for the large num­ ly injure.’ Saturday while hauling by Mrs. Henry Cooper, Mrs. Pearl ber of visitors expected to spend hay. In (musing under an overhang Your home print shop—The Sen­ Stover nnd Russell Butler. st least a part of the Fourth of ing tree he was brushed from the tinel-should bo always considered July there. A barbecue dinner will top of the high lond. Jarnos Plaster, first. Usually it can handle any Street Improvement Started. be served throughout the day and I who had been helping him and had job of printing you may have. jn22p Improvement of Ash avenue from there will be n baseball game be­ gone on ahead, missed him n short old Pacific highway west to Q tween the London team and a Eu­ time later, went back to investigate street was begun Saturday by Earl gene team. There will be »ports, nnd found him lying unconscious. McNutt, of Eugene, who also has swimming contests and other amuse Medical nid was summoned and it the contract for improving Woods menta. believed he will soon be about. avenue and Seventh street. The work must be completed within 60 Thermometer Takes Exercise. Rinkydink Team Organised. days, according to the terms of the While there has been no real suf­ A group of boys calling them- contract. fering from the hot spell of tbe solves the Rinkvdinks have organ past week, th- thermometer has ized a baseball team. They will —there are a lot of people Woodard Building Fish Ladder. been taking some violent exercise. play I ho Waldon team nt Stouffer you don’t know. A concrete fish ladder is being It reached 86 on Saturday and field Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. -and a lot of people who built by W. A. Woodard at the vaulted to 98 on Bunday. Exhausted The lineup is ns follows: Huston don’t know you. dam above hi* mill on the Coast by its supreme effort, it dropped to Ihm:*, p; Robert Veateh, c; Ray -and a lot of those who do fork, according to plans and speci­ 93 on Monday and to 90 on Tues­ Adams, lb; John White. 2b; Walter know you don’t know just fications furnished bv the state day. Yesterday it reached 67. Garoutte, sa; Claire Adams, 3b; what you have to sell. fish commisaion. fl. L. Godard ia Reuben Johnson, If; Kelly Porini, —and possibly you don’t know doing the work. ef; Harold Bede. rf. Weather for June that the best way to get them Above ia a pe« sketch of tbe tab fortably seat over 1000 people and This building is one of levenl per Following in the record of the to know you and to know Mills Are Down This Weak. Sunday School Gathering at Walden weather for June, as kept by Nellie ernarle now being erreted on tho is designed so that the seating ca­ manent improvement« which it it what you have to sell in to let Lumbering in at a standstill this A unioa Sunday «chool gvoup ‘ Stewart, local cooperative observer: híethodist eonference camp ground» pacity can be doubled. The sides contemplated to add to the ramp them listen to your story in gathoring will be held at Walden Maximum. 96 degrees; minimum, on east Main Street. The roof of will be 12 fact high and the eenter ground* from year to year. Jt if w^ck, she few mills which were op­ an ad in The Live Wire Stiadav. The re will be Sundav sehool 38; mean maximum. 80.1; mean the tabe-aacle. whicb will be 66 by light will be 23 feet above the expected that tho tabernacle will be erating having shut down as usual Newspaper each week. at 10. preaehing at 11. basket din minimum, 45. Precipitation, .79 of 114 faet, will be «mpported by eighf gronnd. The work is being done by j completed in time for the state during Fourth of July week for —now you know. ■ camp meeting, which will be held mid season repairs nnd improve ■er at noon. a musieal program at an inch, Clear davs, 21 ; partly largo truenes, to eliminóte all ínter local men together with ministers ¡here this year July 17 to 27. —let them know. ior posta. The tabernacle will ewm- and laymen from over the state. menta. cloudy, 3; cloudy, 6. 2:30 and preaehing at 3:30. FLAMES COMPLETELY DESTROY OLD WOODARD MILL HE KNEW SLABTOWN; HARDLY KNOWS C. G. OF TODAY Methodists to Have Large Permanent Tabernacle Completed By July 17 T