COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924 PAGE SEVEN Mrs. 8. 8. Plott, who recently re [ last month at Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. 8. E. Markley returned last turned from a Eugene hospital, is and who visited relatives in the Thursdav from a visit in Ashland at the home of her daughter, Mrs. middle west, will arrive home today. at the home of a son and with n 8. A. Monteith, while recuperating. JbUss Francis Hai^oth returned daughter, Mrs. Margaret Lockwood, Satisfactory bobbing and curling ; MoiWuy from Eugene, where she of San Francisco, who came to Ash­ at Boslough Barber Shop. Tuesday had been visiting with Mrs. Dale land for the purpose of seeing her a business man is gen­ mother. Mrs. Markley also visited | and Friday afternoons lady atten­ Lusk and Miss Peggy Baird. dant. Other days by appointment, c erally known and The Overland car is now the next in Medford with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Boyd, whose daughter, Eleanor, ac­ Mrs. Amelia Currin and daughter. to the cheapest car made (and is judged. It reflects cred­ Miss Lula, were in Eugene last the lowest price gejr shift car on companied her hero for a visit at it on him according to Thursday. the market). Nelson sells them. the homes of her gra.idfather, 8. W. its standing in the com­ Boyd, and her grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ga.routte and See us first. end Mrs. Charles Brown. mercial co m m u n i t y. son Colin, accompanied by Mrs. Eu­ Mrs. Clara Burkholder, her son Office equipment of various kinds. gene Matlock and son Jack, of Charles and her mother, Mrs. Lydia Our prestige is built up tf Portland, will leave today for an Stouffer, spent the week end in The Sentinel. on a dependable ser­ Mrs. Lydia Read, of Portland, . outing at Kitson springs. The Gar- Corvallis with Mrs. Burkholder ’ s vice that is thorough I outtes started on a trip to eastern daughter, Miss Belle, Mrs. Stouffer visited here during the week. and complete in every Oregon but returned home Tuesday remained in Corvallis to keep house Mrs. 0. C. Cruson returned Sun detail. We solicit ac­ after a few days in Portland, ac- for her granddaughter during the day from Portland, where she at­ i companied by Mrs. Matlock and summer. counts from reputable tended the state convention of the | son. Melvin McKibben brought Mrs. American Legion auxiliary as a del­ individuals and busi­ List your property with Hall & McKibben home Sunday from a Eu­ egate from the local organization. ness firms. i Lang. We have three parties who gene hospital, She is getting along Mrs. W. L. Darby, her daughter. I want homes close to high school. st lisfactorily. Mrs. Gladys Jackson, and her grand­ If you want to sell, your chance is Special ruled forms of every kind, son, Jerome Scott, motored to Mt. J here. The Sentinel. tf Angel Wednesday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Grubbe, of Mrs. Daisy Porter has returned bring home Mrs. Jackson’s little Portland, visited during the week at fiom a Eugene hospital, where she daughters, Margaret and Dorothy, Arnold Suiker motored to Albany Eugene Register: Carlton Spencer, the home of Mr. Grubbe's mother, recently underwent a very serious who hud completed their work at Mrs. Kittie Grubbe. operation. She is improving slowly. an academy. They returned the fol­ and spent the week end with registrar of the University of Ore­ friends. gon, has gone to Seattle, where ho Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shay and John Coffman came down Sunday lowing day. O. G. Gilbertson was in Roseburg will enroll in the University of daughters. Miss Marjorie and Miss morning from the Bohemia district Jerome Scott, of Olympia, Wash., Don’t delay. Get Tom Awbrey’s Muriel, returned Monday from a is visiting at the home of his grand­ Friday on business and has since Washington law school for tho sunt- best rates. Thirty years ’ test. Dur­ motor trip to Crater lake and Klain- with a number of samples of prom­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Darby. gouo into the Bohemia district to mer. ising looking ore from the old Annie ham ’ s store. jnl9c «$■----------------------------------------------- Mrs. Maud McCumber and Miss | sth Falls. mine. He will return tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lasater, of Eu­ remain during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clayton, of Clifford Taylor has returned to Margaret Seymour, of Portland, Paul Devers, 16-year-old son of Mrs. W. C. Henderer returned Fri­ gene but well known here, are J, M. Devers, former district at- Myrtle Point, and their daughter, day from a trip to Portland. spending two months with relatives attend the summer term at Wiliam visited Tuesday with Mrs. H. H. torney of Lane county, diod in Sa- Mrs. George Burr, of Roseburg, vis­ and friends in Washington. Mrs. ette university. He is majoring in Veatch. They were en route to Stewart for good plumbing. ited during the week at the home lem last week. Lasater was Miss Margaret Counts journalism nnd hopes to complete Oakland to visit Mrs. Bert Cocker­ W. C. Garrett, of Corvallis, was his studies at the end of the spring line, who was Miss Jeanette David­ The O. W. Hays family left Sun­ of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton’s daughter, Willard and Darrel Arne under­ semester. Mrs. Vernon Hazen. son, a teacher hero a number of a guest Friday of Louis Kramer. day on a motor trip to Crater lake. went an operation Wednesday of Clarence Elmer Ncet has been The N. E. Glass family left Tues ­ has been appointed the Mary Dent and Arthur last week for the removal of ton­ Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Reeves, of sils nnd adenoids and their father, visiting relatives in Los Corvallis, visited Sunday with Mr. granted a divorce from Meta Neet. day by motor for Greenridge, Miss., Lee Nichols sustained a fractured the childhood home of Mr. Glass. The F. C. Houser nnd Guy Maines and Mrs. F. L. Grannis. R. C. Arne, had his tonsilo re­ leg Tuesday in an accident at the They expect to be gone a month or moved Saturday. families and Mr. Maines mother, The Sentinel is entitled to Anderson more and Lindley Lutz, of Yon ­ & Middleton mill. He was Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Lawson and Mrs. Fannie Maines, motored to calla, is filling a position at the the salesbook business of Cot­ struck by a timber. “Say, Ma, where did you son Kenton, of Wedderburn, visited Newport last Thursday for a two Bank of Cottage Grove during Mr. tage Grove on the basis of get those doughnuts and Friday at the home of Mrs. I«aw- weeks ’ oui ing. The Sentinel is entitled to Glass ’ absence. The Glass place is quality and price. son's sister, Mrs. H. K. Metcalf. The G. E. Finnerty family, of that dandy cake, or did yon the salesbook business of Cot­ being taken care of by J. Q. Wil Carburetors and Parts Tho Lawsons were returning home Astoria, visited the hitter part of make them yourself!” said Cliff Murkus, employe of the tage Grove on the basis of lits. from a trip to Portland to get their last week at tho home of Mr. Fin l i ters & Mosby Lumber company, Kept in Stock a young hopeful in a Cot- Filing cabinets. The Sentinel, tf son Kenton, who had completed his nerty’s mother and sister, Mrs. sustained a fractured rib. a fracture quality and price. J. H. Chambers and son Victor Mrs. Catherine Bogart, I.ano coun studies at Hill military academy. Lora Finnerty and Mrs. A. E. Bur­ tage Grove home as he of one wrist and an injury to one crammed in another mouth- hip when he fell from a car of lum- ty pioneer, who died Monday at her spent the week end fishing near Rufus Coffman, of North Bend, rows. home out from Eugene, was a sister Grants Pass. fill. ber a few days ago. B. 8. Swengel, of San Jose, who Miss Lillian Leonard was homo who recently underwent an opera­ Mrs. Glenn Haney was a week­ during last week from Monmouth. tion in a hospital in that city is was in business hero several years Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Chapman of Mrs. J. H. Hawley, of Divide. “Why, I got them at the spent Sunday with relatives at The Hawleys attended the funeral, end guest of Miss Flossie Mathes at She returned Monday to resume her here at the home of his parents, ago, visited hero Friday on his way Electric Bakery,” the moth- which was held yesterday. the home of her mother, Mrs. O. studies at the normal during the Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Coffman, while north nnd lignin yesterday on his Bailey Hill. er replied, “Do you like recuperating. way home. John Graber and William Thum Knight, at Saginaw. summer session. , H. H. Starr fixes watches right, them!” Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Robnett, Mrs. S. R. Scott, of Blue River, Dr. Robinson, n resident of this l.ocated in Madsen’s old stand, tfc motored into the Bohemia district To the Public—This is to notify Saturday evening. Mr. Thum re­ of Eugene, were here the public that I will not be re­ spent the week end at the home of city 10 years ago, died Monday of “I’ll say 1 do,” the lad V. W. Flaherty arrived last week turned Sunday evening but Mr. newleyweds. last week in Roseburg and was bur­ replied. sponsible for any bills contracted her mother, Mrs. Artlissa Handy. from Wisconsin and is visiting at Graber will spend two weeks there Tuesday. “Say, Ma, ain’t All kinds of filing equipment, by anyone other than myself. Jim Mrs. William Kirtley has been ied there Wednesday. the home of his sister, Mrs. Bert doing assessment work. that the place you’ve been Ambrose. jne5-19p The Sentinel. tf quite ill during the week. Mrs. William Waples and daugh ­ Stoneburg. He expects to make his getting that good bread Your Sunday trip. Take plenty of G. W. McQueen returned Tuesday home here. Mrs. Robert Barger „ and Miss Mrs. C. L. Sarff spent Monday in ter Helen have gone to tho middle rolls for your camera. You may re­ Charlotte Banfield, of Portland, are from his properties in the Bohemia Eugene. recently ? ’ ’ rein west to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mackin re- turn the unused ones. The Picture visiting at the home of their sister, district. He was accompanied on “Yes, that’s the place son­ turned Tuesday from a weekend Shop. The R. B. Harrington family left tives. Mrs^ 8. S. Lasswell. Mr. Barger the trip by his brother William, Tuesday for Roseburg to attend tho The N. 8. Sherman family have ny where 1 had you stop for motor trip to Medford. The S. V. Allison family motored will be down for the week end and who is visitiug here. Free Methodist camp meetings be- moved to Reedsport for the sum- pie on the way homo from to Albany Sunday and ¡sited at his wife and Miss Baufield will re­ mor. Mr. Sherman is employed The Weise Brothers’ sawmill ing held there. school yesterday. You said the home of Mrs. Allison’s sister, turn with him Sunday. closed Saturday for an indefinite there. Dale Stui-ih, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Kirkland. They were ac­ you were going to get all YOUR LAUNDRY Miss Nola Banton returned Fri- period. Among those known here who Hal Smith, underwent an operation companied home by Mr. and Mrs. day to her home at London from aur bread and cake and pies Orbre Purcell, of Hoquiam, Wash., the latter part of last week for the were graduated from the University TELLS THE STORY N. E. Atkina’ daughter, Miss Eloise, Fresno, Calif., where she had been who was a student in the Cottage removal of his tonsils and adenoids. of Oregon this year are A. R. Spear and rolls there hereafter who had come from her home in visiting at the home of a brother. You may put on a fine suit, but Grove high school last year, is vis­ when 1 sent you to do the Miss Beth Bedo underwent an ow, pastor of tho Presbyterian Portland to meet the Allisons in If it’s for an automobile Nelson's iting during the month at the home operation Sunday for the removal church here, and Rita Wilma Rid if your laundry work has been Albany. She will spend “the summer buying.” ings, formerly of this city but now Service Station has it. of his uncle, William Rentlc. shoddily dono, or your collar is of her tonsils. vacation at the home of her aunt, “Yes, 1 remember 1 liked of Eugene. soiled you do not appear to be Miss Grace Bogue, home econom­ Everything in music. The latest Mrs. Allison. B. F. Johnson Jr. and a friend, well dressed, whereas, a finely The C. A. Smith family, of Rose the place because they don’t ist of the Westinghouse Electric piano hits. Phonographs, records, Ralph Osborn, of Snokane, students A son was born last week to Mr. laundered, clean collar will take company, is demonstrating that com­ player rolls, harmonicas, books for at tho University of Washington, burg, and Mr. Smith’s mother, of treat me like 1 was a kid. and Mrs. Alvah Davis, of Lorane. the edge off the appearance of a pany’s range in the rest room each teachers. The Picture Shop. are spending their summer vacation Hoquiam, Wash., who is visiting at They waited on me just like Bookkeeping outfits of every kind. aftepnon this week. slightly shabby suit. Our work tho Smith home, were guests over Mrs. F. M. Hambrick, of this here at the home of Mr. Johnson's they ditl on the grown p?o- tf is guaranteed. The customer is The Sentinel. Mrs. E. 8. Holderman and her city, with her sister, Mrs. Lucy parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. John­ the week end nt the home of Mrs. pie. We kids like to be Mrs. Pearl Shearer, of Dorena, daughter, Mrs. Cleo Morelock, re­ Armstrong, of Eugene, left Tuesday son Sr. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. to be the judge of whether it is satisfactory. Your money back was in a Eugene hospital the latter turned the latter part of last week irfbrning from Eugene by motor for W. Hawkins. treated like wo were some- Mrs. Joe Baker, who has been part of last week for medical treat- from Nampa, where they had been Portland to visit several days at the if ypu say the work is not first A 10%-pound son was born Wed body.” seriously ill, is slowly improving. class. Dry cleaning and laundry meat. nesday of last week to Mr. and visiting at the home of Mrs. Holder­ homes of two sisters, Mrs. VanBuren Mrs. Homer Galloway with her Mrs. Lester Phelps, of Tillamook. work called for and delivered. J. C. Johnson arrived Saturday man ’s son Harvey, whose small son and Mrs. Carr. Mrs. Hambrick went daughters, Misses Margaret and from Gold Beach to spend the re- accompanied them home for a visit. to Eugene the night before. Tho father and mother are both Rachel, nnd Miss Thelma Kem, mo­ mainder of the month at tho i ome I can give you perfect eyesight Galloway for insurance, 511 Main. tored to Eugene Sunday and visit- former residents of this city. Mrs. of his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Lebow, without glassos. Satisfaction guar­ Phelps was Miss Genevieve Jury. ited Mrs. Galloway’s sister, Mrs. C. Mr. Phelps’ mother and sister, Mrs. where Mrs. Johnson is visiting while anteed. Dr. H. A. Hagen. tfc Sanders & Bennett, Prop«. ed with Mrs. Galloway ’ s sister, Mrs. recuperating from a recent opera­ Amelia Phelps and Miss Ruth Mrs. lima Beager and daughter, C. O. Neil. Jean Spenrow, small Phelps, are both in Tillamook. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Lebow expect to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. We are pleased to announce that return to Gold Beach with the Miss Bonita, left Saturday for San J. J. P*eo has secured a permit Spcarow, accompanied them homo for every set of five Royal cord Johnsons the latter part of this Francisco, where they will spend Mrs. B. F. Johnson hns returned the summer at the home of Mrs. and is spending the week at the for the erection of a frame dwelling from a visit with relatives in Aber­ balloon tires and five tubes, wheels month for their summer vacation. or. Birch avenue. Beager'a sister, Mrs. H. A. Watts. Galloway home. and rims will be furnished WITH­ deen, Wash. your chance—you guy with Eugene Schneider, of Cl :halis, OUT EXTRA CHARGE. Nelson’s the Now's The Cottage Grove merchants' Mrs. Carl Witte returned Sunday Miss Susie Simpson attend^ Jended tho loose, shaky wheels. You can Wash., is visiting at the homes of Service Station. from a visit with relatives in Port- wedding of her sister, Misa. Li.™, Beth, get a new set of wheels and rims baseball team won the game played his brother and sister, J. A. Schnei- land. Mrs. Fenton, who conducted a FREE with a set of five Royal cord Friday at Calapooya springs with at tho homo of hor parents in Suth­ der and Mrs. E. C. Lockwood. the London team, the score being demonstration here for a well balloon tires and tubes at Nelson’s Miss Mildred Dugan _ visited in erlin Friday evening. Sho spent 13 to 0. known cooking compound, left Sat­ Service Station. Portland the latter part of last Sunday with friends in Portland. REDMOND COMPANY IS ED Card of Thanks — We wish to ex ­ urday for Roseburg and went on week with Miss Mildred Warner Tedd liamsten and Miss Wilson, Miss Nora Lebow, who had been COMING HERE JUNE 24-25 press onr sincere appreciation of the from there to Marshfield Tuesday. and attended the rose festival. of Portland, were week-end guests visiting at the home of her brother, assistance given us at the timo of A 7%-pound son was born June W. E. Lebow, returned Friday to A. L. Woodard was in Portland Arrangements have been com of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. llagon. 15 to Mr. and Mrs. R. VanSchoiack. Portland, where she is taking a the fire which destroyed our home. Friday and Saturday on business. E. R Clevenger visited the latter pleted for the Ed Redmond company Mrs. A. J. Gowdy and Family. jnl9c Henry7 Landess, of San Francisco, nurse's course in a hospital. Miss Sylvia Veatch returned Fri­ to play ii two-day engagement nt part of last week with his family in H. J. Shinn was in Portland the Corvallis. is visiting for nn extended time day from the University of Oregon the Arcade theater. Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebow and latter part of last week attending Mrs. Ruth Jorgensen, sister of at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lebow's mother, Mrs. J. C. a special session of the public ser­ for the summer vacation. She was Wednesday, June 24 and 25, were Mrs. William Landess. Mrs. Leslie Godard, of Corvallis: accompanied by Miss Nellie Zurcher, the days selected for Cottage Grove. Mrs. Clarence Moss, former resident, Johnson, of Gold Beach, visited last vice commission. Mr. Shinn inci­ Tuesday a very clever comedy, stopped here Tuosday for medical *A* shingles in the ware Thursday evening at the Marion dentally attended the rose festival. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Parks, of Eu­ of Enterprise, who remained over On “Is Marriage a Failure,” will be attention while on her way from the week end. gene; and Miss Louise Matthyre, of Lebow home in Lynx Hollow. Mrs. I. M. Harvey sustained house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­ Monmouth, visited during last week H. Harvey, of Medford, spent presented. This play gives the en Portland to San Diego. ment, plaster and a lot of other *A* shingles in the ware­ severe injuries to one hip in a fall at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John last H. week here with his parents, Mr. tire cast of tho company an oppor­ at her home Monday night. Rhe has builders’ needs. S. L. Godard, i house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­ been in such pain since that it has Ashby, parents of Mrs. Godard and and Mrs. I. M. Harvey. He joined tunity to show nt their best. There special sconcry, properties Mrs. Linnic Violette returned ment, plaster and a lot of other been impossible to make nn ex Mrs. Parks. Miss Matthyre returned his family last Thursday when they is also electrical effects carried for Monday from a visit in Portland builders’ needs. S. L. Godard. amination to determine how serious Saturday to resume her studies at passed through hero en route to and M. M. degree nt special Monmouth normal. Mr. Oodard Beattie to attend commencement this play which insures it in its with her sisters, Misses Winnie and I tho injury is. communication Friday (to­ entirety. The cast includes Ed Brattnin and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. joined the party the fore part of exercises at the University of Wash ­ Hattie Landess. We invite everyone to try our re- morrow) night. Refresh­ daughter Miss Esther, of Cushman, Miss Margaret Harvey, Redmond, Marvin Hammond, Ethel Mrs. W. L. Darby visited in Eu­ visited Tuesday at the home of pairing of watches and jewelry. H. this week, at which time the ington. ments and fraternal social M. Houle and Willard Jacks. On Godards with Mr. and Mrs. Parks and Mr«. Harvey, daughter of Mr. gene Tuesday with her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Brattain’s daughter, H. Starr Jewelry Store, in Madsen’s left on a motor trip to Crater lake. was a member of the graduating Wednesday night the company will time. Visitors cordially invited to Mrs. Viletta Scott and Miss Mar : Mrs. Gerald Cornets. Miss Brattain old stand. m29tfc play “The Cave Man,” another pnrtnke of our cheer. Members ex­ garet Darby. Ray Nelson, auto electrician. class. good comedy. There will also bo pected to bo present. D. W. Sturges has been on the was graduated this year from Ore Rainier, Wash., ftc- Levi Geer, of the regular picture program each HERBERT W. LOMBARD, Ora M. Kirk has been granted a gon Agricultural college in phar­ sick list during the past week. Mr«. G. W. McQueen and daugh companied by his daughter, Mrs. J. divorce from Wayne Kirk. jnlltp iB£order Wi M;8<’çretar£ macy and was here visiting her sis Mrs. Emma Hittie and (laughter, ter, Miss Kathryn, returned yester­ J. Guild, of Woodland, Wash., visit­ night. An unexpected fire may hit you | ter before going to Elma, Wash., Miss Freda, of Pullman, Wash., vis­ day from Portland, where they at­ ed during the week at his old home next. How about that insurance f! where she has accepted a position. ited during the latter part of last tended the rose festival and visited at London. week at the home of Mrs. Hittie’s relatives. Word has been received here that William McQueen, who taught brother, C. A. Stevens. Mr. and Slagle, former resident but Mrs. Stevens took their guests by school near Salem the past year, is üollis now of North Bend, is recovering wim inn Miwuvr, vr. vv . , - motor Saturday to Harrisburg, where visiting with his brother. G. W. /"J™“ i sustained recently they visited other relatives. Tho McQueen, before returning to his I while operating a winch with which Stevens returned late that evening heme in Miles City, Mont. a log was being loaded onto a but Mrs. Hittie and daughter re­ Used cars at Nelson’s Service Sta- veirnel. The winch turned unexpect* mained for a longer visit. tion. All kino« at best of prices, odly, striking Hollis and knocking Some come here especial ly Galloway writes insurance. Come and see our bulletin board tn ' - him against tho - boiler. -- — Hi« face for Gray Goose coffee, know­ front of our service station. Miss Alverda Finch and Miss wan seriously burned and one arm ing that everything clue is Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and daugh wan fractured. Naoma Hilton spent the week end just as good in proportion. in Roseburg as guests of the Henry ter Maxine. Baxter Yeung and Mrs. A. C. Spriggs, master H. W. HAND PAINTED CHINA Others like our pastry, al­ Steamer, of Springfield, visited last Titus, junior warden; 8. L. Godard, Strader family. Lyle Harrel, of Portland, visited Thursday with Mrs. Snodgrass’ George O. Knowles and Elbert though they find many DIRECT FROM JAPAN during the latter part of last week mother. Mrs. Lucy Holland. Mis« Bede, past masters, attended the things just as delicious. We I at the home of his uncle, L. L. Maxine remained over until Batur session of Masonic grand lodge in notice, too, that we aeem to For the remainder of this month (JUNE) will be given Harrel. He left Monday for Glen- day, when Mr». Holland and her Portland last week, some returning satisfy beefsteak appetites i dale, where he will visit for a week son, Earl Hill, motored her home. away FREE on your grocery purchase or on money Friday night and others Saturday ■ at the home of another uncle, F. N. at less price than is usual. Miss Vivian Carlile visited in Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Anderson, past received on account. Ten per cent of your purchase or Harrel. and then return here for Creswell during the week at the patron and past matron, attended on account will be applied on these beautiful dishes a longer visit. homes of Miss Ruth Olson and Miss the session of the Eastern Star You will enjoy joining the I (sugar excepted). grand chapter. *A* shingles in the ware­ Ethel Hedgpeth. Hulmtantial circle of rtlen nnd Mrs. C. J. Harff has received house, $3.30. Brick, lime, ce­ Sewing or dressmaking neatly and women who lunch here daily SUGAR reasonably done. Call at 1017 Ash word from Mr«. J. Erie Carlson, of ment, plaster and a lot of other avenue. becaiiHc of our Good Food at jn5-19p Sumner. Wash., that she is improv ­ Sugar has advanced again 25c. We have bought another builders' needs 8. L. Godard. a Good Place. ing in health. The Leo Johnson family has gone ear,; let us book you for a sack. Mr. and Mr«. A. L. Monroe, who to Rujada, where Mr. Johnson has Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Warner spent left about two months ago on a charge of the work of extending BERRIES irotor trip into California, have ar the railway into the forest reserve tho fore part of the week in Port land, where Mrs Warner took a rived at Ban Diego, Raspberries and Loganberries at very low prices. Get for the Anderson 4 .Middleton Lum­ medical examination. Leeter Pent! Mina Beveryy Kidd, who had been ber company. our prices by the crate. co, from Gray’s Cash and Carry staying at the J. Q Willits home Mr«. George Boyd and children, store. Eugene, filled Mr. Warner'« j while attending school here, has re­ and Mi«« Georgia Milta, who spent place in the store hero during his turned to her home in Beattie. the school year here, went to Ha absence. T-ooaeleaf systems of every kind, lem Thursday of last week for a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson tf month’s visit at the home of Mr«. and Mrs. Henderson’s daughter, | The Bentinei. eom G. F. Ixike. mother of Mrs. Boyd Mr«. Ed Ogden, motored to Hood Homer Galloway, who wan a THE STORE THAT APPRECIATES YOUR TRADE mianioner from the Willamette pre* and Min Mills. River the latter part of laat week. ' bytery to the general assembly of One-fourth off on hats at the The daughter had been visiting here | the Presbyterian church held during Ix>ucka Millinery. jnS 19p and remained in Hood River. By His A Dependable and Complete Service FIRST NATIONAL BANK (The Old Reliable) I Tales of the Town I West Side Garage Stromberg Carburetor Station What a Kiddie Said- The Cottage Grove Electric Bakery COTTAGE GROYE LAUNDRY À.F.&A.M. Attention A Quality Food FREE! Smith-Short Grocery I