PAGE TWO COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924 married Saturday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Baker, The bridegroom is Charles Hall, of this city, and the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gladys Dix, of Portland, were E. R Spencer and formerly resided married Thursday in Portland. They here. ® are spending their honeymoon on an Mi»s Sibyl Cellers, daughter of outing in the Bohemia district. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Celierà, of ♦ ♦ ♦ Springfield, but formerly of thin Kenneth Spencer and Miss Mar­ city, wan married Sunday to Chaun­ guerite Baker, both of Eugene, were cey V. Urite», of Springfield, son SOCIETY ANNOUNCING The Touring DeLuxe $625 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. For Economical Transportation READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS Body -Finitth by Finkel*. Done in Uhev with cardinal stripe. Upholstering-- In whale grain gray. Top lining gray to match. Tires Straight side non-skid Wheels Steel disc finished to body. Bumpers Double bar spring, nickeled. Steering Wheel Aluminum lock wheel. Radiator Shell Full nickeled. Motometer— DeLuxe type with lock. Fowl Lights To mutch headlightH. Windshield Wings The very latest type. Running Boards Rubber covered with aluminum kick plates. License Brackets Special. Door Handles Special metal inlay design. Windshield Cleaner Latest type nickel finish. Alemite Positive lubrication. IMPORTANT This is not what is commonly known as it “sport model,” but is nil that the term “de luxe” implies. I’here is nothing like it in the whole automobile world nn unequaled combination of sheer beauty mid real economy. Regardless of what car you own or are con­ sidering, SEE THIS FIRST AT BEAULIEU & HARREL READY TO SERVE Qi Free 1' DELIGHT VALLEY. ____ June 10.—George Miller, of Sa­ lem, arrived Thursday and was an overnight guest at the W. A. Keene home. He left Friday morning southern Oregon accompanied Howard Keene. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor, of 1 Ashland, came up last Thursday for a visit at the Haight home. Jesse Tucker was a Eugene itor Saturday. Lionel Haight was home from U. of O. for the week end. Miss Mary and Reginald Haight went to Eugene Saturday evening for the university high commence­ ment. Mrs. T. D. Hodges and little son returned Sunday from Salem, where they had visited for a week. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Brown spent Sunday in Eugene with Mr. Brown’» parents. They met Mrs. J. F. Volgamore, of Vancouver, mother of Mrs. Brown, And ___ ____ __ ____ brought her home with them for a visit. A pick-up team won a baseball game at London Bunday with a scoro of 5 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Anderson and children are visiting at the home of Mr. Anderson’s sister, Mrs. C. A. Moore. J. W. Shattuck and daughter Geneva are here from southern Ore­ gon. Chas. Conner moved Oval Pow­ ell’s house Tuesday onto land he had purchased from his father. Lightens d kitchen task of several of coal — one filling of Pearl oil cook a Pearl is and no SAVE YOUR LARD BUCKETS If you are using our lard, which can be purchased from us or from Umphrey & Mackin’s or Smith-Short’s, the buckets will be repurchased by us at the following prices: 3-POUND PAILS, EACH 5-POUND PAILS, EACH 10-POUND PAILS, EACH ...Be 10c 15c It is always better to buy a home product when it is as good as that made elsewhere. By selling us your used pails, the price is considerably lower for our lard than for lard made elsewhere. The pails will be redeemed at our market only and only our own pails will be accepted. People’s Cash Market Cutsforth & Dickson. Props. Phone 15 The Gall of the Woods, the Stream, the Motor Trail Your night in the woods, or along the stream, or in ’ an auto camp will be much more pleasant if you have some of the comforts of home. The Four-Point auto bed fits under the rear scat out of the way until needed—raises seat three inches. The Miller auto bed rolls into a bundle four or five inches in thickness and can be placed in your baggage carrier or almost any small space. Collapsible chairs, tables and other outing equipment. BRESSLER FOR THE OUTFITTERS SON OUTERS Enroll Now Don’t Wait A business training is one of the best assets that any young person can have, lie needs it regardless of wheth­ er he works for himself or for someone else. We offer you your choice of four courses, namely: The Bookkeeping Course, the Stenographic Course, the Sec­ retarial Course, or a complete Business Course. Our rates are reasonable, and it’s a good school Eugene Business College A. E. Roberts, President 992 Willamette, Eugene, Ore. the TH’ OLE GROUCH r Alta Kinn. , former local attorney and son of Mrs. Edgar King, of this city, has been chosen chairman of tho Lane county democratic central committee. Mr. King is now prnc til ing law in Eugene. Precinct com mittecuion for Cottage Grove are George <>. Knowles, Edd Jenks, O. O. Vcatch, Mrs. Neva P. Harvey and N, E. Glans. Committeemen for districts near Cottage Grove are: Uisston, Loren \V. Hunt; Dorena, J. B, Mosby; Latham, C. F. Counts; Saginaw, R. Y. Porter. Creswell Man Senatorial Nominee. W. J, Butler, Creswell stock man. was nominated for United States senator on the no® partisan ticket at a convention of that organisation held in Canbv Saturday. The gnth ering endorsed the I-a Follette form and all candidates of the tv were pledget! to support platform. I I Tales of the Town ÎI , ------------------------- ----------------------- ., Mrs. Charles Culp and daughter Bonnie, of Eugene, who had been visiting a week at the home of Mrs. Culp’s sister, Mrs. John Bar­ ker, returned home last evening. Mr. Culp motored up after them. Mrs. John Barker is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Orpah Benson will have charge of jhe domestic science de- partment in the high school at Ray mond, Wash. Boy W. Gias», who was superintendent of schools here five years ago, is the superintendent The Tuesday there, meet next weel Grannis. Mrs. Raymond Grube and son Joe <$•> <$> <§> are visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. (>. L Nichols will entertain Grube’s sister, Mrs. Schofield Stew­ the M. P. G. club next Tuesday art. Mr. Grube accompanied them, afternoon. here Sunday but returned home * <8> 3> Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Titus will M. M. Wheeler was elected di- entertain the H. D. 8. club tumor rector and W. A. Hemenway clerk row evening. at the annual meeting of The Ce­ llars school district Monday. The Jolly Bunch club held a Miss Daisy Johnson left Saturday dance in Phillips hall Friday eve- ning ami decided to disband until for her home in Grunts Pass. Opal Fuson, five-year-old tot, sus- October 1. tained a fractured collar bone re- ❖ ♦ ❖ cently Miss Hermina Carter and Lee when she fell from a swing, Williams were married Huturday at Miss i Marjorie Shay spent last the first Baptist church in Eugene, week i in Monmouth as a guest <>r Pastor C. E. Dunham officiating. her sister, Miss Muriel, who gradu­ I <®> ated from the normal school. Both Miss Francis Neulin and Charles returned home last Thursday. Hastings were quietly married in Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, who Eugene Tuesday, They left imine- hud been in Portland visiting at the Drought la Broken. diately after the ceremony for a home of their son Roy and attend­ The drought in this section has honeymoon trip into Washington. ing the rose festival, returned home been completely broken by a rain Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Wilson brought Mrs. D. C. Bosley entertained a them home by motor, returning the which has thoroughly soaked the earth, giving relief to crops and few friends at luncheon yesterday same day. doing away entirely with the forest in honor of Mrs. Perry B. 8iscel, of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Sudtell spent fire hazard. There is some fear Hermiston, who is a guest at the that there may be damage to the homo of her sister, Mrs. H. A. Ha­ tho week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sudtell, who cherry crop, the picking of which gen. had been visiting at the home of has started, should the moist wea­ Mrs. Oliver Jones was pleasantly their son, T. G. Sudtell, left Tues­ ther continue. surprised last Thursday evening, day for their home in I sjs Angeles. when a number of her intimate The Tex Burge family, of Cali­ New County Farm Superintendent. Probably as tho result of the re­ friends burst in upon her and Mr. fornia, visited during the week at Jones, the occasion being her birth the James Town home. cent shakeup in the county court E. N. Peterson, whose administra­ day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Yarbrow. of ❖ North Bend, are visiting at the Z. tion of the poor farm was the sub­ ject of unfavorable comment during The winning side in the American I.. Cox home. the recent campaign, has resigned Legion auxiliary membership drive Mrs. 8. J. Cowan, Mrs. Wilson his position as superintendent and will be entertained by the losing side next Tuesday evening, This and daughter Miss Bernice and Mrs. Victor Hoare, of Eugene, has been Ellen Burge, of Drain, motored up appointed to take charge July 1. entertainment will take the place Tuesday and visited Mrs. Lincoln Mr. Hoare has been for some time of the regular meeting. Taylor. in charge of-the county’s road mg- <^> 3> The Cleve Miller family, of Oak­ Mrs. Merville Veatch, Mrs. Sam- uel Veatch, Mrs. Victor Chambers, land, have moved into the Larson Mrs. George Matthews, Mrs. Her- house on south Sixth street, which man Edwards, Mrs. H. A. Hagen Mr. Miller recently bought. and the latter’s sister, ’ Mrs. Perry Miss Helen Breedlove is visiting B. Siscel, of Hermiston, picnicked in Gateway at the home of her Monday at Calapooya springs. sister, Mrs. William Carr. <$> «e- <$> Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Newton, of The LaComus club enjoyed its Kansas, spent the week end at the annual picnic Tuesday in Phillips home of Mr Newton’s sister, Mrs. hall instead of on Cedar creek as John Sjriggs. had been planned. The afternoon J. O. Dungan, of Portland, has was pleasantly spent socially and nt 6:30 a picnic dinner was served, accepted a position in the book- keeping department of the First to which the families of members National bank. were invited. <$> <$> <♦> Ed H. Anderson left Monday for _ word The Constellation club will hold Phillips, 8. D., upon receiving its annual picnic next Thursday at that day that his home there hud been completely destroyed by a cy­ tho N. W. White place on Coast fork. Members with their families clone. Earl Tullar, son of Mr. and Mrs. are to meet at the Masonic temple at 3 o’clock, bringing their baskets. Ed Tullar, fractured one of his arms Tho husbands will go out after Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gross and business hours. daughter visited Tuesday nt the <^ <$> <* Honoring Mrs. Regina Bohm, who home of Mr. Gross’ sister. Mrs. . A. returned yesterday to her home in W. Kime. They were enroute from Portland from a visit here w’ith Portland to their home at Bandon. Cleo Morelock, who was at Camp friends and Mrs. Laura MeKernan, who has gone to Washington to Lewis with company D, returned —One filling tails for days spend the summer, Mrs. Sarah E. Monday to attend the funeral of Kerr entertained a number of his grandmother, Mrs. Wiggin. —sNp fuel wasted friends of the honor guests at din­ —cI(eady to light SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP ner hut Thursday. <$><$><$» GATHERING AT ANLAUF Instead A hiker’s club, of which Mrs. group gathering of^hc Anieri- A Charles Adam« is the organizer and heavy loads sponsor, held its annual picnic Tues­ can Sunday School union will be day evening. The parents of tho held Sunday at tho Anlauf camp and wood easy members were invited guests and grounds. G. C. Griffin, of Eugene, because of the rainy weather it will speak at 10 a. m., there will Oil was held in* the parlor of the Pres­ be a picnic dinner at noon and J. often lasts for days byterian church. The club has dis- C. White, Drain pastor, speaks in the afternoon. Music will be furnished bunded until spring. in good ­ by the orchestra of the Drain ♦ The Past Matrons’ club was en- Christian church. stove. tertained Monday afternoon by Mrs. Work on T.'.bcrnacle 8tarts. Nelson Durham. The time was Oil easier Construction on the tabernacle at spent socially and refreshments of salad, salt wafers, strawberry short­ the Oregon conference camp ground in every way—al- cake and coffee were served. This has been started. Concrete has been was the last meeting for the season placed for the supporting timbers ways ready, easily but plans were made for the an and the framework will go up at once. The work will be completed nunl picnic, to be held July 14. controlled, in time to use the building for this I > year ’ s camp meeting. over-heated kitchen. Miss Hallie Willits entertained the Toujours Prete club last Thurs­ School Election Tame Affair. day evening at its regular meeting. For best results be The annual school election Mon­ | A business session was followed by nn entertaining talk on “First day was a tame affair, with only 19 sure you get Aid’’ by Mrs. Gaven C. Dyott. The ballots cast. H. J. Shinn was re­ Com­ remainder of the evening was pleas elected a director for the fourth iintlv spent socially and dainty re­ successive term of three years, pany Pearl Oil freshments were served. Additional Worth Harvey was reelected clerk, invited guests were Mrs. Fnnelio There was no opposition for either It’ refined and re­ Stubblefield, of Pendleton, mid Mrs. position. R. 1{. Meeks. The next meeting will refined of bo held Wednesday evening of next week nt the home of Miss Beatrice Leonard. «PEAKWT OF TU' UUGRATVFOi. ALTA KING IS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN Meats That Are Cooked <»- of H. D. Crites, of this city. The ceremony was performed in the Christian church, Eugene. ♦ 'y The Utopia club meets this after- noon with Mrs. C. E. Frost. • • ♦ The Social Twelve meets this af­ ternoon with Mrs. H. A. Miller. . . . The Kensington club will hold its regular meeting tomorrow afternoon. . . . The 8. T. 8. club will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Georg Bjoruet. P.uw Recent Exxnu. Those of this end of the eounty who were successful in the recent Eighth grade examinations were ’'live Prince, Outage Grove; ’’strict 24; Gladys eusses ujmo alujas knock OUQ HOME PAPE«. A«' S ä '* SUGWrw1 TVAIVKiS AÖOUY TVA' tOtTOO-, ALL I VJtíAA TV\€XA LUCK Standard Oil ’s s kerosene the highest quality only, absolutely clean-burning, odor­ less and non-corro­ sive. Avoid disap- intment —order name. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California (KEROSENE) ( L I NES I t Low Roundtrip Local Fares You can now obtain stopover priveleges on 15-day roundtrip tickets between stations in Oregon which are served by Southern Pacific Lines. This is a new service which means much to you in added convenience. In addition, special week-end roundtrip tickets from all stations to Portland are on sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the final return limit being the following Tuesday. And, of course, vou know how much less it costs to travel on Southern Pacific trains than it does to go in any other way, comparable in convenience and comfort. 5« «y «V agent for full information Southern Pacific . B. BOYD, Local Agent *