'■ •'0 ¿H it uintîw C^rnnr ^rittùirl VOLUME XXXIV COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, IS SUCCESSFUL ONE FOR AMERICANISM Prediction Made That Cottage Grove Lectures Superior to Those of For­ Time for America to Learn Who Preacher Is Going to Break mer Years and Entertainment Would Rule and Why and Go Pole Vault Record. Clean and Refreshing. to the Ballot Box. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1924 I ACTING POLICE JUDGE f I KNOWS WHAT IS REAL PUNISHMENT FOR YOUTH | A------------------------------ ----------- -- <8> Has Cottage Grove a Solomon come to judgment f Mayor Andrew Brand acts as police judge during the absence of the eity recorder. A few days ago he heard the case of a young man who had been driving his “bug” over the side­ walks. The same lad had been before the police court before for traffic of- fenses. Trifling fines seemed to have little deterTing effect. This time ho had expressed the opinion that he probably would have to ‘ ‘ lay it out. ” Of course the police judge wasn’t going to have any young man “lay­ ing out” a fine for a traffic vio­ lation. “You are hereby prohibited from driving your car, or any car, after 6 o ’clock p. m. for the period of 30 days, ’ ’ was the sentence. “Can’t I drivo it on the Fourth I ” was the plaint. “Your 30 days will not be quite up by that time, replied the just judge. Penalties of this kind are likely to do more in bringing about an observation of traffic violations than any number of fines. NUMBER 40 IN AFFAIRS OF ORIENT FOR THE FOURTH Recognition of War Service to Coun­ Japan Will Never Fight the United Street Carnival, With Feature Sur­ try and of Newspaper Ser­ States, Says Former Resi­ prises, Is to Be Big Event vice to Party. dent of Tar East. of the Night. Ralph Spearow, pastor of the * session, > Hyphenated Americans are worse The annual ehautauqua session, Elbert Smith, who has been one America is going to bo producing The Sellwood baseball team, of First Presbyterian church in Cottage- which came to a close Sunday night, I than the aliens who have just ar- of the publishers of The Sentinel in the near future _________ more than ____ its Portland, will be hero as a Fourth Grove and University of Oregon polo ’ was a successful one both because I rived upon our shores, for they take for eight years, will be Cottage own people can consume and it must of July feature. Manager Earl Hill, vaulter, will represent Oregon nt of the quality of the programs and I advantage of citizenship here to Grove’s next postmaster, his recom­ have millions to whojn to sell the of the local team, promises to havo the Olympic tryouts in Boston June ■ because there was but a small defi- | promote the interests of the land mendation for the position having surplus. America should be develop ­ a team whipped into shape 'that 13 and 14, and that means he will I cit to be met by the guarantors. I from whence they came and the been made by Congressman W. C. ing a market for that surplus by a will givo the boys from tho metrop­ in all probability make the Olympic i Tho closing number was McDon­ . manner in which they bear the re- Hawley on June 5. proper participation .................... in the ‘ affairs ' olis the game of their career. teain. The associated students of ald Burch’s evening of magic, prob . ­ sponsibilities of citizenship is guid- Mr. Smith will succeed Mrs. of the orient, in the opinion of Dr. The night carnival, to start at the university and business men of ably the best purely entertainment t ed by tho interest of the country Katherine , B. Veatch, who has Homer B. Hulbert, who appeared i :30 p. m., is planned us the big Eugene in one hour Thursday con­ number ever given on a ehautauqua i for which they have renounced al- as one of the numbers on held the position for eight years the chat'- feature of the entire celebration. tributed a fund sufficient, with an platform here. In mystic magic Burch I legiance. . ____ here. and who has made a popular offi­ tauqua program Main street from Fifth to Seventh appropriation from the university proved himself a past master. His i The safety of America depends Dr. Hulbert spent 20 cial. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Veatch years in will be roped off for this purposo athletic fund, to send not only entertainment was not confined en­ . upon the education of the masses, Korea, China and Jqpan, were the only ones to be accredited of a part and traffic directed over other Spearow to tho tryouts, but to tirely to the stage. He did not hesi­ . depends upon the use of the ballot .___ ’ ______ for the position following the re­ that time as personal advisor to streets. A band stand will bo enable Bill Hayward, his track tate to walk into the aisle and pro­ by the educated ones who have that the emperor of Korea. As a mis ­ cent examination before tho civil placed at tho corner of Sixth street. coach, to accompany him. duce a rabbit from tho pocket of ’ privilege. And the safety of the service commission, in which five sionary and an editor in that far Concession booths will be placed on Spearow just missed Betting a new an unsuspecting member of the au world depends upon America. If candidates participated, the ap­ off land he had unusual opportunity the side streets just off of Mnin. world’s record in tho pole vault at dience. He performed tricks, if they America fails, all is lost. pointee receiving the highest grade. to study conditions there and to The pavement will be especially the coast conference meet last may be so cnlled, that were entirely It is time that Americans awak ­ Mrs. Veatch received two ap­ leu rn the part that America can prepared for dancing and the fun month of 13 feet 6 inches, which new to many and some were so ened to inquire as to who is at­ pointments, both for the usual four- piny. He found that even now it will last as long as the crowd re­ would have been %-inch above the uncanny that a century or so ago tempting to take the reins of gov­ year term, under the Wilson ad­ is impossible to leave railways and mains. A number of featuro sur­ present record. On his next to last he surely would have been burned ernment and for what purpose. ministration, the recommendation highways so far bchiuil in any of prises will bo put on during the try at 13 feet 6, after winning the at the stake as au agent of some of America take too much for her appointment coming from these countries that American goods evening. conference event at 12 feet 9, unseen evil power. The entertain­ as Citizens matter of course the privileges Sonator Chamberlain, democrat, to are not found in use by tho natives. All those desiring to do so are Spearow jackknifed over, but in ment was as clean and wholesome as of a citizenship and assume too few “Japan will never fight the invited to compete for the prizes to whom patronage went undor the coming down his arms displaced the it was mystifying. On account of of the responsibilities of citizen ­ democratic administration. Tho rec­ United States,” Dr. Hulbert said, be offered for entries in the parade bar. the day, the afternoon program, Citizenship should be restrict­ ommendation for postmaster is the “because Japan never picks n which will start tho day’s festivi­ Since then Spearow has been which was to have been “Circus ship. ed to those who are educated to the POWELL DESCENDANTS TO prerogative of the member of the quarrel until it knows that it is ties. The parado will be followed working constantly, with gratifying Day, ’ ’ was rearranged and an at­ point that they know how to vote. GATHER HERE JUNE 22 lower house of tho district in which going to win. The Philippines are by a snappy program at the city results. traction not on the program, an ex­ It is a crime that millions of those, the appointment is to be made when safe from Japan so long as they park. The speaker has not beon Wednesday he went over the bar of reproductions of 20 fa some of them of the second genera­ The sixth annual reunion of the such member is a member of the remain a possession of tho United selected as yet. in a workout at 13 feet 7 inches. hibition mous paintings of the centuries, tion, who think so little of their Powell Memorial society will be party in power, which explains why Suites but to give them indepen­ There will bo a lull in the festivi­ Thursday he did 13 feet 6. Either with a history of each and an in­ adopted country that they have not held June 22 at the Lincoln Taylor the recommendation for the retiring dence would amount to making ties at. midday for a basket picnic would be a world mark in rompé­ terpretation of each, was given by learned its language, should even place six miles south of this city postmaster was made by the sena­ them a Japanese possession. The nt tho city park, where coffee will tition. Auklin. The kiddies were not have the privilege of the ballot and on the London road. Tho society is tor. while the recommendation for natives there realize that and do bo furnished. “Spearow will certainly placo on Haig to be entirely neglected, however, should be permitted to participate made up of descendants of John, the incoming postmaster was made not want independence that would A firemen’s water battle is ex­ the Olympic team,” said Bill Hay- and Hughie Fitzpatrick, the clown, in the affairs of government guid­ Alfred and Noah Powell, pioneers by the congressman. do away with the protection of the pected to cause much amusement, ward. “Unless I am mightily mis gave an hour of clean entertainment ed by those who would serve only Albany. These descendants are The date upon which Mr. Smith American flag. there will bo the usual small sports taken he will establish a new' record for them which was interspersed by the interest of some land beyond of scattered over Oregon, Washington will assume the duties of postmaster “Commodore Perry's opening of and a jitney dance ut armory nil either at Boston or at Paris, He good advice to the youngsters who the seas. California and Idaho. It afternoon. is nntici- is not known, and, although the the doors of Japan, although his is doing 13 feet 6 consistently and, wished to develop strong, healthy These are somewhat startling patod that some 200 will be in at- term for which Mrs. Veatch was pinises havo been sung for the great The Eugene band nnd Eugene having once gone over at that bodies. Many of the boys expressed statements made in an address be ­ tendance. appointed expired on Juno 4, she in I’omplishuient, has proved a mon orchestra will be here all day. height, he will do it again. an ambition to develop a physique fore the ehautauqua session here by The following program has been strops error. The method employed will continue the administration of A complete program will be ready “Last Saturday Spearow was try­ such as his. Bagdasar K. Bnghdigian, a native of arranged for the occasion: the office until her successor is by Commodore Perry caused the Japs for publication next week and the ing for a record after having com­ four lectures given during Armenia, who arrived here as a 11:30—Salutation of Flag—Flag qualified and installed. Mr. Smith to conceive tho idea that the exer­ committee in ehnrgo promises that peted in the high jump, which he the The session were among the best child with a few pennies in his bearers: Twins, Dora and Dean Pow­ will, as required by federal regula­ cise of brute force made nations all events will start on time. won, and the broad jump, in which ever heard here arc given prom­ pocket. ell. tions, retire from active participa­ great and they have ever since Traffic will be diverted from he was second. He was consequently inence by being and “What our country needs,” he handled in separate Song—‘ ‘ America. ’ ’ tion in the conduct of The Sentinel, acted ujKin that theory. They start­ Main street during tho entire day in no condition to break the record. news stories. said. ‘‘is not bolshevism, or anar- Prayer—Chaplain F. M. Cornett. but it is his intention to retain his ed to follow the example set them and no parking of cars will be per­ He just missed setting one, never­ Of the musical organizations the c.hism, .or radicalism ; it needs no Address of Welcome—NorvalPow- interest in the business. by ull other nations at tho moment mitted upon the portion where tho theless. ism but Americanism, although nt ell. Vernon Symphonic Quintet was vot ­ Mr. Smith volunteered in the that that form of becoming great festivities are to be carried on. “At Boston and at Paris he will ed the best. The musical programs one time I thought I saw the need Address by President — Dr. J. M. was beginning to be frowned upon. Ralph Hand, local middleweight Spanish-American war and served have nothing to think about but the did net show superiority over those of anarchism and would be nn anar­ Powell. “Tho atrocities which Japan has wrestler, will put on a match upon in Cuba in 1898. His regiment, the pole vault. There will be no other of former chautauquas, although chist now did I not believe that Ladies’ quartet. Seventh United States infantry, is committed in Korea nre monstrous tho night of July 3. events to sap his strength or divert there was appreciation of the fact Americanism will rise to the aseen- Address—Hon. P. O. Powell. now located at Vancouver, Wash. and almost unbelievable and tho his mind from his great ambition to that all represented the best in dancy. Society song—“Our Folks.” His appointment is a recognition United States, a treaty friend of PROGRESS IS HINDERED BY vault higher than any athlete in the music and there was no pandering “Americanism means equal op Reading, “The Pioneer Preach­ of his service in tho armed forces that nation, a treaty friend because "MAN WITH ONE WINDOW” world has ever done before. I am to modern jazz. portunities for all; not materialistic er”—Mrs. Will Howard. of the country as well us of the that treaty was forced upon that confident that he will win the event opportunities — we must put mater ‘ ' The Mollusc, ’ ’ comedy-drama Vocal solo—Jay Powell. Very little is accomplished in tho services of u newspaper to tho nation, bus not kept, faith. and establish a record, too.” the Clarke-Browne players, was a inlism aside; but we must havo Influence of tho Three Preach­ Party. “I came here as the personal progress of the world by the person Hayward and Spearow, accompa­ by highly entertaining number aptly equal opportunities for the educa­ ers—Wayne Overholser. A pleasing feature of the post- representative of tile emperor to up whose activities are confined to one nied by Mrs. Spearow, left Saturday illustrating how the mollusc will tion of all, we must take the ballot Doxology. mastersliip appointment was that it peal to tho United States govern- phase of life or ouo activity—by tho for Boston. Ray Dodge, Oregon Ag­ spend more effort in resisting doing from the hands of the ignorant and Basket dinner. , was brought about without friction meat t to take tho hand of Japan person who bus but one wiudow—Dr. ricultural college distance runner than it would take to do place it only in the hands of those 2:30 p. m.—Piano solo—Burton of any kind. from i the throat of that bullied nn- E. T. Hagerman told the Chautau­ and Olympic entrant, left the same something who will vote for America. We Arant. the thing. tion, but the powers that were at qua audience Saturday night. day by another route. PARENTS AND CHILDREN The usual junior ehautauqua pa­ must expect rottenness in govern- Recitation—Archie Powell. “Progress depends upon tho de­ that time hud been approached bv An article in The Oregonian of rade was held Saturday afternoon ment when the better people stay Recitation—Geneva l’owcll. MUST COORDINATE EFFORTS tho wily statesmen of Japan and velopment coincidently of many ac­ Thursday morning, discussing Spear­ and many ludicrous characters were at home and the minions of those Piano solo—Eleanor White. my efforts were unsuccessful, al­ tivities. While there muirf be those ow ’s performance and acclaiming represented. First prize went to who represent all that our govern­ Reading—Hazel Powell Parents, as well as boys anil girls, though I begin to feel that tho who devote their greatest energy to him an athlete of real Olympic Vera Scott and Viola Eckmond, ment should not be go ot the polls Reading—Austin McReynolds. have a great duty to perform in present administration is much more business, while there must be thoso caliber, was a factor in crystallizing who impersonated au old man and and cast their ballots as they are Song—Wendell Small. muking men and women, in giving friendly. who devote their greatest energy sentiment to send him. For a time an old woman; second prize went to directed to do. We can not have a Children’s drill. the bov and girl a chance, in the “A grout cataclysm is imminent to church affairs, while there must the Oregon athletic authorities were Jerrino Burrows and Evelyn Hays, true melting pot when the author of Miscellaneous stunts. opinion of Dr. H. I