The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, June 05, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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to blossom into manhood and [ another largely that they might great outers’ paradise. Nature haB
womanhood have had these oppor­ scientifically observe the reaction been lavish in preparing for the
tunities. We do not care to dwell 1 when the lad should be put to pleasure of those who seek the
upon what the cost has been, but ; death.
great outdoors but, unfortunately,
is well that they should be im-
*4 The taking of human life is there are many persons who will
Bede & Smith---------------- Publishers ’ . it
enjoy these pleasures for
Elbert Bede.......... _....... —........ Editor
. of giving them superior opportuni­ “when in the interest of science. f i themselves and take no thought for
The murder had been planned for the enjoyment of the same pleasure
A first-class publication entered at ties has not been a small one. Now
Cottage Grove aa second class matter that they have had such opportuni­ months and a nearly-perfect alibi by others.
t les, now that they have had more i had been provided. The boy who
Many owners of camping spots
Business Office____ 55 North Sixth than those who have paid the bill, , was murdered was not selected for have
closed them to the public for
now that we have willingly
__ paid I the gruesome experiment. He mere­ no Other reason than the one that
a few- of those using them have left
One year__ .$2.25 I Three months 65c l looking to them to accomplish more
ment that the young men had de­ them in a filthy condition. Those
Six months. 1.15 I Single copy— 5c
than has been accomplished by cided to curry their plans into exe­ owning such camping spots can not
Member of
those who have gone before, just cution. One human being would do be blamed for feeling that when
as we who have given them the op- as well as another and they took they give their use free those using
National Editorial Association
Oregon State Editorial Association port unities that are theirs have this one merely because it was con­ them should have enough decency
Oregon Newspaper Conference
done more than those who paid the venient to do so—just as they had, to clean up when leaving.
Lane County Publishers ’ Association bill for us.
no doubt, in former experiments
Those who leave filthy camp
To accomplish more, even with picked a guinea pig or eat or some grounds are not entitled to have
the increased opportunities of the other animal necessary in their sei- camp grounds provided for them.
present, is not going to be an easy entific experiments.
They have no appreciation of the
Oregon has not forgotten the beauties of nature which they defilo
In the first place more has been Brumfield case. It was equally as with tin cans, greasy papers and
accomplished by the present gener­ revolting. A victim was neessary other debris. The few who are
A significant statement was made ation than by any generation of the in order to carry out well laid plan« selfish and thoughtless are robbing
to establish the death of Brumfield the many who have a decent respect
by H. J. Shinn, chairman of the ages.
In the next place, tho present and make possible the collection of for the beauties of nature and the
school board at the time he pre­ generation
of dollars in insurance rights of ethers, through the fact
sented diplomas to this year’s grad immediately preceding, was fitted thousands
policies. An old man in a lonely that many pretty camping grounds
uating class.
for its battle with the world by cabin was taken, not because he are being closed to all because of
lie said that during the nine having to overcome inuny more ob­ was
any more fit for the corpse
shamelessness of the few who
years that he has served as school stacles than has the generation now but because it was convenient to the
leave their filth for others to clean
director the school district has ex­ graduntiug from high school and use him. Undoubtedly the one who up.
pended the sum of $300,000. It college.
became his murderer often passed
probably was not his purpose to
Tho generation that is doing by the cabin and waved a friendly
Napoleon’» defeat at Waterloo is
suggest to the class that that things now were, in their ability to greeting while planning how the
about to be explained by an investi­
amount had been expended for their battle with the world, men nnd murder could be carried out.
of zones of silence, which
education. It was not his purpose women long before reaching voting
The brutal murder of four mem­
to suggest to the class that that nge. For many of them, probably bers of the train crew in the Siski­ were discovered as a result of the
sum of money had been spent, for for most of them, education de­ you tunnel holdup is yet fresh in late war. when bombarding heard a
great distance away was not heard
nine years of their education. That pended largely upon the amount of our minds.
would not have been the truth. It effort they wpre willing to put for­
Many others equally as revoltin e closer to the big guns. None of
could be mentioned. Usually the that zones-of-silence stuff was pres
probably was not the purpose of the ward to get it.
They became independent at an stake was but a few thousand dol- ent when Hiram got the returns
school board chairman to make any
from California.
suggestions to the graduates about early age because they depended lars.
The Chicago college boys have
any sum having been expended upon upon their own resources. They
gained initiative at an early age be­ stated that the taking
_ of human life
That new and powerful anesthetic
The amount spent during the nine cause they had no one to lean upon. is justifiable when science is to be which has been discovered, a mi­
They (lid not get a craving for served thereby. It might be well nute portion of which will put an
years that the chairman has been jazz
high life because there to let the proposed victim have elephant to sleep, should be used in
upon the school board is about the were and
no movies nnd no automobiles
same that has been spent by the and because many things that are some part in judging whether the earload quantities when the Cali­
likely to result^are worth fornians get to telling how superior
city council for the conduct of the not now even frowned upon were benefits
the sacrifice. It is likely that the their climate is to that of Oregon.
affairs of the city.
not done in their day by young murderers are among those who, if
That also is significant. Cottage people who had ambitious to rise they were the intended victims,
Manufacturers on Puget sound
Grove, and this city is not different in life and to associate with those would decide that science could
have adopted rules designed to
from others in that respect, spends on a higher plane, mentally or wait.
standardize shingles, and the small
for the education of its children an otherwise.
If they were doing nothing wrong,
rises to remark that he hopes
amount about equal to that spent
So, while those who are grad­ why the elaborate alibi to prevent boy
by the city for the conduct of the uating now, have had, or are hav­ their detection, and how was science in the future they’ll be made uni­
lighter and softer.—Eugene
affairs for all the people.
ing, greater opportunities than any to be served if the results of their
It is not the purpose of The who havo gone before, they arc “experiment” could not be given Register.
Sentinel to dwell upon the amount havign greater temptations to fol­ to the world for fear of their be­
spent by Cottage Grove, or any low the lines of least resistance, In ing charged with murder!
The drop in the price of sugar
other city, for the education of its some ways their struggle to make
If they really believe their own just us the canning season is com­
children. At the outside the edu­ good niuit be harder than it was statement, why are millions in mon­ ing on undoubtedly will make the
ey to be spent in an effort to keep housewife much sweeter in her com­
cation of a child from the first for those who hnve gone before.
Nevertheless we are looking to them from the gallows!
ments anent the sugar trust.
grade until he or she graduates
Let them prove the correctness
from high school does not cost the
of their own contention. Ix»t them <S>----------------------------------------------------------
district to exceed $2000. The fact
that the major portion which we If they succeed, few of those who give to science the millions that
would be ¿spent in their defense and S>---------------------------------------------<S>
give our children may be wasted
but most of us expect to re­ (hen offer themselves for the pur­
does not cause us to feel any ro­ cost,
main here long enough to learn pose for which they themselves com­
gret over the expenditure of the whether or not what wo have spent
money. We are here only n little to prepare them for the performing
(Special to The Sentinel.)
while. In that little while we can of greater and better things was while might be learned from an ob­
June 2.—Wolfe Allen, of Wend­
not accomplish much. The „ greatest
ditions designed to produce death ling, spent Sunday at the Judson
satisfaction wo can have when the wisely
Allen home.
We will be watching throughout
final summons conies is to feel that tho years, over ready to lend a of young men with their obsessed
Mrs. Lowell Benston and daughter
we have done what we thought, best helping hand or speak a word of and deranged mentalities.
Death on the gallows i.s too sud­ and Mrs. W. A. Keene and daughter
in preparing for their buttle with kindly advice.
den and does not offer the oppor­ Frances returned Monday from Sa­
the world those who will follow in
We trust that we shall not be tunity for the kind of scientific ex­ lem. Miss Mary Allen, who accom­
our footsteps. Wo would not have disappointed.
periment which they have said is panied them there, remained for a
it said that wo begrudged to others
longer visit.
things which we could not have. We
Mrs. Clara Taplin received word
would Hither that those to follow
Saturday evening of the death of
should bo able to accomplish greater
SELFISH CAMPERS WHO ARE Mr». Mary Taplia at Vallejo, Calif.
things than we did from the fact
Mr. and Mrs. Alta King and
Is human life to be considered
that we provided them with better
daughter, of Eugene, visited briefly
little above that of an uniinal—and
opportunities than wo had.
Shameful use of many of the Thursday at the home of Mr. King’s
If they fail to ncconiplish more then only above that of an animal camping spots near the city has aunt. Mrs. J. A. Burgess.
than we did, we would rather that because of an intelligence that gives been reported by many Sunday out-
Relatives of E. H. Koch arrived
it should bo that they failed to a different reaction under condi­ ers. One party reported that they Saturday evening from Wyoming.
grasp the opportunities that were tions that produce death!
had to spend some time in cleaning They have bought the J. 8. Lake
theirs rather than for n lack of
We may infer that we are moving up old papers, paper cartons, tin place in Delight Valley and the
those opportunities because of our in that direction when we rend the cans and other debris before the family will arrive in a short time.
confession of the two Chicago camp was fit for use.
The O. Knigjit family, Mr. and
We are happy that those about youths who kidnapped and killed
The Cottage Grove country is n Mrs. Harry Cotter, Mrs. Laura
Moody and Esther Sharon spent
Memorial day at London.
The C. A. Lindsay family
Friday evening for Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buff, of
leni, visited here Friday with Mrs.
Buff’s mother, Clara Taplin.
at Marshfield over Sunday with
sister, Mrs. Pearl McKee.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Koch, of
gene, visited Sunday at the E. H.
Koch home.
gattajK (Grove Sentinel
A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty
of Backbone
I Neighborhood News!
Smart New Sweaters
for summer sports and utility wear
just arrived at Umphrey & Mackin’s
For sweaters oi distinctive smartness of style
and pleasing color contrasts, this new lot of
sweaters is attractive indeed—the season’s
newest models at reasonable prices that make
them all the more remarkable for value-giving.
Come to the store and see them today.
New coat sweaters with long sleeves, bell
cuff sleeves and close fitting cuffs, flaring
style at bottom trimmed with contrasting
colors in pleasing combination, button-at-
throat fasten. Price range....... $3.95 to $7.50
New sleeveless vest styles in silk and wool and
all-wool in newest bright colors and trimming
including crystal glass and fancy buttons. You
should see them today. Priced $2.95 to $6.50
(Special to The Sentinel.)
June 2.—Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Dodge motored to Amity and Mc­
Minnville for Memorial day.
Mrs. Frank Hockett and daughter
Miss Gladys went to Portland Sun
day for a two weeks’ visit with
M rs. Hockett’s sister, Mrs. Joe
Stuckey. They will attend the rose
festival while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost, of Blue
Mountain, visited Memorial dny
with Mrs. J. W. Fisher.
Elmer and Frank Miller, of Cot-
Inge Grove, visited Friday evening
with their aunt, Mrs. Tom Richard­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hockett and
c liildren picnicked on Mosby creek
Sunday of hist week.
Mrs. Angelo Perini and Mrs. Louis
Barnaul and their mother, Mrs.
Tonoli, accompanied Tony Tonoli
to the cemetery at Divide Friday
morning and spent the remainder of
the dny with relatives at Divide.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allen, of
Cottage Grove, visited Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beidler and
little son. of Cottage Grove, visited
Thursday afternoon with Alfred
Miss Gladys Hockett attended a
lance in Eugene Wednesday night
if last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Fisher visited
Sunday evening with Mrs. Fisher’s
sister, Mrs. Jessie l.ow rv, at Walker.
New Puss-In-Bools Sweater
The new *'INiss in-Boots” sweater is the
very latest in sweaterdom. Made with medium
shot! sleet, s and monogram trimmed. Shown
here in dainty color combinations. You will
like them when you see these. Priced $4.96
Visit Our Sale of
All reduced one-third off
regular prices.
T*( QIIAlIt* >'«>! ^00» ¿t»v<i
Here Are Middies at
Very Low Prices
and they’re splendid quality
too; choice.. 95c, $1 39, $1.69
(Special to The Sentinel.)
June 2.—Mrs. F. A. Green and
daughter. Miss May, spent Memorial
day nt Independence with Mrs.
Green’» father, Mr. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sams, of Cot
tage Grove, were Sunday dinner
guests at the Shade Burcham home.
Elder J. Sams preached at the lit­
tle white church Sunday afternoon.
Fhe V<n l'arnell family, <>t Noti
v ¡sited Sunday at the E. R. Darnell
The Byron Winslow family and
Zaida and Effie Estes motored to
Sutherlin Thumdnv evening. The
Winslow family also attended the
commencement exercises at Huther
[ lin academy Saturday evening. Miss
| Leota Estes, who was a senior at
the academy, and her sister Zuida,
who had been visiting Miss Leota,
accompanied the Winslows home.
The B. W. Garner and D. A. Estes
families visited at the C. W. Dwyre
home Saturday evening.
Some members of the Burcham
and Babcock families attended the
Memorial day services in Cottage
The I>. A. Estes family motored
to Lynx Hollow Sunday ami visited
at the E. T. Hartley home.
Miss Maeva Fowler returned Sun­
day from Sutherlin, where she had
attended a term at the academy.
Liked to Scare Women,
A respected carpenter by day
and a terror to women at night,
Joe Collins, of Winfield, Kan., is in
jail. He is held responsible for the
many huggings which held the en-
Why Wait for September?
By enrolling now you will be half way through your
course when September comes, and you need a busineM
education to be a success, so why put it off!
During the months of June, July and August the
same efficient teachers who are with us during the regu­
lar school year are in charge.
You will receive a thorough, practical business train­
ing in a good school, at a reasonable rate, and in as
short a time as is possible.
Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President
992 Willamette, Eugene, Ore.
toil I'h.^d'-' Use 3% of vour gross receipts for edeertiangl
^ih/w^n frighted.’’H " and
nnd increase
ineroao- the volume of your business
busine.ssJ 10%
to Equip With Full-Size_ Balloons
Simplified application of
at minimum cost
Local motorists are benefiting from the simplified
method of applying full-size Balloon '.¿'ires, made
possible by Firestone. It is an easy and inexpensive
job for us to handle your change-over. We have
special Firestone units, consisting of tires, tubes,
rims and wheel spokes, all built by Firestone ac­
cording to the highest quality standards. We also
have special shop equipment which Firestone has
developed for us, giving us an exclusive advantage
in turning out an accurate wheel job which exactly
fits your present hubs. The cost is little or no more
than a set of rims and we can equip your car almost
as quickly as a tire change can be made.
Get All the Benefits of the Real Balloon
Insist on the full-size Gum-Dipped Balloon, and
get all the benefits in riding comfort, safety and
economy. Over 20 car manufacturers and over
40,000 car owners have already equipped with them.
We guarantee you a carefully engineered and per­
fectly balanced job, at minimum cost. And if you
are not completely satisfied when you get them on,
we will re-apply your old tire equipment at no cost
to you.
Equip Now for Summer Driving
We A re Stocked and Organized to Handle Any Car
Here is your opportunity to improve your present
car—better appearance, superlative comfort and
safety and a new standard of low-cost operation.
You will save money on the reduced car deprecia­
tion. lower maintenance and fuel expense and long
tire mileage. Full-size Gum-Dipped Balloons as we
apply them are an economy.
See us. Get a demonstration. Within a few
hours you have them on your car. Come in and get
our reasonable prices—less an allowance for your
old tires. Put your car on Balloons NOW for tbe
summer motoring season.
Woodson Brothers Garage
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Bunge’s Service Station
Cottage Grove, Oregon
J. H. Kirk
Dorena, Oregon
Woodson Motors
Creswell, Oregon
o s t