PAGE FOUR COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 think if a merchant who didn’t preservation, but put the fellow Fawn Creek—Agnes Brabham,! “Six Cylinder Love,’’ which will ¡r have just exactly what his cus­ you help us near home as possible. Francis Deeds. John Crawford, Clif • be given here at the chautauquu, A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty tomer wanted should say, “Weil, ton bhortridge, John Dunn, Law’ simply raises havoc with things in | of Backbouo look around town a little bit. Mr. After one han read for weeks rence King, Harold Foster, Helen a way that would delight the old I So and So and Mr. So and So both about the congressional investiga­ Winslow, Frank Flick. time melodramatic villain. It j«i*t Bede & Smith.. have good stocks. They may have tion at Washington, of the charges District 37—Eliza Gilbert, Bur- about breaks up two homes -but to Elbert Bede----- what you want, but if they don’t, of graft everywhere, and has kicked cella King. tell any more w'ould be giving the Silk Creek—Ixirin Clayton, Arthur story away. A first-claim publication entered at come back and let me send «nd get about his income tax and has come Cottage Grove a* Becond clam matter it for you. We don’t anticipate to the conclusion that the govern­ Cook, Ruth Dorrell. The play is a tremendous hit that anything like this will happen ment is going to the demnition Hebron—Kathleen Kappauf, Mar wherever there are automobiles so Busiue*. Office— 55 North Bixt* right away, but if all merchants it can be readily understood why bow wows—then picks a letter out jorie Schneider, Hazel Huff. would do this they would sell just of the mail with the infernal revenue London—Elva Powell, Daisy War­ “Six Cylinder Love’’ ran 54 weeks SUBSCRIPTION BATES us much or more goods and the Ouu year___ $2.25 | Ihr ve muai hx ö5c farmers might get over their idea department’s well known corner wick. Bernice Thorn. Lillard Crow, solid in New York and enjoyed a is afforded by this in­ card on it, and is wondering what Velma Ewing, Oscar Newton, Gene­ run of several months in Chicago. Six mu nt hu- 1.16 ] Singlo copy— öc that the merchants are trying to fault is going to be found with hia va Powell. stitution for the trans­ “Six Cylinder Love” is a new skin them. If one merchant tells a last return—and out drops a check Member of Lynx Hollow—Roy Pullen, Oren play and Cottage Grove people will action of business ac­ farmer that another merchant is for tax illegally collected—well, you Morford, Harold Hartley. National Editorial Association get it hot off the theatrical griddle. cording to the rules of Oregon Slate Editorial Association charging too much and the second can’t help but feel that possibly District 84—Edward Doolittle, It is an up-to-the-minute farce Oregon Newspaper Conference modern banking. The merchant says the same thing about Claude Human, Ernest Johnson, touching a theme that is vital in Lane County Publishers ’ Association the first one, it is only natural that the government is not so rotten Glen Smith, John Hunt. courtesies of the bank this age of motordom. It preaches after all. the farmer should come to the con­ District 119—William Fred Seitz, a powerful sermon against extrava­ are cordially extended THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924. clusion that both are skinners and Olive McCue. gance and it will hit you right be­ MAINTAIN THE BOADH. to all our patrons and send to Chicago when he doesn’t Divide—Bertha Allen, Nellie tween the eyes, for everyone either HELP IN U ONE ANOTHER. their business friends, hear what one merchant says about Chapman. owns an automobile or would like (Eugene Register.) the other. District 128—Frank Phillips, Eliz­ very much to possess one. “Six as we want them also As a result of the election hold bell preservation is the first law When we have gotten this far to know us intimately, last week Lane county has two now abeth Cooley, Edna Guggisberg, « Cylinder Love’’ is the hit of the! of human nature. ulong, perhaps we will get where commissioners, ( decade and everyone wants to see it. and these officials Ellen Ellis. likewise our business The altruistic ones probably would we realize that every nickel we District 177 — John Carr. put helping the other fellow as thc> spend for some article made in the are ousy now studying the problems methods. Delight Valley—Donald Witcher, Heartless Indifference. east, which is mude just as well that confront them and settling Adrian Cornutt, Gerald Conner, second law. “When you found you hadn’t upon I ho policies they will pursue. Few, however, stop to realize how in Cottage Grove, or in Oregon, or Marie Nixon. your fare did he make you get off closely the two are linked together. on the coast, is just that much tak It is therefore timely to otter uguiu Star—Effo Drury, Gretta Spahr, j and walk 1'’ a suggestion that at intervals of a own We often forget that our on from the prosperity of some in­ Au Iton Miller, Raymond Potter, “Only get off. He didn’t seem welfare and prosperity depend very dustry whose prosperity is linked up few days the Register has been of­ Pearl Ferguson, Louise Grimes, Er- 1 to care whether I walked or sat fering fur the past dozen years. largely upon the welfare and pros- with our own prosperity. < That suggestion, in substance, is vin Pacholke, John Harrison, Char- down. ’ ’ Few of us, when we go to a store, perity of the other fellow. this: Maintain adequately the roads lie Pleuard, Bill Grimes, Frankie Portland would nut be much of a ask whether a manufactured article Tanner, Robert Owen. Rubber stamps. The Sentinel, tf city if there were no other cities in is mude in Oregon or Australia. It we have, regardless of wlial may be dune in the way of new eoustruc- the state; if there were no eastern suits our fancy and we buy it. Did OLD FASHIONED MINSTREL Oregon shipping in hogs, live stock, each one of us insist upon getting tiun. SHOW COMING TO ARCADE Along with the enthusiasm for wool and grain; if there were no an article made just as well in new roads that has resulted in the Willamette valley to buy from its Oregon, we would increase our pros A minstrel show is always a min­ jobbers and to supply its commis­ perity to such an extent that we expenditure in recent years of hun­ str el show, but who is there who dreds of millions of dollars there could buy many more articles for sion brokers. has been no corresponding enthusi­ can’t always enjoy a good circus or The Greatest Nature Picture in the World Cottage Grove wouldn’t be much cur comfort and pleasure. minstrel show/ In the coming en- of a city if it were the only one There may be some things we asm for systematic maintenance of engagements of Milo’s “All White’’ 99 in the entire Willamette valley; it don’t like about Portland, but one the roads already built. The result Minstrels there is promise of old thing we do like about it is that has been tremendous losses due to time fun and jokes from two of wouldn’t even have a railroad. depreciation. It has been a common The whole fabric of our national the prosperity of Portland means America’s leading blackface comedi­ prosperity and progress rests upon prosperity for Oregon. Therefore, sight to see costly new roads de­ ans, George Twyman and Mel Mel­ teriorate through lack of proper the principle of helping one anoth­ the more industries we help to build vin, bringing back some good old er. What helps one in some degree up there the more dollars we will maintenance until in a few years songs and dances and laughter that they are little better than the old helps another. What each does may get from there down here. The take one back to the time seem to amount to almost nothing greater the prosperity of Portland roads they replaced. Losses such when the real old minstrel was the as that are disheartening. nnd other communities of the state, but added to what 110 millions of Lane county has been no excep­ joy of everyone’s heart, even to the others are doing the aggregate ii> the greater burden of state taxes baud concert on the street. Andi they w’ill have to bear and the tion to the general rule. As a mat­ music! Oh, boy, when Maxine gets tremendous. BURR NICKLE, Ex- It doesn’t behoove um to suy lighter the burden we will have to ter of fact—leaving out the past through with that saxophone you year, which was disastrous from the that there is no other Htate in the bear. will all forget that you ever had plorer - Producer, ap­ We in Cottage Grove shouldn’t maintenance standpoint—Lane coun­ any troubles and wish she never i world worth living in but Oregon. We don’t want everyone in Oregon, buy anything in Eugene that we ty has been probably’ a little above would quit, and then there is Mis« pearing in person. or in Portland, or in Cottage can buy just as well in Cottage the average, for we have nrtiintained Rene Vincent, such a little lady | Grove, We want a few outsiders to Grovo, but the purchase in Engen«* fairly well the new macadam roads with such a wonderful big voice, buy our surplus products, Although of articles that' can’t be bought we have been building. But each and Olive with the cornet and piano we in Cottage Grove may not nd here is purchasing for the prosper- year the sum put into the budget plays both at the same time. And I MME. VALDEO, the mire their judgment, we want a few if v of our own county, Eiigene for maintenance work is pitifully Cavallo Milo at the piano and Milo folks to think Eugene is a good should not purchase here the thing*» inadequate. If this policy is contin­ with the trombone, to say nothing Famous Spanish Dan- place in which to live; a few to it can purchase as well at home, ued, a great deal of money that is of a real quartet and the laughable think Albany is a good place in but it would do well to pur« base being spent for new roads is golng farce. The show’ carries a full set International which to live; a few to think Rose­ here the things it can’t got at to be wasted. of beautiful scenery and lights. On all of our principal roads burg, and Medford, and Ashland, home but which can be gotten here But what’s the use! You could talk main- there ought to be systematic ’Hie world has been built up and Portland, and Pendleton are Fame, will give her all day and not mention half the good places in which to live—be­ through the spirit of helping one tenance during the months in whieh good qualities of this show, so all sufficient moisture is present to cause our own city would amount another. None of the progress of creation. get together on Monday, June 2, to little if there were no other good the ages would have been possible make maintenance work profitable. and see for yourselves. m29p It is of little use to drug and other ­ except through this principle. Go places in the Willamette valley an I back to the beginning of the world, wise repair macadam roads during “SIX CYLINDER LOVE” IS in Oregon. It is better for a settler to locate if you like. Adam could do nothing the dry summer months, but at ON WAY WITH CHAUTAUQUA in the Rogue river valley than not in tin* Garden of Eden until God other times systematic maintenance to locate in western Oregon nt all; gave him Eve. With his wife’s is indispensable to efficiency. Some Here is a brand new type of vil­ it’s better for him to locate in Eu­ help and cooperation he immediately form of patrol system must be lain. Not the conventional gentle­ gene if we can’t get him at Cot­ started harvesting the apple crop. adopted if maintenance work is to man of dark visage and drooping Evon the Savior did not presume to be really systematic, for mainte- tage Grovo. mustache* who hisses “Ah! the pa­ If we do nothing but knock the start reforming the world alone. IIo nance that is intermittent and cas­ pers,’ * but rather an automobile. other community the newcomer will gathered about him 12 or 13 dis­ ual cannot be efficient. It ought to be definitely under­ But even at that the gas wagon probably learn that we have lied ciples, one of whom later turned out and he will think that if we would to be a knocker. God alone was stood and definitely recognized that which does the dirty work in An- thoiw^Mcüuirojs^jiojmlai^comedv^ lie about the other community we over able to accomplish anything money spent for maintenance of would lie about our own, and in without cooperation, and there ore roads is not an expense—on the trying to discount the other com­ some of us who think that even he contrary, it is economy. Skiinping munity wo have only succeeded in made some terrible mistakes which on maintenance work is the costliest might have been avoided with our policy that can be adopted for it discounting our own. means untimely ruin of roads that How much different an impres­ help. United we stand, divided we fall, have been built at great expense. sion we would make upon prospec­ tive eettlen if whe* ">"■ gbsm to Buy everything at home that you Cottage Grove and asked about Eu­ can. Buv next from your neighbor. MANY PASS PHYSIOLOGY gene, instead ol saying "Vmi don't Insist upon the products of your AND GEOGRAPHY EXAMS w int to go thero; if it aere not for neighbors, or of neighboring indus­ the university they would starve to tries. Get the Oregon spirit und Following is the list of pupils in death up there,’’ we shout I Hiiy the Oregon brand. the grade schools of Cottage Grovo Build up your own community and vicinity who passed the recent “Why Eugene is a pretty nice place, it has a good country about but don’t try to do so by tearing examinations in physiology and it, it has fine business houses and down the one next to you upon geography: the university, but Cottage Grove which part of your prosperity de- Cottage Grove—Ray Adams. Glen pends. is a still better place. ’ ’ Arne, Earl Black, Ralph Boslough, Boost your own state, but not by Why, if folks who came to look Agnes Brieher, Eddie Clark, Mau­ us over got a reception like that, tearing down some other state. ri o Cochran, Edward Cunningham, Ro long ns wo help the other fel­ Howard Fox, Walter Garoutte, Bon­ we’d soon have votes enough to low’ we are helping town i ds our own nie George, Kenneth Goff, Ernest elect a president. We should carry this idea of Handy, lay Hilton, Constance Mote, helping one another into the busi­ George Huff, Reuben Johnson, June ness life of the community. Jones, Alary Knowles, Helen Knut- wonder what n farmer would sen, Vivian I.affoon, Edwin laineas- ter. James Lancaster, Lambert Lee, Mabel Lee, Dortis McGowan, Glen McKibben, Ruby Meiick, Mer rick Metcalf, Joseph Mitchell, Al- berta Monroe, Hazel Alorris, Chester Bobbins, Elsie Bose, Beulah Safley, Thelma Sharpe, Myrtle Snauer, George Stennett. Glenn Swanson, Lowell Tedford, Helen Tower, Frail . . a genuine Pyrnlin <<»mb to match each cis Wells, Johnny White, Earl hair hruah. Wiese, George Wilson, Everette Wirtli, Mary M. Working, Ralph Black, Alonzo Blackmore, Jowell Just think, for the small down payment of $8.00 and easy Brainard, Velma Burch, Ila Cooley, Charlotte Cooper, Dorothy DeAlers, monthly payments you can enjoy all the advantages of electric Lloyd DeYoung, Orel Fox, Galen cookery. This exceptional sale, which lasts hut 45 days Garoutte, Dale Gates, Alauford Eu lays— Mr- Ma’; gene Hopper, Goldie Hustend, Fred 15 to July 1, is your opportunity to buy and own a wondcrftii Jacobs, Myrtle Alabie. Verland Mil­ Westinghouse Kull Automatic Electric Range. ligan, Daisy Monroe, Jahan Nord THE RANGE strom, Helen Olsen, Geneva Perini, WITH Evelyn Shnnda, Ernest Shelburne, With each 3-19B range purchased during this special sale TIIE CLOCK“ Eunice Smith, Lloyd Swanson, Es­ we will give absolutely FREE a $6.00 I*ure Sheet Aluminum ther Thornton, Kenneth Ward, Ira Wells, George White, Bernice Whit cooker set—a nest of three pieces and a covered kettle. Also sett, Alberta Williams, Cecil Armes, a beautiful $11.00 Westinghouse Electric Percolator of seven- because, as the earth re­ Chester Braswell, Kenneth Carlile, Durham. Leonard Garoutte, cup capacity. volves, the sun passes more I.eston Archie Harrington, Onluud Higgin­ directly overhead than it botham, Alvin Hodgson, Thomas does in winter. Therefore it Lloyd, Everette Verio McCoy, Er­ The famous Westinghouse Automatic Electric Range em- has to cover a greater arch nest McKibben, Brewer Milla, Ralph bodies every time, labor and money saving convenience that the Raymond Oakes, Bussell to get from its rise to its I Monroe, up-to-date wife could desire. The clock starts the cooking at ’onsford. Franklin Sehaffer, Carl setting. Whatever the sea­ Scheufele, Don Stover, Roy Bears. the proper time, while the thermostat supervises the cook- son, Lawrence Kelly, Beth Bede, Ethel Bennett. Agnes Blackmore, Mildred ing-as the proper temperature is reached, it turns off the Epsom Salt Coates. Gertrude Cochran, Dorothy current. The two vitreous enamel-lined ovens are exclusive Georg»', Margaret Iaineaater, Edith Westinghouse features. is the direct route to a clean, Leonard, Arna Longfellow, Mnrga ret Medley, Elsie Milne, Geneviexe healthy system. Mulvihill. Margaret Newcomb, Buth Start a Pureteat prop routte, llaxel Yenrons, Gladys week, and take advantage of this Yearons, Katherine Garoutte, Eu orations for health and hy­ gene apevial offer, I'here i* a »mall charge Yonng. «or decoratkm, if di*uvd. giene. Every item the best Saginaw—Claude Kirkendall. Ava Hint skill and care can pro­ McArthur. Mildred Walklev, tlbidys Kirkendall, Opal Adney, Vcrneil duce. Koch. District 31—Elsie Isaacson Joan The Rexall Store M oonev. Flovd IVterw. The Cedar*—Howard hard McFarland, A. Read liemen way. . Y. Day ¡V Scars 7** Drug Mara in physiology, Dorothea Miller. «Tottape (Grove £rntinr A complete Every F acility National Bank Use 3% of your gross receipts for advertising and increase the volume of your business 10% Cuming to ARCADE THE AT R E Cottage Grove “The Land of Whispering Hope Wednesday, June 4 ONE DAY ONLY THE SPIRIT OF THE ORIENT” A nnouncementl— Think of Your Home Then of This Sale The Moil Liberal Offer Ever Made on the Westinghouse Ele&ric Ranges Given Jhva /Á tpjjralin Only START-A-SET Sale June ? Down and Easy Monthly Payments 7s* Kem’s for Drugs “Westinghouse in Every House” Mountain States Power Co This Sale Also in Progress in All Our Branches