COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1924 PAGE EIGHT ■ .z and lubricata better With the passing of the superstition that there is something mysteriously “better” about eastern oils, just because they cost more, Zerolene sales have increased seven-fold in the last seven years. The following extract from a recent letter writ­ ten us by the Citizens’ Transf r & Storage Com­ pany of Tucson, Arizona, has some bearing on the reasons for this increase: “Previous to using your Zerolene oils we experienced considerable trouble with eastern oils, which were much higher in price, and we found not suited to our use. We have used Zerolene oils and greases for the past five years. Our equipment (18 trucks and 2 passenger cars) is operated continuously throughout the year and the maintenance has been confined to keeping it supplied with the proper amount of oil and grease; bearings have required only reasonable ad­ justment after long intervals, and no replacements. We were well pleased with our recent quarterly check on the mechanical condition of our equipment, and knowing this condition to be maintained by the use of your oils and greases, we thought your com­ pany would be interested to know of our complete satisfaction.” We believe that Zerolene will improve the gasoline mileage, re­ duce carbon deposits, and lengthen the working life of every car in which it is used. F for FORDS —the Standard Oil Company’s new improved oil for Ford cars “Feeds Those Oil-Starved Fords.” Why pay tribute to a supersti­ tion? Insist on Zerolene even if it does cost less. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) This booklet reports inde­ pendent service tests of Zerolene matle by a num­ ber of large users. Ask any Standard Oil Company sales representative or Zerolene dealer ft a copy. EASILY DIGESTED MEATS Of all the meats you serve, mutton ami lamb are without doubt the most easily digested and they are likewise the rich­ est in nourishment. To aid you in choosing the cuts you would like to serve your family today, we offer an ample assortment. You will note how reasonable our prices are ami we giiaiautee the quality of the meat. Bulk mayonnaise on sale. Quality Market Fu. Delivary _ -------------------- ---------- , THORNTON CORNERS. ZEROLENE jwamfeEASTERN ZEROLENE — Neighborhood News The CJtiieiui' Transfer A Storage Company of Tuc- ■on, Ariaona, operatea a fleet of eighteen tracks in local and long distance hauling. Zerolene is used aaciosively. CULVFR £ ANDERS". PI”'!? IN BUSINESS ; n the home First National Bank THE OU) RELIABLE Phene 40 AMONG GOOD BOOKS your check book ranks the highest in value. Whether for business purposi's or for home expenses, use the same commercial bank with two different accounts, so as to keep them en­ tirely separate. You will find ours a good bank to deal with, from every banking view­ point. (Special to The Sentinel.) May 19.—Earl Hunter, of Med­ ford, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dodge. Kelly l’erini spent last week with relatives at Divide. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tonoli and daughter, of Divide, visited with relatives here Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost, of Blue Mountain, to Hayhurst valley Sunday. Roy Kelly, of Salem, was a Sun­ day jpiest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dodge. Mr. Kelly and the Dodges were formerly neighbors at Glen­ dale. Rodney Phillips, of Mount View, was in the neighborhood Sunday morning distributing invitations for a box social and program at the closing exercises of the Mount View .'chool Saturday night. MOUNT VIEW. (Special to The Sentinel.) May 19.—C. A. King is remodel­ ing his house. Mr. and Mrs. George Layng were in Cottage Grove Monday after­ noon. Miss Forest Schneider, who taught in Marshfield during the past year, WANTADS K A W LEIGH GOOD HEALTH products for sale at 927 south Sixth street. Duane Crabtree. a24ptf MY FRENCH DRAFT STALLION, Lucky, No. 32253, will stund at Cottage Grovo Saturday». E. D. Mills. W. R. Cochran, Mgr. a3jly3p COTTAGE GROVE AUTO WRECK lug House. Parts for cars at half price. Trailers built to order. Used cars bought and sold. Long Build­ ing, corner Tenth street and Wash­ ington avenue. a24u8p WANTED—OLD BAGS. MUST BE large und clean. The Sentinel, c FOR SALE—3 CREAM SEPARA- tors, nearly new; John Deere gas­ oline engine, good as new; garden hose. Good prico if sold soon. A nice line of sanitary rugs. Come in and see the Gibson refrigerators from $18.50 up. New lawn mowers now in. Short’s Second Hand Store, my 15 29p WANTED—OLD COTTON OK wool rags; must be large and clean. Woodson Bros. Garage, mltfc FOR SALE BY OWNER—8 ACRES on gravel road five miles west of Cottage Grove on Silk creek; part pasture, part timber, good fence; house, chicken house 20x40, garage; water piped to both houses; all buildings new; $200 of furniture, touring cur—all for $1200; part down and part payments if sold by June 1. Ervin Cochran, Cottage Grove, Ore. m8-22p is home for the summer vacation. The funeral of Mrs. Naomi Bales was held at the Sears cemetery Sunday afternoon. Among those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hands, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunds, Mrs. Waldo Miller and Selma Miller. Word has been received from William Heath, who is employed near Pendleton, that all grain, even that which was seeded during the fall, is being greatly injured by the continued dry weather and it is feared that should there be no rain soon little of it will be fit to cut even for hay. Miss Sarah Riley, of Fairview, was the guest last week of her sister. Miss Laura Riley, at the home of Mrs. Amanda Sears. Roy Hands is remodeling hi» house. Mrs. J. A. Schneider, Miss Berna- dine Schneider and J. A. Heath attended the motorcycle hill eliinb in Cottage Grove Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Layng were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ do Miller one day last week. Those interested in keeping up the Sears cemetery will gather there Sunday and Monday, May 25 and 26, to clean up the cemetery and decorate the graves. Miss Elizabeth Shide left last week for Grand Junction, Colo. ANNOUNCING AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF Women’s Footwear 250 pairs of shoes consisting of pumps, san­ dals and oxfords in patent, kid, suede and satin—black, gray, tan, beaver, green, blue and red. LYNX HOLLOW. (Special to The Sentinel.) May 19.—Lester Pentico and Lester Porter were up from Eugene Sunday. Harvey Lajoie arrived Friday front Wendling for a visit with rel­ atives. Waller Pentico und Ernest Call! well left Saturday to visit with n lutivcs and friends at Eddyville. James Huntsman end Cody Penti­ co have their service station at Eddyville erected and report a grow­ ing patronage. A dancing party was given at the Fisher home on the Clock place Saturday night. Lynx Hollow Society. The L. A. 11. club was entertained Wednesday of last week by Mrs. Walter Pentico. Needlework was the diversion. Mrs. Pentico and Miss Afto.i, of Eugene, were guests. <$> <$> Mrs. Herbert Mackie was taken to a Eugene hospital last Thursday tor medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Marion I.ebow and W. E. Lcbow attended the funeral of Mrs. Naomi Bales in Dorena Sunday. Several from here attended the hill climb in Cottage Grove Sunday. Mrs. Pentico anil Miss Afton, of Eugene, visited here during the past week. The Murry family, of Eugene, called on friends hero Thursday of last week. The Phillips home nt the Ajax Lumber company’s camp was de­ stroyed by fire Saturday night. Mr. Phillips was away at the time and Mrs. Phillips barely escaped with her baby and a suit case. LONDON. WANTED—GENERAL CARPEN- (Special to The Sentinel.) ter work or house painting jobs. Muy 19.—Mrs. James Powell and E. C. Shay, 305 south Sixth street, Mrs. Roy Ewing, of Woodard’» phono 137 R. 1118 22p eamp, visitad Thursday with Mrs. FOR SALE—A TEAM OF MARES, Joo Geer. W. T. Jones, Carl Small, C. H. each weighing 1350 pounds and well broke. C. O. Willis, Cottage Wood, Harold Abeene and Elmer Berggren attended the taxpayers’ Grovo, Ore., Lorauo route, phone 8-F13. m8-22p meeting in Cottage Grove Thursday evening. A party of high school students’ FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF my intended removal to Portland, came out from Cottage Grove Sat­ my residence property at 1149 west urday and spent the day. If noise Main street is for sale. Also Ford is an indication of a good time, they sedan. A. W. Kime. m8-22p surely enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Jack Hopman, who has been TWO PAYFOWLS FOR SALE; ill for some time, is now nble to one year old. Carl Small, Black sit up a part of the time. Hazel Thorn returned to school Butte route. m8-22p Monday, aftor an absence of two FOR SALE—G O O D DUR H A M weeks because of an injury to her milk cows, sugar cured hams and leg. Charlie Wickson came up front bacou; outs. C. 11. Haight. m8-22p Portland Monday for a visit ut the HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR home of his uncle, W. L. Town­ man and two boys, the latter at­ send. He went to Eugene Wednes­ tending school. C. E. Peters, box day. Howard Cox was ill last week 384, city. m8-22p with neuralgia of the stomach. FOR SALE—Hl’PMOBILE TOUR Mrs. Will Ewing and children, ing ear; 4 good eord tires; price. James. Hubert, Velma and Myrtie, $200. Grover Sheley, 3 miles west motored to Alpine Sunday and vis­ of Walker, Ore. ml5-29p ited Mrs. Ewing’s son living there. Clifford Townsend was absent FOR SALE—7t* ACRES, CLOSE from school Thursday on account of in, all in cultivation, two acres sickness. |>eurs, 6 room house, barn. H. B. Janies Ewing made a trip to Port­ Yancey, north of city limits, east land Monday. of 8. P. tracks. mlS-29c George and John Sutherland and foil SY1.E GOOD WORK HORSE Howard Cox caught a coyote last and three cows. Mrs. George week. Caught by both fore feet, the animal dragged the trap some Dowens, Cottage Grove, Ore., phone M-F3,_______________________ ml5-29p distance but was tracked by the dogs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bunton, Mr*. FOR SALE -USED WATER Mo­ tor washing machine, in good con­ Harold Abiviie and daughter, Mr. dition; new motor. G. W. Mc­ and Mrs. Cecil Roberts and Miss Queen. ml5-29p Jessie Pruett attended church ser vices in Eugene Sunday. LOST COLLIE DOG IS SMAI.T. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailes and for breed, three years old, light daughter attended the funeral of colored with black spots on ears their cousin, Mrs. Naomi Bales, in and tail. Reward for return to Mrs. Dorena Sunday. Joe l'orkins Jr. tu22e Mrs. George Sutherland severely wrenched her back last week, when FOR SALE SET OF ENCYCLO she fell from a scaffold while pa podia Brittanies. Charles Bru poring a room. nean, at Mrs. Ida Miller’s. m22j>i6p A basket dinner will be served XRE YOl IN NEED OF AN OF nt the church Sunday, May 25. five mnnf Can take charge of the office, do anv necessary collecting, DORENA. help you with your advertising, etc Call phone 44. C. Lawton. m22p (Bpm ml to The Sentinel.) May 19 Miss Carrie Knox, of LOST x GOLD YVR18T WATCH; large plain case; Waltham move | Portland, is visiting at the YV. W aunt. Reward for return to Please Chrisman homo. Mrs. U. S. Rale* returned Sunday You Shop. 21 south Sixth street. Cottage Greve. re22c from a few days' visit in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. John Holst rota, of FOR SALE 2 IRON BEDSTE ADS ' Mareóla, spent Sunday nt the home 1 spring, 1 silk floss mattross. of Mr*. Holstrom’s parent*. Mr. and 2 bureaus. 3 stands. 1 kitchen table, I Mrs. J. H. Kirk. 2 lounge*. 2 rug* (8 ft. 10 in. by 9 ' Miss Sarah Riley visited a few ft.Y. 1 morris chair. Dr. Kime’s day* of Inst week with Mrs. Aman residence, 1149 west Main. m22r da Sears nt Mount View. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Combs, of WANTKD—BABY CALVES. MRS Eugene, were Bunday guests at the E. L. Week», YVnlkcr, Ore., phon* home of Mr*. Gvnibs’ parents, Mr. 31-F15. n>22 »nJ Mrs. Charles Teeters. We* Chrisman motored to Eugene MONEY FOR YOU—PAY CASH Saturday on business. for your wanted* and get three Mr. and Mrs. MeCugle, of Oak­ insertions for the price of two. tip land, spent Saturday night and Sun- u day nt the W. P. VniiSehoiuck home. Miss Florence Land went to Cot­ tage Grove last week to accept em­ ployment. “Aunt” Kate Land returned Sunday from a few days’ visit in Cottage Grove at the home of her son, M. P. Garoutte. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. X’anSchoiack and daughter and son, Arna and Clifford, motored to Eugene Satur­ day. A nine-pound son was born in Eugene Wednesday to Mr. and Mr*. James Chapman. Mrs. Chapman was Miss Daisy Bales, of Dorena. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lebow, of Lynx Hollow, were in Dorena Sun­ day. Mr. anil Mrs. Joe Burnett, of Cottage Grove, attended the funeral of Mrs. Naomi Bales at the Dorena church Sunday. in North Dakota working on a farm. Mr. and Mr*. Van Darnell and children motored up from Noil and spent the week end with relatives here. The E. T. Hartley family and Mrs. I. N. Dresser, of Lynx Hollow, > ’V, were dinner guests at the D. A. Estes home Saturday. HEBRON. the two new members will go over the different road projects to see what the needs are and how much money is left for this year and then decide on n plan of operation. “The idea is to get the best re­ sults possible for the money and not to overdraw the different funds,” said the judge. The five or six precincts from which no definite election figures are available are small and the fig­ ures from them will not change the result of the election in the ease of any candidate, it was stated. The race between Van Svarverud and Frank E. Taylor for the re­ publican nomination for sheriff was" close but Taylor now has a suffi­ cient lead to preclude ell doubt as to the result. It was the same in the race for district attorney, Howard Brownell undoubtedly being the nominee. (Special to The Sentinel.) May 19.—The endeavor society held a business meeting and social session at the C. H.Winecoff home Saturday evening. A lunch of sand­ wiches, pie and lemonade was served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Walker and children, of Veatch spur, attended the endeavor service here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Powell and children attended church at London SILK CREEK. Bond Money Is Apportioned. Sunday. The county court made an order R. B. Lucky was on the sick list Saturday apportioning the $200,000 (Special to The Sentinel.) Muy 19.—Mrs. 8. J. Clifton and last week. recently acquired through the sale son Willie, formerly of this place, of road bonds, The apportionment and Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, of HURD AND CROWE ARE TO was as follows: TAKE OATH OF OFFICE SOON Bond project No. 2, $26,000; No. Cottage Grove, visited Sunday with 3, $47,000; No. 4, $10,000; No. 10, the D. A. Estes and E. M. Babcock families. Mr. Morrison is a brother Clinton Hurd, of Eugene, and O $21,000; No. 11, $26,000; No. 17, E. Crowe, of Lorane, who were J $36,000; No. 19, $15,000; No. 23 of Mrs. Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Meier and Mr. and elected as county commissioners (Mapleton-Cushman), $25,000. Mrs. Campbell and Joe Marshall, of over Emmett Sharp and L. N. Ro­ Sutherlin, were hero one day last ney, who have been recalled, will Keeney Says He Spent No Money. week in the interest of the school. take their oath of office as soon as, B. F. Keeney, ... republican , _____ _______ nominee Miss Mildred Burcham visited the vote cast at Friday’s primaries for county assessor, was the first Sunday with Mrs. E. R. Darnell. is canvassed, according to County iuiiuiuuiu [ candidate m to inr file nis his election ex­ I pense account account with the county clerk. William Medley was on the sick Judge C. P. Barnard. pense list last week. Judge Barnard said that he is Zero ■ Zero was was written written on on every every line line pro- pro­ Arthur Woolcott and George Over­ not now prepared to state whut the i vided for the amount expended, holser were two new members of the policy of the new court will be re­ election board this yoar. Three thousand people read The garding methods of road construc­ Mrs. Nettie Estes has received tion or methods of operation, but Sentinel each week. What have w11rd from her son Edwin that lie i» that it has been agreed that he and you to tell this vast throngf xxx 1 Every Motoring Need At Lowest Cost I he Ford Touring Car meets every motoring requirement at the lowest possible cost. It is sturdy, depend­ able, long lived; easy to drive; con­ venient to park — and possesses the highest resale value in propor­ tion to list price, of any car built. The Touring Car s295 F. O. B. Detroit Runa hour 126.5 Coup* S.S2Î Fordoor Sedan X6K5 All Tuda Sedan SSOO f „ £ ’ 90 SEE THE NEAR; ST AUTHORIZED FORD ukÁira Demountable Rim* «nd Stanar »85 extra the universal car O* jww can I vy ***** inastai.