The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 22, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Cottage (»nove Sentinel
| his efforts and probably is the sen
ior western member in point of
A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty years of service.
of Backbone
■ ■■—-——
Bede & Smith.
Elbert Bede.....
The Sentinel gets some satiafuc- Especially True
A first-class publication entered at i tion out of both the veto by the
Cottage Urove as second class matter president of the adjusted compensa
Business Office_____ 55 North Bixtb tion bill and the overriding of the
veto oy congress.
(Prepared by the United Stale* Department
of Agriculture.)
The Sentinel believes that Presi
“The care of your leather equip­
One year..... .$2.25 | Three mouths 65c dent Coolidge was sincere in his
Six months^ 1.15 I Single copy— 5c veto. He would hardly have used ment at all times, but especially during
his veto at a time when he should the wet winter and Bpring months,” Is
Member of
have been courting popularity with the recommendation of the leather ex­
National Editorial Association
Oregon Stute Editorial Association the veterans unless he sincerely be­ perts of the bureau of chemistry, Unit­
lieved that his reasons for doing so ed States Department of Agriculture.
Oregon Newspaper Conference
Lane County Publishers ’ Association were sound. By his veto he showed
that he stands ready to do right, Farmers are the largest users of
THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1924.
let the consequences be what they leather and they are vitally concerned
tn lengthening Its Ufa Harness, for
toetance, of the proper weight and
riding of the veto because we want grade for the work required, should
The smoke of political buttle has to see the veterans get their ad­ last fifteen to twenty-five years If ft
cleared away. The people have spo­ justed compensation provided they la not allowed to become hard or
ken. Whether or not they acted want it—regardless of whether they harsh, but Is kept smooth and flexible
by frequent washing and oiling, and
wisely, or came to their decision need it.
We would have willingly carried
from false premises, should no
on the war for years—at a cost tins been known to last forty years.
longer be a subject of serious dis­
The specialists recommend that har­
far exceeding anything that the
cussion if popular government is to
ness be washed with tepid water and
adjusted compensation can cost.
be successful.
Every veteran, whether he got castlle soap, rinsed in tepid water, and
The Sentinel wishes to say noth­
any hung up to dry. While still moist It
ing concerning the recall to stir across or not, if he served
the feelings of those who were on length of time, sustained a meterial should be oiled well with neat’s-foot
setback equal to anything he can oil or castor oil with a mixture of
the losing »ide. It feels, however,
get from the adjusted compensation. either with wool grease. Driving
that two statementH should be
While the veterans were perform­ belts, machine belts and other leather
First—The timber cruise is to go ing their duty, whether at home or articles used by the farmer will also
fighting on a foreign strand, those
ahead practically the same as if
respond to this preservative treatment
nothing hud happened. Unquestion­ at home were enjoying war pros­ with increased serviceability and mon­
ably the present Neuse contract
ey will be saved that would otherwise
will be carried through. The new with the legitimate profits of pros­
have to be spent In replacing them If
commissioners are sincerely for a perity. Many who sat at swivel
limber cruise and will see that it is desks and bungled jobs as they neglected.
Grease the children’s shoes and wa­
honestly and fairly carried forward
until the timber of the entire coun­ bungling meant death and suffering terproof the soles so that dampness
to those serving in the khaki—were cannot enter. Then It will no longer
ty has been cruised.
Second—No one mude any large paid wages out of all proportion to be necessary to deny children the
contributions to any fund for or their services and were then pre­ pleasures of outdoor life during win­
against the recall, as the statements sented with distinguished service ter and spring because of the possible
soon to be filed will show. The medals.
Those of us who remained at dnnger of colds from wet feet. For­
recall committee spent not to ex­
ceed a few hundred dollars and was home and prospered—while the boys mulas for making boots and shoes wa­
al all times short of funds for le­ in khaki were making safe our ter resistant have been prepared by
gitimate expenses. The bill for firesides and securing our prosperity the department.
printing the recall petitions has not for the future—should be glad to
yet been puid. Funds were not on see the veterans rewarded. The Sen
hand at. the close of the campaign tinel will not complain about its
to liquidate obligations amounting
to probably $200 or $300. The ram
If a man showed as much celerity
pnigns for and against the recall
were ns near free will campaigns about getting home from work ns
as are likely ever to be seen in he does asperity about getting to
Lane county. The cost to the news­ work, his wife would be happy to
papers, who gave freely of their pardon the latter.
• • •
space for contributions, was high.
The Now York police have arrest­
They have never before given so
ed a cosmotherapist. We presume
much in any campaign.
The new officials can only suc­ ho was charged with committing
the alphabet.
cessfully carry forward their work grand larceny on
• « •
through the cooperation of the elec
fish walk is one of the very
tornte ns a whole, or, at least, with­
dances. Those who would be
out any attempt being made to
swim must learn it.
frustrate their efforts, or to direct
their efforts, upon the part of those
lias the dairy been inspected that
who favored or opposed them.
The Sentinel has spoken in almost furnishes the lacteal fluid for the
exactly the snmo words when it has milky way!
been defeated, and it feels that the
After all, the most lasting happi-
same words are equally appropri­
Fence-Post Brace.
ness comes from making others
ate now.
The Sentinel has no unkind words happy.
rod shown in the 111ns-
to say of anyone not even of the
When a man says he isn’t bossed tratlon has one end bearing ugalnst a
few who might have had unkind
words to say of it had the result by his wife, other men wonder metal seat near the top of the post
been otherwise. If we are to hnv-> whether ho is a liar or just plain, and the other against a block of con-
Crete. It acts as a brace and Is held
good losers, we must also have ordinary thick • in « the
winners who do not rub it in.
tn place by the horizontal tie rod.
Let there be pence.
was satisfied with taking up his
own time.
Bred Sires of
The handsome endorsement given
President Coolidge, Senator McNary
Some people <lon’t hear Opportu-
and Representative Hawley is a re­ nity when sho
knocks because they
No hard and fast rules can be laid
freshing indication that the people
are making too much noise cursing down as to how and where to buy
often reward those who servo them
their luck
to the best of their ability. Recent
good herd sires, It is a good plan for
* • •
events have shown that the presi­
There may be some satisfaction the beginner to get the advice and as-
dent is not truckling in order to bo in rising above those around you, slstance of an experienced judge be-
the favorite at the polls and the
but the truly groat take more plea­ fore making a purchase. Not every
vote was for a man who has been
pure bred or registered sire Is a good
sure in raising others with them.
tried and has been found ready to
• • •
one; cu II b appear in the best herds,
face the music even when unpopu­
Men are oqunl only after death, Most county agents and high school
larity may be the result. Senator
nnd if they could be nothing but agricultural teachers are good stock
McNary once had several factions
equals during life, this old world
opposing him but nt th»» polls sore
lodges, or at least have sufficient
would bo a dead one.
spots must have been forgotten.
knowledge of breeds and herds to en­
• • •
Representative Hawley is accus
Wh-'n you arc doubtful of the able them to render valuable assist­
timed to a hearty endorsement of!
right or wrong of a proposed action, ance in selecting stock. The better
class of breeders will assist a new man
it is pretty certain to be wrong.
Care of Leather in
Wet Weather Urged
and Spring
Best Results
to get a start by giving him good value
for his money.
Pure bred sires give best results
when always of one breed. Judicious
cross-breeding may give good results
for market feeding, but when eross-
bred females are saved for breeding
purposes their offspring do not have
that uniformity of type and form
that Is so desirable In market stock.
This is only obtained by continuing
one line of breeding.
. . a genuine Pyralin
ccwttb to match each
hair bruah.
Too much adverse criticism has
kept many a person from doing
something really worth while. Scat-»
ter a little sunshine along your
way. It certainly can’t hurt, and it
may help.
• • •
We’d have time enough for any­
thing if we didn't spend so much of
it doing something that doesn’t
amount to anything.
* • •
A miner, who was suffering so
badly from a toothache that he
couldn’t work, dropped 1100 foot
down a shaft. The remedy is a
trifle heroic for general adoption,
but it xtopp<»d the toothache.
The Real Bargain Is Quality
Naturally, everyone likes to trade where good values are assured. Low price, how-
ever, does not always mean a good value, for in any purchase ii is the quality ot the
goods which underlies real and lasting satisfaction. That is why we insist on dual­
ity first in everything we offer for sale. Only so do we feel we are keeping faith
with our customers who put confidence in what we offer them.
Our prices are right—you will find that wo give you excellent values in ev­
ery line of merchandise. But quality comes first. That is our most important con­
sideration and yours.
Men’s New Footwear
Men’s Dress Straw Hats
No. 865—One of the best finished
snappy oxfords we have seen this season.
Color, plum (dark tan), extension sole,
fancy stitched. The makers of this shoe
say “This pair of shoes represents the
best efforts of our 16,000 workers.” No
better oxfords are being sold for $7.50 to
$8.50. Our price..................................$6.25
No. 1436—An oxford for tender feet.
Dr. Charles cushion sole. Black vici kid,
broad and comfortable; rubber heel;
Priced a pair........................................ $4.00
No. 170—A new shoe, new last, new
welt process—better than Goodyear welt
because more comfortable and stronger
fastened. Moccasin tip, rubber heel, dark
tan. No nails or tacks to hurt the feet.
They are, all leather, flexible, strong, ser­
viceable. Designed for people who need
shoes for bal’d service yet desire comfort.
Try to match this shoe elsewhere for less
than $4.50. Our price........................ $3.85
We have just a few high grade latest
style sample straw hats and we offer
them for half price. Only a few but gen­
uine bargains. Take advantage.
$4.50 to $5.00 hats
June ?t>7*
Start a «rt of America'« m<*t beauti­
ful toilet ware (or soon« one dear to
you. She can add to it whenever she
wants to, for piacw always match.
Graduations, weddings, nnnivrrsa-
rice all demand gifts. None is more
appreciated titan Pyralni with its
lifelong iwvfuhics* and cxquuile
Inspect our beautiful display thia
Week, and take advantage ¿f thia
»fax tai offer. Htafe ia a mua II charge
for UounalKiu. d deeutd.
Kern’s for Drugs
No. t> is ten times more pow-
erful than carbolic acid and
ten times as sate. Cleanses
whatever it touches. Use it
where you want things sani­
One of 200 Purcteat prepara
lions for health and hygiene.
Every item the best that skill
and care can produce.
Kem’s for Drugs
Soy Beans Not Superior
to Alfalfa as Hay Crop
While aoy beano should not be con­
sidered superior to alfalfa for hay,
they may be regarded as a most ex­
cellent catch cfop to be seeded In the
spring in ptacea where clover or al­
falfa have winterkilled, or to be grown
where other legumes have not been
weeded the year before. Then, too,
toy bean» Will grow on land that la
slightly tour and not well adapted for
rhe legumes that are especially «us-
ceptible to »oil acidity.
$2.50 to $3.00 hats
We Told You Last Week We
Would Reduce Prices
A new lot of those long wearing, fast
color, best quality moleskin pants, of »
which we have sold hundreds of pairs
at $4.60; present price...................... $4.20
Also coats to match
Tomato Fertilizer Tests
Give Convincing Results
Results ot three years’ work with
fertilizer« on tomatoes have Just been
published by the New Jersey experi­
ment station. Yields produced with
21 different complete ferUllzers, each
containing a total of ovei^ltl per cent
plant food (ammonia, phosphoric acid
and potash) were compared with each
other and with yields of unfertilized
tomatoes, The fertiliser was applied
at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre,
stroke of
clapper causes metal vibration« 400 pounds several days before plant­
Ing and the balance three weeks after
which start air waves. Due to planting.
the hi lls’ round, hollow shape,
Durlug the three-year period, the
these air waves strike the ear combined average yield of the seven
as a ringing sound.
highest yielding plots was 12 tons of
•pL. y A/Zl ut
N° 6
tomatoes per acre, 4.8 tons more than
the average yield of the unfertilized
All things considered, a
“ling-s the bell’’ every time, tomatoes.
28-0 fertilizer proved the most eeo-
as a fee of germs, insects and uomlcal under the conditions govern-
Ing the test
It is proper to do the small things
An ideal husband is one who
The simplest and pleasantest way
well, but if you allow them to take
to make a woman shut her mouth
all your energy you will be incapaci­
the neighbors about him.
is to kiss her.
tated for attending Io the larger
# , .
A good New Year’s resolution is
Nowadays the old adage about
recently died, agX
casting pearls before swine loses its that you will do your Christmas
force—because you can sell the pigs shopping early next year.
119 and 120. The former smoked,
and buy plenty more pearls.
the latter did not. See how smok­
The grouch ruins his own life, but ing cut down the life of one.
• * ♦
The beautiful character has as that wouldn’t be so bad if he
little chance to develop amid squal­ didn’t have such a baleful effect
The spice manufacturers have
or and vice as has the rose choked upon the lives of those about him. formed a trust and proposo to put
• • •
by weeds.
a little ginger into the business.
The statute of limitations is the
Some who have left footprints in trusts’ goddess • of ♦ liberty.
Lives there a man who will take
the sands of time seem to have
oath that he has never acted n
tried to cover them up so that
li\ |><■< id.-.____________ ———_
deserved or nut.
others could not follow.
The most wanted dress
fabrics and the hard­
est to get. Ratines are
about all sold up in ev­
ery market in Ameri­
ca. In plain colors we
still have at $1.10 im­
ported ratines
French blue, copen
blue, lavender, green
white, burnt orange
We also have 5 bolts
imported ratines at
$1.70. Colorings the
G i n g h a m can be
bought at almost any
price, but why buy
off brands? We be­
lieve we have the
highest grade ging­
ham in Cottage
Grove. Late exclu­
sive patterns, good
colorings and well
woven cloth.
To those who have
not bought gingham
from us—give us a
look over.
We Told You We Would Reduce Prices
Extra Specials for Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
20c A. & L. solid pack tomatoes....... 17c
25c Red Ribbon solid pack tomatoes. 20c
25c Preferred Stock peas.......... _.... 20c
15c Campbell’s soups................
15c Campbell’s pork and beans...... . 12c
40c Ghiradelli chocolate.... ................ 34c
25c Hershey cocoa..... ........... „.. ........._19c
Wesson oil
pt., 31c; qt.. 57c; mil.. $2
5-lb. pail white Karo syrup.... ........... 46c
10-lb. pail white Karo syrup.... ......... 87c
40c Mothers’ oats................
4-lb. pail Swift pure silver leaf lard. 68c
8-11». pail Swift pure silver leaf lard $1.26
4-lb. pail Swift Jewel shortening......... 65c
8-lb. pail Swift Jewel shortening.... $1.22
Note the ad ot I ru-Blu Biscuit Com­
pany, on page 3. We have the cup cus­
tard and premium.
WOOL—We are in the market for all the good wool we can buy. We are not here
today and gone tomorrow. As to MOHAIR, the season is nearly over. If you have
any, bring it in at once.
C. H. Burkholder