PAGE THREE I I.e’d-lr Fits under Windows I id by Korex After Flu Nearly Got Him. er having the flu four ” says Henry R. Haines, of Oklahoma, ”1 came out in ition worse than death. I vigor, strength or courage, laking korex, I gained 10 right away and it seemed lew life into my nerves and by blood circulate faster, im full of pep again.” To­ by months later, Mr. Haines .Is as ‘ ‘ good as new, ’ ’ ac- to his own statement. fling to enthusiastic users, tfits of korex are complete ting. Thousands the world e now using this wonder d. Weary and worn-out Id women, sufferers from pain, lack of appetite, vigor and low glandular will be interested in learn- the American distributors c compound have arranged x compound to be sold in Grove at Kent’s for Drugs, at korex compound the next I are in this drug store. 2 r vi(jloratlny]omc3L ' SUFFER SO? k Your Health as Other ;tage Grove Folks Have Done. ,ny people suffer lame, ach- i>, distressing kidney disor rheumatic aches and pains, is is due to faulty kidney id there’s danger of hard- lories, dropsy, gravel or disease. Don’t let weak year you out. Use Doan’s ire it is too late! Doan’s nulnnt diuretic to the kid- n’s have helped thousands, uld help you. Here is one Cottage Grove cases: i. Kebelbeck, Birch and J ; “I was subject to kid­ ness for a long timo and ind anything that helped I began using Doan’s used Doan’s occasionally keep me free from all Iments. ” SEVEN YEARS LATER jelbeck said: “I always d Doan’s for they put my a good order.” Oc, at all dealers. Don’t k for a kidney remedy— I’s Pills—the same that ilbeck had. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N. Y. Fitting under a closed window, a i ■iiile I Cad-in now on the market Vei satUity,Originality,Charm and Beauty Mark f i i.ould n r o v e lopular with Programs of Going-Bell-Epperson Com adio fans. The cud-in is thin pany, Chautauqua, Second Day. .nd fiat, and can >e bent to any > h a p e to fit doselv to the lindow ledges, it is covered vith a fireproof, nsulating m a - erial which pre­ rents grounding 5 f circuits o n wet window tills, and elimi­ nates the neces­ sity of drilling holes and fitting porcelain tubes in the window frames. Tabs are provided at the ends for soldering the down lead from the aerial and the lead to the instrument. The fittir.gviH prove of special benefit to radio enthusiasts living in apart­ ments, where the drillilg of window frames is usually prohibited. Simple Method or Making Raj Mats Excellent doormats can be made a' home from stripe of rag or burlap The strips must all be of the sam< width and twisted until they are alxiu1 the thickness of a finger. The stripi in tacked, about 4 in. front one end to a length of wood, and are spaced •% in. apart. The width of the mat de­ pends on the number of stripe used which must be an even number. After fastening the length of woo»: io a table or bench, the strips are read> to he woven, which is done by tyinii them together with “square” knots un­ til the mat is completed. The first knot is tied with the first and seconu strips, the second knot with the third and fourth strips, the third knot with the fifth and sixth strips, and so on tq the end. The second row of knots if Steamed and frosted windows are a oegun by tying the second and third source of annoyance to many house­ | strips, then the fourth and fifth strips! wives as the moisture not only ob­ i ind so on. The knots are all tied in thd structs the view but also soils the •’me way, and the method of doind glass through the accumulation of uu: is plainly shown m Un. A dust when sweeping or cleaning A ei.c'ng peg must be used, so that all cloth bag containing a few spoonfuls I. ■ knot. will be of the same size; the of tobacco, placed in the water used in,. > tied around the peg, which is to wash the windows, will overcome I .. -lipped out. The peg should be this trouble and will also impart a : bout 1 in. square and tapered to a •oint. clear, crystal effect. Birds at evening—birds in the early morning chirping In the old apple trees—birds out on the farm or plantation, in the woods or In the city yard—will be heard under the Chautauqua tent when the Golng- Bell-Epperson Company appear here. Miss Fay Epperson, who Is a genius nt Interpreting birds calls, gives a charmingly Informal talk on birds be­ fore her performance, and adds some clever whistling solos for good measure. Other members of the company are Miss Evelyn Going—whose fine soprano voice Is a perfect joy to those who love vocal music, and Miss Bernice Bell, well-known pianist, who can make the Ivory keys talk Your bottom dollar may be the The woman who purrs when ycu In any language. Artists of unusual ability and personal charm, Misses Going, Bell and I call her a kitten would scratch your foundation of a » fortune. * • Epperson, will give a diversified program of entertainment Including a I eyes out if you were to call her a The luckiest people in this old 1 cat. bit of song, a bit of Instrumental music, a bit of whistling, a bit of Im­ • • • world arc those who go after what personation—In fact a bit of everything dainty and satisfying. Be sure the world laughs with they want with hammer and tongs. ... you and uot at you. Patience ceases to be a virtue Call a spade by any name you when you allow others to impose hke—-bu£jre^j>ur jind use jt; McDonald Birch in Artistic Magic at Chautauqua Mystery—Magic—Mirth. Sentinel Wantad Will Sell It for You • With ^Purchase Cup Custard of a Pound or More of Tru-Bhi COOKIE-CAKES All this week—until closing time Saturday night, May 31—your gro­ cer will give you, with each purchase of the famous Tru-Bhi “Cup Cus­ tard” Cookie-Cakes, a regular 8-ounce Package of the NEW Jru-BakeSooAS The Universal Cracker Birch—the man wbo mystifies—-Is bringing his wonderful entertain­ ment, “Artistic Magic," to Chautauqua. His entertainment is clean, wholesome and far above the average type of magic. It will include none of the tiresome hanky-panky tricks, but clever, scientific mysteries of manipulative magic, art and psychic phenomena, mind reading, and un­ usual and original novelties. ■- McDonald Birch Is a humorist as well as a “mystifier”—and the fact that a professional In this line can be really funny la claimed by some to be the greatest mystery of all. A vein of humorous patter, apropos al­ lusions to the audience and his tricks, run throughout the performance and keeps the audience In an uproar. This combination of mystery, be­ wilderment and laughter promises to be a great tonic, equally enjoyed by young, old and the ln-betweena. , This is purely an introductory offer and will posi­ tively be withdrawn at store closing time Saturday night, May 31 at. Clip the coupon now, and present it to your grocer as soon as possible. So Bakers From Australia To You confident that you are will Tru-Bhi be de­ lighted with the crispness and richness oi TRU BAKE SODAS Trio of Artists Brings Splendid Concerts to Chautauqua —and with the NEW »hap®— that they take this means of giv­ 1 ing you a trial package FREE. FILL Everybody Likes These Tru-Blu COUPON Cup Custard Cookies They are the delightful English style cake-, with a delicious layer of custardy filling. Served at teas, luncheons, or with your dinner dessert ices. Your grocer has a fresh supply of Tru-Blu ‘'Clip Costard" cookies at ilvertowns Icistlonxr- $avej>asolinc mane ridingeasier oodrich vertown »RD TIRES 7 oodson Bros. »' m 40c Lb Get a Pound or 7 u)o and In a program which shades from the finest classical masterpieces to the whimsical and humorous In music, the Australian Trio, a group of exceptionally high class artists, will give Chautauqua audiences a de­ lightful variety of satisfying entertainment on the fifth day. Australia, like Tipperary, is a long, long ways from our Chautauqua circuit, but the spldtadld reputation which this trio has made with the public tn that musically critical Island country, and Its enthusiastic reception by the most discerning critics, prompted the management to secure the organi­ sation for appearance here. “Mr. Alan Murray, baritone, whose rich, finely pf.lsed voice threat- heights of fame” (Sydney Bulletin, ; Mr. Edwyn ens to soar to ths big violinists, and Miss Dolly Stewart wbo does Hames, one of ths delightful “songs at the plena,“ with whimsical characteriMttons of the tighter vein, make tip the trio. Mias Stewart la always popular and great demand» are made upon bar for encore» As a violinist Mr Hames eg. cals in tnsstarfttl teAnlque and tonal qnalttl-«, while Mr. Murray Is a wizard at tnaatoal inf tswtsrion. phrasing and enun. latlon. Get this lirciaae Portland CO UP OR