The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 08, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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If there is anything a woman en­
joys moro than having her grocery
bill smaller than her neighbors’, it
is to have it enough bigger so that
the neighbors will talk about what
an extravagant cook she is.
• • •
We condemn others for their niis-
takes quite as readily as we find
excuses for our own.
When a man is down on his
knees in a fruitless search for a
misguided collar button he seldom
associates the position with prayer.
A German savant wants to know
how long a dream lasts. That often
depends upon how long you put off
the marriage ceremony, or how long
before election day.
That old saying about casting
There is no fool like the fool
“pearls before swine” is losing its
who tries to fool himself.
Silver-tongued orators are prob­
The golden rule is one of the
ably so called because their fortune
kind that works both ways.
i their tongue.
United States Senator
C has . L M c N ary
Republican for Renomination
During his seven years in the Senate he has secured—
$31,020,269 for Oregon Development
$ 9,255,762
$ 9,080,000
$ 507,900
$ 310,500
Increase Germination
of Seed by Cleaning
More Thorough Scarifying
Decreases Hard Kernels.
Cleaning and scarifying of alfalfa
seed prior to planting Increased the
germination 23 per cent and greatly In­
creased the purity of the seed, accord­
ing to results secured by O. A. Stevens,
seed analyst at the North Dakota Ag­
ricultural college, In tests conducted
during the past year with 90 samples
of alfalfa.
Germination of the samples prior to
scarifying and cleaning averaged 57
per cent, with 39 hard seeds. After
cleaning and scarifying, the germina­
tion averaged 78 per cent and the
number of hard seeds was cut down to
20. More thorough scarification would
further decrease the number of hard
seeds. The amount of pure seed In the
samples prior to cleaning averaged 92
per cent, and after cleaning 97 per
“Hard seeds, that is, seeds which
neither germinate nor rot, constitute a
problem peculiar to the legumes, al­
falfa, sweet clover, white, red and al-
slke clovers,” Mr. Stevens declares.
"Water falls to penetrate the seed
coats, and the seeds may lie dormant
tn the ground for long periods of time,
often several years. Frequently, sam­
ples of alfalfa and sweet clover con­
tain up to 75 per cent of this hard »
seed. To make these seeds germinate,
they are usually scarified, that Is, the
coats are scratched by some meclian-
leal means so that the moisture can
get through them, Occasionally sam-
pies of alfalfa and sweet clover may
show high germination without scarifi­
cation, but seedsmen and farmers now
make it a rule to scarify their seed be­
fore planting, especially If using varie­
ties of high value.”
Feeder Prevents Swine
From Upsetting Swill
for Rivers and Harbors
for Reclamation and Power
for Public Roads
for Agriculture
for Forest Protection
His Slogan: “For Oregon; Its People and Their Welfare.”
It’s the world's lowest priced quality car.
The CHEVROLET Ims always been noted for its
powerful motor.
All closed bodies are of the best modern type of con­
struction such as is found on the highest-grade ears
All windows ar< plate glass anil have Ternstedt regu­
lators, affording quick, reliable adjustment to suit the
weather and the temperature.
Every CHEVROLET has sufficient room for the com­
fort of the number of passengers for which it is rater!.
Its low cost makes it possible for families of mod­
erate income to own both an open and a closed CHEV­
ROLET lor less than the pi ice of some open cars.
Come in and ask for a demonstration. We are always
glad to have you compare this car with any other small
car on the market.
Beaulieu & Marrel
For Sheriff
Vote 80 X
I am a Spanish War veteran, a mendier of the Ma-
sonic, Knights . Pythias and Modern Woodman lodge: •8,
also the Grange and Fai mera' I nion.
in 8-15
We find we have too many
aprons and wash dresses at
this season of the year and
we are making genuine re­
ductions in our regular rea­
sonable prices as an induce­
ment for our customers to
buy two or more aprons and
dresses a price reduction
inducement to purchase now
even in advance of your real
* » *
A blemish in a piece of highly
polished wood or metal is made ail |
the more noticeable because of the
beauty and attractiveness of the]
surrounding body. So also is it in
human life. Brilliancy of mind and
purity of character tend to make a
fault appear all the more hideous.
• # »
Some of the sweet girl graduates
who stood high in mathematics are
not yet able to perform the proper
equation on the batter to have good
bread as the result.
* * *
You often lose more by the
friends you allow yourself to asso­
ciate with than by the enemies who
put you on your mettle.
The Minneapolis husband who, af­
ter knocking his wife down with a
board, still claims that lie dearly
loves her, certainly succeeded in
successfully dissembling the fact.
As a muddy stream enn travel
but a little way into a body of
puro water before it spreads out
and discolors the entire body, just
so does a* moral leper contaminate
thoso with whom he comes in con­
There is a fellow in California
who lauglis every time an earth­
quake conies along. lie must be
one of those fellows who have to
have a brick wall fall on ’em be­
fore they see the joke.
These aprons are good in quality and have formerly
tailed at $1.25 each The styles are very attractive and
there are several different patterns from which to choose.
One lot low-neck, long sleeve, choice each..
One lot high-neck, long sleeve, choice each
Shown in styles with long sleeves and short
sleeves in materials of gingham, crepes and
percales. Sizes for the smallest women to
extra stouts. Sec them today.
One lot $1.50 aprons, choice each........ $1.19
One lot $1.95 to $2.25 aprons, choice. $1.49
One lot to $2.95 aprons, choice............. $1.98
All children’s wash dresses reduced onc-
third off price.
All Silk and Wool Dresses
Reduced in Regular Prices
During May.
Handy Hog Feeder.
Carrying swill to a bunch of hungry
hogs Is no small accomplishment. If
they are to be kept from upsetting the
pall In which It Is carried. So an In­
genious funner built a feeder like the
one In this Illustration. There Is no
need for a single drop to be spilled.
While It may be built of any mate­
rial, this one was made of concrete
and la serviceable and lasting.
Behold the hog—ho toiletli not,
neither doth be spin, yet he feed-
eth upon high-priced corn and goeth
into the homes of the best society
and associateth side by side on the
same platter with the aristocratic
« « «
Wrigley’s means
The parents with a half dozen
beneiil as well as children should bo pretty well satis­
• • •
A boro seldom gets very deep into
your a ffoctions.
• • •
A few long scars on the side of
a young man's face may not be
sufficient circumstantial evidence
that his whiskers have started to
grow but they’re an infallible sign
that dad is going to swear the next
time he tries to use his razor
• • •
When hubby tells wifey about
what pretty hair some other woman
has, it is decidedly improper and
unladyliko for her to exclaim,
“rats! ”
A woman would .got a divorce
L< aves a bad congh. So does “flu” from a man who abused her the
Steady Growth Is Seen
and la grippe. Bnt these lingering way some of them do themselves
in Pure Bred Holsteins coughs yield easily to the healing j«t^Uieir^lothing^^^^^^^^^^^
and curative qualities of
Au average of 9,500 registrations
and 7,920 transfers a month during the CHAMBERLAIN’S
years 1921, 1922 and 1923 Indicates COUGH REMEDY
that the pure bred Holstein cattle
Every user is a friend
business Is growing steadily despite ---------------- j..................... -
adverse live stock conditions which
have prevnlled during this period. !
Membership In the Holsteln-Frleslan i
Association of America Increased at
the rate of from 188 each month In I
1921 to 149 In 1928.
Since 1880, when this organization
of Holstein breeders was established
under Its present name, to January 1,.
1924, 1,299,129 certificates of registry
and 1,291,968 certificates of transfer
have been Issued. Registrations num­
bered 877,520 for females »nd 421,009
for males. Of the transfers Issued
800,240 were for females and 431,718
for mules. A total of over Î3.000 Hol­
stein breeders are now members of
thia association.
Potato Scab Corrected
by Corrosive Sublimate
Frank E. Taylor
It’s the longest-lasting
confection you can buy
-and It’s a help to di­
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
It would take years for a new man to attain his present
position of prominence and influence
Aprons and Wash Dresses
Pretty, chic and new! You will like these
wash dresses on sight. All wash dresses in
this sale bear the Mina Taylor trade mark,
which is assurance for best quality and
THE QUALITY store - coop
$2.95 to
$3.50 to
$4.50 to
$5.50 to
wash dresses....... $2.39
wash dresses..... $3.19
wash dresses..... $3.69
wash dresses....... $4.19
All Spring Coats Reduced
in Regular Prices for the
Month of May.
After Every Meal
His powerful committee assignments and his prestige in the
Senate equips him to accomplish even greater things for the
continued development of Oregon's Resources and Industries
Why You Should Prefer a
A conceited man seldom thinks
• •
If there is anything more laugh-
able than to see a young man try
to act old, it is to see an old man
try to look young.
This is more than has been secured by any other Western
Senator in the same period.
There’s a Reason
The mother who does not teach'
her daughter to do housework is not'
doing justice by her daughter nor
her future son in-law.
It is less dangerous to let a
drunken cannibal throw bowie
knives at you than to be around a
woman when she is sharpening a
• • •
Four billion dollars ’ worth of eggs
aro laid annually by the hens of the
nation. If by their fruit ye shall
know then, the hen should bo the
national bird. Wouldn’t biddy look
fine on the back of our coins hold-
ing a Iny in one upraised foot and
hanging onto the national debt with
the other.
Potato scab Is a disease acquired
from Infected sell, or Infected seed. If
it la In the seed. It can bs remedied by
dipping the seeds In corrosive subli­
mate, one ounce to eight gallons of wa­
ter, for a period of ten minutes. If
the dlseuse Is In the soli, the remedy is
more difficult. Apply sulphur In the
rows before planting the seed—000
pounds of sulphur to the acre, The
safest way, however. Is to plant next
year's crop on clean land.
Republican Candidate l’or
Corn Profits Increased
A Native Son of Oregon who is
bv Heavier Fertilizing clean.
Dean H. L. Watts, Pennsylvania
State college. Is authority for the
statement that In fertiliser demonstra­
tions conducted In Allegheny county,
Pennsylvania, last summer. 350 pounds \
of a 4-84 tulxturs plus 800 pounds of I
vice, steady achievement, in-
acid phosphate per acre produced
more than twice as many ears of sweet [ cri'iuttllg f influence and wia»
corn than when no fertiliser was used. : nt tesmanship iu voters’ patn-
The demonstrations revealed distinct pldet.
•wUc'OuM ’•(l’sid ad. by RonaldC. Glover) I
Some folks arc- never ha pay v.n-
hss there id something wrong with
I Lem.
* # »
If we could see ourselves as
others see us, there wonldn’t be
nearly so many egotists.
When they get to making paper
out of corn, as is now proposed, a
man can mako eye-openers out of
his morning paper and get about
three sheets in the wind before
• • •
If John D. Rockefeller is a rose
garden, as his pastor
Some folks get to the front by in the Lord’s _
states, we can hardly imagine what
hanging onto those ahead.
• • •
a skunk cabbage would be like.
A man always feels eluted just
after finding that he is right
when ho thought he was wrong.
Spores Fuel Co.
B arber S hop
TFe Bob, Curl and
Marcel Hair
Barber work in general ;
special attention‘to children.
630 Main, P. S. Bukowski, Prop.
Now Handling Old Growth
Fir and Hardwood
Order early for your next
winter’s supply. Reduced
rates on all orders of ten
tiers or over.
Office: 9th and Main; phone
99; res. phone 178-R.