PAGE TWO COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924 _ __ _________________ tiring officers, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stevens and I Burkholder and Mrs. Frost, were Mr. and Mrs. David Sterling enter­ hostesses for the last meeting of the tained Saturday evening for (the */ year. Refreshments were served in musicians and those who aided in MOUNT VIEW. the banquet room which had been giving a series of dances during attractively decorated. A huge May the winter at which th»» two couples (Special to The Sentinel.) basket filled with sweet peas and were hosts and hostesses. Charles May 5.—J. W. Fisher, of Thorn­ other spring flowers was placed Shanda won high honors at five in the center of the dining table. hundred. Ice cream, cake and cof- ton Corners, a’nd Carl Fisher, of Al- vadore, visited Clarence Sears Sat­ Long streamers of crepe paper were fee were served. urday afternoon. extended from the basket. Attrac­ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. George Duerst, tive place cards marked the plate Children’s night will be observed are spending their of each of the twenty-seven mem tomorrow evening at the regular newlyweds, bers, who were presented corsage meeting of the Eastern Star chap­ honeymoon in Portland. Mrs. Amanda Sears and Miss Lau­ Many of our dress goods have received reductions bouquets of sweet peas by the re­ ter. A play, “ K Vision of Mother tiring presid, nt, Mrs. Metcalf. She Goose Land,” will be staged by ra Riley attended an ice cream so­ which should appeal to the lady who wishes a new dress. cial at The Cedars Saturday night. was presented a pair of candlestick the children. Refreshments that the Mr. and Mrs. George Layng were holders. We urge you to shop here. children like will be served. Mrs. <$> <3> <» C. A. Beidler, Mrs. 8. L. Mackin hosts to a number of the immediate Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neet enter and Mrs. Charles Adams comprise relatives of Mr. and Mrs. George We also have received and are receiving almost daily Duerst, who were married Thursday tiined Monday evening in honor of the entertainment committee. .New Barrettes, Ladies Belts in assorted colors, a new in Cottage Grove. A dainty wed­ Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sanders, who ❖ > <$> leave Sunday on a two months’ The Friendly Workers, n class of ding supper was served. Bob Hair Comb and other novelties too numerous to motor trip to their former home in the Christian church Sunday school, mention. Come in anti count ’em. BLUE MOUNTAIN. Arkansas. A theater party was en­ entertained the member, of the joyed, following which the party church congregation Tuesday eve- Sonte beautiful Silk and Chiit’on Hose in the very (Special to The Sentinel.) returned to The Elite, where danc­ ning in the church with an enter May 5.—Miss Bessie Mooney, of ing was the diversion. A two-course taining musical and reading pio- newest shades. S • them. luncheon was served at the close of gram, Light refreshm- nts were San Francisco, is visiting her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Butte Mooney. the evening. Those present were served. Hat Shapes, Flowers and Children’s Hats on display. Mr. and Mrs. George Duerst went Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. 4> W. A. Garoutte, Mr. and Airs. Vic­ Th1 ladies’ aid society Just the thing to “top” off 1 lie pring outfit. y of th ■ to Portland Sunday to visit Mr. tor Kem, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ga­ Christian church met yesterday af­ Duerst’» sister, Mrs. Tom Cowing. Mrs. Thena Miller and children routte, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, ternoon in the church parlors, with A very nice display of the newest thing in -Japanese Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allison, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Kime, Mrs. O. L. Junes, spent Saturday night and Sunday Parasols at Surprise Prices. Ladies, make these parasols Mrs. Fred Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. A. Hughes, Mrs. F. W. with Mrs. Matilda Jones in Cottage Stanley Damewood, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. George Hohl as Grove. your freckle preventive. Mr. and Mrs. Butte Mooney and Marvin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Curl hostesses. Mrs. L. Kibby were dinner guests Witte and Miss Adelaide LaCasse. ♦ ♦ > Still maintain a wonderful line of Dinner Ware in ♦ ♦ ♦ The Toujours Prete club will meet at the George Layng home, at , Little Miss Margaret Ruth Lowry, next Wednesday evening with Miss Mount View’, Thursday. sets and open stock. When in the market for dishes, Mrs. Wm. Moody went to Eureka, «laughter of Mr. and Mm. C. 8. Jessie Sanborn. Mrs. Gaven C. — Dy- associate the name with— Lowry, was the honor guest at a ott will atlk on the care of the Cal., Monday to join her husband. May Day party given last Thursday patient and sick room. in Eugene at the home of her 4- LYNX HOLLOW. grandmother, Mrs. 8. L. Lowry, Tho Social Twelve will meet this where she was visiting at the time. afternoon with Mrs. Homer Gallo (Special to The Sentinel.) <$> ♦ ♦ May 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank «ay. Mrs. Catharine Bader and Miss Pearl Layng, daughter of Mrs. J. A. Merryman will be addi- Mackie were Sunday guests in the Mr. and Mrs. George Lnyng, nnd ional guests. home of their daughter, Mrs. Mel­ OVER 6000 ITEMS WRIGHT & CALDWELL George Duerst, son of Mrs. Louise vin Jackson, near Creswell. Kibby, were married Thursday after­ Mrs. Ellis Robinson is The Methodist Sunday school will visiting noon of last week at the home of enjoy a picnic supper at 6 o’clock in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bosley, E. R. Friday evening at the Methodist Mrs. Lew Lajoie. Clevenger, pastor of the Baptist camp ground on east Main street. The ladies of the G. A. H. elub church, officiating. They were at­ <» ••> enjoyed an all day session and _______ old tended by Louis and Mary Layng, The women’s relief corps will fashioned quilting in the Nancy brother and sister of the bride. meet Saturday afternoon to arrange Neal home last Wednesday. A The rooms in which the ceremony for their participation in the Mem­ bountiful lunch was served during was performed was attractively dec­ orial day program. the noon hour. orated with iris and other spring The E. T. Hartley family made a flowers. The bridesmaid carried The Jolly Bunch club will hold week end visit with relatives in pale pink carnations. Only relatives their regular dance in Phillips hall and near Salem. and immediate friends were present. tomorrow evening. Refreshments Immediately following the ceremony will be served. LONDON. a wedding dinner was served at the «><» home of the bride’s parents. The (Special to The Sentinel.) The auxiliary of the American couple left at once for Portland on Legion will hold their regular meet­ May 5.—Mr. and Mrs? P. a two weeks’ honeymoon. They will ing Monday evening in I. O. O. F. Briggs have moved their household make their home at Blue Mountain. hall. goods to Diamond lake. The William <8> ❖ Ewing family will move into the <3> Tho Tuesday Evening Study club Mrs. T. G. Sudtell will entertain house vacvted by Mr. Briggs. was entertained at a four-course the Tuesday Bridge elub at its Hazel Thori was quite painfully dinner Tuesday evening by t he re- regular meeting next week. injured at school when one of the tiring officers, Mrs. B. R. Job, Miss pupils accidentally kicked her on the <£<$•<§> Mariotte Hamunt and Mrs. Omer The M. P. G. club will meet next leg, ruDturing two blood vessels. Moore, at the home of Mrs. Job. Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles The school board held a meeting A huge bowl of tulips formed an Adams. Saturday night to elect teachers attractive centerpiece for tho well- for the next term of school. 8. T. <3> <$> appointed table. The place cards The Kensington club will hold its Rose was chosen for the higher bore th»* flag and name of a coun­ rtgulur meeting tomorrow afternoon. grades and Mrs. Mabel Newton for try studied during the year and the the primary grades. favors were dainty corsages of for <$>- The little daughter of Mr. and get-me-nots and lilies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Joe Geer was on the sick list Mrs. James Adams, of Oakland, 4k the fore part of the week. Calif., and Mrs. Ida Morcom, of B. A. Pruett, who spent last week Presbyterian Church — Rev. A. B. Newark, N. J., who are visiting at in Eugene, was accompanied home Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles by his little niece, Nelagene Roberts Adams, were additional guests. This 10, Mon *s Forum at 10, morning to visit over the week end. hour at 11, junior Endeavor at 3, was the last meeting of the club Mrs. E. M. Brown, who had been nt 7:30. for this season and the annual elec­ evening service ... visiting here, left Saturday for tion of officers was held. M rs. Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams, Marion Ore. George Matthews was elected presi- E. R. Clevenger, minister. This dent, Mrs Elbert Smith vice presi- HEBRON, dent nnd Mrs. C. A. Beidler secre­ church stands for the full goapel message. A welcome is given to all t ary-treasurer. (Special to The Sentinel.) who come. Bible school at 10, <$> $> May 6.—Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Doo- A new socinl club, tho Utopia, preaching at 11 and 7:30. Young little and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hedg- has been organized, with Mrs. A. A. people’s meeting at 6:30. Prayer pvth, of Creswell, visited Tuesday Richmond, president, and Mrs. O. meeting Thursday evenings at 7:30. with Mrs. Doolittle’s sister, Mrs. j. W. Hays, secretary. Meetings will After the prayer meeting the pastor Q. A. Young. be held on the last Thursday of conducts a class in bible study. Mrs. Mike Kebelbeck, of the each montl , except when the regu­ Grove, is visiting at the home of Christian Church, th« 1 ‘ home like ’ ’ lar meeting day of the Constellation her son, J. J. Kebelbeck. —CALVIN COOLIDGE club falls on that day. Members of church—A. J. Adams, minister. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Doolittle, of Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and the new club are Mrs. Richmond, Creswell, have moved onto J. Q. A. Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Nelson Durham, communion nt 11, Christian endea­ Young’s ranch. Mrs. C. E. Umphrey, Mrs. 8. L. vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimble, ac­ Mackin, Mrs. F. L. Grannis, Mrs. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Methodist Church — Rev. J. H. Albert Woodard, Mrs. B. 8. Buell. White, went to Forest Grove Sun­ Mrs. Omer Moore and Mrs. C. E. Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at day to attend the funeral of Mrs. 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep- White’s father, held there Monday. Frost. worth league at 7, evening service Mr. and Mrs. G. M. — - - Kebelbeck ♦ ♦ ♦ at 7:30. Everybody is welcome to and children went to Walterville The LaComus club met Tuesday Saturday to spend the week end afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. A. attend all of these services. with Mrs. Kebelbeck’s parents, Mr Bartell. The club’s color wns rep­ Free Methodist church—Corner of and Mrs. Ream. resented with n profusion of Scotch broom about the rooms and the Monroe avenue and south Fifth An eastern society woman de- table at which a dainty luncheon street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun­ wns served was centered with n day school at 10, foroneon services clares a woman can’t dress on less at 11, evening service at 7:30. PAID ADVERTISEMENT MAY 8 PD. than $20,000 a year. Wo are will­ huge bouquet of orchids. The usual program was varied by a radio con­ Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday ing to take our oath that there are Paid for by I. L. PATTERSON, Manager, Coolidge Campaign many who cut two ciphers off that cert. Invited guests were Miss evenings. • • • amount and cover more than those Alico Griggs, of Holland, N. Y., Christian Science Church — Corner who spend the larger amount. who is visiting at the home of her of Jefferson avenue and 8econd mid Mrs. II. cousin, H. B. Griggs, ~ Every patron of The Sentinel is helping to give Cottage Grove street. Sunday services at 11 a. m. W. Titus. A paragrapher asks: How many Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m. a newspaper which eminent authority has stated to be one of people are there who ask questions The foreign missionary society of they know you can ’ t answer! the best country newspapers published by anyone anywhere. Sovonth Day Adventist Church— the Methodist church mot vesterdav There would be one less if this par- West Main street. Services every afternoon with Mrs. V. 8. Goff, agrapher had kept quiet. The study program was on China, Saturday. Sabbath school at 10, church service at 11; prayer meet with Mrs. J. A. Wright ns len der. at 7:30. A cleverly contrived variation of iug Wednesday • evenings • • the question box wns a unique fen Services will be held in the La­ ture of the meeting, lhiinty refresh tham school house in the forenoon nients were served. MO. STRAMMA, \ on Sundays for an extended length ♦ ♦ ♦ DO MOT ÍAR6. X* eOUTRtSvn Honoring mid completely surpris of time. Galan Jordan, of Eugene, X’ VAAAT eVEQ. IT tS MUR. ing Mrs. A. I.. Woodard, the ocea will have charge. Selling for cash has greatly aou-ee-nu' furi fur , au . sion being her seventieth birthday SILK CREEK. anniversary, her daughters nnd im­ \ KMOUI, NA kAMI tUCX reduced our overhead, We mediate friends entertained Friday TW MOMSH DO»*» >W NUR (Special to The Sentinel.) afternoon at the home of Mrs. Susie have no bookkeeping, no AXKET 'M KEEP rt MB«,- May 5.—Mr. and Mrs. R. s. O h rii le. Those present were Mrs. losses on bad accounts, no Cn rii le, Mrs Ruth McCall, Mrs. Trask and -ntiin Burdick and Dannie ». G'DWi ' Juliette Hull. Mrs. John Woodard nnd Mrs. Trask's mother. Mrs. J. interest to pay upon money B. Lewis, were supper guests at the nnd Mrs, T .»etera. Babcock home Monday. ♦ ♦ ♦ tied up in slow accounts. Mrs. Grace Sprague .»nd children, Mrs. George Young entertained n We are astisfied to have few relatives and friends at a d »vho have been in British Columbia for some m >uths, returned Tue«dav o’clock dinner Wednesday of last done away with the worry to again make their residence in week. the occasion being Mr. Young's seventy fourth birthdnv an- this place. incident to a credit busi­ Mr. Nice '« getting building ma­ niversary. Those invited were Mrs. terial together for a new home. ness. We give our customers IfOuise Ralston and her grandchil­ The Paul Estes family, of Rose dren, Howard and Lucile Ralston. burg, arc visiting Mr. Estes ’ par the benefit of the reduced Mrs. Annie Lane and D. T. Awbrey. ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Estes. ♦ ♦ ♦ operating expenses. Com­ The Van Darnell and E. R. Dar­ The Indies* aid society of the nell families met Saturday eveuing Presbyterian church will meet next at the P. Darnell home, the occasion pare our prices with prices Wednesday afternoon in the church being Mrs, A. G. Nelson’s birthday at credit places. parlar*, with Mrs. Homer Gallonav anniversary. Mrs. J. A Merryman, M Mrs. r*. Fred Mrs. F. A. Green is enjoving a Wright nnd Miss Stella Adams ns visit from her daughter, Mrs. Peter boatta* h . son, of Salem. tion of the Constellation club. Mrs. Geo. Scott was elected president, Mrs. T. C. Wheeler vice president and Mrs. H. F. Edwards secretary­ New officers of the year were i treasurer. in keeping _ with the es- named Thursday at the annual elec- I tablished custom of the club the re T SOCIETY I ARCADE THEATER WEEKLY PROGRAM Thurs., Al ay 8.—William Desmond in “The Breathless Moment.” “Fighting Blood”, round No. 4. International News. Fri., May 9.—“The Eagles Feather,” a smashing story of the great outdoors, sup­ erbly produced, thrilling, exciting, absorb­ ing. Semon comedy, “Golf.” Sat., May 10.—“The Bad Man,” with Hol­ brook Blinn. Come and larugh youself hoarse. Thrill till you chill! Here’s the show of shows. Comedy and Educational. Sun., May 11.—“Gentle Julia,” with Bessie Love. Pampered, pursued and pro­ posed to in her home town—she thought all men were made to love her. A story of human folks as ordy Booth Tarkington could write it. And comedy, “Obey the Law.” Mon., May 12.—“My Maid on the Bam­ boo Screen,” presented by C. G. H. S. Glee Club; 35 voices. Admission 35c and 50c. Tues.-Wed. May 13-14.—“If Winter Conies.” The author, A. S. M. Hutchinson. Featured players, Percy Marmont, Ann Forrest '1'his is the picture you have been waiting to see. It is the master photoplay of a decade It is mightier than the book. And Educational. Thurs., May 15.—Hoot Gibson in “Hook and Ladder.” “Fighting Blood,” round No. 5, and International News. ANNOUNCING YOUR CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM FOR 1924 Chautauqun in just ahead! Quite the biggest six-day program we’ve ever presented. There’s real economy in attending on the season ticket plan costing you less than 20c per attraction. TWO COMEDIES “Six Cylinder Love,” the great comedy success which ran one year solid in New York City anti which opened Chicago’s New Harris Theater. “The Mollusc” Hubert Henry Davies’ sparkling comedy, presented by The Clarke-Browne Players of New- York. FIVE LECTURES Two lectures by the man who lived in Korea twenty years, ami was Envoy for the Emperor of Korea, Homer B. Hulbert, A. ------- - - known men as digian and Dr. SIX CONCERTS A week of music! Vernon Syi linn Artists Trio; Going-Bell- Cowan, noted American Tenor. ENTERTAINMENT Tlii' Davics-Qualcn Enter! ainei-» a great, musical enter­ tainment group McDonald Birch in a riot of fun and magic on “Joy Nite.” And a “sure-enough” clown for the kiddies' Chautauqua. Entertainment plus! Buy a Season Ticket—It’s Cheaper Cottage Grove, June 3-8 Your Assets Include Practical Value First National Bank THE OLD RELIABLE I ho bank you do bum- noiM with your own bank. If reliable, im­ portant and influential, it reflect» credit on your choice of such an institution to handle your funds, and. inci’ dentally, increases your credit everywhere be­ cause of the bank's peraonal preatigo. So that each helps the other in a practical way. j Neighborhood News Dress Goods at Bargain Prices The Fair Store Church News “No more important duty falls on the Government of the United States than the adequate care of its veterans.” Vote for Coolidge PRIMARIES MAY 16 TH’ OLE GROUCH Cash Cuts the Overhead! You get the benefit Mr. and Mrs. R«v Short enter­ tained the H. n 8. club Tuesday evening. A delicious luncheon was served following a session of five hundred. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Woods were additional guests I The man who e*n. while walking the floor with a howling kid at 2 a. m.. step on the buainetui end of a tack without ruffling his temper, hasn't enough energy in his make­ up to ever amount to a row of pins. People’s Cash Market Culaiorth & Dickson. Frops. Phone 15