Star QJnttw (ßrnnr Srittiitrl VOLUME XXXIV >7 = ------ j ©'[________________ COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924 BE!HOMES WEEK TO STAR HERE NEXT MONDAY IS NEEDLESS Movement Is National One to En­ As Usual, Program Seems Bigger courage Ideal, Pretty and and Better Than Those of Convenient Homes. Former Years. NUMBER 35 ♦---- -------------------------------------- < | SMITH BAILEY, AGED 89, | ! FOLLOWS IN DEATH WIFE WHO DIED AT AGE OF 87 4$-------------------------------------------- Smith Bailey, aged 89 years, died Sunday at his home here two months after the death of his wife, who was aged 87 years. The fu­ neral was held Tuesday at Oakland. Mr. Bailey was widely known dur­ ing the early days in Oregon as a hotel man and as the owner of a fine string of horses. He was born at Granville, O., March 26 1835. He was married August 12, 1855, to Melissa Bellus and their married life covered a period of more than 68 years. Nine children were born to the union, the only one surviv­ ing being Lambert Bailey, Garner, Ia. They also reared eight adopted children. Mr. Bailey lived in Ohio, Illinois and Missouri before coming to Orc gon in 1875, settling first near Cottage Grove, later moving to Reed place, near Corvallis, then to Springfield. He teamed between Oakland and Myrtle Creek while the Southern Pacific was being built. Previous to returning to Cot­ tago Grove in December, 1921, Mr. Bailey had been a resident of Rose­ burg for 35 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey came to Cottage Grove to be near their old neighbors. Mr. 7 and Mrs. James H. McFarland, Of the four only Mrs. McFarland now re­ mains. Mr. Bailey observed his eighty- _ ninth anniversary upon March 21. Despite his feebleness, his mind and memory were clear at thnt time. Plans Not Yet Complete for Begin­ 1 He Is Trampled by Frightened ning Largest Operation Ever Horses and Body Crushed by Conducted Here. Wheels of Wagon. Better Homes week in Cottago Advance programs have been re- Tho Anderson & Middleton Lum­ David J. Cover, a resident of Grove will be launched at 2:30 ceived for Cottage Grove’s Chautau­ ber company were successful bidders Cottage Grove for 24 years, died at Alumni and Students to Show Monday afternoon with a demon­ qua session, to be held June 3 to 8. for the large body of timber on 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon last Appreciation and Set stration of electric washing ma­ As usual each year, the program I.ayng creek sold Monday by the as the result of nn accident an hour chines at the home of Mrs. C. 0. seems stronger than ever before, federal government. The govern­ before when he was trampled by his Pace by Raising Cruson at Sixth street and Adams There will be two plays this year, ment estimated that there was some team of horses and terribly crushed avenue, This meeting, which will Hubert Henry Davies ’ comedy, $1,000,000. 362,000,000 feet in the tract and a when two wheels of his wagon, be the first of several at which “The Mollusc, ’ by the Clark-Brown condition of the sale was that it loaded with gravel, passed over the phases of home making will be players and Elias Day’s comedy, must be cut at tho rato of 40,000,000 upper portion of his body. His mind studied, is for all women interested ‘ ‘ Six Cylinder Iaive, ’ ’ by the Elias feet a year. remained clear during the hour that in building new homes, remodeling Day players. On account of tho uncertain con he suffered and he made arrange­ their present residences or in any The lectures on the program are dition of the lumber market the ments for the end which he know Cottage Grove Man Thinks There Is part of home making. ‘ ‘ A Yankee in the Far East ’ ’ and Anderson & Middleton company are was near. He asked to be left at University Prefers an Endowment Little Danger for Small The original dates for Better “When East Meets West,’’ by Dr. not certain how soon they will start home to die with his wife by his Fund of $5,000,000,to Asking Home week were from May II to Homer B. Hulbert; “Give the Boy Herds Off Ranges. operations in this tract nor what side rather than to be taken to a Further Tax Money. 18 but Mrs. Clara Burkholder, local a Chance,’’ by Dr. H. Leo Taylor; provisions they will make for manu­ hospital, where at best his life chairman, has decided to extend the ‘ ‘ The Making of an American, ’ ’ by facturing. They will be unable to could be but temporarily prolonged. . The business interests of Oregon time until July I, hoping to branch, Bagdasar K. Baghdigian, a native Eugene, Ore., May 4.—Plans have cut that amount with their present The funeral was held Sunday af­ should move to raise the embargo out into the rural districts in the of Armenia, now an American, and mill recently purchased from J. H. ternoon, J. H. Ebert, pastor of the been completed by tho alumni of upon products from California, in work and later to take up the im­ “The Man With One Window,” by Chambers and it has been under­ Methodist church, officiating, In- the University of Oregon for thoir the opinion of J. F. Woodard, of provement of lawns and surround­ Dr. E. T. Hagerman. stood that with this purchase they terment was in the A. F. & A. M. intensive drive. May 9 to 30, in be­ this city, who has just returned ings. The musical entertainers will be half of the University’s gift cam­ contemplated the erection of a lar­ I. O. O. F. cemetery. from a visit of several weeks in The program for the campaign the Davies-Qualen-Greene entertain­ ger mill than any ever operated Mr. Cover had been plowing dur­ paign. In this campaign it is pro­ that state. will be outlined at the meeting on ers, the Going-Bell-Eppersou com­ here. ing the day at the N. E. Glass posed to raise $5,000,000 in five His reasons for taking this view Monday and places for the meet­ pany, the Vernon Symphonic Quin­ The work of moving the intake place. Finishing his work nt about years for the university. The alum­ of the situation is that the hoof ings will be selected. Compression tet and the Australian Artist Trio. for the city’s water line is likely 3 o’clock, he went to the gravel bar ni have taken $1,000,000 as their and mouth disease is being confined cookers will be the subject of Wed­ On the last day there will be a to start at an early date. The main east of the city for a load of quota of this amount which they to small areas, while the embargo nesday afternoon’s study, Mrs. circus day parade by the junior intake is to be on Dinner creek, gravel. It is necessary- to open a propose to raiso through their own is against the entire state, great George Matthews having offered chautauquans and a clown enter­ with an auxiliary on Prayther gate on the road to the bar. Upon efforts. For this intensive campaign areas of which have been no more her new home on First street for tainment directed by Hughie Fitz­ creek. It is probable that the Pray­ the return trip, presumably while they have organized, not only affected than has Oregon. Federal the demonstration. patrick, late of Barnum & Bailey’s ther creek intake will be installed Mr. Gover was leading them through throughout Oregon, but in other authorities are now in control, Mr. Further announcements in regard circus and of the New York hippo­ at once, there being a probability the gateway, the horses became states where a sufficient number of Woodard reported, and are enfor­ ot the local program will be placed drome. of shortage of water because of a frightened and ran away. While them are located to perfect a work- cing the strictest of regulations, ns in windows of business houses dur­ __ __ entire body of the The last night will be joy night, D’AUTREMONT IDENTIFIES lack of snow in the mountains and there were no immediate witnesses, ing team. ’ The is evidenced by the slaughtering of ing the week and pastors of the when McDonald Mirch will put on intends to go over the BODY AS THAT OF HIS SON a shortage of precipitation in the Mrs. H. C. Rose, who lives near alumni thousands upon thousands of cattle churches of the city have been “Artistic Magic.” valleys. where the accident happened, saw together on May 9 for the without regard to their value. asked to announce the campaign Mr. Gover reach for the lines after campaign. Medford, Ore., May 6.—The body Mr. Woodard found that Cali­ from their pulpits Sunday. All busi­ This campaign was first con- tho teum had started to run after of the young man found in Rogue fornians have no objection to the ness houses of the city have been passing through tl'« gatoway. He ceived more than a year ago. Its river near Bybee bridge Sunday was fumigation regulations enforced at asked to cooperate by putting in caught hold of the harness but was purpose is to obtain for tho univer­ positively identified this morning - the boundary but the embargo upon appropriate windows. Should local unable to control tho horses, He sity funds for needed extensions in by Paul D’Autremont, of Eugene, their products has taken away a people take sufficient interest in was dragged several yards' and buildings and facilities to meot the as his 20-year-old son Hugh, indict­ market for a third of their produce. the movement the campaign may be then fell under the feet of the rapidly mounting attendance, with­ ed with his two brothers, Ray and Measures of retaliation are being carried on as a contest, either local­ The senior class of tho Cottage Roy, for the Siskiyou tunnel holdup The fifth annuul session of the horses and directly in the way out adding to tho burden of tho taken. With California a market ly or as a part of the national con­ Grove high school scored a splendid and murders last October. Lano county older girls’ conference of two wheels of the oncoming taxpayws. Tho university’s incomo for some 50 per cent of our lumber, test. wit' th its play, “All of a Search of Rogue river near Bybee was held hero Friday evening and wagon. Three ribs were fractured, from state sources in 1924 will be an embargo upon it would prove The purposes of the Better Homes success ■jiry, ” Friday night at bridge, where the body was found, Saturday at the Presbyterian church, one piorcing the lungs, the collar $848,820. This is an increase of 5 serious, Mr. Woodard believes. campaign, which is a national move­ 8udden Peg ... of _ Junction City, bone was fractured and the back per cent from the amount received Jpses to residents in some sections ment with Herbert Hoover as presi­ the Arcade theater, which was will be made for the bodies of the Mrs. V. C. Ivie, twin brothers, on the supposition county presiding, _ chairman, ' ' This of his head crushed. B. F. Rinard four years ago. Within that four liavo been so heavy that the de­ dent, are to show the advantages packed to capacity. The action of tho piece revolved that they have met the same fate. conference was for the Sunday and a companion happened along a years attendance at the university mand for our lumber is going to be of thrift for home ownership, to increased 39 per cent. Thus, it lessened anyway and there are many help overcome the present alarming around the efforts of the family of The father said that last Christmas school girls of Lano county between few moments later and brought tho has is pointed out, tho university’s at­ who feel that they must postpone shortage of homes, to encourage the Lord Crackenthorpe (Mnripn Rich­ a tramp came to Eugene and left the ages of 15 and 24, and was injured man to his home hero. Tho tendance increased eight times motor trips which would have taken erection of single-family houses mond), whose chief interest in life this cryptic message: “Tell old under the auspices of the State and team wus stopped half a mile from as fust as has its incomo has grown. them through Oregon, so that there through which each family may ex­ was spiders and microscopes, to pre man D’Autremont two of his sons County Sunday Schools associations. the scene of the accident by j’ete When the decision was made to will be some falling off in motor press its own individuality and find vent his marriage to Peggy O ’Marn will be found under the bridge with Its purpose was to promote interest Tonoli and tho Scheufele boys, who a gift campaign in or- traffic. Phil Mctschan, Portland privney, to assist and encourage (Helen Breedlove) and deliver him their hands tied and their bodies among the girls to make the Sunday did not learn until Saturday of Mr. inaugurate der to supply a part of tho univer­ hotel man, who stopped here on his home making by suggesting labor- from the designing clutches of Peg- weighted down; the third boy was schools of the county better. There Cover’s death. Mr. Gover was born September sity’s growing needs, careful plans were about 30 delegates from other way home from ah investigation of saving and time-saving methods and gy’s mother, Mrs. O’Mara (Helen blown up in the car.” Mr. D ’Autrexnont says he did not Lane county cities but a small local 19, 1851, at Elizabethtown Pa. He wero made. It was decided to rnako conditions in the southern state, devices, to promote wholesome home Waples), widow of a famous scien- the intensive drive among alumni made much the same report con­ life, to increase the efficiency of tist, and who also knew a lot ubout know what bridge and disregarded attendance. The personnel of tho came to Oregon 30 years ago, locat­ and the present students this spring. Lady the tale entirely until he read in local conference committee was: ing first in Eugene, and 24 years cerning tourist traffic. the wage earner of the house, to spiders and microscopes. Tho general public campaign will Mr. Woodard found that Califor­ stimulate sensible and appropriate Crackenthorpe (Ray Godard), moth­ the papers last night of tho finding General chairman, Mrs. O. W. ago came to Cottago Grove. He wns come later. The citizens of Eu­ Hays; entertainment, Mildred Mnr- very fond of horses, especially •! nians are hopeful that with warm purchasing for home improvement, er of Lord Crackenthorpe, her of the body in Rogue river. Major Archie Phipps quis; registration, Ethel Lambert; the fine black team responsible for gene already have pledged funds weather the disease will be readily to encourage the development of brother, his death, and no day’s work so for a splendid auditorium to be banquet. Mrs. W. L. Darby. controlled. It is stated that with a practice houses in the public schools (Dwight Buchanan) and the Hon. U. OF O. ALUMNI ARE TO At Friday evening’s session, A. J. tired him that ho did not give built on tho university campus. The HOLD BANQUET TOMORROW temperature of 80 the disease germs and to mobilize community effort Millieent Keppel (Genevieve Rice), student body has undertaken to fi­ Adams, pastor of the Christian them proper attention. can live but four hours and at for the common otj, ctives, love of daughter of Lady Crackenthorpe, Several years ago Mr. Gover spent nance the proposed student-union points which the thermometer reach­ home and service to ihe community. induced the Hon. Jimmy Keppel Groups of former students of tho church, gave the welcoming address. Solicitation of gifts (Sam Swartz), younger brother of University of Oregon over the This meeting was brief, due to con­ a year in Alaska and was seriously building. es in California during summer Lord Crackenthorpe, to promise “for United States will hold banquets flict with the senior play being injured while there but had almost among persons of largo means is al­ weather the germs arc killed within ready under way and will continue. the honor of the family’’ to vamp tomorrow evening as the first move staged that evening, which the local fully recovered. a few minutes. Tho alumni campaign, scheduled Surviving relatives are tho will the fair Peggy (whom he had never in the great University of Oregon delegates wished to attend. Mr. Woodard is of the opinion seen) and save his titled brother gift campaign. The banquet here An entertaining program was car­ ow, two children, Mrs. Alta Howard for May 9-30, will be directed by that the hoof nnd mouth disease from a mesalliance. could not be serious in Oregon, will bo held at Hotel Bartell at 7 ried out throughout Saturday. A and Henry Gover, of Oakland, eleven chairmen, each in charge of The scheme worked beautifully, o ’clock sharp. Those attending will great many numbers were by local Calif., and threo stepchildren, Mrs. n division. In Oregon each division where cattle are not allowed to Maggie Starrier, of Potlatch, Ida.; includes a number of counties. There range and where herds are small, It Resident Here 23 Years Dies at the except that Lord Crackenthorpe be free to leave not later than 8 talent. married the widow, and that the o ’clock. Alfred Powers and E. O. Officers elected were Beatrice Roy Dickson, of this city, ami Mrs. uro divisions outside tho state in would not be carried from herd to places wherever considerable groups Hon. Jimmy fell a victim to the Potter, of Eugene, and George O. Millignn, Eugene, president; Vivian Cora Swaggort, of Oakland Calif. Home of His Son, James Huff, herd and the killing of a herd in of Oregon graduates or former stu­ Peg­ Knowles will be the speakers. Tho Carlile, Cottage Grove, vice presi­ charms of “All of a Sudden ~ '' ’ ” ’ ~ the Willamette valley would be a at Dufur, Oregon. dents aro gathered. Arrangements gy, developing a series of delight­ needs of the university and the gift dent; Ruth Barnes, Creswell, sec­ matter of killing only a few head huve been made for the inauguration fully ludicrous situations. while in sections of California the campaign will be explained, but no retary-treasurer. Dolly Pitcher, Cot of this alumni intensive campaign In the characterization, which was contributions will be solicited or ac­ Grove, was nominated for the W. P. Huff, resident of Cottage killing of a herd means the killing with an endowment dinner, to bo Grove for 23 years, died Friday at excellent throughout, Miss Breedlove cepted. A fairly good attendance is presidency but declined because of of thousands. held simultaneously by all groups of Mr. Woodard reported that all Dufur, Ore., where Mr. and Mrs. was a wholly adorable Peggy—im­ already assured. All those who at conflicting duties. workers, wherever they may be, on The out-of-town delegates were classes of people in California have Huff had gone a month before to pulsive, original and unconvention­ any time attended the university the evening of May 9. been affected by the plague, even visit at the home of a son, James al; Helen Waples, a quiet and self- have been invited to be present. entertained at private homes and Mayor George L. Baker, of Port­ In ten years the enrollment at though they own no stock. Truck C. Huff, in the hope of benefiting contained widow with a bewitching The banquet is given at the ex­ dinner and lunch Saturday were land, was something of a rage here Irish brogue; Marion Richmond, pense of the gift campaign commit­ served to delegates at the rest room. Thursday and Friday as a public the university has grown from 732 gardeners, depending upon shipping Mr. Huff’s health. The county banner for the largest speaker. He was passing through to 2389 students. This, and an in­ The funeral wns held here Mon­ submerged in spiders and love; Ray tee and there will be no charge for to Oregon, have suffered severely attendance was awurded the Mur the city Thursday oh his way south crease in number of high school and milk dealers and meat markets day, with the Masonic lodge in Godard, a snobbish and selfish old those attending. from year te yoar, are lady who viewed her prospective have been ruined because people charge. The singing of Oregon songs will cola delegates. and was captured by President Dy- graduates taken as indicating that tire enroll- Mr. Huff was born at Marion, dowagership with vindictive repug­ i>c led by Ralph Spearow. out of fear will not buy milk or ott, of' the Lions club, who in­ merit will bo doubled vai thin the Ill., Ocotber 15, 1846, and was aged nance; Dwight Buchanan, jolly well Colonel Byllesby Dies. meat. sisted that he address the club next five years and that by 1828 29 77 years, 6 months, 17 days. Before devoted to the good of the “fam­ CAR IS DEMOLISHED BUT Colonel H. M. Byllesby, president which was at that time holding its it will bo 5000. ily ” and usually in need of a fiver; coming to Cottage Grove he had OOCUPANT8 ARE UNINJURED of tho Byllesby Engineering and regular weekly luncheon. Ho spoke PUPILS OF MRS. O. W. HAYS Because of this heavy attendance Sam Swartz, a good young fellow Management company and of the on the need of cooperation. .ARE PRESENTED IN RECITAL lived in Missouri, Colorado, Nevada, in a bad old mess; Genevieve Rice, increase, present and prospective, New Mexico, Kansas and other Mr. Baker was billed to make a London, May 5.— (Special.)—Mrs. H. M. Byllesby company, fiscal being engaged largely in a likeable girl in much the same J. W. Bemis and daughter, Miss agents, died Thursday last in Chi­ campaign speech here Friday night, and tho fact that the revenues aro The pupils of Mrs. Oren W. Hays states, freighting. He was married Novem­ fix; Leo Brand, a lovely and prop­ The companies of which he but when he heard that the annuul not increasing through regular chan­ were presented in a successful re­ ber 21, 1866, in Bates county, Mo., er young man, friend of the Hon. Ollie, narrowly escaped serious in­ cago. was president own some 40 public high school play was to be given nels in proportion, tho university is cital Monday evening at the high to Louisa Abigail Harvey, who sur­ Jimmy and not noticeably unfriend­ jury Saturday evening when their service corporations throughout the that night, he attended the play in­ faced with three ways out of the school auditorium. Mrs. Hays was vives. They had been married over ly to the Hon. Millicent; Donna car was struck by a Southern Pa­ United States, of which the Moun­ stead. He was introduced by Su­ dilemma, ono of which it must fol­ assisted by Mrs. Edna Leslie Pear­ 57 years. In 1878 they moved from Nichols, as Mrs. Colquhoun, a “cat­ cific train at the Latham crossing tain States Power company, which perintendent Hays and gavp an in­ low. It must limit registration, or son, of the University of Oregon California to Lakeview, Ore., and ty” neighbor, and Gordon Wright while they were returning from Cot­ furnishes electric power for this teresting talk of 15 minutes upon accept all applicants for registra­ school of music. On the program in 1901 came to Cottage Grove, liv- and Joe Young who “buttled” like tage Grove. The train was backing city, is one. tion and give mass instruction with child delinquency. up over the crossing, which fact were solos by both small and ad­ ing here afterwards except for one professionals. limited facilities, or find money to Colonel Byllesby served overseas Preceding his appearance at the probably misled Miss Bemis, who vanced pupils, duets by both, two- year spent at Silver Lake. He had The cast was exceptionally well was driving, to believe that the in the quartermaster’s department theater he and Mrs. Baker had been increse its facilities so that it can piano duets by both and a three- suffered with dropsy for several chosen. Much of the success of the accept all applicants and give them , train was either standing still or as a dollar-a-year man. Ho was a entertained at dinner by the Hhrino piano, twelve hand number by ad years. production was due to Miss Elise moving in the other direction. It close friend of Thomas A. Edison, club of the c ity, at which he gave instruction under the present high vanced pupils. The Sextette from standard. It has been decided that Mr. Huff had been a Mason for ¡’rice, who directed it. was said by others that they heard with whom he started as a poor lad a talk upon what the Shrine hospi tho way last mentioned is tho one Lucia, played by Miss Lois Jack- 56 years. He was a witness of John his rise to fame and fortune. tals for crippled children are doing. a brakeman warning them to keep son with the left hand only, was Brown’s famous raid and was ac­ to follow and the gift campaign is He had been sick for six months Lorane Fruit Is Not Hurt. In all of his addresses the mayor the off the crossing. heartily received. Vocal numbers quainted with Bill Cody when he means adopted. and was 65 years of age. Prospects for an excellent fruit talked about anything except poli The train hit the car a glancing were given by Mrs. Pearson, was a famous government scout. The Mountain States Power com tics, although it has been reported crop in the Lorane country are re ­ blow and carried it along the track who were given by Mrs. Pearson, Rubber stamps of every kind at The following children survive: by C. E. Stewart, county a distance, almost completely demol­ pany’s office here was closed from in some of the paper.: that lie would was accompanied by Miss Lois Par James C. Huff. Dufur; Mrs. R. E. ported 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock Saturday, like to succeed Charles McNary as Tho Sentinel live wire print shop. fruit inspector, who made a trip ishing it, but the car did not turn pre- ker, of Eugene. The pupils Anything in the printing or allied Lacky, Cottage Grove; Jasper Huff, the Lorane orchards a few over and the occupants were not the time of the funeral in Chicago. United States senator. sented Mrs. Hays with a large baa- Alpine; Finley Huff and Mrs. through linos can be secured at or through days ago. Pears will yield fully 95 injured. ket of sweet peas and ferns. your homo live wiro print shop. Charles Conner, Cottage Grove. per cent of a full crop, says the in­ John Abbott Dies. THE CEDARS GIVES BENEFIT There are 15 grandchildren and spector. He found pears to have Past Masters to Attend Meeting. John Abbott, who bad been ill for FOR THE O. G. REST ROOM two great-grandchildren. A brother, suffered less from the recent frost FIRE HOSE AND HYDRANTS A number of the past masters several months with a complication OF CITY STANDARDIZED Rufus Huff, lives at Sullivan. Ill. than any other fruit. Tho Cedars district gave an ice and officers of Cottage Grove lodge, of diseases, died Wednesday of last The condition of Mrs. Huff’s In many sections the pear crop A. F. & A. M., will attend the an­ week. The exact tiem of his death cream social Saturday evening and The fire hydrants and fire hose health is such that she was unable has been badly hit and the Lorane nual meeting of tho Past Masters, was not known, as Mrs. Abbott the proceeds, $15.22, have been crop will probably be the biggest Masters and Wardens Association had been in Drain during the day turned over to tho Cottage Grove of the city were standardized dur­ to attend the funeral. anywhere in the county. Little dam­ No. 1 of Oregon, t be held tomor- and when she returned home found rest room to -how the appreciation ing the past week, the work being age was found to the apple crop row night in Eugen ie. A banquet her husband lying on the floor dead. of that community for this enter­ done by Ed R. Wolf, of the state Neighbors in Trouble. fire marshal’s office. This work is Mrs. Flora Horn was fined $10 in around Lorane. will be served at Si- 'id by the past The remains were taken to Eugene, prise. An entertaining program of going on all over the state, the ob­ the court of Justice of, the Peace Elbert Bede, where funeral services were held musical numbers and readings was masters of Eugen, ject being not only that all hose in Young Thursday last upon a charge Churches to Observe Mothers' Day. past master of the 1 < al lodge and Saturday. Mr. Abbott was 54 years given. Mrs. P. H. Magee had charge a city shall fit any hydrant in the of assault preferred by Mrs. Nellie The churches of the city will ob­ a member of the jari - prudence com- of age. Mrs. M. P. Garoutte, of of the affair. Mrs. W. L. Darby, city, but also that when assistance Monroe. The two are neighbors and serve Mothers ’ Day Sunday with mittee of the grand lodge, is to be this city, is a sister. The mother, president of the Mothers’ club, has by one city is asked from another the trouble arose when Mrs. Monroe special musical numbers and ser­ the principal xpiaker and will give Mrs. Frank Smithson, of Eugene, asked that the thanks of the club city in ease of a large conflagration objected to Mrs. Horn's nine-year mons appropriate to the occasion. an address upon tho changes made survives and other surviving sisters bo extended The Cedars community the equipment of one city can be old son climbing over the Monroe Young people are to bring their in the new Masonic c de. which will are Mrs. Lucy McCulloch, of Had for its support. used in any other city. Cottage barn. The complaint charged that mothers to the services. Fathers be up for adoption at the session of leyville; Mrs. E. L. Goff, of Le Grove has 1600 feet of fire hose Mrs. Horn threw at Mrs. Monroe a may be inchided. Flowers will bo the grand lodge m Juna. land, and Mrs. Edith Bounders, of Wolfer Fined $800. in first class condition and there chunk of iron, a piece of Trockery given to the mothers at the Metho­ Freewater. E. 8. Wolfer was fined $200 in and a horseshoe while within strik­ dist church and automobiles will be ar?* 35 fire hydrants. the court of Justice Young Thurx Ram Was Wei corns. ing distance. provided for any mother wishing to Chautauqua Signers Organize. day last upon a charge of possession Despite Oregon ’• reputation for attend, provided the pastor, J. H. plenty of moisture. Hoc day's soak­ Springfield Defeats C G. H. 8. A meeting of signers of the chau of moonshine. Mr. Wolfer had been The Cottage Grove high school Grade Teams Defeat Delight Valley Ebert, is notified. ing rain wax warmly welcomed. The tauqua contract was held Monday apprehended by Deputy Sheriffs The grade baseball team defeated baseball team was defeated at farmers were sorely ia need of the night and plana were made for Frank McFarland and Wayne Kirk Hpringfield Friday afternoon, the Delight Valley in a fast gaihe played The monthly report for the eity moistnre and the forest fire* which putting over the summer sesaion. 8. while they wore pursuing another here Friday, the score being 18 to score being 13 to 10. library for April follows: Number had resulted from the nnuaual dry L. Mackin was reelected president moonshiner. A charge had been The local team was victorious in 9. This was the team which was of fiction read. 747; non fiction, spell. were I completely quenched, land Elbert Hmith wax elected xecre- preferred against Wolfer of posses defeated by the Dorena school, in ­ the game with Junction City played 46; juvenile. 467; total 1260; fines There were. however, no serious ta ry. A number of committeen, to xion of mash and a moonshine still. here Wednesday afternoon of last stead of the high school team as collected, $8.70; new cards leaned, fires in the i immi-diate Cottage | have charge of the detail work. This charge was dropped and the stated last week. weak, the score being 11 to 5. 25; books mended. 133. other preferred. ¡have beou appointed. Grove ■ectioa. J. F. Woodard Visits Southern State and Believes We Are Unnecessarily Injur­ ing Selves. MAYORBAKERISRAGEFORTWO DAYS AS SPEAKER >