The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 01, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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The Decision Is Up to You
When you get paid will you spend it all and then
when misfortune befalls will you have to look for a
job—or will you save a part each pay day and be ready
with a good cash balance to meet any bad luck with a
smile 1
Then, too, if you have saved, and an opportunity
comes for a good investment, you may be able to make
yourself financially independent.
We pay 3% interest on all savings deposits.
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Tales of the Town I
Mrs. Mary Owen, of Eugene, who
has been here two days of each
week keeping appointments for mar­
celling the hair, is soon to open a
permanent marcelle shop here, mlc
W. E. Dodge has bought the late
“Aunt” Lou Thompson property on
Second street. E. C. Lock wood han­
dled the deal.
Nelson Electric Shop, where
Ninth hits Main.
in North Bend on account of ill­
ness, after only two weeks at the
Come in and hear the latest song
hits. Wo can supply any need for
any musical instrument. The Pic­
ture Shop.
Mrs. Laura McKernan has sold
her residence property on old north
Pacific highway to Charles Shanda.
M. F. DesLarzes will leave today
for a visit at the home of his son,
Leon DesLarzes, in Orange. Calif.
The A. N. Ward family will oc­
cupy the DesLarzes home on east
Madison avenue.
Galloway for insurance. 511 Main.
Mrs. George C. Miller, of Walla
Walla, Wash., daughter of the late
“Uncle” Burne and “Aunt” Jane
Veatch, visited during the week
with her many relatives here.
Miss Charlotte Banfield, member
of the University of Oregon faculty,
is here at the home of her sister,
Mrs. 8. 8. Lasswell, while conva­
lescing from a recent illness.
Mrs. Fred Deffenbaeher, of Co­
burg, visited the fore part of the
week at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr.
Miss Margaret Galloway was a
guest of Miss Sibyl Cellers, teacher
of the Saginaw’ school, Tuesday eve­
ning at a weiner roast given by the
school there.
See Scholl and see better.
The Saginaw school will close to­
morrow for the year.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Binard, who
had been wintering at Long Beach,
Chicken dinner, 75c, at Gray
Calif., and were en route to their Goose Sunday, 5 to 8 p. m.
home in Cedar Bapids, la., visited
An 8%-pound daughter was born
during the week at the home of Mr.
Binard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. April 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Kurre, formerly of this city but
F. Binard.
now of Portland.
Joe Permazzi, of Star, is id a
Eugene hospital.
Mendenhall, the jeweler, never
tells your secrets.
is acquired simply by having
Mrs. Mooney, who is in a Eugene
your laundering and dry hospital, is slowly improving. Mrs.
cleaning done at the Cottage Stanley Dajnewood and Mrs. Glen
Grove laundry. If you have Scott, who were in Eugene Satur­
day on business, called on Mrs.
only one suit, our motor will Mooney.
call for it and deliver it
Arthur Jones has fully recovered
while you wait. We call for from his recent serious illness with
and deliver work under oth­ blood poisoning and is back at his
work as foreman of the Anderson ft
er circumstances also.
Middleton logging camp.
We will trade used cars with you.
Come and see us. Nelson’s Service
Mrs. Dan Bentle is in Roseburg
Dwight. Buchanan was in Eugene visiting at the home of her sister,
MrS. L. A. Williams.
Tuesday on business.
Balph Hand attended the wrest­
You can trade your old tires in
on now ones at Nelson’s Service ling match between Ted Thye, of
Portland, and Ira Deni, of Salt
St ation.
Lake City, held in Portland last
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Trunnell, evening.
Mrs. John Williams and Lee Wil­
Optical work—see Scholl.
liams motored to Boseburg Monday.
H. L. Fowler was in Eugene yes­
W. H. Ostrander was in Eugene
terday for medical treatment for
Monday on business.
his hand, which was injured recent­
C. H. Johns, former resident, was ly in a sawmill accident.
here from Marshfield during the
J. S. Medley and Mr. Ausp, of
week. He had not been in Cottage
Eugene, attended the Knights of
for 22 years.
Pythias meeting here Tuesday night.
See the Kenway 30x3% cord
Galloway writes insurance.
tire, $8.95, at Cottage Grove
Mr. and Mrs. George McNilly, of
Service Station.
Portland, were guests Sunday at the
Mrs. Harry Neet and Mrs. O. D. home of Mrs. McNilly’s aunt. Mrs.
Mounse were in Eugene Tuesday Nancy Oglesby.
afternoon on business.
J. P. Hart leaves today for Klam­
Miss Dorothy Bowles, former Cot- ath Falls for an indefinite stay.
Hart preceded him by a week
atge Grove resident, who enrolled
at the Washington State college for or more.
Ed and Bill Wiese spent the week
the winter term, was compelled to
return to the home of her parents end in Portland on business.
Mrs. Herbert Eakin, Mrs. B. R.
Job and Mrs. J. A. Merryman were
in Eugene Tuesday on business.
our business. Each order gets the
benefit of personal attention, the
best materials and the use of mod­
ern equipment. Our work must
please. The Picture Shop.
Southern Pacific train No. 53,
duo at 6:51 a. m. yesterday, did not
arrive until after 1 p. m., the delay
being due to a wreck at Salem.
Mr. anil Mrs. David Eugene Olson
were up from Eugene yesterday vis­
iting friends. Mrs. Olson recently
arrived from Minneapolis, Minn.,
for a visit with her husband. This
was her first visit to Cottage Grove
since Mr. Olson was pastor of the
Christian church here 20 years ago.
Miller’■ Machine Shop for
Alfred White has purchased a
new Chevrolet touring car from
Beaulieu & Harrel.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eads and sou
John and Mrs. Eads’ father, 8. W.
Boyd, are in Medford on business
and are visiting with relatives. The
Eads family will soon move to Med­
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Eads are
looking for a house.
z Why take a chance on some off
brand tires when you can buy U. 8.,
C. T. C. or Kellys at very low
prices! See Nelson’s Service Sta­
tion first.
Miss Hazel Führer underwent an
operation Friday for the removal
of her tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jorgensen and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garoutte and
baby returned Thursday last from a
visit in Raymond, Wash., at the
heme of Mr. and Mm. Jorgensen’s
daughter and Mrs. Garoutte’s sister,
Mrs. Minard Weeks.
Standard size 30x3% Duro
cord tires for $10.75, at the
Cottage Grove Service Station.
J. W. Veatch is recovering from
injuries sustained when he was
rammed by a bull which he was
leading and which was frightened
by the passing of an automobile.
It was at first thought that Mr.
Veatch’s back had suffered a se­
vere injury but such proved not
to be the case.
Nelson’s service station has sold
an Overland touring car to William
Earnshaw, of Star.
That “SPIFFY” Look
Coffee is one of the
most important articles
in preparing a meal.
Most everyone like» a
cup of coffee—that is,
if it’s a GOOD cup of
Golden West is
a ioo% high-grown
coffee. High-grown
We guarantee every
can of Golden West.
Use all of the can; re­
turn the empty can, if
you are not satisfied,
and we will refund
your money.
Orange» and lemon» are
advancing and are get­
ting scarce owing to
the ban on California
product«. We have a
nice supply at reason­
able prices. Better stock
up with a few dozen.
Smith-Short Grocery
Mrs. M. H. Anderson visited in
Eugene Thursday last at the home
of her brother. Herald White.
Mrs. C. G. Rozine returned to her
home in Lebanon last Thursday, af­
ter a visit at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. George Foster.
If you can’t see well, see Scholl.
Mrs. W. O. Hankins and daugh­
ter arrived Tuesday from Loveland,
Calif., for a visit at the home of
Mrs. Hankins’ daughter, Mrs. H. A.
Roy DesLarzes, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis in a
Portland hospital Tuesday of last
week, is getting along satisfactorily.
A new coat of paint has greatly
improved the appearance of the W.
L. Bunge service station on the
corner of Fifth and Quincy.
Pictures are always appropriate. We
do expert framing, enlarging, tint­
ing. A complete line of greeting
cards and music. The Picture Shop.
Mrs. Rosa Currin has recovered
from her sickness of last week.
Mrs. W H. Eggleston and son
Dale arrived Friday from Portland
for a visit at the home of Mrs.
Eggleston’s mother, Mrs. C. W.
Mrs. F. E. Dickson and small son
Ray are expected home Saturday
from a visit in Portland with Mrs.
Dickson ’ b mother.
Go to the Woodson Auto Park for
your marcelles, shampoos and hair
J. T. Smith returned Friday from
Corvallis, where he spent Thursday
and Friday attending the school of
instruction fur members of city firo
departments of the state.
Henry Whitlock is suffering from
a broken rib on his right side. Mr.
Whitlock was trimming an apple
tree Friday and fell from the tree
onto a box under the tree.
T. F. Secrist was here from Ta­
coma during the week.
Chicken dinner, 75c, at Gray
Goose Sunday, 5 to 8 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hart re­
turned Friday night from Klamath
Falls, where they had been been
visiting at the home of their daugh­
ter, Mrs. Gus Miller. They will re­
turn to Klamath Falls soon to spend
the summer.
A son was born April 25 to Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Collier, of Marsh­
field. Mrs. Collier was formerly
Miss Jessie Bemis, of London.
See Nelson for used cars. All
kinds at good prices. Bring in your
trading stock.
Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs. J. V.
Stewart attended the meeting of the
Ladies of the Orient in Eugene Sat­
urday night. Five new members
were initiated.
Mrs. W. M. Hamilton returned
Saturday from The Dalles, where
she visited a daughter, Miss Electa
Hamilton, a teacher in the public
schools. She also visited another
daughter, Mrs. H. H. Harris, in
Stewart for good plumbing.
Hughes Studio—open for business
May 5. Kodak work a specialty.
Fifth and Main, upstairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilmore, of
Portland, stopped here Friday to
visit with the 8. V. Allison family.
Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Allison were
friends in Portland 28 years ago.
The Gilmores were on their way
home from a southern trip.
Herbert W. Lombard and Georg
Bjorset spent Sunday on a fishing
trip at Swisshome.
I-OST—A chance for some dandy
pictures these bright days if you
haven’t a camera. Get one and
bring us your films for best re­
sults. We’ll help you get good pic­
tures. The Picture Shop.
Mrs. A. B. Spearow, who had ex­
pected to undergo an operation for
goitor, haB been informed by a spe­
cialist that this will not be neces­
sary. The condition thought to have
been goiter was caused by diseased
tonsils, which were recently re­
Miss Gretchen Brown, a student
at the University of Oregon, spent
the week end here as the guest of
Miss Alice Evans and Miss Elisc
Hughes Studio will be open for
business between 1st and 5th of
May. Corner Fifth and Main, up­
Jennings Booker was dismissed
Friday from a Eugene hospital,
where he underwent an operation
for appendicitis the week before.
Virgil Gowdy has returned from
Eugene, where he submitted to an
operation for hernia two weeks ago.
Dale Lusk left Friday for Moro,
in eastern Oregon, having received
word of the serious illness of his
Miller’« Machine Shop for
L. D. Huff was dismissed from
the hospital the latter part of last
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson
and small son, of Klamath Falls,
stopped here Friday to visit with
Mrs. Lucy Holland, aunt of Mr.
Richardson, who is game warden of
Klamath county and went on to
Albany on official business.
Used cars at Nelson's Service
Station: 1922 Dodge touring, *450;
1923 Gray roadster, »485; 11(17
Dodge touring (closed top), *450;
1916 Dodge roadster, *325; 1919
Ford touring, *135; 1917 Ford tour­
ing, *125; 1916 Ford touring, *90;
1914 Ford touring, *65; 1918 Max
well, »150; 1916 Maxwell, »75;
Ford bug, »185. Terms to please
Gaven C. Dyott is moving his of­
fice from the Taylor building to
the Omer apartments.
Mrs. Thomas Taplin, who fell and
fractured one of her hips two weeks
ago, was taken to a hospital Sun
day. Mrs. Taplin suffered the in
jury shortly after the death of her
i husband on April 12.
Ovenize 30x3% Kenyon cord
Urea for $11.86, nt the Cottage
Grove Service Station.
Mrs. G. W. Cruson arrived Satur­
day from Lebanou to visit for a
few days at the home of her son,
C. C. Cruson.
George Matthews, accompanied by
his brother Tommy, who is attend­
ing the Oregon Agricultural college
at Corvallis, spent Sunday fishing
at Swisshome,
Mrs. Horace Hatch returned Sat­
urday from a visit in Portland. She
was accompanied home by an aunt,
Mrs. J. O. Johnson.
Special—A snappy Ford bug with
fenders only »185; terms. Nelson's
Service Station.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Phillips vis­
ited in Drain Friday night with
Mrs. Matilda Applogate.
A. K. Morgan, of Days Creek, is
visiting at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. J. A. Rhoads.
I. B. Morris, Mrs. Elmer Motter
and Mrs. Frank Marks motored to
Eugene Friday evening and visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Skilling.
I can give you perfect eyesight
without glasses Satisfaction guar
anteed. Dr. H. A. Hagen.
The American Legion has changed
its meeting nights and meeting
place to the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month in the
Mrs. D. W. Sturges is homo from
While she is yet weak, her condition
is thought to be good.
D. J. Scholl, your home optometrist.
Tho F. W. Bressler family left
Tuesday for Portland, having been
called there by the serious illness
of Mrs. G. W. West, aunt of Mr.
Ray Walker, of Independence, vis
ited briefly Tuesday with F. E.
Dickson and A. G Williams, former
residents of Independence.
Walker had been in the grocery
business and was on his way south
looking for a location.
Mrs. A. C. Garland and children,
of Carleton, are visiting at the J.
L. Queen home. Mrs. Garland and
the Queens are from North Caro­
lina, where they wore neighbors.
Henry Fuson reported to Marshal
Pitcher Thursday night the loss of
an endorsed check which he had
left in his coat in the house while
he was working in the garden. He
found the check several days liter
in a drawer in the house but ho«
it got there from his pocket was
not known.
Mrs. Rebecca Medley was award
ed the chest of Community silver­
ware given in the recent contest
conducted by Kem 'a for Drugs. She
picked the key which unlocked the
chest valued at »150.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Beckett mo
tored up from Eugene Friday end
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Handers and
son expect to leave within a few
days for a two months' motor trip
to Arkansan, their former home.
They will make the trip by way of
eastern Oregon and down through
Idaho and Utah.
Miss Bertha Howe, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Howe, is suf­
fering from blood poisoning in one
leg. The infection started from a
scratch on the ankle, the dye in the
stocking causing poisoning to set in.
She will remain at home this week,
returning to her studies at a Eu­
your table need« can best be supplied here.
gene business college next week.
FIRST—The quality of our groceries—both the daily
Miss Viola Buford, of Roseburg,
spent the week end here as a guest
supply of fresh vegetables as well as our complete line
of Miss Bertha Howe, who was
of canned, package and bottled goods is always such
home from Eugene, where she aud
as will win your ready approval.
Miss Buford are attending business
SECOND—Our prices are always well within rea­
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Trask mo-
son—ofttinies lower than you can find them elsewhere.
tored to Albany Sunday and Mrs.
THIRD—It is our constant aim to render prompt
Trask, who was dismissed that morn
ing from a Eugene hospital where
and courteous service to every customer.
she had undergone an operation two
weeks before, remained to spend a
week convalescing at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V.
J. W. Baker, former resident, vis­
ited during the week ât the home
of a sister, Mrs. C. R. Woodson.
He went to Boseburg Tuesday to
Card of Thanks.
visit with a brother before return­
We wish to uxteud our sincere
ing to his homo in Marshfield.
(By F. V. Horton, United States thanks to the many friends for
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. White and
forest service, with apologies
their kindness and expressions of
daughter, Mrs. M. H. Anderson,
to John G. Whittier.)
sympathy shown us in our recent
were in Eugene Monday on busi­ Bill Camper, ono hot August day,
bereavement, and for the many
floral offerings.
Cranked his jit and drove away.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Purvance.
Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr. and daugh­
ter and son spent the week end Up in the forest’s cooling shade
with relatives at Coburg.
The wind took tny umbrella off
In high mid headlong flight,
Miss Gladys Moulton, who is at­ His dinner cooked, broadcast the
But oh, my friends, and ah, my
tending the University of Oregon,
wnB a week-end guest of Mrs. Threw in the brook the greasy pans.
It made a lovely kite.
Gladys Jackson.
Fishing he went, no whit of caro
—Jean Eric in Newark New».
A Im pound son was born Mon­ Gave to the fire left burning there.
day morning to Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
When Bill returned to camp nt six,
It’s not so much who got the oil
liam Hopman.
Things sure wore in an awful fix. graft that's worrying the them, G.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Bradley, for­
O. P. leaders say, it’s the Principal
mer residents, arrived Friday from The fire, of course, had grown and of the thing.—New York World.
spending several months in Califor­
nia and will visit two weeks at Burned was his jit, also his bed.
Poland’s now cabinet will be
the home of Mrs. Bradley’s sister, Dead was the grass nnd flowers and formed by Grabsky, which look»
Mrs, E. Sparks. They will leave
like an American idea.—Seattle
from here for tho east by way of Gone were the birds nnd humming Star.
Miss Ruth Bede has recovered
How could an army mutiny throw
clean spot all black with
from an eye infection which 1 kept
Ireland into a turmoil! Is there,
her from her work for a week,
after all, a gilded lily!—New York
position with The Sentinel was Bill miles from homo and plumb Tribune.
filled by Mrs. Georg Bjorset.
Say it with printers’ ink.
Charles Corbal has purchased the Now Ranger Brown rode up the line
Frank Overton property on south (He’d looked for Bill since dinner
Sixth street. E. C. Lock wood han-
died the deal.
And said, “Bill, this is sure a mess
J. B. Tapp, who assessed out­ Caused by your cussed carelessness. ’ ’
lying territory here and the I-ornne
country, and J. H. Kirk, of Dorena, The ranger took Bill into town
by pupils of
have finished their work and turned Before a judge who wore a frown.
in their books to the assessor’s of­ And Bill, with chilling thoughts of MRS. OREN WILLIAM HAYS
assisted by
Miss Rita Kelly was taken to a Told to the judge the sad, sad tale.
of the University of Oregon
Eugene hospital Monday to undergo ‘ ‘ My trip is spoiled, my jitnoy
School of Music.
treatment of her throat.
The Joe T. Smith family mo­ I think my lesson I have learned. ’ ’
MONDAY, MAY 5, 1924
tored to Elkton and over to Oak-
While still Bill’s eyes were filled
land Sunday.
Duct, Progress March (Theo Pros­
with brine
Mrs. J. A. Elliott and her daugh­ The judge roinarked, “Ten dollurs ser)—Julia Morse nnd Leama Mc­
ter, Mrs. Terni, returned Monday
from Portland, where they had
Solo, Primrose Polka (E. Krog-
man)—Dorothy Baldwin.
spent the week end at tho home of And if you pull this stunt again
I think I’ll send you to the pen.”
Solo, The Merry Bobolink (Krog-
a relative.
Mrs. H. H. Harms, accompanied Now Bill’s hard luck this thought man)—Kenneth Williams.
Two piano duet, Gavotte Minia-
by Mrs. Fred Reigleman, both of
Portland, spent the week end at Let’s put out, keep out, forest fires. ture (Mary Helen Brown)—Madelle
Kappauf nnd Evelyn Hays.
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Solo, Spinning Song (A. Ellmen-
Mrs. James Robison.
The six weeks’ course in how to
—Mary Eleanor Hays.
W. E. Lebow and H. W. Titus, select a wife, offered by tho Brook reich)
Solo, Song of the Wnves (James
members of the Southern Willam­ lyn Y. M. C. A. is well enough, but
—Jean Allison.
ette Dental society, are planning to it should be followed by a much Baldwin)
Solo, Katie Waltz (Fearis)—Har­
attend a banquet and clinic Satnr longer course in how to support her. riot Ostrander.
day at Roseburg, which is being The Y. W. C. A. might take a tip
Kindergarten March (Otto
given by the recently organized from this and offer a course in Pf Dud,
of ferkorn)—Margaret Lancaster,
how to get selected.
Southern Oregon Dental society.
Kathlyn Kappauf.
Mrs. O. O. Veatch returned yes­
Solo, Dance of the Poppies (Leo
Women are braver than men. No
terday from Portland, where she
Friedman)—Alberta Williams.
had been taking medical treatment.
Two-piano, eight hands. The Mar­
Hhe attended the funeral of an garments if he had, only 15 cents ionettes
uncle Sunday in Eugene and went
Snauer, Mary Knowles, Ava Stew­
or. to Portland from there.
art, Lois Godard.
Mrs. Delphia Moore, of Grants
Solo, Amarylis (H. Chys)-—Mar­
“Take longer strides, Handy,”
Pass, and her daughter, Mrs. Goff, said a Scot ill father to his grow­ garet Carlile.
of Roseburg, were guests Sunday at ing boy. “It dinna wear oot yer
Vocal numbers—Mrs. Edna Leslie
the home of Mrs. Amelia Currin. shoos so quick.”—Edinburgh Guide. Pearson.
Mrs. Moore was born in this city
Duet, tow pianos, Rcitorstuck-
but this was her first visit here for
It is a strange fact of incompati­ chen (Edwin Schultz)—Irene Griggs,
30 yoars.
bility that monoy and its owner Georgia Mills.
Solo, A la bien Aimee (E. Schutt)
Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson. nre never tight at the same time.
—Hazel Führer.
who had been here on business nnd
Duet, 1 ’Alerts (Carl Fischer)—
pleasure, returned- Monday to their
Max Hears nnd Cleal Mackey.
home in North Bend.
Holo, Sextette from Lucia, for loft
Mrs. George Neal, of Halsey,
Work in E. A. degree at hand (Lochetizky)—Lois Jackson.
spent the week end at the home of
Three piano, twolve hands, “Car­
reguln- communication May
her daughter, Mrs. Orrin Perry, _
7. All members urged to nival of Roses” (Hartorio)—Miss
Mrs. Neal, in company with her
M ìhr
daughter, Mrs. Perry, and her son ' NF \ be present, as proposed vis­ Ethel
Orville, left Tuesday for Red Hill, it to Yoncalla lodge on May 8 will Thompson, Miss Laura Rte wart,
Miss Elsio Canterbury, Miss Maud
where they will visit with relatives. bo taken up.
Hkidmore, Miss Melthn Pontico.
The Mothers’ club han discon­
Bolo, The Mountain Stream (Syd­
Byjirder W;^L^^ecretiir^.
tinued for the summer its Saturday
ney Smith)—Helen Ostrander.
evening luncheons.
Duet, Forest Beenes (Bohm)—
George Robinson, of Portland,
Laurn Stewart, Bonita Beagor.
visited during the week nt the home
Holo, Valso Brillinnte (Engdman)
of his mother, Mrs. M. V. Phillips.
—Winnifred Grannis.
Duet, Over Hill and Dale (Engel-
D. O. Byrne, vice commander, nnd
May 1, 2. 3 and 5 arc man)—Nellie Stewart, Ruth Powers.
Herbert W. Lombard, adjutant, have
been elected by the American Le­ hereby declared as Clean-up ------------------------------ .
gion an delegates to the state con­ Days for the City of Cottage
Grove. All residents are here­
McQueen’s Grocery
A.F.&A.M. Attention
Samuel B. Kern, well known resi­
dent of this city for many years
and prominent in religious circles,
died at his home here Tuesday
morning at the age of 69 years. The
funeral will be held thin afternoon
from the chapel, with Pastor D. 8.
Forrester, of tho Free Methodist
church, and Pastor J. H. Ebert, of
the Methodist church, officiating
The body will be taken to the old
home, Kirk, Colo., for interment.
Mr. Kern was born in Pennsyl­
vania January 22, 1855. He came
to Cottage Grove about 14 years
ago. The first wife died here a
year and a half ago. The widow by
a recent marriage survives and
Charles Kern, of Kirk, Colo., is a
surviving son.
Mrs Jeanette Gerrard Dies
Mrs. Jeanette Marshall Gerrard
died yesterday morning at her home
here from dropsy. The funeral will
be held Saturday at a crematory in
Portland. Mrs. Gerrard was born in
Glasgow, Scotland, June 23, 1857.
In company with her husband she
came to this city from Portland
eight months ago. She had been in
poor health most of the time of
their residence here. Hhe is sur-
rived only by her husband, Alexan-
der P. Gerrard.
If you wish to locate a fake stock
promoter, don’t employ a detective.
Employ a sucker.—Baltimore Sun.
by required to clean up all
rubbish and debris during
thowe day». The rubbish anti
debris will be removed nt the
expense of the city if put into
»acks or barrel» and placed
upon an improved street where
it can be eac’ly reached by mo­
tor truck, or upon an improved
alley, if within the business
district. Those placing rubbish
upon unimproved streets will
be required to remove the same
at their own expense.
By order of council
Spores Fuel Co.
Now Handling Old Growth
Fir and Hardwood
Order early for your next
winter’» supply. Reduced
rates on all orders of ten
tiers or over.
Office: 9th and Main; phone
99; re«, phone 178-R.
F. E. Mendenhall
In Hart's New Era Drug Store
Watch Inspector