The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 01, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Æottaflr Ärovr fratine!
idea that there is any damage done.
So our fair city is not a 44fair”
city because of hick of flowers, be­
cause of the unpleasant odor of the
housing quarters of these cows, or
because they are staked so they
have free access to sidewalks or are
staked with frail stukes so that at
the least effort they are free to
roam at large.
Have the owners no moral sense
of other people’s right to their own
property and will not the council
of Cottage Grove please give this
cow question a fair and just con­
sideration or grant us the privilege
to Ko gunning for our own Drotec-
1 ion !
court recently did was closing the nation shown to any class of prop­
Cottage Grove-Lorane road during erty or people.
A Weekly Newspaper With Plenty
last winter, for it has cost an out­
I favor and advocate a fair and
of Backbone
rageous sum of money and to have just timber cruise in order that the
such a splendid road spoiled would assessor may have the necessary
Bede & Smith..
be awfully bad. When it was first information on which to base a
Elbert Bede-----
epened this spring I was over it revaluation and equalization of the
and I managed to get through with tax pressure on property now bear­
A first-claM publication entered at
Cottage Grove aa second-class matter
my old Ford. If they had not ing more than its just share of the
stopped the traffic before spring taxes.
Business Office------- 66 North Sixth
one would have needed a flying ma­
The policy of the timber cruise
chine to get over it.
has been wisely adopted, and is,
These places are not so far away therefore, not an issue in this eam-
One year___ »2.26 I Three month« 86c
but that anyone can go see them paign. However, there are other
Six months- 1.16 I Single copy— oc
now within a few minutes drive.
cases of unequal valuation which I
Member of
I assert that the above statements will earnestly endeavor to correct
National Editorial Association
are true and in no way misleading.
I am a native of Lane county and
Oregon State Editorial Association
If anyone wishes to make reply to have bought and sold both farm
Oregon Newspaper Conference
this, I wish they would tell us what and city property and have followed
Lane County Publishers ’ Association
right Mr. Sharp, being a county the building trades for many years.
A. L. WOODARD DISCUSSES THE commissioner, had to be a witness I know the value of improvements
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924.
against the county.
„ on real estate and therefore feel
that I am competent to judge the
A. W. Lawrence is editor and
values at w’hich such property
Cottage Grove, Ore., April 28.— (To
publisher of The Benton Indepen­ the Editor.)—In self defonse I wish
should be assessed. If the people
dent, a new weekly newspaper for to explain iny side
see fit to nominate and elect me,
’ of - the
Corvallis, fjiwrence’s mastery of damage suit, because Mr. Sharp
I shall attend strictly to the duties
Cottage Grove, Ore., April 28.—(To of the assessor’s office.
the art preservative is evident in coming on the stand after me and
the typographical uppenrance of the swearing the damage was $3000 the Editor.)—Well, Bede, I want
new publication. He has been using ■ made me out a liar and a perjurer, the people to have one more look
at that skeleton before your smoke,
the name. Art Work Lawrence, for I refer you to the court records.
his printing business but ho will
I was the first witness on the the Bede smoke, hides it.
The statements that you have re­
find that he knew very little about stand and testified that I had
real work until ho commenced nurs- bought and sold considerable land peatedly made are untrue. Of course
Following are excerpts from a let­
iug a swaddling newspaper young around Cottage Grove and that I you would not purposely make a
false statement—oh no—and, for ter written by the editor of The
was posted in regard to the prices
Sentinel to the Eugene Rigister
of land and that the damage did
not exceed $500, all the time put­ value in my word as in yours, I response to an attack by E.
Horton, of Junction City:
ting the emphasis on the word ex­
back up your statements with an
Mr. Horton claims authorship
the Harlow recall petition. If he
Cottage Grove, Ore., April 25. (To
So people may understand who
Here are ihe statements that you proud of that kind of a job, I see
the Editor.)—As the beautiful days wilfully and intentionally swore to
ore to swear to: “I, Elbert Bede, no reason why he shouldn't get
of spring advance let us lay aside a lie, for I insist that one of us did,
Faw on the records of the trial be­
the political issue of the morals of I want to say that it was not done tween the State of Oregon and whatever satisfaction he can out of
Mr. Sharp and Mr. Roney, and give on the spur of the moment by any Frank Turner, the following state it, but his bare statement doesn’t
prove his claim.
a few moments of thought to the of us and there is too wide a gap
monts: The viewers allowed $600
He said that 44all” coneeded that
morals of our four-footed creatures, between what I put it at and the
icr th? additional strip of land in
$3000 that Sharp made it to admit question; the viewers and others the statements made in the recall
petition were facts. A rather wild
Spring calls we give thought to that it was a difference of opinion
testified that $600 was a reasonable statement and not a fact merely be­
the beautifying of our homos with or an error of judgment.
amount for the damages; the jury cause Mr. Horton says so. My rec­
well kept lawns and by planting
The place in question (40 acres)
flowers that all may enjoy. As the is one mile west of Divide on the allowed $600; and Emmett Sharp ollection is that considerably less
summer days advance, not only Douglas county • line five miles testified at the trial that the than 4 4 all’’ stood with Mr. Horton
ourselves may enjoy those but visit­ southwest of Cottage Grove. The amount of the damages was $3000. when the votes were counted.
Now, Bede, just step over to the
4 4 We have more roads at this
ors and tourists may coine and see road originally ran on the north
our little city and be pleased, wish side of the Southern Pacific railway office of a notary, at my expense, time in one year than we ever got
ing that they too might make their and Mr. Turner had to go through arid make affidavit that the above in ten years before,” says Mr. Hor­
statements are true. This will give ton, but not a fact merely because
future homes here.
two gates and over a dangerous
Not only flowers, but a thrifty, crossing in order to get to the you a chance to show the color of Mr. Horton says so. A rather wild,
well-kept vegetable garden, cutting county road. When the highway the stripe that runs up your back. inane, ridiculous statement to be
made by one who questions the
the high cost of living, is admired was established it was put on the
word of another, but fully on a par
by all. After one has toiled after south side of the Southern Pacific
Mr. Turner shall be accommodat- with other statements being made
working hours preparing the ground tracks, taking a strip right close to
ir. defense of Sharp and Roney, the
nml sowing the seed, after the seed Pass creek canyon and took perhaps
in duo time has grown into thrifty one acre of land that never pro­ every statement made concerning squanderers of the public funds.
plants and we are well pleased with duced anything but brush and a the case to which he refer«, such If Mr. Horton, will prove such a
our labor, duty, pleasure or shop­ small bit of goat pasture. Mr. Tur­ affidavit showing that The Senti­ silly, childish, asinine statement,
ping culls us away. Our little city ner was paid $550 for the miserably nel’s figures wore taken from the he’ll save the scalps of the commis­
seems safe enough—but on return­ poor piece of rocky, rough brush records of the case oa officially sioners.
kept by the official reporter. The
It would not be particularly as­
ing home after our absence sun- land. What a robbery game!
Sentinel will go further than that, tonishing, however, were it proved
shine turns into storm for we have
Then, too, his place was improved
been visited by these four-footed somewhere from $200 to $300. That should he wish, and show that in that the commissioners have suc­
creatures. On and on they go wind­ of course was not much because the addition to the official records it ceeded in building some roads. In
ing in and out of the garden—those place is not worth much. It’s o. k. has the word of those who were 1919 the road and bridge expendi­
awful cow tracks—great holes in for one who is not able to buy a also witnesses at the same trial and tures were $332,036. In 1923, in­
Mr. cluding the road bond money, road
the soft ground. The cows hnvo better place in a better location. who
eaten and destroyed in a few’ min They can keep three or four cows, Sharp’s outrageous valuation placed and bridge expenditures reached the
utes what has taken months to a pig and a few chickens on the upon u plneo the whole of which staggering total of $820,403. They
was not worth the amount of dam­ could pretty near pave roads with
place and work out on the railroad
The owners of these cows are section to get what little grain his age set by Mr. Sharp for less than two-bit pieces with that amount of
acre and u half of it. The bene­ mo ney.
4 4 astonished ’' to think you are cows and chickens would have to
Mr. Horton is quite right when
4 4 angry ’ ’ mid they scoff at t he have. No doubt Mr. Sharp was fits wero worth more than the dam­
age when it was found that it was he says he did not spread any scan­
sympathetic for the poor man and
not necossiry to go to the expense dal aiJhinst Commissioner Harlow.
thought he needed help, and no of moving the barn.
Also he showed greater intelligence
doubt he did, but it’s highway rob­
In return for performing this fn- than he is now exhibiting. Mr. Hor­
bery to give that much at a time.
vor for Mr. Turner, The Sentinel
Fifty dollars would have been an demands of him an affidavit to be ton well knew, and all others who
promoted the recall against Harlow,
outrageously big price, not consid­
published at the same time, that including Roney and Sharp, knew’
ering the benefits. It was after all
uffidavit to be in substantially the that anyone who had made the seri­
of this that the state engineer took following form:
ous charges against Harlow that
a strip 20 feet wide and about 300
“My place at Divide, which is have been made against Roney and
feet long in addition to what they
Keep free from
the subject of dispute as to the Sharp woulck have had a chance to
had already got and paid for, so th
the curse of
amount it was damaged when Pa
strip was condemned and appraised. cific highway took ............ acres of try kicking out the side wall of the
falling hair and
The appraisers were John Baird and it, was at the time of suit easily county jail. Possibly Roney and
haldneatb VanEi»
Mr. McCully. They seem to have worth $.................... I had it on the Sharp have not thought of this
Liquid Scalp Mas­
method of keeping quite a consid­
been just awful libernl and put the
sage feeds hair
market at that time (or just pre­ erable number of the recallers away
damage at $050 for this piece which viously or
growing medicine
just afterwards) at from t’i polls upon election day.
was about one-sixth of an aero on »-------- ------
I will hold no grudge Hurlo »
ould have done it. This
north slope so steep that part of it against any
nipples directly
neighbor who sees fit may be a suggestion worth while
It’» the marvclou» slid down toward the highway. This
to the hair roots,
to stnte at what figure
I was of- for them—and I will make no
new method scalp treatment. Van E»» strip that the county took title to fering my place nt that time. In
charge for the idea.
stops falling hair— grow» new hair in 90 extended back under an old barn the damage suit in question I stated
I am pleased that Mr. Horton
days, Ask ua about the 90-day treat- some four or five feet. A new one that the damage I should have was
made reference to alleged difficulty
ment plan, We sell it under money-back like it would cost perhaps $150 or ».................... No other person testi-
in getting names on the recall pe­
It was claimed this barn fied as to the
guarantee. Buy Van E»e today and Van $200.
damage I should titions. In the first plaae, 2500
would havo to be moved and right havo (or give
Eaa your hair tonight.
amount to which names were required, while the
höre 1 want to say I believe the
testified), Mr. Sharp did not number Messrs. Horton, Sharp and
Kern’s for Drugs court should havo paid him a good others
testify as to the amount of damage Roney had to get was considerably
fair price for moving it of perhaps I should have. 1
Mr. Sharp did not less than 2000. In the next place,
O. J. Ketn, Prop. Cottage Grove, Ore. $100, and n good price for the lafid encourage me to refuse to accept Mr. Harlow did not threaten that
of say $50, which would havo been
the amount of damage allowed by no road work would be done in road
liberal with the poor man. The the appraisers,
I did not nt any districts from which recall petitions
barn hasn’t been moved and doesn’t time following
the trial express my emanated, he did not promise road
need to be for it can sit where it is regret that I
had permitted Mr. work to those who would refuse to
just as well as if it wan moved.
Sharp to encourage nie to refuse the lrymote the recall and Mr. Harlow ’s
Myself, M. H. Anderson (two wit­
damages offered.
nesses), John Baird and Mr. Me-
“At the present time I consider
Cully (two appraisers) and C. E. niy place, .. ....... aere«, worth $..........
Colcord, J. N. Liles, Charles A. and would
not care to «ell it for
Withrow. A. C. Rumson, Blaine Ad less.
dison, William Jacobsen, William
“I stake mv reputation for ver
Smith. John Parker, Emmett How acity upon
the statements made in
ard, J. Ce<larwater, E. A. Bond and
this affidavit, particularly upon flic
Charles Kingswoll (12 jurors), 16
truth of the statement that Mr.
iu all, were unanimous in saying
Sharp did not testify as to the
that the damage did not exceed amount of uiv damage and that the
$650. Sharp swore $3000. Someone
records do not show that he did.”
has iwrjured himself, and we were
The Sentinel wishes it understood
paying him for looking after our
that no reference to this outrageous
tcatinionv on the part of Mr. Shnrp
Knowing all this, if we keep him
was made until Mr. Turner of­
in I suggest that wt get the devil
fered himself as n sacrifice. All of
himself next time.
the information which 1ms been
Now notice that prior to this suit published was in the possession of
and location of road that 40 acres
The Sentinel for many months be­
was assessed at $660 and that after
fore it was used and Mr. Turner
the change it is assessed nt $730. would not have been dragged into
1 think the nssvssed valuation is the moss bv The Sentinel,
just about fair, that is, the place voluntarily butted in. The
is worth more with the highway will show no hesitancy in
than it was without it. Of course up the whole deal.
it is not worth much anyway. Tn
I h ' i ' huhi * architects
all the county got about 1S acres
middle ages topped their of land of Mr. Turner and paid
churche with lofty spire« to him $1200 for it, besides « lot of CANDIDATE
HllggCSt n lifting up of the bother of defending the suit. The
land, if it had not been wanted for
spirit. Modern science lifts
Eugene, 3re„ April 28
a highway, was not worth over $12 Editor.)—Iu announcing myself
an acre, I have lot« of such land
Mineral Oil
n cnndidato for the office of
to sell and would be glad to get $S
RuMian Type or
»<««or ob thj republican ticket. I do
$10 an acre for it. It is only
so knowing that the right to run
Io a higher standard than that 15 minutes ride from Cottage Grove tor pu'ilic >ffice i» the privilege of
g" and «oc who the liars are. every citiien. If nominated anil
which is recoin mended by the to
If we are going to endorm' such
elected. I will attend strictly to the
Republican Candidate for
work as this, then
___ ____
__ ___ _____
me. I Lain *ss of th-» office, to the end
Ihirelcst Mineral Oil is odor­ 8uch work as this leads to anarchv. that this important «civic? may be
less, tasteless -the ideal lubri­ If there are any anarchists in the conducted aa efficiently and eco­ A Native Son of Oregon who is
they wilt have their oppor­ nomically m possible.
cant tn cases of faulty elimina­ county
tunity now.
I will not be interested in. or Olean,
tion. It quickly softens the No wonder our taxes are high. have
mv time and attention divert
food waste ami ta thorough anil Talk about others being careless, ed by, aide iaouea, political or com
complete in action.
mereial, and will, therefore, bo able
rase was the worst I ever knew. to give my entire attention to the
One of 200 l*uretest prepara­ After the people had elected him he aasiwaor’s work.
tions for health ami hygiene. turned iigninM them and put him
I believe I can help to reduce ami
Every item the beat that skill self up as a witness ngainst them equalise taxes bv doing a part of i Read his record of successful
V^oll. I give Mr. Sharp credit for the work nivself, both in the field service, steady achievement, in­
ami rare can produce.
one thing, that is he put the dam­ and in the office, also by revalua­ creasing influence anti wise
age so high that his evidence was tion of property where moat needed
diagnnting to the jurors and la any I Will bring about a fairer diatribu statesmanship in voters’ pam­
other decent man.
tion of the tax burden If elected
thing the rauntv there will be no favors or diwriav 1 (Paid ad, bjr Ronald C. Glover) |
This Grows Hair
friends lid not threaten merchants
who should sign the recall petitions,
nor did he remove from election
boards those officials who signed
petitions against him.
In view of some of the vacuous
statements made by Mr. Horton, it
might be worth while to state that
probably not over a quarter of the
Kern’s for Drugs
is fighting the timber cruise, so
that it did not take much backbone
to make such a statement, but such
an effort is being made to n'^^he
timber cruise as a smoke .^en
that I would greatly appreciate
having Mr. Horton’s explanation of
how it happened that Commissioner
Roney had made all plans to be
¿Concluded on next page.)
or Your
lie will ever be presented. How
much of it, and the nature of that
presented, depends largely upon
statements made by the friends of
the reckless squanderer» of the pub­
lic funds.
Mr. Horton makes a fine display
of patriotism in expressing a will­
ingness to pay a fuir proportion of
G rays C ash ¿C arry
“Look for the Open Front”
The Freshest Stock—the Best in Quality—the Lowest Prices
Beginning May 1, 1924
Regular Free City Delivery
Pay the Deliveryman at Your Door
We have installed the regular free delivery and will take all
phone orders. You can now phone in your order and pay the
deliveryman at your door. There is no additional charge for this
service. Our present low cash prices will prevail.
Bacon and Lard
'ancy sugar cured bacon,
a lb........ . .....
Lard, 4 lbs..................... 75c
Lard, 8 lbs................. $1.50
Corn Flakes
10-lb. cloth sacks........95c
100 lbs........................ $9.20
Best Creamery butter, lb
Kellogg’s, a pkg........... 10c
Post Toasties, a pkg... 10c
Sugar Crisp, 3 pkgs..... 25c
42c Jello, all flavors, pkg.
Campbell’s Soups
Seedless, a lb....... 10c
Italian« 3 lbs.......25c
Gold Dust
All kinds, can..... 10c
A pkg....... ........... 25c
—«------- —
X Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
“Sapphire,” beat Mon­
tana hard wheat, ak $2.00
Kerr’a, best, hard wheat,
a sk...............
.... $190
Dalles Diamond...... $1.80
McKenzie, best soft
wheat, sk
Mill run, 75s.......... $1.25
Molasses Dairy, SOs. $160
Kerr’s egg producer,
10<X --....... -...... ....$2 50
Scratch feed. 100s.. $2.25
Barley. ’75». rolled $1.75
XX Chop feed. SOs $1.30
Fresh Daily
Rolled oats, 9 lba
Graham, 9 lbs
Corn meal, 9 lbs
Hominy, 9 lbs___ ...... 50c
Hour, 9 lbs
Farina, 9 lbs.
Phone 53
.... 50c
Phone 53
Ivan E. Warner, Manager