The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, May 01, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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The Tanglefoot club held it» la»t
dance for this season Tuesday eve­
ning in Phillipa hall. The near ap­
proach of May day was the motif
for the artistic decorations. A largo
basket filled with flowers was hung
from the center of the ceiling with
two smaller baskets on each side.
Other large baskets filled with flow­
ers were placed in nooks about the
hall. Smaller baskets of delieate
colors decorated the walls and
lights. Pink and white crepe paper
streamers effectively draped made
the windows attractive. A booth,
banked with flowers and moss,
from which punch was served dur­
ing the evening, stood in one end
of the room. The hostesses were
Mrs. G. M. Bcott. Mrs. Key Short,
Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr.. Mrs. F. L.
Thurs. May 1—Jack Hoxie in “The Man
Krom Wyoming.” International News and
a comedy.
Fri., May 2—“All of a Sudden Peggy,”
a play in three acts. Presented by the class
of 1924 of C. G. H. S. Admission 50c and
Sat., May 3—“Bluff,” with Agnes Ayers
and Antonio Morena. A comedy and an
Sun.-Mon., May 4-5—Pola Negri in
“Shadows of Paris.” One minute a fash­
ionable society woman and the next an
Apache terror in the most notorious under­
world den in Paris—match that for a Negri
role, if you can. Cast includes Adolphe
Menjou, Charles de Hoche and Iluntly
Gordon. And a comedy.
Tues.-Wed., May 6-7—Harold Lloyd in
“Why Worry?” America’s boy of joy. He
touched your heart in “Grandma’s Boy.”
He cured your ills in “Dr. Jack.” You
shrieked at “Safety Last.” Now he’ll tickle
you pink with his red-hot romance. Here
is something different again—a roar, a
riot. He’ll wave away your weary worries.
Thurs., May 8—William Desmond in
“The Breathless Moment.” International
News and a comedy.
Friday and Saturday Specials
No. 10 Lard ......................... $1.50
No. 5 Lard................................... 75c
No. 10 Compound
No. 5 Compound
................ 65c
Lard in bulk, lb...... *................... 17c
Compound in bulk, lb
We always have a full line of fresh and
cured meats. Fresh fish Thursdays and
Fridays. Free delivery at all times of
the day.
Quality Market
Free Delivery
Phone 4«
Take Your Auto Electric Work
Ray Nelson Electric Shop
Near S. P. Depot
Geo. L. Baker
Mayor of Portland
who was to have held a meeting here Friday night,
hnx given up the meeting on account of the
Senior Claius Play
“All of a Sudden Peggy”
and will attend the play in company with Mrs.
Baker, I'he "Home, Sweet Home” film, taken in
Waahington, D. (', of the “Home, Sweet Homo”
house by the genera) federation of women’s clubs,
under the personal direction of Herbert
will be shown that night.
Grannis, Mrs. F. E. Dickson, Mrs.
Karl K Mills, Mrs. Earl Garoutte,
Mrs. C. J. Kent. Mi-. R. A. 'Fm-k.
Mrs. G. A. Sanders and Mrs. A. W.
♦ ♦ ♦
Miss Gladys Dix, whose engage­
ment to Charles Hall has recently
been made known, was the inspira­
tion for a pleasant gathering Fri­
day night for which Mrs. Frank
McFarland was hostess. The bride-
to be was first made to hunt for a
collection of small gifts hidden
about the house. After she hud
found all of these she was presented
with a number of beautiful gifts
from the guests, who were Mrs.
lima Beager, Mrs. Fred Beidler,
Mrs. Herman Edwards, Mrs. 8. V.
Allison, Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mrs.
Albert Williams, Miss Effie Hopper,
Miss Ruth Phelps, Miss Katharine
Mendenhall, Miss Gladys Oakes,
Miss Florence Thompson, Miss May
Robinson, Miss Daisy Johnson, Miss
Thelma Nation, Miss Bethel Gow-
dy, and Miss Margaret Galloway.
Refreshments of ice cream, cake and
coffee were served.
4‘The Ladies of Cranford/’ a
clever play, furnished the entertain­
ment for the Toujours Prete club
Wednesday evening of last week.
Mrs. R. L. Stewart and Mrs. Sam
Veatch were hostesses and the meet­
ing was at the home of Mrs. Gaven
C. Dyott. A number of invited
guests enjoyed the occasion with
the members of the club. Partici­
pating in the play were Margaret
Galloway, Evelyn Veatch, Hazel
Swanson, Mrs. D. O. Byrne, Clara
Milne, Mrs. Ardie Eby, Mrs. Fred
Bennett, Hallie Willits and Mrs.
Sam Veatch.
Mrs. Charles Caldwell entertained
the bible school blass of the Chris­
tian church Sunday school, of which
she is teacher, at her home Friday
afternoon. Music and social conver­
sation were enjoyed. Refreshments
of ice cream, cake and coffee were
served, each guest receiving an
Easter remembrance as a favor.
About forty members were in at­
<•> <$> <$>
The M. 1*. G. club met Tuesday
afternoon with Mr». C. C. Cruson.
The rooms were beautifully decorat­
ed with dogwood blossoms and an
artistic mixed bouquet of tulips and
baby breath centered the table
w here a dainty luncheon w as served.
The next meeting will be held May
13 with Mrs. Charles Adams.
The Tuesday Bridge club held its
usual 1 o’clock luncheon thiB week
with Mrs. Schofield Stewart. High
honors in the bridge session were
won by Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr. and
the consolation prize went to Mrs.
F. L. Grannis. The next meeting
will be held May 13 with Mrs. T.
G. Sudtell.
<£ <$>
The eeventy-fifth birthday anni­
versary of H. B. Yancey was cele­
brated Saturday with three of his
children. Mrs. Frank Hockett, Mrs.
Nettie McKibben and Frank Yan­
cey, with him. Another daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Bradford, of Roseburg,
was unable to be present.
‘i- ■'?> ■S'
The .Tolly Neighbors club mot
Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. A.
Carouttc. A delightful two-course
luncheon followed a pleasant socio1
afternoon. Invited guests were Mrs.
Earl Gnroutte and Mrs. Victor Kom.
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
H. B. Griggs.
Mrs. J. Q. Willits was hostess to
the Tillicum club hist evening nt its
regular meeting. Five hundred was
A delicious two-course
luncheon was served. Mr. ami Mrs.
W. J. White, Mrs. Carrie Heinen-
way and L. C. Michcner were ad­
ditional guests.
<3> <$> <S>
The Constellation club will meet
this afternoon in the banquet room
of Masonic temple, with the offi­
cers, Mrs. H. K. Metcalf, Mrs. Clara
Burkholder and Mrs. C. E. Frost,
ns hostesses. The annual election
of officer» will be held.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Koval Neighbors entertained
with a card pnrty in I. O. O. F.
hall Wednesday night of last week.
Five hundred was enjoyed, follow­
ing which refreshments were served.
About $20 was cleared for the bene
fit of the lodge.
♦ ♦ ♦
The regular meeting of the Joker
club, which was to have been held
tomorrow evening, has been post
poned on account of the senior class
play to be given that evening. The
club will meet Mav 16 with Mrs. O.
M. Miller.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Tuesday Evening Study club
will hold its final meeting for this
season next week with Mrs. B. R.
Job, who will be assisted by the
other two officers of the club, Miss
Mariotte Hamant and Mrs. Omer
♦ ♦ ♦
The women‘s relief corps hold its
regular business meeting Saturdav
afternoon. The next meeting will
be Mav 10, when the corps will
make arrangements to participate in
the Memorial dav program.
♦ ♦ ♦
The foreign missionary society of
the Methodist church will meet next
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. V
8. Goff. The study program will
be on China, with Mrs. J. A.
Wright as leader.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Jolly Bunch club held their
regular dance Friday evening in
Phillips hall. Painty refreshments
were served They will hold their
mil dance Friday evening of next
♦ ♦ ♦
The Ritikev Pink boys’ club en­
joyed a picuie on Mount David Fri
dav afternoon. They were chap
eroned bv Miss Daisy Johnson anil
Mrs. I.uella Weidenkeller.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Fast Noble Grands chib
■pent last Thursday afternoon very
I leasantlv as guests of Mrs. l.innie
Violette at her home on east Maio
♦ ♦ ♦
The Kensington club will meet
tomorrow afternoon.
A little girl in southern Califor-1
The American Legion auxiliary
has postponed indefinitely its curd ilia was having her first glimpse of
party, which was to have been [snow. ‘‘Oh, mother, what is itf’’
| she shouted excitedly. ‘‘Why, that
held Monday evening.
is snow, , Peggy.
did you
vggy. Whatever
The Toujours Prete club held a think it wasf” ‘* Snow! Why it
special business meeting last eve­ looks like popped rain.”
ning at the R. L. Stewart home.
The city sky is cleaner than the
♦ ♦ ♦
The LaComus club will meet next country sky because the city has
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. C. A. Bartell.
❖ ♦ ♦
The Social Twelve will meet next
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Homer
Mineral Survey No. 819, United
♦ <$>
States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Short will en­ gon, Mineral application No. 015524,
tertain the H. D. 8. club tomorrow April 29. 1924.
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an act of congress ap­
London ôociety.
proved May 10, 1872, The Vesuvius
Mrs. J. E. Banton enteratined a Mines Company, by George C. Hogg,
numbei of women at an old-fash- its agent, whose address is U. S.
A National Bank Building, Portland,
ioned quilting bee Thursday,
sumptuous 1 o’elock dinner was Oregon, has made application for a
served to the following guests: Mrs. patent for the Pasadena, Hobart,
E. M. Brown, of Louisville, Ky.; and McKinley lode claim, situate in
Mrs. George Bailes,
~ ‘
Mr». E. W. no organized, Bohemia Mining Dis­
Powell, Mrs. William Ewing, Mm.
Mrs. trict, rejected T. 23 S. R. 2 E., W.
F. A. Gore, Mrs. W. L. Townsend, M. , Lane Coupty, Oregon, with sur­
Mrs. Harold Abeene, Mrs. George face ground as described by the of­
Sutherland, Mrs. Howard Cox, Mrs. ficial plat, herewith posted, and by
John Sutherland and Mrs. Jennie the field notes on file in the office
of the Register of Roseburg Land
♦ ♦ ♦
Office, Oregon, to-wit:
Mount View Society.
PASADENA LODE: Beginning at
A party was given at the Walter Cor. No. 1 whence U. S. Min. Mon.
Do wens home Friday night, Those established in Hur. No. 229, bears N.
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- 46° 41' 30* W., 7012.9 ft., thence
nold Duerst, George Duerst, the N. 32° 30' E.. 600 ft. to Cor. No. 2,
George Lay ng family, Naoina and thence S. 76° 11' E., 1430.85 ft., to
Juanita Mooney, Lester Dowens and Cor. No. 3, thence S. 32° 30' W.,
Gwendolyn Mooney. Daint refresh­ 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4, thence N. Ffi0
ments were served.
11' W., 1430.85 ft., to Cor. No. 1,
the place of beginning.
HOBART LODE: Beginning at
WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS Cor. No. 1, whence U. S. Min. Mon.
established in Sur. No. 229 bears N
The nesting season for game and 51° 34' W., 8288.35 ft., thence N.
useful birds is now coming on and 32° 30' E., 600 ft. to Cor. No. 2,
it is at this time that the crow thence S. 58° 49' E., 1482.5 ft., to
beats through the fields and woods Cor. No. 3, thence S. 32° 30' W..
seeking out their nests and destroy­ 600 ft. tp Cor. No. 4, thence N.
ing their eggs and young. Game 58° 49' W. 1482.5 ft., to Cor. No. 1.
commissioners of 38 states in the the place of beginning.
union have found that the crow is
McKINLEY LODE: Beginning at
the worst enemy of game and use­ Cor. No. 1 whence U. S. Min. Mon.
ful birds which flies. In some places established in Sur. No. 229 bears
crows have picked out the eyes of N. 52° 40' W., 9760.55 ft., thence
lambs and young calves and also N. 32° 30' E.. 600 ft., to Cor. No. 2,
destroyed vast .quantities of poul- thence 8. 44° 17' E., 1500 ft., to
try, eggs and young chicks.
Cor. No. 3, thence 8. 32° 30' W.,
The crow is increasing in num- 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4, thence N. 44°
bers in many parts of the country. 17' W., 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 1, the
He hunts all the time, like other place of beginning.
killers, but he is especially de­
The total and net area of Pasa­
structive when the birds are nest­ dena, Hobart and McKinley lodes is
ing. Some species of the crow have 59.200 acres. The names of the ad­
been known to wipe out whole colo­ joining claims are Sur. No.
nies of» game birds in certain local­ Bohemia Girl lode on the west
Sampson lode, unsurveyed on
A righteous town is one ill which
Date of posting this notice on
the druggist doesn’t know what you claim, December 26. 1923.
mean when you wink at him.—Nnsh-
ville Tennessean.
New Dress Goods—New Draperies
New Hats
Another lot of New Hat« for the children.
More Flowers—Also another lot of Newer Shape«.
Hat Braids and Hat Dye.
A big showing of children’s and misses’ Half Socks.
New styles in Silk Hosiery. See our Specials at
89c and $1.15.
New Silk Umbrellas, new handles, Special, $5.00.
Extra Quality Table Oil Cloth by the yard or pat­
tern. We want you to see them.
Boys, you must see the bargains we offer in Caps
and Belts—more especially Belts. We have values up
to 90c selling at 35c.
Boys and Girls—Get a Prize in our King Tut Trea­
sure Chestr—Best prizes to go soon.
The Fair Store
Where You Save Money
Wright & Caldwell, Props.
If you saw it first you saw it in The Sentinel
A very high grade and high
quality guaranteed tires at
the following prices
Kenway cord, 30x3^,
at............................ $895
Duro cord, 30x3
sandard size.... ..... $10.75
Kenyon cord, 30x3^,
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
at.............. Regular Prices
/ Fifth and Main Streets
W. J. Woods, Proprietor
What a Kiddie Said
“Say, Ma, where did you get those doughnuts and that dandy cake, or did you
make them yourself?” said a young hopeful in a Cottage Grove home as he
crammed in another mouthful.
“Why, I got them at the Electric Bakery,” the mother replied, “Doyon like
them ?”
“Well, I’ll say I do," the lad replied. “Say, Ma, ain’t that the place you’ve
been getting that good bread recently?”
“Yes, that’s the place sonny where I had you stop for pie on the way home
from school yesterday. You said you were going to get all our bread and cake
and ]lies and rolls there hereafter when 1 sent you to do the buying.”
“Yes, I remember I liked the place because they don’t treat me like I was
a kid. They waited on me just like they did on the grown people. We kids like
to be treated like we were somebody. I remember Mr. Sanders waited on me
and Mr. Bennett came in just as I was going out, patted me on the head and told
me to call again. Say, Ma, they’re fine fellows, ain’t they? No wonder they make
such good bread and rolls and cake and pie and tilings.”
We like to think that every boy and girl, every man and every woman leaves
our place feeling that they have received prompt and courteous treatment. Each
one of our customers is entitled to this kind of treatment, whether the purchase
is for a dime, or a quarter, or a dollar. That is one of the methods we are using
to help keep the bread business in Cottage Grove. If you buy from your grocer
insist upon getting Cottage Grove bread. Ask for Faultless Bread and do your
part in building up one of the industrial payrolls of Cottage Grove. We ask this
upon the basis of quality and service.
Cottage Grove Eledric Bakery
Sanders & Bennett, Proprietors.
Cottage Grove, Oregon