COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1924 PAGE SEVEN | over the week end with her mother, I Mrs. VI W terests, speculators, wholesalers and at the home of his parents, Mr. Portland, who were here to attend James Johnson, of Gold Bench, Every eleventh farm house in retailers ean organize strong enough 1922 Dodge touring....... $475 tho funeral of Mr. Smith’s father, and Mrs. 8. J. Leonard. the United States is vacant, so to force farmers to sell their prod­ who was enroute to Portland to at­ Preston Smith, which was held G. C. Dyott has bought two lots 1921 Overland touring $350 <3>----------------------------------------------- > tend a convention of the district states tho department of agricul­ ucts for less than their production Monday, returned that afternoon to St. Helens court. Plans for the ture at Washington, D. C. It states costs, cannot the producers them­ 1916 Dodge roadster..... $200 their home. They were guests at in Elbert Bede was present Satur­ attorneys of Oregon, stopped over erection of a homo are already in further that out of a total of selves organize strongly enough not day forenoon at the newspaper here last Thursday*and visited at the hands of an architect. 1918 Chevrolet tour’g....$176 the C. E. Ashby home. 2,298,000 owners and tenant farm­ to sell to these middle-profit men’s section of the economic con­ the homo of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. W. Cruig, wfio with his family ers ‘ ‘ more than 108,000 have lost takers! The Man Without a Country. 1918 Maxwell touring. $150 ference held at the Oregon Agricul­ E. Lebow. Bruce Bridges, of Roseburg, ar­ recently moved here from Canada, their farms or other property tural college last week. For good floors—see Omer 1917 Studebaker tour’g $150 Card of Thanas. rived Tuesday evening to take has bought property on south Third through foreclosure or bankruptcy; Miss Belle Burkholder, of Corval­ Moore. jl7tf 1918 Fori touring......... $150 charge of over 122,000 have lost their prop­ ■ Calvin Funk post, American Le­ the switching engine here. street and will start building soon. lis, spent the week end with her Mrs. Carrie Borner, of North erty without legal proceedings, and gion, wishes to thank all those who Jack Scott, who has had charge, is mother, Mrs. Clara Burkholder. Ford delivery, panel body Bend, arrived Saturday evening to nearly 373,000 have retained their assisted in any way in milking a quite ill. Mr. Bridges is a cousin ...................................... $125 of Mrs. Harry Metcalf. property only through the leniency success of tho “Days of ’49” en­ The Man Without a Country. visit for two weeks at the home of tertainment, especially Earl Hill for of cieditors.” F. W. Seeley, of Eugene, known her daughter, Mrs. Fred Bonnett. i 1914 Ford touring.......... $65 New phonographs and pianos for Mr. and Mrs. James Plaster have These figures from this source tho use of his building and 8. 1.. to many here as the traveling rep­ sale aud new and second hand goods 1914 Cverland touring__ $35 should mean something to tho farm­ Godard, to whoso efforts was duo resentative of a medicine company, adopted a little girl six years of bought, sold and exchanged. Mor­ ers of Oregon. It should warn them tho fact that it was ready for use, They have named her Arvella died last week in Eugene. Terms given on above cars. ris & Forward, near the bridge. Rubber tired Scooter given that if these conditions continue us well as those citizens who helped Phone 121. jl7tfc Galloway for insurance, 511 Main. away free to a boy or girl the values will drop out of their with tho running of tho games, bur I can give you perfect eyesight D. D. Roberts is recovering from under ten years of age. See The funeral of Miss Gladys Ben land as it has dropped out" of the and side shows, those who assisted without glasses. Satisfaction guar ­ an injury to one knee which kept with the policing and those whose ston, who died Tuesady of last the scooter in our window. German mark. anteed or your money back. Dr. H. O. H. Heino has installed a fur him confined to the house for a attendance made the affair a tre­ week, was held Friday from the We will tell you about the Tho day has gone by for mu king A. Hagen. n29tfc nace at his Silk creek ranch home, week. He fell and cut a deep gash mendous financial success. j31c chapel, F. F. Eddy, of the Eugene money in farming by buying u contest. Nominations close Reed McCarthy, who had been ‘ ‘ Tho Brambles. ’ ’ just below’ the knee cap. Unitarian church, officiating. ' piece of land and selling it at a employed at the Miller Machine Card of Thanks. Saturday, February 2. Dry Cleaning. C. G. Laundry M. V. Phillips has recovered from ' profit. The buyer today uses cold shop, left Thursday for Portland. We wish to thank all those kind Claude Coffman, who had been an attack of influenza and Mrs. I figures aud hard estimates. Cun he friends und neighbors who by their Lee Nixon returned Saturday here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Phillips has taken advantage of make six or seven per cent interest many kind acts and words of sytn from Kansas City, where he had | C. Coffman, returned Saturday to that fact to come down with the on tho price asked for tho farm! pathy helped us in our time of been with his sister, Mrs. Viva North Bend. malady herself. If ho cannot, the price asked is too deepest sorrow in the loss of our Lindamood, w'ho was seriously ill high and ho will not buy it. Kirsch curtain rods just re­ offers you a home that is in a hospital in that city but is Mrs. L. L. Farmer returned Fri­ dourly beloved daughter and sister It is most important for farmers Gladys. Also wo thank those who now recovering and has returned to day from Seattle, where she had ceived at Bressler & Son’s. j31c The funeral of Andrew 8. Buc ­ to realize that if they hope to have been visiting at the home of her NEW, CLEAN sang and those who sent tho beau her home at Rosalie, Kans. Among those from this section hanan, brother of Mrs. H. H. their land" worth anywhere near tiful flowers. parents. serving on the circuit jury are Mrs. MODERN The Man Without a Country. Hold a regular position by having Mary Burcham, John Sutherland, Veatch, was held last Thursday in what they paid for it, they must Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Bonston, put a value ill tho land. It is up to Mrs. Mattie Evans and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Bonston, Malcolm Horn, Martin Foster, Al­ Portland. Mr. Buchanan was 62 thorn to make farming profitable Two and three-room apart­ Willith, of Oakland, visited during an ad every week. Harry Houston, Mrs. Carl Volgamore and three bert Stocks and Charles Stevens. years of age. Ho graduated from in order to make land desirable. ments with bath, hot and the week at the home of Mrs. children Elwin Bonston, arrived last Thursday H. H. Fiester was serving but was the Oregon Agricultural college in This must bo done in tho same way 1885 and was connected with the cold water, steam heat, elec­ Evans’ sister, Mrs. George Mote. Stovo Bonston, from Vancouver, Wash., and are excused. that a failing manufacturing indus ­ First National bank in Portland for William Lundy and family, of with Mrs. Volgamore’s parents, Mr. tric ranges and lights. You Mrs. Ivan Warner is recovering many years. He had been an in­ try is reorganized and put on a jl3p Evelyn Bonston. should see these. Inquire of Myrtle Point, spent the week end and Mrs. Charles Teeters, of Do- from an attack of influenza. valid for eleven years prior to his paying basis. There must bo an Salesbooks for merchants—-The Frank Jone» home. at the — rena. Mr. Volgamore, who had been organization that can sell the prod­ Sentinel. Money to loan on city or farm death. xxx here for a short while, has accepted Mrs. V. Swarts will succeed Mrs. ucts of tho farm at a fair margin property. J. F. Spray. tfc Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smithson, Orpah Benson as Smith-Hughes in­ a position on the O. P. & E. rail­ of profit. Knowles & Graber are having the of Eugene, are visiting at tho home structor of the women'a sewing class road. The family will make their NEWS WANTED. If this organization never went room which their furniture depart­ of Mrs. Smithson’s daughter, Mrs. which is being organized to meet home at. Dorena. tiny further than handling its prod­ ment formerly occupied fitted up M. P. Garoutte. Monday afternoons at the high Readers of The Sentinel are with shelves and counters and will Stanley Cummings, of Eugene, a ucts from the producer to tho re­ school. Both women’s and chil­ move a part of their hardware stock nephew of W. 11. Ostrander, who tailer, it would make farming un­ reminded that Tho Sentinel wel­ County Commissioner Roney was dren’s clothing will be taken up. comes nows stories. Sentinel here Friday inspecting the bridge The fee will be $3 for 24 hours. See into it. was omployed at road work out from profitable. If it nover got a cent readers uro invited to telephone over Teeters creek near Dorena. He Miss Lay, at the practice house, or Henry Sutherland, of California, here, sustained a mashed right foot higher prices for products than nows at any time or to call at but could itself take over a arranged for its repair. at the visited during the week at the home lest week when a scarifier fell on it. now, phone 145-L. j-’If the office with it. largo part of the middle profits, of his sister, Mrs. Frank Favor. Arlio Cummings, of Eugene, nil We wash. Our wives don’t. M. C. Cochran has moved his If you are an oyewitness of farming would bo profitnblo. Cottage Grove Laundry. Time-saving equipment for uncle of Mr. Cummings, camo up Retail prices are high enough uow any occurrence that is news, call tfc family from the T. K. Campbell Wednesday evening and took his property to the Mrs. E. C. Lock ­ The Sentinel and give the details. H. H. Fiester and Mrs. Shade the office. The Sentinel. to warrant prosperous agricultural nephew home. at If a news item is not pub Burcham aro at Eugene on jury wood residence on Ash avenue. conditions. The trouble is that tho Among those from here who at­ Mrs. J. G. Powell underwent an Halted, the fault is with those duty. Mrs. Jennie Schlosser left Sun­ tended “The Rejuvenation of Aunt operation for tumor last Thursday producer does not got tho profits who knew of tho story and did N. J. Thomas i and family, of day for Sacramento, Calif., on ac­ Mary’’ in Eugene Monday aight nt Eugene. Her daughter, Mrs. Ida between himself mid tho consumer. not tell about it. count of her health. Mrs. Louise An army of middle interests live Aberdeen, Wash., i returned _ wore Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Trask, Mr. home last McKernan, of Divide, was with her. Thursday. Mr. Thomas was here on McAboy has taken her place at the and Mrs. Georg Bjorset, Mrs. J. P. Mrs. Powell is getting along satis­ off the added costs between tho 6 to 8 p. m. farm and the homo. Products go Graham, Mi’s. Herman Edwards, factorily. business connected with the Ander­ test room. through far too many hands. If son & Middleton Lumber company. Mrs. George Matthews, Mrs. C. E. Piano lessons given. Mrs. F. Six members of tho J. D. Wirth farmers received fair profits for Music by Frost, Mrs. H. A. Hagen, Mr. an 1 Office equipment and fur­ C\Strausen, 706 Chestnut Ave. Mrs. K. K. Mills, Mrs. H. W. Titus. family have been sick during the their products today, and the mid­ nishings. The Sentinel. Mrs. Edna Sullivan, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, Mr. and past week with a combination of dle interests added their present spent the week end at the home of profits and exponses, food products Notice is hereby given that A marriage license was issued Mrs. Charles A. Beidler, Mr. and scarlet fever, measles nnd grip. her mother, Mrs. Sarah Kerr. would gu to consumers at such high anyone tapping any of the Tuesday to Herbert B. Schafer, of Mrs. Frank Knox, Mrs. Proct oi, prices they could not buy. So, in Miss Mary Ellen Benson; who is Eugene, and Pearl Edna Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trask, Miss Mar­ Phone reservations order that this middle toll system city’s water ntains, or in any of this city. teaching at Wolf Creek, was home garet Galloway, Miss Hazel Swan­ may continue, products must be way tampering with any part may be made son, Miss Ruth Delxing and Miss bought at cost or less from the of the city’s water or sewer Evelyn Veatch. farmers. system, without permit to do Eggs Wanted—Highest cash price FOR SALE What farmers must do is to or­ so having been issued by the paid for eggs. Sterling Feed Co. c ganize against this middlo profit The Man Without a Country. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. VanSchoiack system, break it up and deliver jumper city official, will bo STILL Have Mrs. C. 8. Roberts and son Stew­ returned last Thursday from Hood their own goods. They must bo prosecuted. By order of art, who had been visiting wit ll River, where they had been to at­ 400 BOXES their own middle men. They must j24-31 CITY COUNCIL. Mrs. Roberts’ parents, Mr. and tend the funeral of Charles Finley, handle their goods all tho way from Mrs. A. S. Austin, at Aberdeen, brother of Mrs. Van Schoiack. the farm to tho retail store. Wash., arrived home by motor Mrs. Raymond Grube, of Veneta, It looks like a big undertaking Wednesday of last Week, being ac­ is in a hospital in Eugene. Her and many are discouraged before companied by Mr. and Mrs. Austin, son Joe is staying with his grand Will deliver any place in they start. They declare that such who remained here until Saturday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grube, u movement must be national to the city. of this city. Galloway writes insurance. be effective; that it will need arber hop largo financing and farmers are Mrs. W. H. Currin, of Corvallis, Stewart for good plumbing. WILL BE DOLLAR DAY AT THIS STORE, WHICH not in a position to stand the ex is visiting at the home of her sis­ Mrs. F. C. Stmusen, of this city, A petition has been filed with WILL MEAN REAL BARGAINS ter, Mrs. H. H. Veatch. won first place in class C of the tho county school board for a penae. Hoir liobbing and They arc looking at the wrong R. C. Crumpacker, of Honey Portland Teelgram’s “Lamb Blot change in tho boundaries of school Shampooing ........... $1.00 10 lbs. sugar--best cane............ end of the movement. Such organ ­ Grove, Tex., who arrived here re­ Out Contest. ’ ’ She received a prize districts 191 and 93 at Dorena. It ization must start locally. Let tho1 cently, has located on the G. John­ of $189. is proposed to tako some territory counties ........... $1.00 11 lbs. sugar—(light brown).... organize first and when son place two and one-half miles Barber work in general ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grubo will from No. 191 and add it to No. 93. thoy are organized a state union east of the city. 15 lbs. beans—California white. ........... $1.00 leave February 10 for a i8sit at John Overholser and II. C. Mitch comes naturally. And how long spécial attention to children. Sanford for Signs. tf their old home in Punxsutawney, ell have been summoned to serve on would it take to have a powerful 9 cans Cottage Grove beans...... ........... $1.00 630 Main, P. 8. Bukowski, Prop. national organization if each state Mrs. 8. E. Markley is in Eugene, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Schofield Stewart the circuit court jury. will occupy the Grube residonee ........... $1.00 3 large cans pineapple.................. ....... Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garoutte re- would walk into the movement of where she is nursing. during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. turnel Tuesday from a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. George Hohl and Mcrville Veatch will move into tho ........... $1.00 13 lbs. head rice.... . ............. ......... ........ to Portland. They wore aceonipa Mrs. Maud Hohl visited Tuesday Stewart home on Madison avenue. nied home by Mrs. Jack Callahan, evening in Eugene with Mr. Hohl’s Extra large wash tub.................... _...... ......... $1.00 We wish to announce that we are Mrs. Garoutte'» sister. sister, Mrs. M. A. Darland, who $1.50 can cweet pickles____ _______ ........... $1.00 Miss Dorothy Bowles stopped over recently returned from a Portland prepared to make made-to-measure corsets, all kinds of brassieres aud hero Tuesday night for a visit hospital. 10 cans corn..... .... _............................... ............$1.00 dresses. Larsen aud ~ Smith, 317 with friends while on her way The Mothers’ club will serve mer­ j24fl4 from her home at Marshfield to chants' 25c lunch Saturday evening Main street. 27 bars White Laundry soap............... ........... $1.00 Miss Dossie Harms, who until re­ Pullman, Wash., to enter Washing from 5:30 on. j31c ........... $1.00 $1.50 assortment of soap and powder. Miss Zelpha ImCasse returned Gently was employed in a depart- ton state college. WITH EACH DOLLAR PURCHASE Miss Catherine DeVoe left last Sunday evening from Portland, ment store in Portland, visited dur­ Friday, Saturday and Monday 1 bean jar and 1 mixing bowl_______ -A..... $1.00 ing the fore part of the week with night for Marrhfield to spend a where she had been for three weeks her mother, Mrs. Sarah Harms. She week. with friends. 2^ lbs. Shilling’s baking powder___ . ..........$1.00 Listed below are a few of extra special values for 3 days has accepted a position in The Mrs. 8. L. Godard underwent a Marksbury company store at Rose­ 6 25c cans of sardines.___ ___ ______ .... .......$1.00 A Willing Sacrifice major operation Tuesday in n hod­ burg and will take up her duties pital in Eugene. She is getting at once. “Mamma,’’ said little Elsie, “I 4 lbs. California walnuts..................... _. . ..........$1.00 22 lbs. sugar..... h lbs. sugai . nn along satisfactorily. Orientals from here who attended de wish I had some money to give 22 bars soap ....... tbc.UU 12 lbs. large Italian prunes._________ .......... $1.00 you for the poor children. ” For good floors—see Omer the initiatory meeting held Satur­ 1 sk. White Loaf..'OU« Her mother, wishing to teach her Moore. jl7tf day eveniug in Eugene wero Mr. ........... $1.00 15 rolls toilet paper.......................... .... tho lesson of self sacrifice, said: Mrs. Gladys Jackson spent the and Mrs. George Sweet, Mr. and “Very well, dear, if you would like 9 cans Borden’s milk___ __________ ........ ..$1.00 11 lbs. sugar....... 11 lbs. sugar (?! QC| week end at Mt. Angel with her Mrs. C. L. Hperikea, Mr. and Mrs. to go without sugar for a week, I'll two little daughters, who are nt* Roe Aubrey, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. give you the money instead, and 2 sks. Ora hum 10 1 ,ull .......... $1.00 8 lbs. dried peaches_______________ 13 lbs. prunes.. A0L, Churchill, Joe Hart and Mr. and tending school there. then you will have some. ” Mr«. Georgo Currin. 15 lbs. macaroni, handy cut________ ........... $1.00 R. F. Forward has received word The little one considered solemnly James Allen has moved his family of the death of his father at Rud for a moment aud then said, “Must . ....... $1.00 25c cans olives......... . ...... 11 lbs. sugar (FQ f|fl 11 lbs. sugar Oak, la. Mr. Forward recently re­ to the Glen Green ranch south of it be sugar, Mamina!” turned from a month ’■ visit with the city. He has rented the prop ...........$1.00 9 lbs. seedless raisins_____ 4 cans ¡»caches 10L.UU 11) lbs. raisins tvL. “Why no, darling, not necessarily. his father, who when he left him erty for a year. Homer Chamberlain and family, What would you like to do with ...........$100 seemed to be much better. 5 cans red salmon__ _____ of Rogue River, visited during the out!” Why pay rent when you ean own we< k at the home of Mrs. Chamber­ “Soap, mamma,’’ was Elsie’s an 3 cans Royal Club peaches. ..........$1.00 -or you may make your own selection of any goods in a home for the rent! See Spray, lain's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. James uwer.—Boston Transcript. 105 Main street. tie the store. Free delivery in the city on all orders of one And many more $ bargains. If you do not see what Lmebaugh, and with friends hero. Dale Hawkins »as in Eugene Fri you want we will make a dollar bargain for you. dollar or more. Shampooed. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Durham, of day on business. Hebron, N. D.. visited during the Policeman (to woman driver): Robert Jones and mother, Mis J. week at the home of Mr. Durham’s Hey, what«’ the matter with you, I. Jones, of Eugene, were here uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. anyway 1 Tuesday. McKay. Woman (in traffic jam): Well, Mrs. Cora Olson, of Creswell, vis­ Mrs. Ameba Phelps will leave Sat­ officer, you see I’ve just had my WHERE YOUR CASH BUYS MORL TILE STORE THAT APPRECIATES YOUR TRADE ited Monday at the Robert Hanna urday for a visit of about three ear washed aud I can’t do a thing home. months with relatives in California. with it. Our Civic Creed for Groceries 6 5 Ostrander BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE McQueen USED CARS at Nelsons Servicestation I Tales of the Town OH BOY! Omer Apartments STERLING FEED CO. C. J. KEM Musical Program Sunday Dinners Hotel Bartell NOTICE! THREE-PIECE ORCHESTRA APPLES D ollar D ay FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1 AND 2 N. E. GLASS IMPERIAL B S 11 Lbs. Sugar $1 .< Smith-Short Grocery 90 00 00 irask’s Cash Grocery