PAGE TWO •z I —- —___ _____ — , ♦---------------------------------------------------+ The Joker club met Friday eve­ ning ut the home of Mrs. Clara Burkholder. The hours were pleas antly spent, five hundred being the diversion. High scores were made by a number of the guests and members of the club. A delicious iwo-coucse luncheon was served. In­ vited guests for the affair were: Mrs. J. Q. Willits, Mrs. B. F. John­ son, Mrs. F. L. Grannis, Airs. W. A. Garoutte, Mrs. O. W. Hays, Mrs. H. K. Metcalf, Mrs. T. C. Wheeler, Mrs. D. J. Scholl, Mrs. H. A. Miller, Mrs. D. H. Hemenway. Mrs. L. L. Harrel, Mrs. 8. B. Brand, Mrs. J. P. Graham, Mrs. E. W. Armes, Mrs. Elbert Bede, Mrs. Amelin Currin, and Mrs. Lydia Stouffer. Members of the club who were present were: I Mrs. C. H. VanDenburg, Mrs. C. E. Frost, Mrs. lima Beager, Mrs. O. M. Miller, Mrs. A. 8. Powell, Mrs. W. E. Lebow, Mrs. H. II. Veatch, Miss Myrtle Kem, Miss Lula Currin and Mrs. Fay O. Allison. ♦ ❖ ♦ Most informal and delightful among the week’s club meetings was the meeting of the H. D. S. club on Friday evening, when mem i bens of the club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Ltisswell. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hudtell were invited guests of the club. The hours wera occupied with five hundred, high honors being secured by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Short. Delicious refresh ments were served. <$><$> <$> Mrs. 8. S. I^asswell was hostess on Tuesday for the regular luncheon of the Tuesday Bridgo club. Mrs. Roy Romaine, of Portland, who is a house guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. W. Kime, was an invited guest. Mrs. C. J. Kem, Mrs. W. II. Daugherty and ‘ Mrs. ~ F. ’ L. Grannis were admitted to momber- ship at this meeting. 3» 3> <$> The Social Twelve club mot last Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. IL A. Miller. The hours were most pleasantly spent in social con­ versation and nt needle work. De­ lightful refreshments were served. Mrs. O’Neil was an invited guest for the afternoon. Mrs. Mabel Mer­ ryman will bo hostess for the club nt its next meeting which is to be held January 31. <$><$><§> Tho executive committee of the Tanglefoot club will entertain tho members of the club Tuesday eve- ning at a dance to bo held in Phil- lips hall. <$> The Tuesday Study club will meet next week with Mrs. George Mat thews. ❖ Mrs. C. A. Kurre will entertain the members of the Tillicum club next Wednesday evening. <$>•$> The LnComus chib will meet next Tuesday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. 11. B. Griggs. SOCIETY ARCADE THEATER WEEKLY PROGRAM Thu., .Jan. 24—“Crooked Alley,” with an all-star cast. A Universal attraction. In­ ternational News and “Felix, the Cat.” Eri., Jan. 25—Harry Carey in “The Miracle Baby,” a smashing, roaring, big­ action drama, glowing with romance, whirl­ ing with adventure where men are quick with guns and lists. And a comedy, “The Walkout.” Sat.., Jan. 26—John Gilbert in the famous story by Richard Harding Davis, an adven­ turous romance of two souls adrift, “The Exiles.” Comedy and Educational. Sun.-Mon., Jan. 27-28—The year’s un- challenged comedy drama, “Going Up,” starring Douglas MacLean. A side-splitting lesson in flying. When the propeller starts tin1 fun begins a whizzing screen comedy. And other pictures. Tues.-Wed., Jan. 29-30—“The Abysmal Brute,” starring Reginald Denny, with an extraordinary cast including Mabel Juli­ enne Scott, Hayden Stevenson and Buddy Messinger. It’s Jack London’s most sen­ sational story. It’s Denny’s greatest pic­ ture. And a comedy. 'Phu., Jan. 31—Hoot < libson in “Blinkey,” a Mexican border story. International News ami comedy. Don't GIVE your furs away! Get SHUBERT prices for them - the highest of the season! you nave not snippea to onuntiKi yet this season.—try “SHUBERT”>— NOW— get some REAL prices — the highest of the season. We want every Muskrat—-Coyote— Mink — and all other furs you can trap or buy ... we’ll make it PAY YOU WELL. Ship quick while our demand lasts. Take advantage of these better prices. SPECIAL FLAT PRICES! OREGON FURS Muskrat r.«.r. $ 1.10 to $ .80 11.00 to 9.00 Coyote car. Mank r» & r. 6.50 to 5.00 These prices for original collections of Reasonable furs, consisting of proper percentages of all sires and grades. Cut thia ad out and enclose It with your furs. Try for one of our prizes! $50.00 FREE every day for the three beat handled shipments of furs. LIST OF DAILY PRIZES i First Prize $25 00 Second Prize $15 00 Third Prize 10.00 Shipment must consist of r t k j than six legally caught raw fur skins. The x iho furs are handled determines the winners. Qc‘. of this prize moneyl Ship us all the furs you have at once — go get some more—and ship — ship — ship — quick! Our checks will make you happy. COME ON WITH YOUR FURS »“ J AB.SHUBERTinc 25-27 W Austin Av© What You Save by Paying Cash_ _ CHICAGO $1.00 1O What You Pay When You Pay Cash Save the Dimes and the Dollars Will Take Care of Themselves. PEOPLE’S CASH MARKET Cutaforth & Dickson, Props. Phone 15 Mrs. George Matthews, Mrs. Charles Beidler and Mrs. Mary Smith will entertain the members of tho Constellation club this after­ noon in the banquet room of Ma­ sonic temple. ♦ ♦ The Kensington club will hold their regular meeting tomorrow af­ ternoon. -s> The Jolly club will hold another of their “jolly dances’’ tomorrow Refresh- evening in Phillips hall. ~ ments will bo served. •i> Mrs. J. H. Chambers was at home to a few intimate friends Wedncs- day afternoon of last week. Tho hours were pleasantly spent in so eitil conversation and at neodlowork. Dainty refreshments were aervod. .. ... .. Mrs. I’ete Nelson will entertain the 8. T. 8. club Wednesday nfter- noon. meeting, a delightful two course luncheon was served. Mrs. Allison will entertain the club at its next meeting which will be held Febru­ ary 18. The past matrons and past patrons will have their evening February 22 at the regular meeting of the Eastern Star chapter. * <$> Lynx Hollow Society. The L. A. H. club met with Mrs. Fletcher England ut Walker Wed­ nesday of last week. There was a large attendance. An old fashioned | quilting was enjoyed, after which a pleasing program was given and dainty refreshments were served, 'rhe guests of honor were Mrs. Sowers, of Cottage Grove, and Mrs. Adam Smith and Mrs. Mary Smith, of Walker ♦ ♦ ♦ Divide Society. A very pleasant party was held Saturday evening, January 12, in the Divide dance hall, the occasion being the birthday anniversaries of Massimo and Bonnie Perini. The Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. I.) Put Up with Rat« for Year« ■'Years «o I got some rat poison. which «"b killed our fine watch dog. We put up with rau until a triend told me about Rat-Snap. It .<«ely killa rau. though house peu won’t “^h ‘t K*t» dry up and leave no smell. Prices. 35c, 65c. .1-J Sold and guaranteed by t Kt At ’£> roK DRUGS. MOTHERS— Why allow ■•snuffle«” and stuffy, wheezy breathing to torment voui Babies when quick relief follow« the use of CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REMEDY No Narcotic« ONSTIPATION C goes, and energy, pep and vim return when taking CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Keep stomach sweet—liver active­ bowels regular—only 25c. “I Got Real Mad when I Lost My Setting Hen,” write« Mr«. Hanna, N.J. ‘■When I went Into our barn and found my best setter dead I got real mad. One package of Rat. „ apc^1^e^.b’l r*ti. Poultry raiaer» should use Kat-Snap, ’ Cornea in cakes, no mixing. No smel] from dead rats. Three sixes. Prices. 35c. 65c. I1JS. bold and guaranteed by KEM’8 FOR DRUGS. Grove Transfer Furniture Moxing I’iano Moving a Specialty F. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Office telephone_________ 4 Residence telephone..... 21-F3 | :------------------- ----- >1 IMPERIAL B arber S hop Hair Bobbing and Shampooing Barber work in general ; special attention to children. 630 Main, P. 8. Bukowski, Prop. A New Pay Day for Thrifty People E\\ PAY ROLL for many families has been created during the past few years. IT IS A PAY RGLL which brings sub­ stantial amounts to those enrolled—as regularly and as dependably as the ar­ rival of the seasons of the year. Mr». Oliver Jones was hostess at a delightful dinner party Sunday evening, tho occasion being the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Jones and Mrs. Arthur Leonard. Music and games furnished amusement for tho evening hours. Mr. and Mrs. John Sport's, Ray Weldon and tho members of the two families were present to enjoy tho affair. YOU CAN GET YOUR NAME ON THIS PAY ROLL ANI) STAY THERE AS LONG AS YOU PLEASE. Mrs. lima Beager had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Knowles, A. R. Spearow and Wil linm Thum. 'i* 't'4 The Methodist ladies’ aid society met yesterday in the church par lors, with Mrs. C. A. Cooley. Mrs. H. B. Breedlove, Mrs. James Buc­ hanan and Mrs. Harry Hart as host- ('.»•ses. Mrs. IL B. Griggs was pleasantly and completely surprised last Thun day afternoon, when about twelve of her friends dropped in on her. I'ho guests presented Mrs. Griggs with a b<*autiful jardiniere with an Elegant issimo fern for her now home. Refreshments of pie a la mode and coffee, which were fur nished by the guests, were served. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr». R. I*. Stewart’s Sunday school das« of _ _ the Presbyterian church h met Friday evening with Mi»» r • • Galloway ' " Rachel for the pur I’ '»« of organizing themselves into a club to meet monthly. The follow mg officers were elected: Dorothy Fads, president; Rachel Galloway, vice president : Dorothy Cooper, sec rotary and treasurer. By the next meeting the girls expect to have a name »elected for their organila Ition. „ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs \ndrcw Brand t entertained . ¿-.I... J ■ the Past Matrons’ club Monday af- ' ternoon in the banauct room “ of the j Masonic temple. A bust iu»ineu meeting was * held, * * _ at whieh the following .ffiver» were wen' elected: eh,ted: Mr». Mn & 8. V. V \lliwn. president: Mrs. G. M Seott, I vice president; Mrs. J. P. Graham, reelected »ev ret arv and treasurer. Mrs. Herbert Eakin presented the club with a large mirror, whieh will , be donated to the Eastern Star ¡chapter. Following the buxine»» hall was beautifully decorated with drooping tree. Dancing and cards fir boughs, the center pillar, side were the diversion. Music was fur walls and the ceiling being entirely nished by the Periui brothers and (Concluded on page 5) covered by them in such a manner as to give t he__jippct£ranc£__of__a ALL YOl HAVE TO DO is to become a 7 per cent Gold Note holder of Mountain States Power Company, and put your money to work extending the properties to meet the steadily increasing demand for service. YOl DO NOT NEED a considerable sum of cash to do this. You can invest on the Monthly Payment Plan at the rate of $5 a month, and your money starts to earn for you from the first payment. IE YOU ARE ON ONE PAYROLL NOW WHY’ NOT GET YOUR NAME ON ANOTHER? You will find our Investment Department prepared to give you com­ plete information to help you with your problems and as glad to see the man or woman, boy or girl with $5 to invest as to welcome those with considerable sums. You should be an investor MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Investment Department Cottage Grove, Oregon