OTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1924 x PAGE TWO ARCADE THEATER WEEKLY PROGRAM Thurs., Jan. 3—Gladys Walton in “The ! Untameable.” International News and a comedy, “Felix, the Cat.” Fri., Jan. 4—“A Man’s Man.” The east includes Lois Wilson and J. Warren Kerri­ gan. “The Steel Trail,” chapter 14. Sat., Jan. 5—William Russell in “Alias the Night Wind.” Educational, “Dutch Treat,” and comedy, “The Roaring Lions.” Sun.-Mon., Jan. 6-7—“Peg o’ My Heart,” starring Laurette Taylor. Comedy drama and comedy. Tues.-Wed., Jan. 8-9—Zane Grey’s “To the Last Man,” with Lois Wilson and Rich­ ard Dix. And a comedy. -------------------------------- -------------------------- The Cold Snap Only Makes Our Service More Snappy! Courtesy and Quality Always Quality Market Free Delivery Phone 46 CULVER & ANDERSON. PROPS. 375,000,000 FEET National Foreét Timber for Sale LOCATION AND AMOUNT.—All the merchantable dead timber »Binding or down and all the live timber designated for cut­ ting on an area embracing about 5,900 acre« in Twpx. 20 and 21 8., Rango 1 E., W. M., on the watershed of Lay ng creek, known ax the Herman creek unit, within the lJni|>qua Na­ tional Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 375,000,000 feet B. M., more or lent*, of Douglas fir, western hemlock, western red cedar and other species of timber, approximately 92 per cent Douglas fir. STUMPAGE PRICES. —Lowest rates considered, $1.75 per M feet B. M. for the first 40,285,000 feet B. M. of Douglas fir to be wealed, $2.00 per M feet B. M. for the remainder of the Doug las fir, $2.00 per M feet B. M. for the western red cedar, sugar pine and western white pine, and $0.50 per M feet B. M., for western hemlock, incense cedar and other species. Rates to be readjusted December 1, 1928, and at three-yenr intervals thereafter. DEPOSIT. —$10,000 must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liqui­ dated damages according to conditions of sale. FINAL DATE FOR BIDS.—Sealed bids will be received by the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, up to and including April 22, 1924. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted full information concerning the character of tho timber, conditions of sale, deposits, and the sub­ mission of bids should be obtained from the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, or tho Forest Supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon. j.landf 12 «■a—1 R « - $ I A self-made man can’t kick about the material used in his make-up. • • • '♦--------------------------------------- ♦ The man with music in his soul Eugene Register: Mr. and Mrs. J. seldom worries about the staff of I. Jones entertained with a pretty life. Christmas day dinner at their home, • • • having a gayly lighted tree and a Somehow good luck never gets table decked with holly and mistle­ around to those who set out to toe as added features. Members of »ait for it. • • • their two families made up the party, which included Mr. and Mrs. The man who was once a boy Charles VanDenburg, of Cottage hasn’t the heart to refuse to take Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Van time to take his own boy to the Denburg, of Yacolt, Wash.; Mr. and circus. • • • Mrs. Harry Neet, of Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and The music of the home does not daughter and son Frances and Bob strike one as quite so poetic when ert, of Cottage Grove, and George the kids begin tuning up during the Boberts and Marie, Inez and Rob­ wee smt’ hours. ert Jones, all of Eugene. ♦ ♦ Size is pretty much a matter of The LaComus club held a New inverse perspective. A great man is Year’s reception at the home of never overly large to his intimates. • • • Mrs. G. B. Pitcher Tuesday after­ noon. Red carnations and potted After winning a girl’s whole plants furnished the decorations for heart a man shouldn’t make half­ the room. Each tea table was made hearted love. • • • most attractive with a bouquet of the red carnations. Two hundred If Opportunity doesn’t stop at invitations were issued for the af your house, hide in the corner of fair. the door and knock it on the head ♦ ♦ ♦ when it goes by. » • • Miss Thelma Jordan, of this city, and Clyde O’Neal, of Raymond, The man who falls from grace Wash., were united in marriage Sun­ may be merely taking a tumble to day at the home of the officiating himself. minister, J. H. Ebert. Miss Jordan had been employed at Umphrey & Language was made to conceal Mackin’s. The couple left Sunday thought. Home people are keeping evening by motor for Raymond, a lot of things to themselves. where they will make their homo. • • • «> The man who beats up his rival The American Legion auxiliary in an attempt to win a wife can met Saturday evening at the home hardly qualify as angelic and sweet- of Mrs. C. C. Cruson. Tho following tempered. officers were elected: Mrs. C. C. Cruson, president; Mrs. W. H. Hard luck novcr fusses very long Daugherty, vice president; Mrs. D. around the man with a determina­ O. Byrne, reelected secretary, and tion to get there anyway. Mrs. R. L. Stewart, treasurer. At the close of the evening a uo-hostess The person who never says any­ dinner was served. thing worth remembering will es- <•><•><» n£einuchcriticisnK^^^^^^^^^. The H. D. 8. club held a watch night party New Yoar’s eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Helli well, Five hundred was the diver sion. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr. were invited guests of the club. De­ lightful refreshments wore nerved at a late hour. SOCIETY A person who sacrifices himself to leave the fruits of his toil to posterity is making two mistakes. He is not getting the enjoyment of life that he is entitled to and would appreciate aud is giving them to those not entitled to them and who can not fully appreciate them. • • • What’s the use of saying you won’t stand a certain thing when you know full well you will have to. • • • A man just naturally gets down on his knees to the girl he worships. • • • It is better to be a spoke in the wheel of progress than the driving power in a plant that is getting no­ where. A model is not always to be pat- terned after. NOTICE TO CBEDITOR8. In the matter of the estate of Mary Alice DesLarzes, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Elmer Boy DesLarzes has been by the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon in and for Lane County, Ore­ gon, appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Alice DesLarzes, deceased, and that all persons hav- Your wants may be few—provici, ing claims against said estate are ^jvn^jise_8entincl wantads tf notified to present the same duly verified to the said administrator “I Cot Real Mad whan I Lost My at Cottage Grove, Oregon, within Setting Han,” writes Mr». Hanna, six months from the 3rd day of N. J. January, 1924. “When I went Into our bun sad found my but Better dead I got real mad. One package of Rat- ELMER ROY DES LARZES, Snap killed mx big rat«. Poultry raisers should UM Administrator of the estate of Rat-Snap. ” Comes in cakes, no mixing. No smell Mary Alice DesLarzes, deceased. from dead rat* Three sixes. Prices. 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by H. J. SHINN, KEM ’8 FOR DRUGS. Attorney for Administrator. J3-31C •i—" New Year’s Resolution Resolved: I shall not starve my motor for oil. Resolved: I will drive to BUNGE’S SERVICE STATION and Have my crankcase drained FREE. NDIGESTION I Lee Tires and Tubes causes bloating—gassy pains that crowd the heart—constipation. Always find rtlitf and comfort in CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS No griping—no nausea—only 25 cents Mr». Crandall (Iowa) Tells How She Stopped Chicken Losses “Last spring, rats killed all our baby chicks. Wish I’d known about Rat-Snap before. With just one large package we killed swarms of rats. They won’t get this year’s hatches. I’ll bet.” Rat-Soap is guar­ anteed and sells for 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Our New Year Mottos KEM’B FOR DRUGS. More for Your Money Under Our Cash Plan. 1924 Is Here The occasion being Miss Lillian’s twelfth birthday anniversary, her mother, Mrs. Harry Culver, enter- tained a few of Miss Lillian's friends last Saturday for an after- noon of 1 games and play. Dainty re- freshmei inta were served. Sidney A. Hickoz, of this city, and Miss Charlotte Thompson, of Bandon, were married December 22 nt the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Harold I.eep, in Bandon. The couple have returned hero to make their homo at Woodard’s mill. ■$><$><£> Mrs. B. R. Job will entertain the members of the Social Twelve club this afternoon. Mrs. 0. O’Neil, sister of Mrs. Homer Galloway, who is visiting at the Galloway home, is to be an invited guest of the club. ♦ A number of families held n cov­ ered dish supper Tuesday evening at the S. I., Mackin home. Others present were the Umphrey, Nelson Durham, l>. M. Moore, Richmond and Buell families. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Presbyterian ladies’ aid will meet Wednesday, January 9, in the church pnrlors with Mrs. E. C. Shay, Mrs. VanOsdel, Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Connell ns hostesses. <8> ❖ •$> The Toujours Prete club post­ poned its meeting from last evening to next Wednesday evening, at which time they will meet at the home of Miss Clara Milne. > « « The Constellation club will meet next Thursday, January 10, in Ma sonic temple with Mrs. H. B. Griggs, Mrs. Earl Hill and Mrs. W J. Woods as hostesses. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Marvin Smith entertained tho S. T. 8. club yesterday after noon. Tho afternoon was pleasantly spent socially. Delieious refresh nients were served. If we all pull together we can make life in Cottagg Grove during 1924 a profitable and pleasant experience. Cottage Grove Creamery PEOPLE’S CASH MARKET THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTES FOR DAIRY FOODS Cutsforth & Dickson, Props. Phone 15 For Better and Greater Public Service siuHE YEAR 1923 was a most active period JW for Mountain States Power Company. In- creased population and industrial develop­ ment have kept our organization busy con­ structing improvements to meet public demands. MEASURED IN TERMS OF PUBLIC SERVICE, the Company in 1923, in the course of its activities Brought electric service to 2535 additional customers; Built 42 miles of new transmission and distributing lines; ' Began installation of additional generating equip­ ment; Supplied 25.54 per cent more electric energy than in 1922. DURING THE YEAR JUST CLOSED approximately 2(X) citizens were added to the number of customer­ investors of the Company. Home investors supplied a substantial amount of new capital towards the cost of the construction of additions, extensions and improve­ ments. WE REGARD THE FUTURE of the progressive cities and towns and productive territories whose welfare is interwoven with our own, as most encouraging. Our plans for constructive progress essential to community advancement are based upon full belief in future growth and widely diffused prosperity. T ♦ ♦ ♦ The Tanglefoot club will meet next Tuesday in Phillips hall. ♦ ♦ ♦ The TiUieum club met___ last even ing with Mrs. C. H. Stevens. The Missouri young lady who has succeeded in trisecting an angle, and says she can solve the perpetual motion problem, probably couldn’t divide ♦SO a month so as to sup- , ply a multiplying family and leave a remainder. * * * The only thing sweeter than a sweetheart is the little tot made in her image that cornea in after years to coo and play, toddle and talk and cause you to muae upon the mysteries or life. Cleanliness, Quality, Serviqe, Price. Keep your money in Cottage Grove by patronizing her business houses; they need you—you need them; they in turn will extend to you greater privileges and courtesies than you can obtain from any other source. Mrs. T. G. Sudtoll will be hostess for the members of the Tuesday bridge club nt a 1 o’clock luncheon next Tuesday. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Jolly club held a dance New Year's eve in Phillips hall. Dainty refreshments were servod. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. O. L. Nichols will entertain the M. P. G. club members next Tuesday afternoon. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Baptist ladies’ aid society met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. E R. Clevenger. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Tuesday Evening club will meet January 8 with Mrs. J. H. Chambers. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Joker club will meet tomor­ row evening at the home of Mr». C. E. Frost. Woman smiles and nays nothing a« man expatiates upon the superi­ ority of the male over the female— that ‘ b the way the woman proves her superiority. • • • A person isn’t a Christian bemuse he merely refrains from deing ! wrong. ! • • • Pay Cash and Pay Less. Make it a part of your program for 1924 to do all in your power to Boost Cottage Grove and the industries on which it depends for its existence. You should be an investor MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO Investment Department ( ottage Grove, Orvgou