PAGE TWO COTTAOE^GB^VE^ENTINEL^THURSDAy^^ECEMBER^^md nixed Wednesday at a beautiful and "|uiet wedding at the home of quiet Itr Ourley in Eugene. Mr. and -♦ Fathi The marriage of Miss Lenora Mrs. M. A. Darland, of Eugene, Hohl to F. L. Langston was »olem were •prewnt at the ceremony. Mrs. Î I SOCIETY ARCADE THEATER WEEKLY PROGRAM Thurs., Dec. 27—Herbert Rawlinson in “Fools and Riches.” International News and a Comedy. Fri., Dec. 28—Jack Holt in “A Gentle­ man of Leisure.” “The Steel Trail,” Chap­ ter 13. Sat., Dec. 29—Buck Jones in “Big Dan.” A comedy, “The Rainstorm,” and Educa­ tional. Sun.-Mon., Dec. 30-31—“Does It Pay ?” with Hope Hampton and a notable cast, in­ cluding Robert T. Haines, Mary Thurman, Peggy Shaw and Florence Short. And a comedy. Tues.-Wed., Jan. 1-2—Another Meighan hit, “Woman Proof,” the companion pic­ ture to “Back Home and Broke.” Same star, author and director, same breezy fun, same brand of wholesome entertainment. And a comedy. Thurs., Jan. 3—Gladys Walton in “The Untameable.” International News and a comedy. 4» 4> 4> Mrs. J. A. Wright entertained twelve young couples Tuesday eve­ ning of last week honoring and com­ pletely surprising her son Gordon, the occasion being his eighteenth birthday anniversary. The rooms were most attractive with holiday trimmings. The Christmas idea was uniquely carried out in the refresh­ ments, the ice cream having a small Christum» tree design molded in the center. Cake and putich were also served. Games and music were the entertainment for the evening hours. A gold fountain pen was presented to tho hunor guest. ♦ 4> ♦ Mrs. G. B. Pitcher entertained the little girls of her Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church with a Christmas party Saturday af­ ternoon. A large and beautifully decorated tree adorned one corner of the room. Each guest was pre­ sented with a gift. Dainty refresh meats were served. Those to enjoy the merry affair were Mabel Black- more, Lois Gunter, Viola Rohde, Mildred Robbins, Anita Holdeman, Alice Allison and Adeline Adams. ♦ ♦ ♦ Save $4.37 on your Week-End Trip to Portland by buying a Round Trip Ticket Week-end tickets are on sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sun­ days, return limit following Darland is a sister of the bride. Following the wedding a dinner was seived at the Darland home to the bridal pair and relatives. The re­ mainder of the evening was pleas­ antly spent socially. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Barbara Hohl and is well known in this city. She I has been employed at the telephone exchange for the past four years. Mr. Langston is from Detroit, Mich., but is employed here at ’the present. Mr. and Mrs. Langston re­ turned to this city Wednesday eve­ ning and plan to make their home hero for a while. Employes of the local exchange of the Pacific Telephone & Tele­ graph company enjoyed a Christmas tree in the telephone office Christ­ inas eve. The tree was prettily dec­ orated and loaded with beautiful gifts. None but employes was pres­ ent. <$> <§> ■$> Mrs. Harry Grube was hostess for I the Social Twelve club at their I Christinas meeting. The dining room was made most attractive with Christinas decorations. A huge, ar­ tistically decorated, lighted tree adorned one corner of the room. At the table tho holiday effect was carried out by a large bouquet of holly in the center and a pretty Christmas favor at each place. A delicious two-course luncheon was served. A short program helped to furnish entertainment for the after noon. Mrs. Schofield Stewart as­ sisted her mother, Mrs. Grube. <» 4> <$> 4> Ask agent for fares and other information or write JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Fnssengor Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon <17-14-21 28 Southern Pacific Lines T? F3™ RESOLVE TO BUY YOUR MEATS DURING THE NEW YEAR BY THE CASH PLAN AND SAVE THEREBY. PEOPLE’S CASH MARKET CuUforth & Dickson, Prop«. Phone 15 BLUE MOUNTAIN. Dec. 26.—Vernon Whipp», of Pow­ ers, spent Christmas here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Whipps. Fred and Harry Frost, Harry Castle, Albert Rissue, Rufus Raw­ bugs and Floyd Jones were in Eu­ gene on business one day of last week. Miss Naomi Mooney arrived from Portland Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Butte Mooney. Loberta, L’leta and Perkins Miller visited Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Albert Ri»»ue. Ljuite a number attended tho Christmas program at the school house Friday evening. Lucile Isaacson, Wynettia Mooney and Ix>bcrta Miller are spending the Christmas vacation with their par­ ents. —------------------ Card of Thanks. We wish to thank all those who were so kind during the illness and death of „7 our beloved wife and mother. M. F. DE8 LARZES, ROY DES LARZES, LEON DES LARZES, <127p MRS. ESTELLA JONES. CALL FOB WOOD BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School Dis­ trict No. 45, Lane County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for wood to be delivered between June 1st and September 1st, 1924, as per specifi­ cations on file with District Clerk. The Board reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bids, which will be opened January 8, 1924. H. J. SHINN, Attest: Chairman., WORTH HARVEY, Clerk. <127j3c where to buy gas and oil of the best quality and where service and cour­ tesy are the rule rather than the exception. Kx- periene« is the best teach­ er. Ibit our service to the test and you will develop into one of our regular customers. COTTAGE GROVE SERVICE STATION Fifth and Main Streets SUPERIOR F lour ' A jury of housewives has rendered the ver­ dict, “Proven Pure.” Yes, that’s what they say about Featherflake Flour Pure flour makes pure foods. Featherflake is pure flour because it’s “agenized”—aged with­ out chemicals. Insist on Featherflake—it’s different. At your dealer’s. Manufactured by WO TO-NIGHT T for loss of appetite, bad breath« coated tongue, biliousness. Without griping or nausea CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Springfield Mill & Grain Co Sat your liver right—only 25a Tho Mother»’ club will hold their regular meeting January 5. The an­ nual election of officer» will be held January 19. Refreshment» will be served. * ♦ ♦ I Miss Mabel Hastings, daughtor of I Mr. and Mr«. George Hasting», and I David Tyrer, son of Mrs. Harvey I Allen, were married Christmas day at the home of the officiating min inter, J. E. Carlson. The couple will make their home in this city. ♦ ♦ ♦ At the home of the bride ’s grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hanna, Ion Christinas day, Miss Beulah Fay Hanna and James Albert Rentle were united in marriage, J. E. Carl­ son reading the service. The bridal pair were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, brother-in-law and I.’lister of the bride. Only immediate relatives were present. Mrs. Rentle is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hanna and Mr. Rentle is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rentle, all I of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Rentle I will make their home here. <$•<$> «?> ‘ The Jolly club held a dance in Phillips hall Christmas night. ♦ Your Dollar Does Double Duty When Invested at Home HEN YOU INVEST in our 7 per cent Gold Notes you purchase (1) Safety; (2) A good income; (3) Quick resale facility. BUT, IN ADDITION, this investment works for you as a citizen as few other investments can. YOUR MONEY is invested in permanent property > Ray Westley Buter and Miss Pearl McCollum, both of this city, were married Saturday at the Christian I church parsonage in Eugene, E. V. Stivers officiating. which helps to upbuild and develop your own town—not some other community that you may never see. ♦ ♦ ♦ COMMUNITY GROWTH can hardly fail to benefit you in many ways, regardless of your business or occu­ pation. Chalise Ward, of Dorena, and Alice Bradford, of this city, were married Monday in Eugene, Judge Jesse G. Wells officiating. ♦ ♦ ♦ Clarence Yates, of this eity, »nd Miss Winona Wenn, of Eugene, were married Monday in Eugene at the home of Mrs. L. J. Morton, Rev. E. L. Winter be rger officiating. GREATER PUBLIC SERVICE and usefulness stead­ ily year after year is the history of Mountain States Power Company. The construction of improvements, additions and extensions will be greater during 1924 than ever before. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ostrander entertained nt Christmas dinner the following: Mrs. Anna Hall and son Charles and Edd Jenks, of this city; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Spencer, of Eugene. Mrs. Spencer is a (Laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander. HUNDREDS OF WELL SATISFIED INVESTORS can testify to the strength of an investment in this com­ pany, which now serves more than 40,000 customers. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE NEW YEAR LEARNS FROM THE OLD Rheumatism may make a person man expect» to take some chance» stiff but it does not give him dig when he kisses a girl. nity. • • • It is preposterous to talk of mar­ One way of remembered is riage in heaven. Where would the lawyers come from to »tart 4h<> di­ to leave behind a lot of unpaid ac­ counts. vorce cases 1 4> <» Mrs. Sarah Kerr and Mrs. G. B. Pitcher had as guests during tho holidays Mrs. Mary McNeil, of Sun- nydale, Calif., Mrs. Lena Colburn, of Spokane, Wash., and Mr». ’* Edna Sullivan, of Eugene. All are daugh tors of Mrs. Kerr and «intere of Mrs. Pitcher. The Presbyterian missionary so- ciety held a meeting yesterday nf ternoon at the homo of Mrs. Fred Wright. Regardless of weather, it is safe, comfortable and depend­ able. The man with an unlimited guests this week her mother and sister, Mrs. Sophronia Howe and amount of courage is hard to dis­ Miss Lola Howe and Mrs. Ida Stan courage. ard, all of Eugene. t ♦ ♦ A physician proposes a steriliza­ Mrs. Marvin Smith will entertain tion whereby all the danger is re­ the 8. T. 8. club next Wednesday moved from kissing. The idea! A afternoon. Guests at the G. W. McQueen home Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. J cm Griffin and Hal and Clyde Honeycutt, of Eugene; Mr*. Arthur Small, of Roseburg; Mr. and Mr**. J. H. Potts and daughter, Miss Myrtle, and Elmer Neet. ASK FOR our illustrated and descriptive literature. ♦ ♦ ♦ The H. D. 8. will hold a watch party neit Monday evening at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Belli well. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Clara Milne will be hostess for the Toujour» Prete elub next Wednesday evening. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Fred Wright entertained the womens’ missionary society of the Presbyterian church at her homo yesterday afternoon. ♦ ♦ ♦ The M. P. O. club will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. O. U Michoh. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Karl K. Milla has as house You should be an investor MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Investment Department Cottage Grove, Oregon