The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, October 12, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Some Livestock on Every Farm
Specialized grain and hay farming without livestock to
consume the surplus is like raising livestock without
growing any of the feeds which will reduce the cost of
producing the animals. Either way puts the scale of
profits out of balance and leaves the farmer to face the
possibilities of loss on maybe his one and only class of
Similarly, milk products are more profitable than pro­
ducing cattle for slaughter, for it is said the output of
dairy products in one year is greater in dollars and cents
than the total slaughtered worth of all the cattle in the
We are particularly interested here at the Bank of
Cottage Grove in the development of permanent and con­
tinuous agricultural prosperity, and are always glad to
lend assistance in providing the right kind and quality
of livestock for the farmers in this locality.
The Pacific International Livestock Exposition at
Portland, November 3 to 10, offers an unparalleled op­
portunity to study the ways and results of profitable
stockraising. It is the greatest gathering together of
purebred dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, goats, horses
and also chickens and rabbits in the entire country.
Why not attend this year?
Bank of Cottage Grove
Mrs. M. A. Vogel, of Eugene,
Miss Esther Silsby, who has been
visited last Friday at the home of spending the summer with her sistet,
her sister, Mrs. Charles Reese.
Mrs. Geo. Kerr, in Wedderburn, can
A 50c tube of Mag-lac tooth not return to meet her vocal class
for the present on account of her
paste free with any purchase sister’s ill health. As soon as Mrs.
Garlen Court toilet articles of Kerr’s health will permit «he will
return to Cottage Grove.
50c or more. White’s
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Setterson, of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGilvery,
who had been residents of Brook Milwaukee, Wis., who were on their
ings until recently, visited during way to California, visited over the
the week with their friends in this week end at the W. O. Wilson home.
city. They left here for Sikeston, Mr. Wilson and family took their
Mo., where they expect to spend guests as far as Roseburg by auto
the winter.
Special price on children’s velvet
Au 8-pound son was born Sept.
hats Saturday. The Fair.
28 to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fuson.
B. E. Lee, of Albany, «pent the
We have no free _ goods, but aim
to give you a dollar’s worth for week eud with Raymond Veatch.
every dollar spent. In other words,
Dan Walton and his mother-in-
legitimate business. Nelson’s Ser­ law, Mrs. J. D. Million, left Mon­
vice Station.
day for Alton, Ill., to visit relativos
Hazel Swanson, who had been there.
visiting relatives and friends in
Announcement from People ’•
Portland for two weeks, returned
Cash Market—Beginning Octo­
Mrs. C. A. Bartell visited during ber 15, meats will be delivered
the past week in 8alem at the home to your door any place in city.
of her sister, Mrs. Charles Miller.
Also give you receipt for cash
Silk hose for ladies. Special price, at time of delivery. We deliver
$1.19, $1.45. English rib hose 69c. all day Saturday; other days
The Fair.
only before 8:30 a. m. and af­
C. H. Burkholder was in Portland
on business the fore part of the ter 3:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvillo Hanna and
Mrs. Emma Harrison, of Browns­ Mr. Hanna’s father, Richard Hanna,
ville, who had been visiting at the who recently bought tho Ida 8tocks
homo of her nephew, Dale Cutsforth, ranch east of the city, returned
returned to her homo Thursday of Saturday from Pullman, Wash.,
their former home, where they had
lust week.
been to get their household goods.
Hughes Studio—Kodak finish­ Mrs. Tom Foster spent Monday
ing one specialty. Enlargments. in Eugene.
A 6-pound daughter was born
For Christmas ’23 Give Photo­
Sept. 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph graphs. Your friends can buy any­
thing you can give them except your
Mrs. Martha Wooley left last photograph. Monroe Studio.
Friday for Dunsmuir, C
Calif., to
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, of
make her home with her daughters, Gold Beach, who had been visiting
Mrs. George Gilcrist and Mrs. Em­ at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
mett Hale.
W. E .Lebow, returned Monday to
their home.
Mrs. Bert Trask was a business
visitor in Eugene Monday.
Used cars at Nelson's Service Sta­
tion: 1917 Dodge in fine condition,
$350; 1919 Grant six touring, just
offers you a home that is overhauled, $275; 1918 Studebaker
six, $190; 1918 Maxwell, $165; 1918
Studebaker four, $180; 1914 Ford,
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Pennington
Two and three-room apart­ and Mrs. Pennington’s brother,
ments with bath, hot and Hugh Orr, the latter of London,
guests in Eugene
cold water, steam heat, elec­ wero week-end
the home of Mrs. Annii Orr,
tric ranges and lights. You at
mother of Mrs. Pennington and Mr.
should see these. Inquire of Orr.
Mrs. A. J. White, of Seattle, is
visiting her sisterin-law,
Kern’s for Drugs Alicia Harrington.
Ida Miller, a brother, A. D. Smith,
and a nephew, Richard Birch, of Sa­
lem, and Mr. Bennett, of Portland,
went on to St. Louis to visit
Charles Bruneau, a formor resident
of this city. They found Mr. Bru­
neau getting along nicely. Mr. San­
ford, Mrs. Sanford and Mrs. Ben
nett remained at Salem to visit at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. N. P.
Special prices on framing and
framed pictures at Graham’s Pic­
ture 8hop.
C. O. Hobbs, of Cape Jirardeau,
Mo., who was on his way to Cali­
fornia, spent the fore part of the
week at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. E. E. Arthur.
E. E. Eads and family spent the
week end at Medford at the
' home
of Mr. Eads’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Eads.
Yes, the selection of glasses
has an important bearing on
the APPEARANCE of the
No two faces are exactly
alike, hence the selection of
glasses an the fitting of
frames should at least be
done under the guidance of
one thoroughly competent
and experienced.
This establishment prides
itself on its ability to sug­
gest glasses that will truly
become the wearer. We have
reason to believe that this
feature of our service is ap­
preciated by our patrons.
Free—$20 Doll at New Era
Drug Store.
Claiming that her husband has
ceased to love her and that he pays
attention to other women, Mrs. Nan­
nie Hopper, after 25 years of mar­
ried life, seeks freedom and hus sued
her husband, Sterling Hopper, for
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garoutte re­
turned Monday from a motor trip
to Portland.
Authorized W illard battery 8er-
vice station at Nelson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beatty ar-
rived Saturday from Cruter lake,
where Mr. Beatty was one of tho
rangers during the summer season.
They expect to remain here a
month. Miss Frances Beatty re­
mained at Klamath Falls, where she
is employed in the store in which
I-awrence Phelps is interested.
Any amount from 10 lbs. up,
7c the lb. f. o. b. Beck, Lane
county, cash with order. If
by parcels post add 5c for
first pound and lc pound
Beck, Lane County, Oregon
A Lang range will make
your wife proud of her kitchen
and she will delight in prepar­
ing tasty meals for you. On.
display at Darby’s.
Mrs. O. D. Mounce was taken
Monday to Eugene, where she un­
derwent a major operation. Mr.
Mounce, her mother, Mrs. Addie
Hollgarth, and W. M. Morelock ac­
companied her, returning Tuesday
with tho report that Mrs. Mounce
Dry Cleaning. C. G. Laundry.
D. J. Scholl
Factory on Premises
Cottage Grove, Ore.
I Tales of the Town
♦----------------------------------------------- $>
Stewart for good plumbing.
Miss Elizabeth J. Woods, a for­
mer graduate of Oregon, and for
five years clinical psychologist of
the state of Wisconsin, who spent
her vacation in Eugene with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Woods,
and her brothers, Lee Roy and L. L.
Woods, has returned to her duties
in Madison.
A Fisk tire for wet, slippery
roads West Side Oarage.
Mr. and Mra. L. L. Harrel, of
Roseburg, were up Thursday eve­
ning of last week to attend the re­
ception given by the Masonic lodge
and Eastern Star chapter in honor
of three couples of newlyweds, Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Hagen,
Mrs. Lester Phelps and
Mrs. Louis Kramer.
Sale on winter flowers
Saturday. The Fair.
Members of the W. C. T. U.
to make it plain that bundles in­
tended for the children's farm home
at Corvallis should be left with
Mrs. Sarah Harms.
Miss Lena Burcham, who is-at­
tending the University of Oregon,
spent the week end at her home.
Get your reprints, enlarging and
tinting now for the holidays. Spe­
cial prices at Graham’» Picture Shop.
J. E. Angell, a former resident
of Saginaw, died Wednesday of last
week at his home in Olympia,
Wash. Mrs. Angell is a sister of
Mra^Cj U Mood^^>f 8aginajv^^^
We have just unloaded
800 sacks. Now is the time
to purcharse your winter
supply. Every sack guar­
We have a soap special this week that you will be in­
terested in. With each purchase of one dollar’s worth of
soap you may have your choice of Tea Kettle, Preserving
Kettle, Water Pail, Dish Pan or in fact any
of the large pieces of Gray Graniteware for
only.................. ........................................................
Smith-Short Grocery
Shingles, Extra Star A Star
Mrs. Edna Sullivan, of Eugeno,
spent the week end at tho home of
her mother, Mrs. S. E. Kerr. Mrs.
G. B. Pitcher, Mrs. Sullivan’s sis­
ter, accompanied her home Mon­
day, spending tho day in Eugene.
Mrs. Edgar Willson arrived homo
Tuesday from the hospital. She is
not greatly improved.
See tho new Queen Mary dinner
sets. The Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wall and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Feister, of
Grangeville, Ida., spent the week
at tho homes of Mr. Wall’s and
Get Your Tickets on the $20 end
Mr. Feister’» cousins, 8. V. and F.
Doll at New Era Drug Store.
H. Allison. They left Monday to
Miss Maud Skidmore has bought motor through California. They in­
a new Dodge touring car.
tend to locato in either Oregon or
J. Newby and family, after a California.
seven years ’ absence in Oklahoma,
Highest cash price paid for
have returned to this city to again used pianos, or will accep
accept old
make it their home.
R. F. Cal-
I have several real bargains in
>P, Eu­
city property; also good farms, ahan, Eugene Music Shop,
small or large. J. F. Spray. m2tfe gene, or W. L. Darby & Co.,
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Try Our Angel Food
Angel food is a dainty deli­
cacy and requires a delicate
touch in the making. Let our
new baker take the chances.
Watch for our Saturday
The Cottage Grove
Electric Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McKinney
were guests Bunday at the home of
Mr«. McKinney’s daughter, Mrs. F.
T. Benston, of Saginaw.
Mi»» Bertha Cox spent Bunday
with the Bartlett Johnson family
at Saginaw.
New shades in »ilk hose—Log
Cabin, Fog and Coating. Wonderful
values. Special, $1.76. The Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. White -e
tnrned Wednesday evening from a
visit in Portland accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Sweetland, who
visited at the White home during
the week, returning to their home
in Portland yesterday. Mrs. Sweet-
land is Mrs. White’» sister. Mr.
and Mrs. White and Mr. and Mr».
Bweetland visited Monday in Eu­
gene at the home of Herald White,
son of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. White.
A 50c tub* of Mag-lac tooth
■ paste free with any purchase
Garden Court toilet articles of
50c or more. White's.
Mrs. Luln White, of Drain, having
rented the Harper restaurant, has
taken »barge of the same.
Mrs. H. E. Allison, of Roseburg,
visited during the week at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mr». H. H.
| Fiester.
W. L. Hubbell
Special—1921 Ford touring car in
excellent condition for $275, at Nel­
son ’» Service Station.
Ray Godard is employed in Uni-
phrey & Mackin’s on Saturdays.
C. N. Land has bought the R. A.
Nelson homo on Jefferson avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are lenving
for Henrietta, Okla., their former
home, to dispose of their property
there. They will then return to
make this city their home. Tho
sale was made by E. C. Lockwood.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Monroe wero
in Eugeuo Tuesday on business.
Money to loan on city or farm
property. J. F. Spray.
E. S. Blowers, of Miles City,
Moat,, who was on his way to Los
Angeles to spend tho winter, visited
Saturday with
'"i Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. C. H. Harris, of Ashland,
who had been visiting
t '
~ at the _ J.
*. H.
Ponsford home, left Saturday for
her home.
our box or sack
them over at
50c a box.
Clinton Taylor, of Hollywood,
Calif., is visiting his grandmother,
Mrs. Isaac Taylor.
Mr. nnd Mra. E. C. Lockwood
spent the week end at Lorane at
the home of Mrs. Lockwood’s
brother, Frank Schneider.
Motor overhauling and valve
grinding given special attention.
West Bide Garage.
Jack Robertson, of Portland, is
employed in the Cottage Grove
Electric bakery.
Mrs. M. C. Banfield, of Portland,
who attended the funeral of the late
Lee M. Travis which was held in
Eugene last week, came on to this
city and spent the week end at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. S. 8.
Lasswell. Miss Charlotte Banfield,
teacher at the University of Oregon,
accompanied her mother hero.
Free—$20 Doll at New Era
Drug Store.
Ren Hanford, his mother, Mrs. Pot
Banford, and his aunt, Mrs. Ida
Miller, motored to Halem Sunday.
There they met Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Bennett, of Portland. Mrs. Bennett
is a daughter of Mra. Hanford. Mrs.
Sterling’s Feed Store
826 West Main
012-19 26
Big shipment of Princess Dogo
dishes just arrived. The Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. William Patton
lift tho latter part of last week for
Portland on a motorcycle jaunt.
Mr» G A. King and sons Alta
and Glen left Saturday for Kings
Valley to visit Mr. King, who is
employed there.
No Muntins
in our orchards, Apple pick-
era are at work arid danger
is too great.
We wash. Our wives don't
Cottage Grove Laundry.
Before you know it it will be
here. We will be glad to have
you come in and look over our
new fall supply. Anythin;
‘ nything you
want in our stock will
' ' gladly be
held until Christmas by a deposit
of one third of its price.
Madsen Jewelry
8. A. Dunford, district superin­
tendent, of Eugene, filled the Meth­
odist pulpit Bunday forenoon. Mr.
Danford was here to arrange for tho
annual camp meeting to be hold in
this city noxt August.
H. A. Mason hus bought the Dunn
property on the west side. The sale
was made through E. C. Lock wood.
Farmers, get your recleaned oats
and vetch for seeding, alao grass
seed, at Sterling’s.
Elinor Chestnut and family have
moved to the George Currin ranch
east of the city.
Mrs. B. M. and Miss
Flossie Mathis were in Eugene Tues
day on business.
Mrs. Bolton Hamble and daughter
Jean, of Halem, who had been visit
ing Mrs. Hamble’» aunt, Mrs. Cath
rine Brier, returned home Bunday.
Mrs. W. J. White was called to
’oriland Saturday by the illness of
her daughter, Mrs. McKinley Hunt­
ington, of Fossil, who is in a hos­
pital in Portland.
Bee Nelson for tires. Standard
makes at right prices.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chisbolf, of
Astoria, parents of Mrs. Ralph
Teeters, visited over the week end
at the George Teeters home. Morelock, deputy United
States marshal, of Portland, visited
Wednesday evening of last week at
the home of his brother, W. M.
A 50c tube of Colonial Club
shaving cream free with any
purchase Garden Court toilet
articles of 50c or more. White'a
A.F.&A.M. Attention
Special meeting Wednesday,
October 17; work in E. A.
A3A degree.
Special meeting
Saturday, October 20; work
in M. M. degree. Special meeting
Wednesday, October 24; work in M.
M. de gree and 'refreshments.
By order W. M.
Ladies of the Orient, Attention!
A special meeting of the Ixidies
of the Orient will be held at 7:30
p. m.
in. Saturday,
October 13, at I.
F. hall, Eugene.
_. ".
Dorf’s City Bakery—Bread O. O.
at 8c and 12o.
Eva Hamilton, of Portland, visit­
ed during tho week with her aunt, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr«.
Mrs. 8. E. McKinney.
Orvillo Bponcer, of Rockaway, who
T. C. Wheeler was in Eugene were on their way to California to
»pond the winter, visited during the
Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore re­ week end at the homo« of Mrs.
turned Tuesday from a trip to Port­ Amanda Spencer ’s nephew«, Wel-
come and Wil«on Hubbell.
Storage, City Transfer.
Daily motor freight betwoen Cot­
tage Grove and Eugene. City Trans­
J. D. Palmer who, with hi« grand­
fer. Phono 99 or 124-J.
a31tfc son, Lawreneo Palmer, was down
K. K. Mills attended an under­ from hi« Mosby creek ranch Friduy,
takers’ convention held in Portland report« that tho «term which did
thia week.
considerable damage at Dorona a
G. B. Pitcher and E. A. Lilly few week« ago also passed over his
wero in Eugeuo Tuesday as wit­ place and that the hail played havoc
with fruit, berries and corn. Live-
nesses before the grand jury.
H. H. Fiester has been drawn on «took and poultry had »ought »heller
before tho hail fell and eeeaped
tho circuit jury, which will be in injury.
session in Eugeno noxt week.
Why pay rent when you can own
To Customers—Order your a homo for tho routf C_j
See Bpray,
roasts and boiling meat the 106 Main street.
evening before, to be delivered
Miss Juda Trunnell went to Ash-
first thing in morning. This land Sunday for a wcok ’» visit
will enable us to give you bet­ with relatives. Miss Lenora Hohl
is acting manager nt tho local tele­
ter service and better cuts of phone exchange during Miss Trun-
meat. We are here to give you noll'» absence.
the best bargains money can Galloway for insurance, 611 Main.
buy. People’s Cash Market.
Mr. and Mr». C. E. Utnphroy mo­
Carl H. Elliott was taken to Eu­ tored to Eugene yestorilay. Mr«.
geno Tuesday to bp treated for Umphrcy underwent an operation
blood poisoning with which ho has for the removal of her tonsil».
been suffering for sovoral weeks.
A 50c tube of Colonial Club
Mrs. R. B. Hanna has been called shaving cream free with any
to Oaklund to nurse Mrs. Cheno­
purchase Garden Court toilet
articles of 50c or more. White’s.
Galloway writes insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. West, of Mis-
soula, Mont., visited during
week at the home of Mrs. West's HOME YOU’VE PLANNED-
cousin, D. E. Hustce.d.
Marvin Smith left Tuesday for THE FINEST
Portland to receive medical exam­ PLUMBING IN
ination. Ho is »rill under govern­
ment disability.
See the $20 Doll at New Era
Drug Store.
Hollis Partlow, of Portland, spent
the week end at the C. M. Shinn
Fay Stewart, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. LnSells Stewart, of Row
River, was takon Monday to Eu­
gene, where he underwent an o(iera-
tion for appendicitis that evening.
Don’t Throw ’Em Away—Save
your old shoes for every day wear
with soles und heels put on at
Goff’s Shoo Hospital.
Mrs. R. 8. Trask loft yesterday
for Portland to bring home Mrs. E.
M. Oberg, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
her sister, who has been in a hos­
pital there. Mrs. Oberg will remain
here while recuperating.
Glenn Haney and Cleo Morelock
have sol.I their wood business to
R. W. Lancaster.
A 50c tube of Colonial Club
shaving creain free with any
di purchase Garden Court toilet
articles of 50c or more. White’s.
Mrs. Arnanda Hp<*nc<»r and her non
A 50c tube of Mag-lac tooth
paste free with any purchase
Garden Court toilet articles of
50c or more. White’s.
A shower bath has been installed
in the armory for the use of the
boys of company D.
Mrs. E. O. Hpray was taken to
Eugene last Friday for medical
Christmas Is Coming
A phone call—No. 65—will bring prompt
response and prompt delivery of your
grocery order. We’ll do the selecting
with the same care you would yourself.
Sanford for Signs.
Your Groceries,
Dan Woods, for throe years a pre­
medic at the University of Oregon,
a member of Bachelordon fraternity
and now taking the medical course
at the University of Wisconsin, with
his sister, Carolyn L. Woods, who is
a senior at Wisconsin university,
have returned to their studies after
spending their vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy
Woods, of Eugene.
Special !
Jelly Beans
See Our Window
A Good Place to Eat
Barber Shop
Hair bobbed; barber work in
general; special attention to
630 Main, P. S. Bukowski. Prop.