COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1923 ♦--------------- - ------------------------------ m Neighborhood News ----------------------------------------------- 4 HEBRON. Dear Mother Your child cannot mature properly, says science, unless fed properly. This means your child should have pure milk and wholesome home-made bread, as a good, dependable balanced ration. The bread you bake will be pure and nutritious if made of Feather Flake Flour “It makes bread light as a feather" Be Sure You Ask for “Feather Flake” ---------------------------------- Manufactured by----------------------------------- Springfield Mill & Grain Co. (Special to The Sentinel.) Sept. 25.—Mr. and Mm. D. Cooter, of Corvallis, spent the week end at the O. J. Kappauf home. A number ftf Hebron people mo­ tored to Dillard Sunday. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oil­ ham and children, Grandpa Gilham, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gilham and buby, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ijteky, Mrs. Emma Kelly and son and daughter, Elves and Leia, Walter Murry and C. H. Winecoff. M iss Della Murry has gone to Eugene, where she will be employed this winter. The H?bron school opened Mon­ day with Mrs. Lincoln Taylor as teacher. Violet White spent the week end in Eugene with Francis and Eliz­ abeth Morgan. Mrs. G. L. Carlile, Mrs. Cham­ berlain and Mrs. Cooper called on Miss Piper Thursday afternoon of lust week. Will and Ernest Wetherbee, of Sumas, Wash., are visiting at the home of their cousin, J. G. Murry. THE CEDARS. (Special to The Sentinel.) Sept. 25.—Lynn Lillie, of Wend ling, spent the week end at the G. W. McFarland homo. Miss Florence McFarland is teach ing in the Star school, which opened Monday. Byron McFarland spent Sunday at the state fair, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McFarlnnd visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Magee. Mrs. W. A. Hemenway left Wed­ nesday of last week for Springfield, where she is to be principal of the grade school this year. Margarot Hemenway wont to Eu­ gene Tuesday to enroll in the Uni­ versity of Oregon. W. A. Hemenway attended the county fair Friday. W. E. Dorward, J. E. Meisner, Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wheeler are working in the Cottage Grove cannery. The Cedars school opened Septem­ ber 17 with an enrollment of 19. J. W. Sears returned to the Bo­ hemia district Sunday. SILK CREEK. (Special to The Sentinel.) Sept. 25.—Miss Lena Burcham ar­ rived home several days ago from her summer trip. Mr*. John Ashby was called to Eugene last week by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Clair Parks. Mrs. D. A. Estes went to Walter- ville the last of the week to assist her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Morris, who is ill. Mr. Bittinger is putting a new roof on his house. Miss Leota Estes and Miss Maeva Fowler expect to go to Butherlin this week to attend school for the winter. Both schools are in progress. Joe Marshall, of Sutherlin, teaches the church school and Mias Fannie Young, of Cottage Grove, the dis­ trict school. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole and son Bennie, of Row River, visited Sun­ day evening with friends here. They leave soon for California. The H. L. Fowlers have bought a new piano. Miss Ruth Winslow and Miss Ora McCain returned last week from Washington. Mrs. Donald Walker has gone to Ponn to join her husband, who is employed by the Penn Lumbor com­ pany. Ray Huff attended tho county fair last week. Elder A. G. Nelson went to Lo­ rane Sunday and held a religious service. Oscar Wheoler was down from Penn for the week end. Mrs. M. F. Babcock visited a part of last week with her sister- in-law, Mrs. Rena Lewis, at the R. S. Trask home in Cottage Grovo. Mrs. Neff and her littlo daughter are living in the house formerly owned by Mrs. Mary Weston. HEBRON. Special to The Sentinel.) Oct. 2.-—Mrs. Rhodes, of Cottage Grovo, called on Mrs. J. Q. A. Young last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Post and children, of McKcnzio, spent tho week end with Mrs. Post’s fathor, C. H. Winecoff, and sister, Mrs. Emma Kellly. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Monroe and children, of the Grove, wero at G. J. Kappauf 'a Sunday. There will be a rally day program nt the church house at 10 o ’clock Sunday. Everybody is invitod. SAGINAW. MEW PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 CHASSIS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$230 ROADSTER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $265 TOURING CAR_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $295 (Demountable Rims $20 extra) (Starter $65 extra) TRUCK CHASSIS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $370 COUPE, with starter and demountable rims_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $525 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, with starter and demountable rims_ _ _ _ _ _ $685 FORDSON TRACTOR_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $420 (f. o. b. Detroit) THESE CAR PRICES ARE LOWEST IN HISTORY OF THE COM PANY AND APPLY TO THE LATEST IMPROVED MODELS New Models Now being displayed. Place your order now and avoid delay in delivery. Orders are filed and deliveries made in rotation. Woodson Brothers (Spocial to The Sentinel.) Oct. 2.—Mrs. J. F. Adnoy left for Roseburg Saturday. Mrs. Charles Sharon was in Cres­ well Thursday of last week. J. A. Coiisor was in Eugene on business Monday. The R. Cormack family, who had boon visiting at the R. D. Gray home, left Tuesday for their homo in British Columbia. School opened again Monday, af­ ter being closod several days last week on account of the sickuess of the teacher, Miss Sibyl Celleri. Mr. and Mrs. Wald, of Eugeno, and Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, of Portland, visited Sunday at the J. A. Burgess homo. Mrs. McCormick wan formerly Miss Stella Redford. The Redford family resided hero several years ago. George Conley is homo from Reedsport to visit for a few days. George Foglo purchased a Ford touring car Hunduy. George Queener, of Scio, arrived Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby given that bids will be received until the fiftedbth day of October, 1923, for the re­ modeling and addition to tho Curtin school house, Douglas county school district No. 58, at Curtin, Oregon, in accordance with plana and speci­ fications prepared by J. R. Ford, Eugene, Ore. All bidders will be required to deposit $10.00 as a guarantee to return the said plans and specifica­ tions in good conditions. Signed at Curtin, Oregon, this 2nd day of October, 1923. P. A. ANLAUF, Chairman of school board. W. V. Chapman, Clerk. o5-12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of George Dowens, do- ceased. Notice is hereby given that Lu theria Catherine Dowens was by tho County Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Lnne County appointed execu­ trix of tho estate of George Dowens, deceased, and that all persons hav­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are hereby required, or notified, to present the «am«, duly verified, to said executrix at the law office of H. J. Shinn, in Cottage Grove, Lane County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the Sth day of October, A. D. 1923. Lutheria Catherine Dowens, Executrix of the estate of George Dowens, deceased. H. J. Shinn, Attorney for executrix. o6n2 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of Irving W. Petrie, da ceased, has filed her final account in the office of the County Clerk of I^ne County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1923, at the hour of 11 a. m. in tho forenoon of said day, In the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by acid Court as the time end place for tho hearing of objec­ tions thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Sept. 14, 1928. Last publication Oct. 12th, 1923. MABEL CONNER, Administratrix of the estate of Irving W. Petrie, deceased. J. E. YOUNG, Attorney for estate. sptl4oetl2c PAGE FIVE here Saturday to work for the Sag­ inaw Lumber Co. Mias Myrtle Adney arrived home Saturday from Marshfield, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Campbell. Mrs. Jennie Greathouse and son, L. Fogle, arrived here Monday eve­ ning to visit relatives. Mrs. Rachel Burleson and Miss Mildred Pettit, who are picking prunes at Creswell, spent Sunday at home here. Della Jett, of Portland, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Conley. L. Meikle and- A. Sterling are vis­ iting at the Bartlett Johnston home. Sales books. The Seutinel. Enrollment Dates September 17,24 and October 1 tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Benjamin D. Stephen­ son, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Mabel Alstott was on the 28th day of August, 1923, appointed adminis­ tratrix with will annexed of the estate of Benjamin D. Stephenson, deceased, by tho County Court of the State of Oregon in Lane County and that all persons having claims against the said estato are required to file the same, duly verified, with said Administratrix, at the law of­ fice of H. J. Shinn, in Cottage Grove, Lano County, Oregon, with in six mouths from the first publi­ cation of this notice which will bo the 31st day of August, 1923. MABEL ALSTOTT, Administratrix with will annexed. H. J. SHINN, Attorney for ostate. a31spe28c NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE OF BEAL PROPERTY. In the County Court ot tho State of Oregon for the County of Marion. In tho matter of the Guardianship of Marjorie Lucille Knox, a minor. Notice is hereby given, to whom it may concern, that in pursuance of an order of salo, made and en- tcrod of record in tho County Court of Marion County, Orogon, on the 6th day of July, 1923, in the matter of the guardianship of Marjorie Lucille Knox, a minor, tho undor- signod guardian of said minor will proooed to sell at privato sale on and after the 15th day of Novem­ ber, 1923, at the First National Bank, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, and tho office of McNary, McNary & Keyes, in Salem, Oregon, for cash, or at least 10 per cent cash, and the balance secured by a mortgage, payablo within five years, an undi­ vided one-fifth interest, subject to a life estate in an undivided one half thereof) tho following do- scribed premises, to-wit: Lots numbered Throe (3) and Four (4) in Block Number Six (6) in tho James H. McFarland’s Ad­ dition to Cottago Grovo, Lano County, Orogon, except the East 9 feet of Baid Lot Number Three (3). Beginning at a point 109 feet West of tho Northoast corner of lot Numbor Ono (1) in Block Numbor Six (6) of James H. McFarland's Addition to Cottago Grove, Lane County, Oregon, running thdnce West 91 foot, more or loss to the Northwest corner of Lot Number Four (4) in said Block Six (8), thence South 100 feet to the South­ west corner of said Lot Four (4) thence West 50 feet and thence North 101 feet, moro or loss, to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyod to F. D. Wheelor by deed recorded in Vol. 56, at page 269 of the Lano County deed records and running thonco West to the center of the channel of tL? Coast Fork river, thence Northeasterly down said river to tho Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to the First Christian Church of Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon, by deed recordod Doc. 11, 1891, in Vol. 31, at page 375 of said Deed Rec­ ords, thence South along tho Wost line of said tract 70 it-et; thence West 10 feet, thence South 55 feet to the Southwost corner of a tract of land deedod to F. E. Billington by deed recorded June 24, 1904, in Vol. 61, at page 370 of said Deed Records; thence East 1 foot and thence South 37 feet, more or less to the North line of Lot Number 3, in Block 6, of James H. McFar- land ’■ Addition or place of begin­ ning. All being a part of James H. McFarland D. L. O. No. 68, in Twp. 20 South Range 3 West in Lane Connty, Oregon. Beginning at tho Northwest cor­ ner of tho John Partin D. I* C. No. 64, Notif. No. 841 in Township 20 South, of Range 3 West of the Wil­ lamette Meridian, running thence East 18.17 chains, thence South 19.14 chains, thence South 38* East 4.50 chains, thence South 26* East 8 chains, thence South 21* West 13.68 chains, thence South 88%* West 16.42 chains; thence South 49° East 2.97 chains; thence South 78%* Wost 6.81 chains, thenee North 6.80 chains, thenee North 57* West 2 chains; thence North 62* West 2.66 chains to tho West line of said claim, thence North along said West line 48.49 chains to the place of beginning, containing 103.24 acres, all in Lane County, Oregon. IPHA KNOX, Guardian of Marjorie Ixicille «28o26 Knox, a minor. Complete Business Course, Bookkeeping Course, Sten­ ographic or Secretarial Course and The Burroughs Machines. Special work by arrange­ ment. Enroll now and begin your business training with one of our regular classes. Reasonable Rates. Efficient Instruction. Ask for our free catalog. Eugene Business College A. E. Roberts Eugene President Oregon Grove Transfer Furniture Moving Piano Moving a Specialty F. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Office telephone_________ 4 Residence telephone..... 21-F3 ? / -r,’,— '.."a.?:-; City Transfer A. O. Anderson, Proprietor Hauling & Draying Piano moving a specialty. Daily freight to and from Eugene. Wo aro equipped to haul, poles, tim­ bers, etc. Office in Spray brick near 8. P. Station. Office phone, 99; res­ idence phone, 124-J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. A. W. KIME Specialist in Obstetrics Will care for confinements at his home if desired. Special nurse if re quired. Phones: offioe, 34| res» 1MJ H. W. TITUS, D. M. D. Dentistry Modern equipment. First National Bank building. Hours. 9 to 12 and 1 to 6. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. Office phono, 10: res idence phone, 184-J, HERBERT W. LOMBARD Attorney at Lsw First National Bank Building Cottage Grove, Ore. Phone 94 DB. O. B. FROST Office in Lawson building Phone 47 Cottage Grove Oregon DB. W. M. HAMILTON Chiropractic, Mechano Therapy, Gynecology, Hydro-Therapy, Electro­ Therapy. Office over Darby Hard waro. Phone 116-J. Office hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6; Sundays by appoint- ment. GAVEN O. DYOTT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon X-ray work in all its branches. Eve nings by appointment. 634 Main Cottage Grove, Oregon DB. W. E. LEBOW Dentist Office Fifth and Main. Hours, 8:80 to 12 and 1 to 6:30. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. Phones: offioe 36, residence 134-Y. DB. Incensed Phone 30. 630% Main E. A HAGEN Drugleu Physician Ostrander Building, Street, Cottage Grove J. F. SPBA Y Beal Estate. Insurance and Collections 406 Msin Street Cottago Grove BBTTY B BEAUTY PARLOR Particular Work for Particular People. 300 Main Street Phono 116 L H. J. SHINN Attoruey at Law and Notary Public Notice is hereby given that the Practices in all courta Thirty years undersigned has been appointed by of experience. Bader building, Cot­ the County Court of lane County, tage Grove, Oregon. Oregon, administrator of the estate HEM8TITOUING AND of Allen Kirk, deceased, which or­ SEWING der bears date of tho 19th day of September, 1923. MRS. J. Q. WILLITS All persons having claims against MRS. F. W. HAWKINS the estate of said Allan Kirk, de­ 36 north Fifth street, Cottage Grove ceased, are hereby notified and to - quirsd to present the seme duly ver­ ified, to the undersigned at the law office of Herbert W. Iambard, First for loti of appetite, bad breath« Nstlonal bank building, Cottage coated tongue, bHlouenoM, Grovs, Lane County, Oregon, on or Wide«/ er before six months from the day of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 21st day of September, 1923. Set yoer Hver ri«ht—only 25e J. H. KIRK, Administrator of the estate Lithographing, engraving, steel of Allen Kirk, deceased. die work. Th« Sentinel’S five wire HERBERT W. LOMBARD, Attorney fqr estate. sp21ocl9c print shop is the place. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T WO TO-NIGHT CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS