The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, September 14, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Thrift consists of the provident use of one’s
income and revenues and the careful ordering
of one’s expenses, so as to live not only within
one’s means, but to lay aside something for
the “rainy day.’’
Thrift, rightly understood and constantly
carried out, is a moral virtue which insures
health, wealth and happiness and is a powerful
safeguard against dissipation.
Have your pictures framed
Kodak finishing at Graham’s
at Graham’s Picture Shop. All
Picture Shop.
Miss Kathleen Kem left Wednes styles of moldings.
<lny for Eugene, where she will be
employed until resuming her posi­
tion with Ellison-White on the win­
ter circuit.
Mrs. R. L. Gile and son Robert,
who /had been visiting Mrs. Gile’s
mother, Mrs. Lucy Currin, returned
to their home in Roseburg last Fri­
We are now prepared to do all
kind» of brazing and welding and
guarantee the job. Nelson’s Service
apt 7c
A marriage license was issued
Saturday to Hugh Proudfit and
Ruth Suter, both of Star.
Robert Stewart returned Monday
from Albany, where he had spent
p week. Mrs. Stewart and little
Select Your Druggist with as daughter Margaret are staying for
a longer visit.
Bank of Cottage Grove
The class room to­
day is making great­
er demands upon
children’s eyes than
ever before.
Are you sure that
YOUR child is not
suffering from the
effects of improperly
fitted glasses, or
from the effects of
no glasses at all?
This matter is im­
portant and you can
not afford to accept
responsibility for
Bring your chil­
dren here for a thor­
ough examination of
their eyes and for
proper glasses, if re­
D. J. Scholl
factory on Premises
Cottage Grove, Ore.
T Tales of the Town
The annual picnic of the Meth­
odist Sunday school will be held
this evening at the camp meeting
See the large oval frames at
Graham’s Picture Shop.
The John Patterson family, of
Eugene, the Van Alliaon family,
Mr. and Mr*. Schofield Stewart and
the Hiram Grigg* family accompa
nied Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartell to
their inn at Lundpark Sunday,
spending an enjoyable day there.
Expert welding and brazing. Nel­
son’s Service Station.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Demorest
and Mrs. Demorest ’s daughter, Miss
Sadie Palmer, of Sheridan, were in
the city Friday. They are looking
for a location for a general mer­
chandising business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Reiner, of
Oakridge, who had been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wallace, re­
turned last Friday to their home.
A. L. W’oodard has bought a new
Ford truck.
much care as you do your Phy­
sician. Your Druggist is More
than a Merchant. New Era
Drug Store.
visit with her sister, Mrs. M. D.
G. B. Arnest, until recently a res­
ident of this city, now of Medford,
writes to The Sentinel telling how
warm it is in that city.
New low prices on Exido batteries
at Bradley’s Service Station.
Miss Nola Bunton returned Mon­
day night to her position at the
telephone exchange.
E. B. Hunsacker, of San Fran­
cisco, who had been visiting at the
home of his sister, Mrs. C. M.
Parker, returned home Saturday.
Why pay rent when you can own
a homo for the rent! Soe Spray,
105 Main street.
J. E. Woodson and Green Pitcher
left Tuesday for Silver Lake on a
hunting trip. Mrs. Curl Pitcher,
of Silver Isike, sister of Mrs. Wood-
son, who had been visiting here,
accompanied them to her homo.
Frank McFarland has taken Mr.
Pitcher’s position as day marshal
and Charles Newlin has taken
Mr. McFarland’s position as night
Miss Ruth Phelps, who was with
Ellison-White chautauqua this sum­
mer, arrived here Thursday of last
week and has since taken up her
work as teacher in the schools. She
had visited briefly with hor mother
and brother, Mrs. A. E. Phelps and
son Lester, at Tillamook. Miss
Phelps expects her mother to return
here to keep house for her during
the school year.
Herbert Whitlock underwent an
operation Friday last for hernia.
Daily motor freight between Cot­
tage Grove and Eugene. City Trans­
fer. Phone 99 or 124-J.
Charles Raines, formerly of Cot­
tage Grove, now of Tacoma, visited
here Saturday.
Mabel Mosby left Saturday for:
Marcóla, whore she will teach this
Galloway writes insurance.
Mrs. Horace Conner, of Grants
| Pass, spent Saturday here with the
E. C. Lockwood family.
Miss Blanche Ramsdell, of Spring­
field, is visiting the Tom Sears
Attention, Fanners!
J. W. Alderson, of Leland, visited
during the week with his sister,
Mrs. John Bunk.
Lon Garoutte and family, of Pen­ We have storage room for
dleton, visited the fore part of the
week with Mr. Garoutte’s sisters, hay and grain. Call on us
Mrs. James Powell and Mrs. Roy
for storage rates.
Buy your used car at Nelson’s
Service Station.
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore left
Friday for Marshfield to visit Mr.
and Mrs. George Atkinson.
Mrs. Ernest Kurre left last Fri­
day for Portland, whero she will
be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. McBride, for a short while.
Stewart for good plumbing.
Mr. Kurre will leave the latter part
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore mo­
of this week to join Mrs. Kurre, as tored to Lorane Sunday to visit
they are planning to make their Mr. Moore’s brother, W. F. Moore.
future home in Portland.
The latter killed a wild cat last
Have one of your best vaciu week just as it was ready to spring
tion negatives enlarged and on a fawn. Mr. Moore brought the
colored at Graham’s Picture cat down with a single shot.
Guy VanRiper, of Portland, vis­
ited during the week with his
Mr. and Mrs. Peto Nelson have mother, Mrs. A. J. Gowdy.
returned from Roseburg to again
make their home in this city.
Mrs. W. A. Hogate left Saturday
for Salem to visit her sister, Mrs.
C. C. Cashatt, whose husband under­
went an operation recently and is
recovering very slowly.
Mason tires and tubes at Brad­ LAND
ley’s Service Station—old ones re­
paired and vulcanized in jig time.
Misses Doris and Martha Patter
son, of Eugene, spent the week end
with Miss Irene Griggs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bray, who
had been in Portland all summer,
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. Bray’s niece, Mrs. H. F.
Wynne. The Brays were returning
to their home in Los Angeles,
Calif. They are thinking of locating
Willard Service Station. Nelson’s
in Oregon a little later.
Service Station.
Dorf ’« City Bakery—Bread Marshfield, are visiting this week
at 8c and 12c.
tfc at the home of Mr. Brumfield’s
Roy Baker and family, of Mabel, parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brum­
returning from a motor trip to field.
California, stopped over here to
Dr. Eaton, of the Asbury college
spend the week end with Mr. Ba­ in Kentucky, preached Sunday morn­
ker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ing at the Methodist church.
Baker, and Roy Bilker’s brother,
Ray Baker.
Mrs. John Bartels was in Portland
on business over the week end.
Save your spare tire by buying a
new lock and cnble at Nelson’s
Service Station.
James Hawley and daughter re­
turned from Albany the latter part
of last week, after attending the
I.inn county fair.
Mrs. Clara Roney and daughter
Winifred, of Goshen, spent last
week at the home of Mrs. Roney’s
niece, Mrs. J. V. Stewart.
Sterling Feed Co.
Shingles, Extra Star A Star
W. L. Hubbell
Sterling Feed Co.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, of Port­
land, nnd Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jar­
dine, of Seattle, were week end
guests at the W. O. Wilson home.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, who is Mr.
Wilson ’a mother, was on her way
to Oakland, Calif.
Galloway for insurance, 511 Main.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill returned offers you a home that is
Sunday from their motor trip to
Vancouver, B. C.
Misses Josie and Ollie Bemis, who
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Collier, of Grants Pass, to Crater Two and three-room apart­
lake and the Oregon caves, returned ments with bath, hot and
home last Friday. Mrs. Collier is a cold water, steam heat, elec­
sister of the Bemis girls.
tric ranges and lights. You
Dodge Brothers announce import­
ant improvements in the appearanco should see these. Inquire of
nnd riding comforts of their motor
car. N. J. Nelson, Jr., dealer. sptTc
Pearl Hutchinson, of Yacolt, Kem’s for Drugs
Wash., visited last week with her
sister, Mrs. George Moto.
Mrs. Melvina Willis is still able
Mrs. Mary Cornwall, a resident
to go visiting at the ago of 98.
Her son, Frank Crenshaw, of Mar- of Cottage Grovo thirty-fivo years
cola, motored over this week and ago, now of Dallas, is a guest this
week at the homo of Mrs. Nancy
took her home with him.
Oglesby. The two women have been
Prescription Experts. Your friends for fifty years. Mrs. Corn­
Druggist is More than a Mer­ wall is the widow of the late Rev.
Joseph Cornwall, who was a pioneer
chant. New Era Drug Store.
Mrs. Susan Hubbard left Monday Cumberland Presbyterian minister
of the Willamette valley and south­
for Drain to visit her son David.
ern California.
Mrs. J. 8. VanWinkle and son
Lucile and Howard Ralston, son
James, of Albany, spent Sunday at
nnd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les­
the G'. W. McQueen homo.
lie Ralston, of Montgomery, Calif.,
Merle Cellors, of Myrtle Creek, havo arrived here to attend high
who had been visiting her brother, school and will make their homo
Joe Cellors, at Rujadn, returned with Mrs. F. C. Ralston, their
home Monday.
grandmother. There is no high
Money to loan on city or farm school in Montgomery.
property. J. F. Spray.
Rev. J. H. Ebert, of the Metho­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank True vis­ dist. church, left Tuesday to attend
ited over Tuesday night at the El­ the annunl conference boing held in
bert Smith homo. They were en Portland. His return to the pastor­
route from Belknap springs, where ate here was requested at the re­
they had been fox a -week, to their cent district quarterly conference
home at Broadbent.
and it is anticipated that the re­
L. P. Green has put a large con quest will bo granted.
croto basement under his Coast fork
Mr. and Mrs. George Brumfield
farm home.
have received word from Anchorage,
I have several real bargains in Alaska, that their daughter, Mrs.
city property; also good farms, Hazel Carpenter, recently underwent
small or large. J. F. Bpray. m2tfc an operation and is gotting along
Bob Medley is erecting a five­ nicely.
Mrs. Karl K. Mills and son Rob­
room cottage on north Ninth street.
Otto Michel returned Wednesday ert and nephew Brewer Mills re­
to Wyoming, after spending six turned Monday evening from Port­
land, where they had been visiting
weeks here.
Mrs. Ralph Vintus, of Eugene, Mrs. Mills’ brother, Fay Howe.
Mrs. Bay Morris and Ira Morris
arrived Tuesday to visit her grand
motored to Klamath Falls Tuesday
mother, Mrs. V. O. Huff.
V. B. McQarter and family, of to visit relatives.
LaGrande, arrived here Tuesday to
mako this city their home.
Prescription Experts. Your
Druggist is More than a Mer­
chant. New Era Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Woodson, who
were accompanied by Mrs. Mary
Stephenson, returned Thursday of
last week from a business trip to
Grants Pass, Medford and Ashland.
Mrs. John Rickenbacker, of Grants
Pass, a cousin of Mrs. Woodson,
returned with them for a short
Mrs. W. W, McFarland, of B oko
burg, visited during the week at the
A. W. Kime home.
Be sure to see one of the new
Dodge cars nt Nelson’s Service
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith and
son David, of South Tacoma, who
were on their way to California,
were guests of Mrs. J. A. Merryman
and son John Wynne Sunday eve
ning and Monday.
Mr.«. L. D. Haines, of Drain, who
had been at the Dr. Kime home for
several weeks, returned home Wed
nesday, accompanied by the little
daughter who was born here.
The late Preaident Harding's
Select Your Druggist with as
much care as you do your Phy­ — picture for sale at Graham's
Picture Shop.
sician. Your Druggist is More
than a Merchant. New Era Hughes Studio—Kodak finish­ C. T. Jone*, of Jone* & Eaton,
ing one specialty. Enlargments. wan here from Eugene Wednesday
Dtug Store.
We have fine tomatoes,
per bushel, $1.25.
Choice Elberta* from from
Yakima, per box, $1.00.
Fruit Jars
Bartlett pears, per bushel,
$1, $1.25, $1 50.
Special price in 5-<loz tn
We are expecting this week a full line of stone jars,
crocks, jugs, bean pots, mixing bowls and milk basins.
Smith-Short Grocery
Mrs. Mated Skaggs Whitlock, of
Portland, arrived last Friday to
visit her mother, Mrs. Glen Green.
Mrs. Whitlock is going on to Han
Diego to visit her father, J. W.
Miss Marjorie Shay will tench in
the Roseburg schools this year.
for canning, 50c per bushel, begin­
ning Sunday, Sept. Id. Bring box.
I<ec Thomason, one mile north of
Dorena, phone 3-Ffi.
apt 14c
Miss Edith Dorf, after spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Dorf, returned Mon­
day to her work in Portland.
Mrs. Fronn Giltner, niece Helen
Darling, and nephew Roscoe Hem-
on way, of Portland, spent Saturday
night at the home of Mr. Hemen-
way’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Hcmenway. Mr. and Mr*. Hemen-
way accompanied them as far as
Junction City upon the return trip
Storage. City Transfer.
Mrs. L. B Jordan, of Eugene, re­
turned home Tuesday after a short
has been bought by F. E. Menden­
hall. J. R. Howies and family, who
were the occupauts, havo moved to
Curtin, where Mr. Sowles is em­
ployed in the sawmill. The F. E.
Mendenhall family moved into their
home Tuesday. The sale was made I
by Homer Gulloway.
Mrs. G. C. Maltby and daughter
Anita Elaine, of Oregon City, who
had been visiting here at the home
of Mrs. Maltby’s mother, Mrs. Dora
Hazleton, returned homo Tuesday.
Mrs. Maltby was Miss Hazel Hazle­
A. E. Westrope, of Star, has pur­
chased a 160-aere farm in northern
California and plans to move there
with his family about September 20.
H. J. Shinn left Sunday morning
for California for a month’s visit
with his daughters, Mrs. Minnie
Watts, of Oakland, and Mrs. James
Herman, of Imperial Valley.
A 9-pound son was born Sunday
morning to Mr. nnd Mr». Dewey
Beatrice B. Beebe, a former
teacher in the Cottage Grove
high school, will teach English in
tho Eugene high school this year.
Harvey Holderman and fumily, of
Rujada, spent the week end at the
home of Mrs. Holderman’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cochran.
on business.
Mr. and Mr*. Larry Brumfield,
of Marshfield, who recently re­
turned from Havana, Cuba, arc now
in Yellowstone park, according to
word received here, and are on their
way home. Mr. Brumfield is a non
of Mr. and Mr». George Brumfield.
Battery service, gas and oil at
Bradley»’ nervier station. Batteries
recharged in eight hour*.
The George O. Yoran residence
on Cheat nut avenue and K street
Help Wanted
| Cannery
Attention, Property
Want to buy or rent house
direct from owner as soon as
possible. Property wanted
near schools.
T. L. Graves
You Make a Change
Mr. and Mrs. James England and
Mrs. C.
~ C.
~ Hull,
" of - —
over horo Wednesday on their re­
turn trip from Crater lake.
E. E. Eads returned Wednesday
from Medford with his Hudson
____ ___
which was stolen here soveral weeks
ago and which was returned to
Medford through tho efforts of tho
company in which it was insured.
Mrs. Ralph Haymond and little
daughter Francis Louise. of Mod
ford, accompanied Mr. Eads homo
for a visit at tho homo of Mrs.
Haymond’s sisters, Mrs. Eads and
Mrs. Lester Childs. Miss Eleanor
Boyd, of Medford, who had been
visiting for a week at tho Eads and
Lester Childs homes, returned homo
with Mr. Eads when ho wont aftor
his car.
John 8ngaberd and family, of
Drain, visited Wednesday with Mr.
Sagaberd ’» sister, Mrs. Fay Allison.
I>eoii DesLnrzes, formerly a Cot­
tage Grovo business man, has
bought an interest in a newspaper
in Orange, Calif.
Mrs. Frances Gray and grandson
Merrick Metcalf returned homo
Tuesday from a visit in Salem with
Mrs. Gray’s son, C. I.. Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hcmenway
were guests yesterday at the homo
of Mr. Hemenway’s brother, D. H.
Hcmenway. They wore on thoir way
home to Los Angelos after a trip
into Washington.
N. J. Nelson Sr. loft Wednesday
for Oakridge, whore ho will bo em­
ployed as a watchman in tho West­
ern Lumber & Export Lumber Co.’s
Mrs. Worth Harvoy left Wednes­
day for Salem to visit her sistor,
Mrs. Ernest Wyatt. Sho will also
visit friends in Portland before re­
A. II. Bonglo nnd family, of
Ridgefield, Wash., visited during
the week with Mrs. Bougie’s moth
er, Mrs. Sarah Harms.
Mrs. William Higgins is quite ill.
O. E. Woodson was callod to
Stamford, Tex., Wednesday by tho
illness of his mother, Mrs. C. R.
Woodson. Mr. Woodson’s parents
visited in this city soveral years
Mrs. W. J. White and daughtor
Wilma were visitors Tuesday in Eu­
gene with Miss Marian Whito,
daughtor of Mrs. White. Miss Wil­
ma, who is a sophomore at Rood
college, Portland, left from Eugono
for Portland to resume hor studies.
Frank White and Maebelle Sey-
bold, both of this city, were mar­
ried in Eugene Tuosday nt tho of­
fice of Justice of Peace Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Taylor, of this
city, have bought the Grace prop­
erty on Mill street in Eugono and
will take possession on or about
September 15.
A ma-riuge liconso was issued
Tuesday to Edwin H. Jackson, of
Oakland, Calif., and Mnxino Gard­
ner, of this city.
J. E. Redford wns a business vis­
itor in Eugene Tuesday.
Archie Knowles, who injured a
muscle in one of his legs whilo
performing athletic stunts at Cnla
pooya springs a few days ago, is
compelled to use crutches.
Wo feel like offering a prize to
the aviator who will sour above the
high cost of living and drop a bomb
ou it.
e e •
A question that might attract
considerable interest is: “Do re­
formers make reforms, or do re­
forms make reformers 1 ’ ’
• • •
A Minnesota man, who never told
a lie or quarreled with his wife,
has just died, after spending 99
years in this vale of tears. It
doesu’t pay to be good.
A Missouri dealer says Undo Sam
couldn’t get enough mulea to carry
on a war. That should not make
any difference. When Uncle Ham
goes to war he doosn’t want fight­
ers that show their heels.
Praise is ono of tho things that
costs nothing and is worth millions.
Lot us not be stingy in giving it
to the deserving.
• . .
The higher in society a woman
gets the lowor sho wears her déc­
ollette gowns.
• • «
The women are the real bona fide
reformers. They re-form with overy
change in the stylo of clothes.
» » »
Happiness is one of tho things
you can’t havo delivered at your
back door.
• • »
A little paint and powder and a
judiciously concealed ‘‘rut’’ beat a
writ of haobus corpus for gotting a
An Iowa man was soundly
thrashed by his wife for not paying
his newspaper bill with tho money
she gave him to pay it with. Now
if more wives would emulate that
example and tho husbands of tho
rest lick their wivos for not giving
them tho money, the newspaper
business would bo ono continual
round of pleasure.
• • •
All women are dreams, but some
uro tho kind that make you feol,
when you wake up, us if you hud
been kicked in tho stomnch by a
Remember at Christmas
the most appreciated gift, as well
as the cheapest, is your photograph.
Bottor have them on hand a month
ahead then a day behind. MONROE
will make just what you want nt
Monroe Studio, 22 north Hixth
street, Cottage Grove.
A.F.&A.M. Attention
Special communication
bor 15. Work in M. M. do
groe. Refreshments. Mem­
bers urged to be prosent nnd visit­
ors cordially welcomed.
By order W. M.
ALL/DUR------------------ --
Hello! A bunch of telephone girls
in an eastern city havo gono on a
strike and tho troublo department
is up against it. They say their
Earl Ishmael, who is with the wages get short circuited when com
Standard Oil company in Albany, ing in contact with tho price of
food and clothe».
was hero Tuesday.
Arthur Goss and Norval Pierce, of
Home folks nro born foolish and
Eugene, are making this city their
homo for a time whilo employed others let their children run over
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frost write
girls trust their i
from California that they are hav­
ing u wonderful time and are seeing lives to mon they wouldn’t trust
many interesting nights. They havo thoir^ockotbook^t^^^^^^
been visiting relative» of Mr. Frost
and also visited the W. I*. Hall fam
ily, former residents of this city.
The Fronts expect to arrive home
George Knowles was confined
tho house Wednesday on account
Miss Myrtle Potts is seriously
and has shown no improvement.
Mr«. J. E. McCall and children
Try a Box of
visited Tuesday at the James Hayes
home at Eugene.
The 8. 8. Lass well family spent
tho week end at Newport.
8. L. Mackin took Mrs. Edgar
Willson to tho hospital yenterday.
O. L, Jones and family returned
Wednesday from a motor trip into
Walter Axland and family, of
Rockville, Ill., visited during the
week with Mr. Axland’» parents,
You’ll Notice
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Favor.
Mrs. J. T. Allison left yesterday
for Portland to visit hor son, Frank
Allison, who is in s hospital there.
Ice Cream
Walter Bradford and family, of
Special Brick
Seattle, have moved to this city and
Saturday and
are making their home in the River,
side Apartments.
Orange Parfait
Georg Bjorset left yesterday for
Peachar oon
Klamath and northern California on
a business trip.
A Good Place to Eat
J. F. Dahnen han bought the
Harding place on Second street.
226 South 7th St.
_Jr\_ 8 p. m. Saturday, Soptom-
Miss Saylor’s
Gray Goose Tea Room