The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, September 14, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, Sept. 14—“The Nth Command­
ment, ” a superb Paramount-Cosmopolitan
picture production by the creators of “II u-
moresque.” A Snub Pollard comedy,
Saturday, Sept. 15—»John Gilbert in
“Truxton King,” the drama of an American
who saved a throne. A St. John comedy,
“Tropical Romeo.”
Sunday-Monday, Sept. 16-17—“To Have
and to Told,” with Betty Compson and Bert
Lytell. You’ll see roaring fights on land
and sea, a pirate ship blown to atoms, pas­
sionate love scenes in thatched huts and
royal boudoirs, all the shimmery splendor
of a profligate court. And a comedy, “Why
Dogs Leave Home.”
Tuesday, Sept 18—Dorothy Dalton it)
“Dark Secrets,” the romance of a dashing
American society girl caught in the spell
of the mysterious Orient. Robert, Ellis and
Jose Ruben in the cast. And a comedy.
Wednesday, Sept. 19—“A Blind Bar­
gain,” with Lon Chaney. Thrills! (’hills!
Suspense! Danger! Love! Romance! The
year’s big mystery film. And a comedy.
Thursday, Sept. 20—Hoot Gibson in
“Double Dealing.” International News ami
Felix, the Cat.
Friday, Sept. 21—“Crashing Courage,” a
snappy western, and a Snub Pollard com­
edy, “Tough Winter.”
Mrs. Earl Arthur cxtondod gra
clou* hospitality on Tuesday when
who entertained the niembora of the
bridge club nt a 1 o'clock luncheon
nt the Gray Goose ton room. Fol­
lowing the luncheon the guest* wore
taken to Mm. Arthur’s homo, where
a most pleasant afternoon wus
spent in bridge. Thin wns the first
meeting of the club since the sum
tner vacation.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Past Matrons’ dub will bo
entertained at the homo of Mrs. W.
L. Darby Monday afternoon. All
past matrons are invited and are
requested to notify the hostess.
♦ to ♦
The first mooting of the Eastern
Star lodge after the summer vaca­
tion will bo hold at the Masonic
hall this evening.
will bo served.
♦ ♦ ♦
Pleasantly surprising the recent
bride, Mrs. Cloo Morelock, a largo
number of her relatives dropped in
at her homo in the Omer apart­
Friday afternoon.
showered her with pretty and use
ful gifts. Tho afternoon was spent
socially. Dainty refreshments wore
♦ ♦ ♦
Hpringfiold, Oro., Hept 8.—Miss
Dorris Hikes, whose marriage to
Georg Bjorsot, of t'ottngo Grove, is
to be nn event of this autumn, wns
tho inspiration of a charming Fri­
day afternoon affair last week giv­
en by Mrs. J. F. Ketels. Tho after­
noon was spent in hemming ten
towols for tho bride-to-be. The
rooms were decorated with bowls of
yellow marigolds. I.ate in tho after
noon tho hostess served refreshments
of raspberry sundaes and fruit
punch. Invited guests, besides the
guest of honor, wore: Misses Car
mon Harwood, Audrey Porkins, Tho­
rn and Ella Boeson, Maud and Anne
Corrie and Edna Duryee, all school
friends of Miss Hikes.
. . .
Fay Allison, of this city, and Elsie
Laurien Hagaberd, of Drain, were
married in Eugene September 10 at
tho home of Justice of the Pcaee
Jesso G. Wells, who officiated. They
are now at home to their friends
in tho residence at tho corner of
eight street and Ash avenuo which
Mr. Allison hud in readiness.
. . .
The Constellation club will hold
its first meeting of tho fall season
Thursday afternoon of next week
in tho banquet room of tho Masonic
hall. Mrs. Andrew Brand, Mrs. A.
W. Swanson and Mrs. G. M. Scott
will act as hostesses.
♦ ♦ ♦
Mrs. W. E. I .ebow was hostess on
Tuesday afternoon for tho first
meeting since the summer vacation
of the IjiComns club. Every mem
her was present and nt this mooting
they drew names for their annual
Christmas tree. Mrs. It. A. Jones
wns nn invited guest. Delightful re­
freshment* were served.
♦ ♦ ♦
Mis* Margaret Galloway wns n
gracious hostess to tho members
and sponsor* of tho Troujour* Prete
club at her homo Wednesday eve
ning. This is the girls’ and young
women's community club which was
New Goods
at the Fair
Special Prices
for Wool Dresses
Thousands of dollars’ worth of new
goods now being opened. We want
you to call and see them.
The Fair Store
recently organized. The evening
was spent pleasantly talking over
plans for their winter work. Dainty
refreshments were served. Most of J Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to
Many in Cottage Grove.
the members and Mrs. Ilina Beager,
Mrs. C. C. Cruson, Mrs. G. A. Proc­
With a back that aches all day,
tor and Miss Alice Evans, sponsors
With rest disturbed at night,
of the club, were present. Mrs. G.
Annoying urinary disorders,
C. Dyott, the other sponsor, being
’Tin a weary way, indeed.
called to Eugene, was unable to be
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
present. The work that the club is
planning to take up will start at for kidney trouble. Ask your neigh­
their next meeting, Oct. 3, which bor.
Are endorsed by Cottage Grove
will be held at the home of their
president, Mrs. Fred Bennett.
Mrs. W. 8. Mr Caleb, 747 8. Sec-
♦ ♦ ♦
Welcoming their school teachers, ond 8t., says: “I had weak kidneys
Miss Ethel Bogers and Miss Clara and suffered with inflammation of
Milne, the Latham district gave a the bladder and also was nervous
¡urge bonfire party Friday evening. and became run down and languid.
The evening was spent enjoyably I had no energy and often neglected
playing games and in social con- my housework. Tho action of my
were kidneys was too frequent until I
used Doan's Kidney Pills for these
attacks. They soon helped me and
The Tuesday Evening club held I felt stronger and better in every
its first meeting of the season this way. My energy was restored and
week in tho library of the high I was free from the tired feeling.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
_ with all members
school building
present, The topic of the meeting simply ask for a kidney remedy—
was the Blav people, The club is get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same
planning to make a contribution to that Mrs. McCaleb had. Foster-Mil­
the W. C. T. IJ children ’s farm burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 814-21
home at Corvallis.
THE WEARY WAY Premium Money Used
Silk Creek Society,
One evening Inst week Mrs. R. 8.
Trask, of Cottage Grove, gave a
bonfire supper at the M. F. Bab
cock home. The guests of honor
were Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Oberg, of Minneapolis. Oth­
ers present were the R. 8. Trask
family, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Bab
cock, the E. M. Babcock family,
the F. E. Babcock family, Mrs. E.
M. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Darnell. The supper was bounti­
ful and delicious and the fire
bright and cheerful. Ice cream was
served at the close of the meal.
Supper ended, Mrs. Oberg, by spe­
cial request, gave a reading, which
was foliowe«l by several others. The
company broke up about 10:30.
Mrs. A. G. Nelson gave a picnic
dinner Sunday at the home of her
father, 1'. Darnell, in honor of the
ninth birthday anniversary of her
son Clarence. 'Hie table was spread
under the trees and the dinner wns
delicious. Games for the children,
reading and singing were the di­
versions. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. 1‘. Darnell, Mr. and Mrs.
R. V. Darnell and Lota, Deverne,
Cecil and Norman Darnell, Mr. anil
Mrs. E. R. Darnell, Mrs. A. G. Nel­
son and sons Clarence and Herbert,
Clara Rutter, Onia Fowler, Beth,
Alva and Donald Babcock, Mrs. H.
W. Wheeler and little Eileen and
Mrs. E. M. Wheeler.
<5> <£> <$>
The Presbyterian ladies’ aid so-
ciety met in the parlor of tho
church Wednesday afternoon. Twen­
ty-seven members were present. A
pleasant social afternoon wns spent
after a short business meeting. The
hostesses were Mrs. B. R. Job, Mrs.
J. M. Groves, Mrs. A. W. Swanson
and Mrs. Fred Wright.
<$><$» <$!>
The ladies’ aid society of the
Methodist church will meet. Wednes­
day afternoon in the church parlors
tor a business session and election
of officers.
(Prepared by the United States Department
of Agriculture.)
'/// ht/M a-’
Almost Given Away!
Sept. 17-22
next week we will sell, to the
first purchaser, each day, an
Dr. Mellenthin
Osburn Hotel
Thursday, Sept. 20
He visits professionally the more
important towns and cities and of
fers to all who call on this trip free
consultation, except the expense of
treatment when desired.
Easily Digested Feeds
Are Suitable for Ducks
To be suitable for ducks, food must
According to his method of treat­ be soft and easily digestible, such as
ment he does not operate for chron­ meals, grasses, vegetables, and small
ic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers
scraps of meat, because ducks do not
of stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting,
catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism,
sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail-
will have charge. Mr. Jordan was
Married women must be accompa­
a teacher in the Latham Sunday nied by their husbands.
school two years ago and it is by
Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los
the special request of the boys, who
were in his class then, that ho has Angeles, Calif.
agreed to como Bunday. There will
bo a basket social at noon, The
worth league at 7, evening service
afternoon will be spent socially.
at 8. Everybody is welcome to at­
tend nil of these services.
Presbyterian Church—Rev. A. R.
Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at
Christian Sctenco Church—Corner
10, Men’s Forum nt 10, morning of Jefferson avenuo and Second
hour at 11, junior Endeavor at 3, street. Sunday services at 11 a. m.
evening service at 7:30.
Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m.
• • •
Methodist Church- Rev. J. ll,
Ebert, pastor.
Sunday school nt
9:15; morning worship at 11, Í1L
Unequalled Opportunity
Coming to Eugene!
Church News
Seventh Day Adventist Church—
West Main street. Service* every
Saturday. Sabbath school at 10,
church service at 11; praper meet­
ing Wednesday evenings at 7:30.
Number of Desirable Crops
Introduced in Nebraska.
By utilizing $46 of the premiums won
by the previous year’s agricultural ex­
hibit at the state fair to purchase
seeds of crops, vegetables, and melons
on the premium list of the fair which
were not grown in the county, Keith
county, Neb., last year introduced a
number of desirable crops Into its
farming system, according to a report
to the United States Department of
The seed for each variety. Including
many kinds of com, wheat, outs, bar­
ley, rye, and other grain, seed, and for­
age crops, tame and native grasses,
potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage,
squashes, pumpkins, melons, root crops,
and miscellaneous field and garden
crops, was divided Into four parts and
one part given free to a volunteer
grower In each of four different sec­
tions of the county under condition
that the seed be planted on good soil,
well cultivated, and two samples of
the best of each product furnished for
exhibition at the state fair.
watched anil cultivated under the su­
in internal medicine for the
pervision of the county agricultural ex­
past twelve years
tension agent. When the specimens
were collected In the fall, over 450 ex­
hibits representing more than twenty
crops were sent by the county to the
state fair and later were shown In the
county fair. That farming In the coun­
Will be at
ty need not be confined to one crop
was demonstrated by the excellent
quality of the products exhibited which
won In individual awards at the state
fair over 100 first premiums, almost as
many seconds, thirds, and fourths com­
Office hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. bined, and nlso by the fact that of the
450 exhibits of products, 387 were
classed by the judges as good, 69 as
medium, nnd none as poor.
A number of new crops, such as mllo,
feterlta, orange cane, broom com, Iowa
No Charge for Consultation
oats, tyid Japanese millet, seem par­
ticularly well adapted to the local con­
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad­ ditions and are being grown again this
uate in medicine and surgery and is year, according to reports to the De­
licensed by the state of Oregon.
partment of Agriculture.
If you have been ailing for any
length of time and do not get any
do not fail to call, as hu­
♦--------------------------------------------------- +
proper measures rather than disease
are very often the cause of your
■> long standing trouble.
Services will bo held Sunday at
Remember above date, that con­
tho I*atham school house*. Sunday sultation on this trip will be free
school at 9:30 and church at 11
and that his treatment is different.
o'clock. J. E. Jordan, of Eugene,
Christian Church, the *1 home like' ’
church—J. E. Carlson, minister.
Bunday school nt 9:45, sermon and
communion at 11, Christian endea­
vor at 7, evening service at 8.
In observance of Constitution
day a special service of sermon and
song will be given at 8 p. m. Sun­
day, September 16.
to Purchase New Seed
Baptist Church, Tenth and Adams
—8unday school at 10, preaching nt
11, and church service at 8. Weekly
prayer service Thursday evening nt
Rev. H. H. Dirksen, supply­
pastor, will have charge of the
services. Those having no church
home are invited to attend here.
have crops like fowls, and the food
passes directly from the mouth through
the gullet Into the gizzard. If ducks
nre compelled to eat many whole
grains or hard foods of any kind they
will not be nble to get the nourishment
they require for rapid growth. Young
ducklings especially must have soft
and easily digested food, as they grow
almost three times as fast as chicks,
and If they fall to get the proper nour­
ishment they will not grow as they
should. If the fields over which they
are allowed to wander have streams
Intersecting them, they will probably
get enough green food on the range
to satisfy their wants. Where the
range is deficient In green food or
where they ennnot be allowed a great
deal of freedom, ducks should be fed
ample quantities of clover, alfalfa,
fresh grass, and similar foods. These
foods should always be run through a
feed cutter and cut Into very small
pieces before being fed to the birds,
In addition to this green food breed-
Ing ducks should be fed twice a day
as much as they will eat of a mash
consisting, by measure, of a mixture
of 12 parts wheat bran, 4 parts of
com meal, 1 port of low grade wheat
flour, and U part of fine grit, and
parts of meat scrap.
New Home Sewing Machine
for Only $50.00
Sexton Says He Gained
25 Pounds Taking Tanlac
Panels in Mixed Car of
Hogs Will Prevent Loss
Rather heavy losses are some
times reported from the mixing of dif­
ferent lots of hogs In a car sent by
local shipping associations. Strang*
hogs put together are very likely tc
fight and do much damage.
It pitjs, »cording to DeKalb County
Adviser Tom Robert*, to put panel«
across the car to »operate the differ
< nt lots, says th« Fralrte Farmer. A
few planks of rough. lnex;>enslve lum­
ber will serve the purpose. It take«
only a few minute«* time to fix them
■nd h only one hog Is saved It will
more than pay the cost.
Call early and get this wonderful bargain
W. L. Darby & Co
is the moral and ma­
terial foundation of the
First National Bank of
Cottage Grove. W e
have built this institu­
tion on something more
enduring even than
granite, more worthy
than millions of dol­
The good-will,
the confidence of all!
(The Old Reliable)
Knowles & Graber
Hardware and
Handling of Parasites
of European Com Borer
More than 1,000,000 Individuals of
un Important parasite of the European
com borer, Habrobracon brevlcoml*
Wesniael, have been successfully
neared and liberated In the densely
The milk of human kindness
Infested area In New England. It wa*
raises the finest kind of cream.
believed by entomologists of the Unit­
Nothing makes a woman storm ed States Department of Agriculture
like having a man appear perfectly thnt It might be worth while to at­
calm while she is giving him a tempt to Introduce It Into the badly
Infested on»« of southern Ontnrlo.
Following a suggestion to this effect
made to the Dominion entomologist
Arthur Gibson, authorization was re­
cently given by the Canadian govern­
ment for an assistant for this purpose.
This entomologist recently visited the
laboratory at Arlington. Mass., to re­
ceive Instruction in the technique nec­
“Newspaper statements recom­
mending Tanlac induced me to try essary for handling the parasite, which
will shortly be reared and Introduced
it. Well, it took right hold of me
and it was astonishing how quickly Into Canada.
it str -lightened out n.y stomach so I
Several other promising parasites of
could eat anything I wanted with
the com borer have been received
out hurting me. 1 gained twenty- from France and are being reared nt
five pounds and felt like getting
the Arlington laboratory. At least
out and wretsling. Tanlac saved me
one additional species will soon be
from lifelong suffering.”
ready for liberation.
Tn nine is sold by all good drug
How Tanlac ended twenty five
years of stomach trouble, making a
new man of him. was told recently
by l.con-ird Bexton, pioneer farmer,
or Milton, Oregon.
” After
years from indigestion and trying
nearly every remedy known with
< tit relief, Tanlac completely re
uievi'd the trouble and made a new
man of me. I would not take all
the money in the world for what
it did for mo. Before taking Tanlac gists. Take no substitute. Over
everything I ate caused intcase 37 million bottles sold.
pains in my stomach, with gas and
bloating. I always felt sluggish
Tanlac Vegetable Pills arc Na
and tired, and never passed a com ture’s own remedy for constipation.
For sale everywhere.
ant 14
S. L. Godard
We are working
fifteen men.
Need more
GOOD ones.
arc necessary for perfect
enjoyment in motoring.
Tire troubles are always
a nuisance, and can often
be prevented by using
only reliable tires by the
standard makers. But if
you want new tires, come
here for satisfaction.
Fifth and Main Streets