t VOLUME XXXIV COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1923 ENROLLMENTINSCHOOLSISTHE LARGEST YET RECORDED MISS ALTA » Total Is Nearly 700; High School Sun and Moon Pull Off Alphonse- Marshal Investigates Accident But Has 200; Record Frosh Goston Act Behind Screen Is Unable to Definitely Class Has 72. of Haze and Fog. Place the Blame. 4 i ♦ LITTLE EUGENE GIRL HAS SERIOUS TIME WHEN SHE IS STUNG BY HORNETS ♦ ■ , w Little Martha Patterson, of Eu­ gene, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, suffered severely from an attack by hornets while a guest Bunday at Bart ’» inn at Lund park. The tot was in a hiking party and the hornets had their nest un­ der some corduroy laid in the road. The churning of the corduroy by members of the party passing over it aroused the hornets. Little Mar tha jumped frantically up and down on the corduroy when at­ tacked, which increased the fury of the attacking forces. She was res­ cued and carried back to camp, where she became so seriously ill that a physician was summoned from here. Her body became swol­ len and she broke out as if with hives but was able to bo removed that evening to her home in Eugene nnd has now fully recovered. Several other members of the par­ ty were stung but suffered no ill consequences. A dog which was in tho party was al»o attacked and suffered severely. NUMBER 1 GROVE MY Al FAIR Penalties Are Severe for Failure Director Glass Believes That, De spite Handicaps. Exhibition to Get Budget Ready for Inspection on Time. Will Be Hummer. REUNION IN PORTIMI Days of Long Ago Are Brought to Mind by Those Who Lived Here Then. Tho Cottage Grove schools have Next Wednesday will bo Cottage The law enacted by the recent Portland, Ore., Sept. 8.—The third Cottage Grovo residents did not Miss Alta Stewart, employe of opened with nn enrollment of nearly get even so much as a peek at the Howe’s confectionery store. was legislature requiring all budgets to Grove day at tho county fair and a annual picnic of former residents of 700, the largest in their history for eclipse of the sun Monday noon. seriously injured Saturday evening be submitted to a tax-supervising large number from here probably Cottage Grove now residing in Port­ the first week. Of this number 200 Lighting arrangements were poor. when struck by a car driven by Ray commission is causing considerable will attend the exhibition on that land was held Sunday, August 26, are in the high school and of these The day broke in a haze, which was Suter, of Star. confusion among tax levying bodies. day. N. E. Glass, of this city, one in Peuinsula park. 72 are freshmen, both figures also not dispelled during the entire day. Following the picnic dinner, a The confusion probably will not be of tho directors, states that, despite The car, traveling east on Main being the highest ever recorded. So far as that was concerned, very street, turned north at tho Eighth i liminated until the law has boon tho many handicaps under which business session was held, presided There arc 470 in tho grades. tho nuiuagoment has had to lubor, over by Mr». Hattie Beck, presi­ few anywhere got a good view of street intersection at the moment in effect for a year or more. There There are 10 teachers in the high the solar-lunar performance. Along that Miss Stewart, leaving her is some doubt oven among those ho believes that tho exhibition wil dent. school and 15 in tho grades. the entire coast, where the eclipse place of employment, was crossing qualified to interpret the law as to bo one of tho beat which has ever The session was opened with the Superintendent Hays reports that was most complete, weather condi­ to the west side of Eighth streot, on the exact meaning of some of the been put on. He urges local peiple singing of America. everything is starting nicely with tions were unfavorable. Scientists the north side of Main street. Miss Robert A. Miller, of Eugone, vice provisions, but there is no doubt to help swell the attendance. prospects for a much larger registra­ who had spent months in assembling Stewart stated after the accident There will be a racing card on president of the Lane county Pio­ that all tax-levying bodies must tion as the year progresses. equipment for taking pictures and that she thought the car was going prepare and submit such a budget each day, with some fast turf ani neer association, gave an interesting The teachers are as follows: studying the phenomenon were keen­ to turn in the opposite direction on before October I under penalty of mats from California and Washing talk on Oregon pioneers, particular­ High school: O. W. Hays, super­ ly disappointed. At many points Main street and that when she be­ a fine of $50 the day for each day ’» ton, as well as u large number from ly thoie of lain© county, and upon intendent; F. L. Grannis, principal; along the coast those having air­ came certain of this she started to Oregon. the Bpirit of the west. delay. E. J. Edwards, agriculture; Lula planes at their disposal ascended make tho crossing, that she then Eugene business houses will close Sam Veatch Sr. told of the early There is some doubt as to whether Currin, Ijitin and bookkeeping; above the fog, clouds or haze and observed the car coining towards a school district comes under the on Tuesday and Thursday to permit history of Cottage Grove when it Elise Prico and Myrtle Kom, in that way got a splendid view, her rapidly and was at a loss as to provisions of the law when the tax their employes to attend. School was known as Slabtown, of the English; Alice Evans, science and although it was impossible to get which way to move. It seemed to is levied by a vote of the taxpayers children of tho county will be ad­ trials of the early pioneers when gymnasium work; Myrtle 1-ay, do­ tho best of pictures or to study her that there was room for the of the district. The intent of tho law mitted free on Friday and it is an­ Portland was only a trading point mestic science; Maude Lamson, do­ the phenomenon by that method. car to have avoided striking her. ♦----------------------------------------------- ♦> is, however, that every body out­ ticipated that tho atteudanco on and tho stage the only means of mestic art; Maud Skidmore, mathe­ E. C. Simmons, of Eugene, took Mr. Suter stated that had Miss | FORMER RESIDENTS HERE | lining or suggesting a tax levy shall that day will bo a record-breaking travel. He also told of his early matics. ARE HELD AS SUSPECTS IN ! submit its proposed budget. While one. his plane up with R. M. Kelly as a Stewart kept going tho accident school days when to reach tho Junior high: Mrs. lima Beagor, passenger. school bouse he had to walk several would have been avojded but that | BANDON MURDER MYSTERY | the voters might disregard tho find­ principal; Gladys Dix and Gladys miles barofooted. she stopped in tho way of tho car, <3>----------------------------------------------- ♦ ing of the supervising commission, Oakes, assistants. J. W. Miller presented to Mrs. that his brakes wore not working there seems little question but that Fred Covell and son Alton, of East side grades: Mrs. Kate Bur­ W. F. Hart, past president, and and ho could not avoid striking her. Bandon, whoso names havo been tho school board must submit its rows, first; Floy M. Kirkham, first Mrs. Beat, president, guvols fash Acting Marshal McFarland made an linked with the mysterious dentil commission or tho approval of tho »nd second; Mrs. Aida Smith, sec­ ionod from several kinds of Oregon examination of the brakes and it of tho former’s wife and tho let­ voters of the district in which tho ond; Ruth Phelps, third; Nora wood. was his opinion that they were in ter’s stepmother, arc former resi­ tax is levied. Queen, fourth; Florence Thompson, The next annual reunion will be good condition. Tho tax supervising commission dents of Cottago Grove. Mr. Covell, third and fourth; Freda Hamrnol, County Pushing Program to Get it hel move the city’s intake. Tho ex­ lature but his term will expire be ­ Mr. Dowens was born in Essox roads when tho season’» work is Hemcnway, Miss Ollie Willard, Eliz­ pense, however, will be borne by tive, Lloyd Arnies; class reporter, Almost any product grown io suf­ abeth Millar, Mr. and Mr». J, W. Dolly Pitcher; sergeant at arms, fore the next regular session. It is ficient quantity to make a volume Ike operators, to I m *, returned to county, England, April 30, 1846, and completed. New rock is also boing Eddy and Volney Eddy, Mr. and Wm. Poole. Miss Maud Skidmore probable that, as a county officer, of business can be marketed suc­ them by the government as the tim­ had passed his seventy-seventh laid where needed on both of these Mrs. Robert Atkinson, Mrs. Helen he could not servo in any special cessfully under a selling agency if ber is cut. birthday anniversary. Before com­ roads. An improvement greatly was elected junior class advisor. and son Harold, Mr. nnd Mrs. City officials doubt whether tho ing to Cottage Grove he resided for needed is the widening of tho grade Vilas The sophomore class officers are session which might be called and tho organization is on strictly busi­ Oregon laws provide no method for on tho Currin hill. Thia will bo William Hankins, Mr. and Mrs. some time in Coos county. At time water in Dinner creek is sufficient the following: President, Dana Mc- ness and economical lines. As local Geo. Brown, Mrs. B. E. Goff and Cargar; vice president, Mabel Mar­ appointments to fill vncancies. associations form and gain strength during the dry season and havo so of doath ho was living upon tho practically the only dangerous »pot children, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cran­ tin; secretary, Francis Cameron; they naturally federate nnd out of far refused to accept that creek in homestand which he took up upon remaining on any of tho main roads dall, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frotzmnn, at tho end of the soason. No step» treasurer, John Wilson; class repre­ OREGON'S 1923 PRUNE CROP them come stuto wide organizations. lieu of Layng creek. The council his arrival here. Tho widow and tho following havo boon taken to eliminate the Mrs. J. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. TO REACH 45,000,000 POUNDS However, there can be too many hus informally said that it would sentative, Rachael Short. The soph­ Phillippi Miss Bertha Sears, Mrs. omores elected Miss Alice Evans and too small associations to suc­ accept Juniettu creek, but the ex children survive: Mrs. Butte Moon­ hazard at this point. Tho new Delight Valley road is Ella Bisby, Mrs. D. A. Hartzell and Oregon’s pruno crop this year ceed. One hundred cars of potatoes pause of reaching this probably ey, Mrs. George Layng, Andy, Wai for their class advisor, but because daughtor Doris, Mrs. Anna Kane, of being athletic coach she was un­ will be 45,000,000 pounds, with a can be handled by an association would be $10,000 greater than to ter and Lcston, of this city, and also an important improvement and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodruff, R. Mrs. Tillie Hobart, of San Fran ­ will give an outlet to the south for carry-over from last season of Dinner creek. To reach the able to accept. almost as cheaply as one. There reach residents of that section. Several W. Veatch, Mrs. Joe Bost and Tho frosh officers didn’t com 5,000,0(10 pounds, while 10,000,000 must be sufficient volumo in sight latter creek the pipe lino would cisco. fa ni i líos in tho vnlley were almost daughter Josophine, Mr. nnd Mrs. pounds has been cut from tho first to be extended a mile or have plete their election ub tho time was to make a local organization self unable to get out at all during tho J. T. DeBpain, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. CAR OPERATED TOO FAST estimate of the California prune slightly more. To reach Junietta limited and, being now at the busi­ sustaining. Tucker, Mrs. Gertie Strang« and wet months of tho year. crop, according to a bulletin issued GOES OFF BOW RIVER GRADE creek would require practically two ness, they didn’t use it to tho best Once more tho importance of a daughter Bettie Joe, Mr. and Mrs. advantage. Those elected are as by the California Prune and Apri­ solid, hard headed business organ­ miles of pipe. W. A. Thompson nnd daughters A number of outers returning RALLY ON FOR TONIGHT; Mr. Lord, of the district forest­ follows: President, Gordon White; cot association. The figures were ization should be impressed on tho Phyllis and Bonita, Mr. and Mrs. HUGE FIRE IS ARRANGED J. secretary, Effie Buchanan; treasur quoted after the estimate of tho leaders of any proposed cooperative er’s office in Portland, was hore from Sharp’s crock and Champion W. Simpson, Helen Farms, Mrs. 1923 crop had been revised. er, Lola Godard. selling agency, be it great or small. last week. Mayor Brund and Water crook Sunday evening assisted in Lena Frederickson Smith, Mrs. This bulletin shows that there It must be started right nnd run Commissioner Pitcher accompanied righting a car which had turned The annual rally of tho Cottage Blanche Jack Beager was elected, captain Groom Jnckson, Mr. and will be a decline of nbout 85,000,- right or it will fail. Ability alone him to the city’s watershed on an over on the grade beyond the J. H. Grovo high school will be held to­ of the football team. 000 pounds from the crop of 1922. must count in working out a plan inspection trip. Chambers camp. The car, traveling night. Following the serpentine pa- Mrs. J. E. Dunton, Helen M. and Last year tho total was 310,000,000 Men who have made successes must east, went off the grade ns it at redo of Main streot, which will bo Isislio Dunton, J. Fletcher Harlow, RECEPTION ARRANGED FOR Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. nnd TEACHERS AND PATRONS pounds while this season the best be on the boards of directors and MIS8 VAN OSDAL RECOVERING tempted to pass the H. B. Griggs enlivened with high school yells Mrs. J. W. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. estimate made gives a yield of but they must give as much time and car, traveling west. It was said and noise of other kinds, a large FROM AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT that it was traveling at an exces­ bonfire will be sot off on tho high Thomas Eggleston, Mr. and Mrs. E. energy to the work as they did to The school board, in cooperation 225,000,000 pounds. First estimates of the California private business of which they made sive rate of speed at the time Of school grounds. The froshios hnvo J. TaraldHon, Edna M. Smith and with the Tuesday Evening study daughter, Grace E. Hunt, Chas. Mis» Esther VanOsdal is slowly club, will give a reception for the crop, carried in an earlier bulletin a success. They must expect to recovering from injuries which she the accident. Drivers of other care secured the material for this ovent Whitlock, Alf. Jury, J. W. Robin­ frosh class in son, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Frost. teachers and patrons of the public issued by the same company, placed work without much or any compen­ sustained in a motor accident at said they were forced ovo? against and with the ichool tho pile schools at 8 p. m. Friday, Septem­ a total of 160,000,000 pounds upon sation until tho organization is on Roseburg two weeks ago. At the the fenee at that ipont to keep the history ol ber 21, in the high school audito­ the California crop. This was cut its feet and the work then taken time of the accident she was visit­ from getting hit. The name of tho of combustible material has grown U. of O. Freshmen to Register rium. A cordial invitation to be to 150,000,000 by the second bulle­ over in large part by the officials. ing at the home of Mrs. Isem, who driver of the ear that went into to huge proportions. September 25. the ditch was not learned but it Fire Chief Mackin will have a present has been extended to all tin. The officials must be chosen by was Miss Fay Sums before mar­ was said ho wan a donkey engineer squad Those who plan to enter the Uni­ of firo fighters on hand to who arc interested in our schools. the same rule that other industries riage. While crossing the street sho for the Bohemia Immbir company. protect property in tho neighbor­ versity of Oregon this fall are re­ The sponsors hope such gatherings MADDENS NOW REPORTED apply. They must know their jobs was struck by the car and was tin- A3 SAFE AT KOBE, JAPAN and be capable of building up a consciitus for a short time. She sus No one was injured. The brush hood of the school grounds during quested by university officials to bo will bring about closer cooperation in Eugone Heptember 25. Tho reg­ along the bank of the river saved the bonfire. * • between teaehers " and ’ pupils, ■ . The business. They must know how nnd tained many bruises, a sprained ular freshman English examination Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hemcnway when to sell products, never having ankle and a sprained knee and had the car from injury and from going following program has been ar- will bo held on that date. have received word that their daugh­ too much of a commodity in one to use crutches until the hitter {»art into the river. It was not greatly W. L ft E. Official Kilted. lunged: Registration dates for both old ter, Mrs. Harvey Madden, together locality and too little in another. of this week. Miss VanOsdal had injured. Jo». E. Bell, of Indianapolis, sec­ Piano Solo—Miss Elicè Price. with Mr. Madden, have arrived They must know marketing, distri­ planned to enter Eugene Business retary-treasurer of the Western and new students will bo Thursday Welcome—Mayor A. Brund. THE WISER REX Lumber ft Export company, of this and Friday, September 27 and 28. Vocal Solo—Miss Lucile Davidson. safely at Kobe, Japan, the home of bution, delivery, grading, financing. college a week ago but on account When your wife tells you she city, accidentally killed himself Classos will begin on tho following Welcome to the Churches—Bev. Mr. Madden's parents. Word has They must be trained specialists of the accident was unable to do so Monday. showed poor judgment in marrying also been received that the entire and they must be well paid. Ebert. but expects to do so next Monday. you, accept her arguments quietly last week at a club house near his Madden family escaped the ravages home city. According to word re­ Cornet Solo—Charles Cochran. Of equal importance to the per­ as a demonstration of your superior ceived here he had been participat­ Boost for Florence Fair. of the earthquake. School Board—H. J. Shinn. Hold a regular position by having wisdom at a critical moment of ing in a shoot. Returning to tho Senator J. H. Mngladry and Mel­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Madden manent success of any cooperative Reading—Mrs. H. W. Titus. organization is that of getting the an ad every we ek. your liven. vin Millor were up from Eugene club house he stood his gun on tho Our School«—Superintendent O. and Miss Martha Johnson, the latter products to the buying public at a of Eugene, were on their way to porch with tho muzzle lying against Wednesday soliciting attendance for W. Hays. Yokohama at the time of the dis­ price that will assure normal con­ his body nnd reached down to re­ the annual fair at Florence, which Educational Pictures. aster and arrived there a day and a sumption. If tho public will not move some dirt or grease from the will be held today. A special excur Vocal Solo—Mrs. Earl Arthur. buy, market and price control are gun, which was accidentally dis­ lion train will be run by the South­ Light refreshments will be served half afterwards. It was at first re­ of little value. The beaten path ported that their boat hail returned charged. Tho charge entered his ern Pacific from Eugene. A number to the states without discharging between the farm and the home body i.nd death was instantnneons. ospresaod their intention of attend Missionary Society to Meet. must be shortened; the system re­ Mr. Bell visited here a few years ing if possible. A convention of tho women ’» mis­ passengers but this was ineorrect. vised, middle profits and expenses sionary societies of the Methodist With cables out of commission it eliminated as far as possible and church for the southern district will has been almost impossible to get the products transported from the be held in the Methodist church in reliable news. Missionary Society Elects. Included in those reported safe farm to the retailer by tie short this city Wednesday and Thursday, Tho women's missionary soeloty cst and cheapest course. The sell­ nre Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Madden. September 26 and 27. The counties of the Methodist church lias elected ing agency must be its own mid­ forming the southern district arc Mrs. Madden is a daughter of Mrs. dlemen as far as possible aad prac­ the following officers: President, Albertina McMurphey, of Eugene. I-nne, Coos, Douglas and Jackson. Mrs. J. H. Chambers; vice president, ticable. The middle profits must be An interesting program is being ar­ Mrs. Albert Woodard; secretary, materially cut down or the efforts California Car Goes Into Ditch. ranged. Mrs. C. E. Umphroy; corresponding The danger of stopping on the to get higher prices for growers secretary, Mrs. J. R. Hendrick»; highway without giving a clear and lower prices for the homes will —advertising does more than treasurer, Miss Grace Blackwell; Business Men Contribute Jap Relief. right of way for other ears win fail. merely tell you where goods treasurer of mite boxes, Mrs. Joo Cottage Grave has contributed illustrated early yesterday forenoon are sold and at what price. Porter. Meetings are held the first ♦258 for Japanese relief. A commit­ when a CaMornia car was forced EUGENE COMES TO COTTAGE Wednesday of each mon.h. tee representing the Red Cross so­ off the grade on the first hill this GROVE TO GET ICE SUPPLY —newspapers generally havo licited the business men of the city side of Saginaw The pavement was adopted the practice of print Tuesday and raised $158. The other -lippery and a ear ahead of the Garman Car Hit by Train. ing only the advertising of Eugone has learned during the ♦ 100 was contributed by the Red California car nearly went off the A ear driven by Harry Garman, past week that Cottage Grove ents reliable dealers. Croe« local. of Coast fork, was struck by a grade. The California car slackened some ice. Tho county »eat has been Houthern Pacific train Sunday eve­ —an advertised artici« menni» its speed with the intention of giv­ short of the congealed sqi lua pure ning at the Creswell crossing and AND 8HE USUALLY MISES tbat in ita pnrehase you are ing aid if neeeamry. when another and the Cottage _ Grove Ii lee com demolished. Mr. Garman and a pas­ A woman takes an awful chance ear -topped, probably also with tho pany has Srotected against fraud and been doing its best to senger escaped injury. It was said eeeit. when she proposes to a man, but sientmn of giving aid, without assist our sister eity. Five tons epportunity knoeks at your heart leaving room for the California car went from here in the first ship Walter P. Miller and W. A. DeGraves, of Vaneoevsr, B. 0., represent that the motor wont dead on tho — buying an advertised artiele but once—sometimes. to pus» and it went into the ditch ment. ative» of Charlen E. Ti»d«ll, mayor of that eity, and driving bin ear, track in front of the approaching menni timi tho advnrtiscr and and turned upuiilc down. The pas- The »uppy _ _ _ in Eugene __ was not snf stopped her«* Tuesday on their way home to extend greetings to Cottage train. tho newspaper which pub A New Jersey man has declared sengrr». a man and a woman, ee­ fieient for the ordinary needs when Grove eity officials and business men. lishee thè advertising guaran that a person with a short nose has eaped without serious injury. Three thousand people read Tho Vancouver is tlx northern terminus of Pacific highway, the greatest the ire plant there had to shut tee your satisfaetion. no brains. There are a lot of peo­ What havo down for two days because of lark paved highway in the world, and the Canadian eity is iavitiag her Hnntinel each week. ple whose smellers need amputation. «•I it with prlnten ’ ink. you to tell thia vast throng! ixx of power. cotioisn on this side of the border to visit her. BEN F. KEENEY AGAIN TAKES COUNTY ASSESSORSHIP SEVERAL ROAD PROJECTS HERE NEARING COMPLETION 1