PAGE EIGHT UOTT\XGL^HiO\J^iENTDn'n^J^RII>AYi^EDTEMBEI^7^923 FALL FASHIONS FOR THE LITTLE MISS 1‘ t I Now is the time to be fitting the little miss with clothes for school. And it’s a wise mother who shops at our store, for we carry a large assort­ ment of practical garments for the younger generation. Girls’ School Sweaters Specially Priced at $2.98 School Coats for Fall Made on growing lines that for style will appeal to the girls and for quality and price to you mothers. Many styles to choose from. Bloused or straight line backs, side ties, imitation fur or self collars. The materials include Velour, Polaire and Cassi- meres in various shades of blue and brown. Coats for Girls 6 to 9 at $4.95, $6.95 and $7.95 Coats for Girls 10 to 14, $7.95, $9.75 and $10.75 Girls’ coat style wool sweaters, two pockets, belted, pockets and collars trimmed with cont lasting colors. Colors: Buff, Harding and Jockey. Priced very special at— $2.98 Famous “Munsingwear” Union Suits In the fall and winter weights. “Munsingwear” is famous for its perfect fit and long wearing qualities. Comes in fine cotton or wool mixed garments. Priced at the suit— $1.25 to $2.75 Once more you parents are directing your time and energy in buying the proper apparel for Bon and daughter. You are en­ titled to the most in value for every dollar you spend. Make this store your shopping headquarters. Girls’ Sateen Bloomers Umbrellas That Shed Rain Bloomers for girls 6 to 14 years, made of good quality sateen in black or white, elastic top, the pair— Girls’ umbrellas, made with ring handles, seven rib frame and good quality cotton top, priced at each— • 65c 95c and $1.25 Hose School Days for Girls Medium weight cotton, made with reinforced toes and heels, black and cordovan, pair...................... 30c and 35c When a woman can select school hosiery for all the children in one place, shopping becomes a real pleasure. To her, this hosiery section becomes something more than a place to oc­ casionally buy a pair of stockings. It becomes a real factor of service, a guide to hosiery VALUE and ECONOMY. Allen A Hosiery Style, with us is nothing vague or indefinite. We interpret it to mean “smartness,” good appearance and quality—plus exceptional durability. The long wearing qualities of ALLEN A Hosiery for children make it much less expensive than ordinary brands of doubtful quality offered sometimes at “bar gain prices,” but which no­ body wants to buy a second time. EVERY PAIR OF ALLEN A HOSIERY WE SELL IS SOLD WITH A QUALITY PLEDGE THAT MEANS SOMETHING: A PLEDGE Oh’ STYLE THAT WEARS. Fine quality mercerized lisle hose, made with reinforced toes and heels, black and cordovan......... 45c and 50c Hose School Days Are at Hand Larger Stocks, Better Quality Merchandise and Lower Prices make it the ideal place to trade. to some youngsters means little in their young lives. To others the thought of books and study after a happy vacation is not so welcome. One thing that will strike a happy chord with the boy though, is a new suit bought at our store now. It will give him a certain amount of pride and take away any gloomy thoughts he may have of getting back to books and study. Mothers, too, will appreciate our offering in Iwo Knicker Suits at $9.85 Cassimeres, worsteds and serges, made up in the new belted styles for boys 6 to 14 has two pairs of full lined trousers. New brown, gray and blue colorings. A Sale of Boys’ $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Xtra Knicker Pants Boys’ Pull-Over Sweaters for Boys $1.65 Heavy ribbed cotton, made with reinforced toes ami heels, black ami brown, all sizes, pair.......................... 35c These extra pants are in School sweaters for boys all wool and wool filled of the popular pull-over materials, fully lined, sizes style, black, maroon and 6 to 14 years, brown and blue with body stripes of gray mixed patterns. orange. Sizes 28 to 34. Extra heavy ribbed cotton hose, made with reinforced toes and heels, black only, made to stand the hardest wear, pair........ 40c and 50c Each suit “Munsingwear” Union Suits for Boys at $1 to $3 We carry this famous make of union suits for boys in cotton and worsted and in weights for fall and winter. Well made, per­ fect fitting and long wear­ ing garments are “Mun­ sing.” Peter’s “Diamond Brand” School Shoes for Boys and Girls are made of solid leather Every pair of “Diamond Brand” shoes is made of solid leather because there is nothing as good as leather for making shoes Sol'1 1 th give better wear than shoes which contain substitutes. The heels, counters, insoles and outer soles are solid leather well Dut towth " w-1’ ri- s loes ’ k ® . We offer you the following styles at prices no higher than shoes of inferior quality arc often sold at: Misses’ mahogany brown calf, round toe, “Nature’s last.” rub­ ber heel, all solid leather. Misses’ black gun metal, round toe, “Nature’s last,” rubber heel, all solid leather. Misses* 8-inch top English sport last, brown calf, rubber heel, fan­ cy perforated toe, welt, guaran teed solid leather. Misses 8-inch top English sport last black gun metal, rubber heel, welt, guaranteed solid lea­ ther. Tailored of all wool cassimeres and sergi's. Sizes 30 to 36 Sizes liy2 to 2 ..................... $3.35 Sizes 11% to 2........ — $3.25 Sizes llVi to 2 $3.90 Sizes liya to 2 cheat im asBie. Stylish are these suits, for they are made up I in the new belted models and all the newest fall colorings: I blue, gray and brown mixtures, stripes, cheeks, etc. Moder Sizes 8Va to 11....................... $3.00 Sizes 8% to 11........ $2.85 Sizes 8V2 to 11 $3.35 Sizes 8i/2 to 11 Youth’s First Long Pants Suit I ately priced al ¡$18.00 $20.00 $22.50 Boys' black waterproof blu- cher, heavy chrome leather, solid leather counter ami leather soles. Sizes 2Vj to &/t Sizes 114 to 2 Sixes 9 to 11 $3 65 $3.25 $2 95 Day(i(jkf Storefor Qualify and Service *: $3 25 $2.85 Boys black calf dress shoes, blucher, medium weight sole rubber heel. Sues 2»/2 to 514 ......... J3J5 81«« 11*4 to 2.............. 12J6 I