COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1923 What the World Is Doing (Popular Mechanics Magazine.) ---------------------------------------------- # Perfumes Will Add Reality to Motion Pictures Starts You Toward the Ownership of a and in a short time you will have a car of your own. Then all “out-of-doors” will be yours to enjoy with your family. togetner ana noia tnc mpne aown se­ curely. Oue hole is drilled through each outride I k “ am mid a aeries of holes through the inner ones so that he two base niemliers can lie locked together at different points, to obtain proper licit tension. Floor beams of thwiame type are attached near every ergine- dnven machine, so that, to attach toe engine, it is only necessary to slide it into place and slip in the rod. • • • C Recent testa made by the ImpesiW Institute indicate that the taUpot palm, or fan palm, of South India may prove a promising paper-making ftta- toriaL The leaf stalks give a good e e e q Word comes from England that aa important weekly has begun the use <■ the new rubber-latex paper, tn which up to five per oent of raw rubbe» b hmoe- porated with the pulp. Buy your car under the terms of the For as little as $5, you can select the Ford you want and place your order at once. We will put this money in a local bank for you —at interest. Each week you add a little more. This also draws interest. Soon your payments, plus the interest earned, makes the car your own. Come in! Let us give you full particulars about this new plan. AROUSING SUSPICION When a person gets to be too re­ spectable, the neighbors think he is The drawing shows a simple theft trying to hide something. slnrin that can be attached to any car, • • • anuch of reality yrly ’80s an American started a line of slot, cut in the floorboard at right angles to the brake-lever slot, and s v ill add materially to the enjoyment movable fiber arm that is pushed be­ of the film. tween the ends of the blades, after the brake lever is pulled book, so that the lever cannot be moved forward without dislodging the arm and dosing the switch. When the owner uses the oar, he pulls the arm book, so that the brake lever may be moved past without die- turbing it. Think of the comfort, the pleasure and happiness which will be yours. Use Radio on Motorcycle» to Catch Bandits Radfp-eijuipped motorcycles hare been put into service in tho East to copo wi )h automobile bandits. Aerials in the fc rm of a loop are attached to a sidecar which also curries tho receiving apparatus. Two men are detailed to each maihino, ona to drive and the other to net as radio operator. By tho use of the radio, police headquarters are able to keep in touch with each machine and direct its movement*. Woodson Brothers Authorized Ford Dealers coaches from Melbourne to Caatle- maine. This was soon after gold was discovered. Since that time a network of coach routes has been built up, cov­ ering a large area. These link up the coast cities, situated on railroad lines, with the interior—the "back” coun­ try. A journey by coach is not always a pleasant experience in Australia. South Australia lays claim to the doubtful honor of what is railed the “ dead finish ” in coach travel. Thia is a trip from Haddon Downs to Farina, some 404 miles, and the fare, one way, is 150. It is not a “de luxe” journey, as may be judged from the time-table, which states distinctly that “Female Passengers are Not Carriod.” Nor is the coach used at all times by the travelers. One coach lino notifies its passengers that they “must be pre­ pared to travel the latter part of the journey on camels.” • • • Ant Army Marches in Circle Payments on Weekly Purchase Plan will be deposited with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK In watching the march of an army of ants, seeking a new homo, a naturalist recently noted that, in many days and nights of constant moving, the insects had blindly tracked a circlo more than a thousand feet around, and ended at the starting point. Urged by blind in- stinct, each one following tho ant in front, bearing et-,gs and food for a new nest, they tram)ied along in a strong column, six lines wide at some places. • • • THE SPOTLIGHT FOB ALL A person who has never amounted to anything will eventually be called upon to take the leading rolo in one event—his own funeral. * • • Tho public is often milked with watered stock. A woman who knows how to run her husband nevor lets him know it. A girl is more concerned over how her wedding dress looks than over how her future husband looks. • • • Bo right and you will not often be wronged. Woman’s Statement Will Help Cottage Grove People “I hated cooking because all I ate turned sour and formed gas. I drank hot water and olive oil by tho gal Ion. Nothing helped until I used Adlerika.” Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. Excellent for obstinate constipation. Helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. The White Phar­ macy. sptT Bracing Chimney Extension Don’t Confuse High*Price” with “High-Quality” If ratetnobtk oils were priced solely on qttab tty and efficiency, no oil should cost you more than good, high quality Zerolene. Brat quality and efficiency do not determine the price of ods sold hen. The difference in the price of Zexolene and other oik usually goes into long- haul transportation and high merchandising costs, niid) we do not have to pay to makeZerolene anadahie. AH that you spend for Zerolene goes to boy high quality only. Therefore we any,Iwin on Zcrolene—even if infos antics." Ask for it by name—Zero/cne 5%mart carbon iatff. Subscribe if you can, borrow it if you need to, steal it if you must, but—read The Sentinel S. L Godard “Loud Speaker” Guides Vessels to Port Morine engineers at an English port have devised a voice-amplifying appa­ ratus, which, it is claimed, greatly re­ duces tho danger of accidents to largo veeeels approaching their docks in a busy harlMir. With tho new loud speaker, a dock superintendent may throw his voioe out over a long stretch of water to the helmsman of an incom­ ing ship. Complete docking directions can be given in much lees time than is required when whistles and liells are used. The amplifier is so large that a crane is necessary to swing it into posi­ tion for use. An attendant, mounted on the hoist, points the instrument in the proper direction. • • • Removing Headlamp Rima A tinsmith who was confronted with the problem of erecting an extension on A low chimney, without attaching guy wires to the roof, braced the extension in the manner shown in the drawing. An iron band was bolted around the chimney as in­ dicated, and stovebolts were fitted in I k les drilled on each side, for the guy wires. The latter were fastened to the top the chimney extension and to the stovo- Ixilts, and were spread apart by means of a steel hoop, which was held in posi­ tion by wrapping each guy wire around it once. This bracing made the exten­ sion so strong that it has withstood the heaviest gales. • • • When it becomes necessary to re­ move automobile headlamp rims, it will frequently be found that they are so rusted that they cannot readily be turned by hand. This is due to tho Attaching Wire to Concrete fact that insufficient “ grip ” is obtained Posts liecausc of the high polish of the nickel or enamel. A good method of attaching wire to Before applying tools, which may concrete fence posts is shown In the mar the finish of the rims, apply a strip drawing. One side of the post, as far of friction tape around the entire outer as it extends above the ground, has edge, and try again. In moot cases, ths small grooves’ rim will readily come off. After ths formed In it, about 2 in.i ap>.rt. 'These' groove» »ret made by' wooden stripe nailed to the face of the form tn which the posts are made. The fence wire is laid in the grooves as shown, and bound in place by a short length of wire, passed around the concrete poet and twisted around the fence wire. rim I a - vu rvpiHit u, il tllOVTsl, Mild UiS iU'h'tii'F ti><: polished surfer* with • • • tn|æ i» re noed fron. tyUHiniæ. Pail With Float Prevent» Calf Drinking Too Fast Fast drinking is a habit which care­ Have a packet in your pocket for ever*ready refreshment. Aids digestion Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. Everett Powell disorders that affect the animal in after life. An effectual check against this is believed to have been found in a simple metal float that fits into a straight-sided pail in which it slowly drojia as the calf feeds. A hole in the | center of the float, the upper surface I of which forms an inverted cone, regu­ lates the flow of milk, and prevents its I being drunk too fast. Calapooya Springs Co. Moat people who insist on telling all they know make many repeti­ tions. at one dollar a plate are now serving their famous Chicken Dinners Because here you will re­ ceive a thorough, practical business training under the direction of qualified teach­ ers. But Not So Bad if You Know How to Beach the Cause. Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It’s hard to work or to rest. Backache often indicates bad kidneys. Cottage Grove people recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Bead this case: Mrs. J. W. Clark, 8. 2nd St., Cot­ tage Grove, says: “I can recom­ mend Doan's Kidney Pills from ex­ perience. My kidneys were in a bad condition and I suffered with a continual dull, nagging backache and had no energy and became run down. I also had spoils of head­ ache and the action of my kidneys was irregular. Doan ’s Kidney Pills were recommended to me so I bought somo at the Now Era Drug Store. They helped me wonderfully, strengthening my back and kidneys and benefiting me generally.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— got Doan’s Kidney Pills—tho sarno that Mrs. Clark had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs,, Buffalo. N. Y. a31-s7 Because our charges are rea­ sonable and our equipment is up to date. Because when you have com­ pleted one you will be cept a good make good accepted it. of our courses qualified to ac­ position and to after you have Because with a business edu­ cation the road to success will be an easier one to travel. Because no investment you could make will pay you bigger dividends in the fu­ ture. And finally because you owe it to yourself and to the community to prepare so that you can take your place in the front rank and do your part in helping to solve the big problems of the day. NOTICE or FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Notice is hereby given that the uudersignod administrator of the estate of Anna Willis, deceased, has filed his final account with tho County Court of Lane County, Ore­ gon, in the matter of said estate and an order has been made and entered of record directing notico 'of hearing thereon and set­ ting Saturday, the 29th day of September, 1923, at the hour of 11 o’clock a. m. at the County Court room in Eugene, Lano County, Ore­ gon, as the time and place of hear­ ing objections, if any, to said ac­ count and for the final settlomont of the said estate. 0. O. WILLIS, Administrator of the estate of Anna Willis, deceased. H. J. SHINN, Attorney for estato. a24sp21c Will you do it! Then re­ member that September 4 is the date for the beginning of our regular fall term. Eugene Business College A. E. Roberts President Eugene Oregon Grove Transfer NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Furniture Moving Department of the Interion, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 27, 1923, Notice is hereby givon that Al- bort H. Bissue, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, who on 9th of July, 1920, made homostead entry serial No. 013066 for 8ft 8EH, Section 7, Township 21 South, Rango 2 West, Willamette Meridian, has filod no­ tice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to tho laud above described, before Register and Beceiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on tho 14th day of September, 1923. Claimant namoa as witnesses: William Stinett, of Cottage Grove, Oregon; Goorge Durest, of Cottage Grove, Oregon; Fred Frost, of Cot­ tage Grove, Oregon; Clifford Le- bow, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. W. H. CANON, augl0sgt7 Register. Piano Moving a Specialty F. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Office telephone_________ 4 Residence telephone..... 21-F3 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. JITNEY Woodson Brother» Garage. Phone 27. After the garage cloaes, phone to 165-R. It Always Pays to Attend the Eugene Business College BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of tho estate of Love Allen, deceased, has For Quality, Flavor and filed his final account in the office of the County Clerk of Lane County, the Sealed Package, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 22nd day of September, 1223, at tho hour of 11 a. m. in the forenoon of said day, in the County Court Boom of said Court has been ap­ pointed by said Court as the time and placo for the hearing of ob­ jections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published August S FLAVOR LASTS 24, 1923. Last publication September 21, 1923. JAMES ALLEN, Administrator of the estate A Good Thing - DON’T M18S IT. of Love Allen, deceased. Send your name and address plainly J. E. YOUNG, Attorney for estate. a24spt21 written together with 5 cents (and this •lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a NOTICE OF MEETING COUNTY trial package containinff Chamberlain ■ BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu” and whooping cough«, Notice is hereby given that the and tickling throat: Chamberlain • Stom­ County Board of Equalization for ach and Li vsr Tablets for stomach trou­ Lane County, Oregon, will meet at bles, indigestion, gawy pains that crowd tho Court House in Eugene, on the ths hesrv, biliousness sn