The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, September 07, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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t ottapr (Grorr £cntind
You point out three error« into obey these fool laws and in this act zens. If he would get a few such
which I have fallen. You did not we have the horrifying spec taele interpretations, let him start a traf­
A Weekly Nowspaper With Plenty say so but, presumably, as mea­ and disloyal example of an executor fic argument with a dozen citizens.
of Backbone
sured by your judgment. Now I of the law violating the same in One will state that 20 miles at in­
..-Publishers got a modicum of satisfaction out two particulars in one act. Here is terseel ions for an experienced dri­
Bede 4 Braith..
..........Editor of the fuct that there may be a a clear and forcible illustrat ion of ver is safe under any conditions.
Elbert Bede-----
vast difference in your judgment the folly of the law that I have Another will state that any kind of
A first-class publication entered at and the truth. It seems to be your been calling attention to. Hi? could driving is not reckless so long as
Cottage drove as second-clusa matter firm conviction that, of these three see, a half block before reaching no one gets hurt. Another will say
errors, the most grievous is my the crossing, that for two blocks that the babe who runs out onto the
Business Offiee____ M North Sixth failure to consider the human eie up the street the coast was perfect­ street has no rights which the mo­
ment. My dear man, the human eie- ly clear and that there was no suf er torist is bound to respect. These
ment is not the key note to this place in town to pass a car than interpretations are not the “conclu­
Ono year___ $2.25 I Throe months 65c song. The thing that w’e are so ser- that very spot ut that particular sions of an overworked imagina­
Six months.. 1.15 I Single copy— 5c iously menaced with, the element time, even at 20 miles an hour, . In tion,” as Mr. Kein is likely to sus­
that is strewing the way of - the doing so he did a perfectly i safe pect. They are statements that
Member of
safe and sane motorist with grief and sane act, endangering the life, have been made by highly re­
National Editorial Association
Oregon Suite Editorial Association and tears and keeps him in a per limb or property of no one and spected citizens of Cottage Grove
petual state of apprehension, is the there was no reason on earth i why who are considered men of judg­
Oregon Newspaper Conference
Lane County Publishers ' Association inheuan element. The road hog, the he should not do it, with the one ment.
speed maniac, the fellows who cut exception that he violated the 1 law,
We repeat that Mr. Kern neglects
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1»23_ blind cornors and curves and pass and that sounds especially bad for and avoids the human element, or
interprets what is meant
other cars at
ASTORIA RISES FROM ASHES. human. These are the inhuman ele- is, he is a fit subject for punish­ by the human element.
The head of the state traffic de­
jnents on; two legs
_ I am after and ment.
Under my provision he
would have committed no wrongful partment w’as in the city a few days
That Astoria was not daunted by which I want you to help me get.
Your jail sentence, I repeut, act, either morally or legally, but ago. When questioned on that point,
the fire a year ago that almost
wiped it out of existence is dem­ would be an improvement on the now', mark you, had he passed this he said that traffic regulation of
onstrated by the fact that The As­ present inefficient methods, but to car at this particular spot when the kind suggested by Mr. Kem
turian has just issued a fiftieth an­ be as effective as the perpetual other ears were coming down the would be impractical and would
anoth« r car was create
niversary and reconstruction num­ license annulment it would likewise cross street or another
have to be made perpetual. But, 1 coining on the same street, or pe­ enforcement department. We are
The newspaper plants were com­ timidly suggest, it also might be destrians were ciose by, the act willing to take the judgment of a
pletely destroyed but better plants unconstitutional and, in addition, would have been one of reckless man who has been the head of that
allow me to suggest that we would driving and would have established department for many years and has
have replaced them.
Nearly all of the business district have to load an additional burden beyond any question of doubt that the respect and confidence of even
was wiped out but the amount of on the poor taxpayer to feed the the driver was neither sane nor the traffic violators, a man who has
advertising patronage in the special brute while in jail, while my plan safe in the mainjnilation of a gas made a reputation ns a safe and
edition indicates that business hus would remove him forever as a wagon. Under my provision his li- sane traffic official that has spread
risen from the ruins and is more menace to the traveling public and cense would be suspended for six beyond the state boundaries. We
he would have to feed himself in months and upon a repetition of the did not question him as to the pro­
aggressive than before.
It took 54 pages to contain the the meantime. 1 think you must offense,, which would prove him a posed license suspension.
Mr. Kem wishes to know why, if
interesting data about the city of see quite clearly that your jail sen- degenerate, he would be eliminated
Astoria and surrounding country tenee will not do, so come down for all time. That is if you did not the state does not say that over 30
and to accommodate the advertising. now and fess up for the good of interpose a constitutional objec­ miles is dangerous speed, it should
set that as a speed limit. He fails
The pioneer history of this earliest vour soul and, incidentally, the pub tion. Ila! Ha!.
You hold that if this remedy to see why the state should set a
of pioneer far west settlements IB lie.
Inasmuch ns you and I have escaped the constitutional objection SAFE speed limit, instead of a dan-
especially interesting.
agreed as to what constitutes care­ it would be of no avail for the rea- gérons one. Really that is quite
son that the full penalty of the simple. If the state is going to pro-
Corvallis Gazette-Times: There ís less and reckless driving, is it too law would not be carried out. Now tect the lives and property of its
a possibility that the state may
1 am going to turn your own guns citizens what is there for it to do
getting on to the solution of the cops and tho courts could do he on you by quoting “Bede versus except to set a SAFE speed limit.
uuto accidents. This colm has rid­ suine? You certainly are not egotis­ Bede. Turn back to issue of August If it be proved that a higher speed
iculed the idiotic driver’s license tical enough to assume that our 3, page four, third column, near limit is reasonably safe the speed
law a number of times. Now corner» sense of proportion is superior to bottom, and you will find the fol- limit can bo raised. The Sentinel
a front page article in the Orego­ that of the executors of the law. lo wing. “It is quite true, as Mr. has the best of the argument in one
nian is a result oi
of an accident in Any casual observer can know when Kein says, that restrictions against detail: There always will be what
that town, or rather a series of a driver is careless and reckless, in speeding have not (Hit ¡rely elim- is considered a SÁFE speed limit,
them, that could not have occurred fact he could not help knowing it inated speeding. But is that a good provided the speed maniacs and
if the drivers had had any driving when seeing him perforin. There is argument why restrict ioiis should reckless drivers do not get control
sense. Tho articlo places the re- u difference of opinion among these be raised?’’ Now, if your argü­ of the law-making bodies.
sponsibil'ty squarely on the law officers as to violations of the ment is good for tweedledee, why strict regulation is likely to come.
that permits anybody to secure a present traffic laws and there isn’t it good for tweedledum? Don’t The “fool” speed LIMIT is here
permit, to drive who has 25 cents, would bo some difference under any answer hastily or with rancor.
o stay.
law code of laws but 1 can see no rea
ilia) s practically
ail the
You say that I err seriously when
amounts to. ™ ’
I say tho present speed limit is u
with a driver’s license who were the proposed change. Fool officers,
I presume, will continue to slip into
not able to park a car.
, if true,
offiee just us they do in all walks
2 Things Others Think ind What We
However, up to date,
of life. I think it is »safe to predict
Corvallis Gazette-Times: When our that tho time will never come when I see no reason for modifying that
Think of ths Things Others Think
oil gusher gushes and Cottage Grove
all of the element of danger will be statement except to make my mean
produces gas, says the
~ ‘ _ eliminated
more clear, if 1 can.
Our ing a little moro
from motoring.
Grove Sentinel, it will not be cheap problem is to select a plan or meth- Perhaps I should have said it is a
While traveling through this vole
gas, but gas of the highest quality. <>(1 that will eliminate the most.
pleadable defense and, in closely of tears we can at least supply dry
Is that a promise of the C. G.
You seem to contemplate with balanced trials, might clear {he cul­ handkerchiefs to those less fortu-
editor to quit talking?
much satisfaction that all tho wind prit. It gives the accused a stand natc than ourselves.
has been taken out of my sails. O ing in court that he otherwise
KEM ADMITS ERROR; WANTS no, son! this is just the conclusion would not have and properly backed
by other evidence, would have
Tho Scotch come naturally by
of your overworked imagination
I recently their hard-headedness. It was nec-
which has ’led you astray several
Cottugo Grove, Ord!1, Hept. 4.— (To times in this discussion. Just, a ease read of just such a case.
cssary that they have thick skulls
You say hat the state has apt to keep their vocabulary from punc-
the Editor.)—I am pleased to admit, of mistaken identity, us it were.
Mr. Editor, that 1 am learning us The wind will not all be out of said that n speed exceeding 30 turing jagged holes in their era
we proceed with this discussion and them till the evils I have repeatedly miles is dangerous but that it has iliums.
if you and tho public are doing called attention to have boon re- adopted that limit to protect the
likewise 1 fuel that these articles moved. You cuino nt me with the lives and property of its citizens.
Ananias was the first man to
will not have been in vain. There law, red eyed and grinning, just us In tho name o’ mud and the seven adopt the policy that any kind of
are but two ways that 1 know of though it contained nono of these horned spoons, what kind of talk is freo advertising pays.
by which one may acquire knowl­ objectionable features, that the rem- this? If an excess of 30 miles an
edge. One is to learn something edy lies within the law as it is and hour is not dangerous how could
The man who tellH lies that please
never thought of previously and the I did not know it. True tho law the lives and property of the citi­ is sometimes more respected than ho
other is to learn thut. you have recognizes tho safe and sano fea zens be in danger? Stop splitting who tells truths that have n sting.
been mistaken. 1 am always pleased turo, of which 1 was not aware, hairs and grabbing nt straws and
to acknowledge an error when 1 am but it provides no adequate remedy come up to the help of the weak
Wo know some people who ought
convinced of that error, because in lor violations and has the useless against the mighty, let us push to go to heaven—and some others.
so doing I am the gainer, 1 so m e- and burdensome speed limit in mile- these inhuman dry land navigators
times am in error and make mis­ hi
The person naturally inclined to
Tho fool provisions relating to off the map. We will not allow the
takes, however, I would not accuse school grounds and cross roads and constitution to save them. If it is growl and grumble always has his
you of doing a thing like that.
requiring one to buckle down to 12
« • • «
1 am free to confess that I did miles at intersections, even though aside. Don’t, bo stubborn just be­
not know that the law embodied tho there is no one within 40 rods of cause you inadvertently got on the
A man is never too busy to stop
wrong side.
sane and safe features so much dis you, is there also.
O. M. KEM.
and toll you how much work he has
cussed and 1 have a suspicion that
to do.
The voluminous mid technical pro-
• •
We regret that wo un intent ion
you did not know it either in the v inions of tho law, ns 1 have al-
beginning of this discussion. If you rendy pointed out, make law break ally led Mr. Kem to believe that
did know it you would certainly ors of us all, including tho execu the statute books did not contait*
The person of keen judgment who
have quoted it and saved all of this utors of the law. Just recently I the law about which he so volubly does just about as he pleases seems
agony, otherwise you place yourself had u practical illustration of the vociferated. When he stilted that to have as many friends as the one
in the position of purposely and truth of this and also of the folly a strict observance of speed limits who doesn’t act until nfter consid-
feloniously—yen, feloniously—inak of tho law milking it illegal for a was u defense in court. we inline- ering whether such action will of-
ing, in the language of the immor­ driver to drive his car in a sane diately understood that he had fill fend anyone.
tal Shakespeare. “a great todo and safe manner. The day my last [leu into the error that so many oth
about nothing.” However, I am article appeared in print I was era have in believing that the speed
glad to know that this is a part of coming down town behind a car limit gives permission to drive nt
the law, ns our task will bo easier. driven by one of tho magistrates that speed under all conditions. 8»
All we will have to do now is to of our city and caught him rod­ many lose the significance of that
lop off a few of the useless up handed passing another car at a word, “limit.” Mr. Kem hud not
peiidaiiges thut do tend to hobble street intersection mid doinf
‘ ig it, too, before referred to his safe and sane
the movements of the safe and sane nt n clip of 15 miles per. ’ They
w w just features except in connection with
can’t help it, you see. No one can lifting the speed limit and we had
not the least idea but that he knew
that careful driving always has
been required.
Mr. Kem is both reasonable and
He is unreason able in the fnrt
that he takes so much of our avail­
able space to make his argument
that he leaves us little space for
a reply.
He is reasonable when he admits
an error. We are in doubt whether
it is reasonable to ask us to do like
At least Mr. Kem is shrewd* ns
witness the fact that he has turned
our own guns on us. We arc in­
clined to be convinced by our own
argument. His explanation of how
Waterman Fountain Pena ....................
$2.76.. to $5.00
he turns our guns onto us may not
Dunn Fountain Pena.___ ........................ $2.76.. to $8.00
be clear to many. For thut reason
Ever Sharp Pencils........... —................
50c to $5.00
we explain that he means that we
Ingersol Pencil*................. .......... —................. 50c to $2.00
have admitted that we are not
willing to do away with other
Common pen points
Loose leal' binders and
laws that do not accomplish their
therefore mid fur that rea
Cotninon pen holders
son our argument that his proposed
Lead pencils (wood)
Ihmk pencil sharpeners
law might not accomplish its pur-
Pencil tablets
Legal cap paper
pose is no argument against it.
Ink tablets
Fools cap paper
Xery well, Mr. Kem, we surrender
Composition books
before the thunder of our own guns.
Typewriter paper
Bring on your perpetual license bus
Note books
Paper clips anti fastener»
pension law and we’ll try it out
Memorandum books
Loose leaf rings
—ns nn additional punishment to
those we already have. We believe
Lraaers, Inka, Pen and Pencil Holders, Cravolas, Water
that this is your intent.
( olors, Paste, Mucilage, Glue, Thumb Tacks, Compasse«,
But, if the punishment is to be
Dividers, Drawing Pencils, Drawing Paper, Dictionaries
so severe, and we are perfectly
willing that it shall be, we can not
Rubber Bands, etc.
throw the burden of making law
onto traffic officers and ¡»el ice
________ LET US SUPPLY YOUR WANTS ___ _____
judges. Even wen* we
... ........
do so, there is not one chance in
I fifty million thnt a sane legislative I
body would enact laws making such;
i a thing possible.
Mr. Kem should bear in mind |
Cottage Grove
j that, under his proposed change!* ini
6th and Main
I traffic laws, every citizen would i
’continue to have the right to cause)
1 the arrest of reckless driven». W»»
I would htve as many interpretations I
|ef reckless driving as we have citi-1
SCHOOL DAYS Call for School Supplies
There is considerable discussion
as to whether that delectable cheese
concoction should bo pronounced
“rarebit” or “rabbit.” Our hum
ble opinion is that the pronuncia­
tion is not nearly so important as
the digestion of it.
• • •
One thing some folks like about
having their nose kept to the grind­
stone is that they don’t have time
to spend the money they earn.
• • •
It does you no good to hate a
man, and it does him no particular
harm—so what’s the use!
• • •
With the reported sausago trust
active, everything of which food is
mado is under control.
A noted savant claims to have
created a soft shell crab from chem­
ical compounds. The doctor claims
that any form of life can be pro­
duced by taking the saino chemical
compounds found in the natural
body and evaporating ths water
therefrom at the natural tempera
ture of the organic body. He says
his experiments have been success­
ful only during the three summer
months. We have seen some human
crabs that were apparently pro­
duced in this manner, but the coni
pound used was evidently improper­
ly mixed and the experiment tried
at sonic other time than the throe
months which the doctor has found
to be the only ones in which the
operation can be successfully per-
• • •
Don’t help a man up so for that
he feels above you.
It is usually those perfectly able
to read and write who invoko the
aid of the unwritten law.
• • •
With the schools advocating soil
a „
girl really loves her hub-
When _
culture, how is the poor, over­
worked mother ever to keep her by she can see no need of saying
children clean!
Wisdom wouldn't bo so noticeable
if it were more plentiful.
A foreign critie has looked over
the millinery styles and draws the
inference therefrom that woman is
still a savage. We must admit that,
the preBent styles are far from tamo
—and we’ve often seen a woman go
wild over a new hat.
• • •
An anomaly—a woman convicted
under the Mann act.
« • «
The higher living gets the more
we want to live.
• • •
It is well for tho young man to
iearn that the man who overdraws
on his surplus energy is in as much
or moro danger of punishment than
the man who overdraws his bank
account. Tho latter deficiency mny
bo easily replaced but not so the
A man is seldom overbearing to