COTTAG^GRO^^SENTI^ŒL^nUD^^^EPTEMBER^T^S^d PAGE THREE ■f F. Briggs home, left Sunday for a visit ovor Labor day with Mr. | ¡Neighborhood News Oil Well Data > As the lodestone attracts metals and the electric needle is attracted by a mysterious power from the far north and the electric wires and ether waves will trans­ mit power and sound for thousands of miles through space and mighty electric trains are pulled over the country by small wires, which mysteries no one can ex­ plain, so are the delicate scientific instruments perfected by Sage & Olson, after 20 years of careful study, in­ fluenced by mineral oils deposited in the earth beneath us, which fact can not be explained either. Nevertheless these are now recognized facts and becoming blessings to humanity also. Haphazard experiments are both costly and expensive but scientific methods work marvels these days. The Sage & Olson method is accurate and sure of definite results and is backed by a written guaranty with ample financial backing. We pay more than twice the amount for gasoline paid by those where oil wells abound, therefore help the Olsons get it here. My investments with them have proved most satis­ factory. Let me tell you about it. their home in Oregon City. Whitcomb ’a sister, Mrs. W. D. j Ernest Briggs, Virgil Kirkendall Heath. Mrs. 8. E. Lowry and ehil- I and Elwin and Steve Benston at­ dren, of Walker, Miss Marian I-ow j THE CEDARS. tended the picnic at London springs ry, of Eugene, and Mr. aud Mrs. J Monday. J. W. Fisher, of Thornton Corners, ■ (Special to The Sentinel.) Miss Mildred Pettit came home visited with them Sunday at the Sept. 3.—Mr. and Mrs P. W. Hub- Sunday from Mosby creek, where Heath home. burd and daughter, of Salem, are I she hud been visiting Miss Blanche You are sure of getting visiting at the home of Mrs. Hub­ Frazee. It is no harder for a man of big at this auto filling station. bard ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mrs. G. A. Hamden, of Eugene, capabilities to accomplish big things We rather pride ourselves Magee. visited Monday afternoon at the F. than it is for a man of smaller upon our service and the Mr. and Mrs. Avery Hartzell T. Benston home. capabilities to accomplish smaller spent Sunday in Creswell. quality of our gasoline, Mrs. C. H. Sharon and Mrs. James things. Mr. and Airs. " D. El. Hemenway Conley and children were shopping • • • oils, etc. You will be glad and George McQueen Jr. were Sun- in Cottage Grove Tuesday. Few leaders have ever gotten to I to drive up here again day callers at the W. A. Hemen- School will start September 10 the front by being called there. after we serve you. way home. with Miss Sibyl Cellers as teacher. Mrs. W. A. Hemenway was at A. D. Fogle returned Sunday eve­ No good lawyer would allow his I Springfield Friday ou school busi- ning from Crawfordsville, where he own wife to sit on a jury. nesa. • • • had been staying with his mother, Mr. and Airs. Ross McFarland, who was very ill. If the man who tells a lot of newlyweds, of Portland, are visit- Mary Allen, Gladys and Evelyn things he docent know and the man ing at the W. A. Hemenway and Benston and Lottie Kirkendall and who knows a lot of things ho Fifth and Main Streets C. A. and G. W. McFarland homes. children are helping pick beans at doesn *t tell could striko a happy Chester and Betty Belle Scott, of the F. E. Witcher place east of medium, it might help some. Cottage Grove, spent Monday at the Saginaw. W. A. Hemenway home. Grown-up sisters get very little Curtis Veatch, of Halsey, is visit­ flattery from their kid brothers. LYNX HOLLOW. • • • ing in the neighborhood. Mr. aud Mrs. N. L. Bolton, of The man who committed the (Special to The Sentinol.) Trent, visited during the past week Sept. 3.—Mrs. Wm. Slater on vowels to memory in his school days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. the sick list the first of the week. has trained his mind to remember Virgil Oppie. his I O U 'a of later life. Leslie Wicks has started to move Miss Katharine Mendenhall, of his goods onto • • • the Grove, spent the week end with place, which he the F. E. Taylor A lot of folks who think they has rented for the Miss Florence McFarland. know a good thing when they see coming year. The Cedars school starts Alomlay, it, spond too much time in front of Jack Carrick, Sept. 17, with Miss Gladys Chap­ bre Co., was a of the Ajax Lum- the looking glass. passenger to Eu- man as teacher. Mrs. James Sears, who had been gene Saturday. Ordinarily we dislike a braggart, Mrs. Chas. Wright, of Walker, in Bohemia for the past month, re­ has been a guest for several days but a glass worker may have some turned home last Thursday. excuso for blowing about his Lusi Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gross and son at the Wm. Dresser home. The L. D. Huff family, of He­ nesa. Leo, of Falling, Nev., who are vis­ bron, visited Lynx Hollow relatives iting relatives and friends here, OLDER ONES WOULD PREFER attended the picnic Sunday. spent Sunday at the James Sears and BEING ORPHANS Mrs. John Samson and little home. If children were accorded the daughter June accompanied Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peoples and privilege of picking their parents, family, who had the Sears place and Mrs. W. E. Lebow, of Cottage we wonder how many parents Grove, on a motor trip to Wald ­ for the summer, left Monday to would be bringing up their own. rump on the Emerson place south port for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. D. I1. Caldwell anil of the Grove. Tho New Jersey mosquito is said children went to Eugene Sunday aturally usco afternoon, beirg called there by tho to cure rheumatism. People of ex­ could hardly have de­ SAGINAW. serious illness of Mr. Caldwell's perience liavo always said that it had a peculiar way of inducing ani­ livered such money’s worth sister, Mrs. Coffman. (Special to The Sentinel.) The Sowers family, of Cottage mation. —tire after tire—without Sept. 4.—Mrs. Underhill arrived Grove, were in the Hollow Sunday. making a clean sweep. Friday from California to visit her The picnic given by the girls’ daughter, Mrs. Bartlett Johnson. sowing club the first of tho week It’s been a pretty perform­ Mrs. Ruby Benston and daughter was enjoyed by a large number. A Mary Alma and Gladys and Evelyn basket dinner with plenty of ice ♦----------------------------------------------- ♦ ance every time—no two OLD BAGS WANTED — NOTHING Benston attended the picnic and cream was served by the women. opinions about that. loss than 2 feet square. Must be program at the Lynx Hollow school- The girls gave a pleasing little pro­ clean and of material that will ab­ house Sunday. And no two opinions about gram in the afternoon. Much inter­ Miss Flora Fogle returned Sun­ est was Bhown in the finished sorb gasoline; old underclothing, y vhat tire to get again after a I?'.’-5'', day from Crawfordsville, where she articles, both of fancy work and flannels and the like preferred. Can an has once used USCO. had been visiting her grandmother, wearing apparel, which were on dis­ not use old Bocks, mercerized or hard surface goods or small pieces Mrs. Jer.nie Greathouse. play and much satisfaction was ex­ Miss Alma Adney came up from pressed over the rapid progress the of any kind. We want the best rags United States Tires Yoncalla and spent the week end girls are making under Mias Melthu and pay the best price, 5 cuts the pound. The Sentinel. tf with her parents. Pentico’s instruction. are Good Tires Carl Allen and Miss Jones, of The R. Y. Porter family went to MONEY FOR YOU—PAY CASH Portland visited over the week end Portlnnd the last of last week to for your wantads and get three at the Judson Allen home. z’* be present at the marriage of the insertions for the price of two. tfp Vern Briggs and Lionel Haight eldest son William to Miss Ethel hJ returned Sunday from a trip May Murry, of that city, which WANTED—A SCHOOL TEACHER .xV: through southern Oregon and north took place Saturday evening at 8 as a companion, who will be home ern California. o’clock. Tho young couple met when evenings. Room and board will be Wolf Allen visited Sunday at the they were students ,at the U. of O. furnished. Inquire of Mrs. Strau- home of his aunt, Mrs. Judson Mr. Porter has a position in tho son, 706 Chestnut Btreet, a24spt7p Allen. First National bank in Eugene and FOR SALE-ONE YEARLING Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moody nnd they will make their home in that Toggenburg doe, 15-18 pure, eligi­ daughter Dorris left Saturday on a city. ble to registration; one Bix-month- motor trip to California, where old doe, 3-4 pure, boautifully they will spend the winter. r^r: HEBRON. marked; both for $25 or your choice Tho Tom Miller family moved for $15. Write Box 23, Creswell, here Saturday from Cottage Grove. (Special to The Sentinol.) Ore. ag24spt7p Mr. and Mrs. Tom Qucener, of Sept. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Star, visited Sunday at the Quecner White, Joe Warnock and Carl Han- WANTED—CAR LOAD JERSEY home. Where to buy USJins sen, of Molina, visitod a part of heifers, two to three years old. I The H. JL Cotter family visited last week at the home of Mr. have for sale 10 head of purebred Sunday with friends in Cottage White’s brother, Charles White. Shropshire yearling rams, and somo Grove. Vivian and Marguerite Carlile, of grade Hampshires. J. W. Mr and Mrs Bert Myers and chil­ the Grove, Bpent the week end with good Veatch, phone 174-J. a31s!4p dren and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Miller their aunt, Mrs. J. Q. A. Young. and children, of Delight Valley, Jack Lamb and Mrs. G. L. Carlile FOR RENT OR BALE—A GOOD visited at the Briggs home Bundfiy. and children, of the Grove, Mrs. home on oast side of Cottago Chas. Sharon and son William left J. Q. A. Young und nephew Johnnie Grove. For Bale, good cow, cream last week for Disston, where they Carlilo motored to London springs separator, water power washing ma­ will haul poles. chine, feed cutter, few grain sacks Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thackrah, of and household furniture. G. B. Ar- children, after visiting at the W. Roseburg, arc hero spending their nest. a24spt7p vucation on their farm. FOR SALE—A GOOD STEEL The George and John Kcbelbeck range in A-l condition. Mrs. J. families attended the ~ Farmers ’ W. McCormick, 326 north Scvonth Union social on Mosby crook Mon- street, phone 128-L. a31sptl4p day night. ROOM AND BOARD $1 THE DAY. SILK CREEK Mrs. W. M. George, 927 south SPECIALIST 8ixth. a31s!4p (Special to The Sentinel.) In Internal medicine for the WANT TO BUY WHEAT. PHONE Sept. 5.—Mr. and Mrs. Burgess past twelve years 26-F12. R. A. Snauer. a31sptl4p and daughter und son, of Vermont, camped here three days recently. WANT TO LIST SMALL FARMS They came by motor and are think­ and elosein acreage. If good and DOES NOT OPERATE ing of locating in Oregon. They priced right list with me for re- went from here to North Bend. suits. Recleaned home-grown rye “Uncle” Pete Deardorff has sold seed, 2*4 cents; uncleaned, 214 his little place and left the last of cents. WU1 be at Bart. Johnston, Saginaw, the week to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ore. a31sptl4p Vint Dunnavin, of Myrtle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gorton and FOR RENT—55-ACRE FARM, 3 infant son, of Walla Walla, Wash., miles from Cottago Grove on on their way to St. Helena, Calif., gravel road. Good house, barn, all by motor, stopped here last week tillable land. Phono 128-Y. Mrs. J. and visited the Garner, Estes and W. McCormick, 327 north Seventh il Office hours: 10 a. m. to 4 P- m. Babcock families. street. a31tfc Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Trask PRUNE PICKERS WANTED—L. sons Burdick and Daniel, of D. Scarbrough orchard, Creswell. ONE DAY ONEY tago Grove, and Mrs. Rena Lewis, of Minneapolis, Minn., called Sun­ Good camp grounds, free wood. day evening at the Bnbrock homo. Phone or write Loyal D. Emery, No Charge for Consultation a31spt7pd 8. Burcham, F. A. Green, ” E. R. “ CreswelL Darnell, A. Woolcott, D. A, Entes FOR SALE — RICCA k SON UP- and R. V. Darnell all have their right piano. In good condition. Dr. Mcllenthin is a regular grad­ grain threshed. A fair yield is re- Used only year. Inquire Mrs. uate in medicine and surgery and is ported by all. licensed by the state of Oregon. Mr. aud Mra. Oscar Peterson, of Frank Tumor, Cottago Grove, Ore., apt7-21pd Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Krause, phone 5-F-ll. He visits professionally the more of Row River, were recent visitors WANTED — ABOUT SEPT. 25, important towns and cities and of­ at the F. A. Green home. three pear packers. Must be able fers to all who call on this trip free Miss I^eota Estes is staying at the to make a packed box weight 51 consultation, except the expense of 8. E. Dresser home in Cottage Grove pounds gross. Will pay one cent treatment when desired. for •i short time. above the regular scale. Write Claudo Schreck, Ixirane ,Ore. sp7tfc According to his method of treat­ MOUNT VIEW. ment he does not operate for chron- FOR SALE OR TRADE—SIX ie appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers year-old horse for sale or will (Special to The Sentinel.) of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Sept. 5.—Mrs. J. A. Schneider trade for cow. Weight about 1250 'V/OU are interested He has to his credit wonderful went to Portland Thursday for a pounds. Has been worked some and results in diseases of the stomach, visit with her sister, and returned should make a fine farm horse. mainly in securing ex­ liver, bowels, blood, skin, serves, Saturday eveniag with her daughter Chas. 8. Cochran, Cottage Grove, apt 7-23pd heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, Miss Forest, who had been attend- phone 123-R. cellent service at moderate catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, normal at Monmouth. sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail- Mrs. 8. E. Ixiwry and children, FOR BALE—A FORD TOURING ear. Inquire G. H. Brainard or ments. of Walker, were ,tt the W. D. Heath cost. Ajax Cords are doing Esrl Motor Co. sp»7 21pd home Thursday. If you have been ailing for any Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, of this and more for thousands length of time and do not get any Drain, visited one day last week FOR SALE—ONE 12x14 TAPES < . < ,'HU try Brussel« rug, Brussels stair better, do not fail to call, as im- with Mrs. Philips’ brother, F. B. carpet, hall seat and buffet. Mrs. of car owners. proper measures rather than disease Phillips. Orpah Benson, 211 Third street. are very often the cause of your A number of men gathered at Phone 136 J spt7c long standing trouble. the Waldo Miller place Monday and Remember above date, that eon- COTI* donated the day’s work to helping WANTED—HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS to board. Also two unfurnished AJAX CORD, ROAD KING, PARAGON sulfation on this trip will be free build a new house for Mr. and Mrs. and that his treatment is different. Miller, whose property was recently rooms to rent. Call 225 Adams ave­ destroyed by fire. nue. opffp Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hands were Married women must be accompa SLEEPING ROOM FOR RENT, Cottage Grove visitors one day last nied by their husbands. week. with bath. Phon« service. Mod­ Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., T am Mr and Mrs. L. A. Whitcomb, of ern. Mrs. Clara Burkholder, phone Angeles, Calif. «pt7 14 Portlaad, motored up Saturday for lit-J. spt7e ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE COTTAGE GROVE SERVICE STATION 30x3/2 Old Colony Cord Tire $12.25 Use 3% of your gross receipts for advertising and increase the volume of your business 10% To most everybody 30x3/1 means — usco N TOM AWBREY ♦ T At Durhams Store ’S oil '// WANTADS I// 'jW ‘ 3 NELSON’S SERVICE STATION Cottage Grove, Oregon What do you mean Eastern Oil? you say “Eastern Oil* Coming to Eugene! to your garage or service W HEN station man just what do you mean? Any oil is technically “Eastern Oil’’ to us of the far West Do you mean the certain mid-con­ tinent oils which contain some par­ affine, some asphalt? Do you mean some of the sticky, compounded oils? —or do you really want a paraffine oil ? Pure paraffine oils come from Pennsylvania. WAVERLY Motor .Oils are ALL PENNSYLVANIA —and, of course, 100 per cent par­ affine. COMPANY u Say It With Printer t - D Osburn Hotel Thursday, Sept. 20 Knowles & Graber Hardware and Furniture Oregon Say It With Printer’s Ink N. J. NELSON Service Station w o o Dr. Mellenthin BLOCK WOOD AND PLANER TRIMMINGS SLAB WOOD Place vour order now for winter. Get is under cover before the rains start. w o o D Mordock & Haney i i Xd W. E. BRADLEY SERVICE STATION Cottage Grove, Oregon