The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 31, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, August 31—“Gimme,” with Hel­
ene Chadwick, Gaston Glass, II. B. Wal­
thall, Elanor Boardman and Kate Lester.
And a Snub Pollard comedy, “Newly Rich.”
Saturday, Sept. 1—Tom Mix in “Catch
My Smoke,” and a Sunshine comedy, “3
Gun Men.”
Sunday-Monday, Sept 2-3—Cecil B. De
M¡lie’s production, “Adam’s Rib.” DeMille
showed you one side of the modern girl in
“Manslaughter.” Here’s the other, the bet­
ter side. Cast includes Milton Sills, Elliott
Dexter, Theodore Kosloff, Anna Q. Nilsson
and Pauline Garon. And a comedy.
Tuesday, Sept. 4—“Singed Wings,” with
Belie Daniels and Conrad Nagel. The tale
of a girl who played with fire. The tale of
a man whom her beauty inflamed. And an
Educational comedy.
Wednesday, Sept. 5—Jack Holt in “No­
body’s Money,” a swift comedy as bright
and sparkling as a new gold piece. Wanda
Hawley and Julia Faye in the supporting
cast. And a comedy, “The Bull Fighter.”
Thursday, Sept. 6—Marion Davies in
“Adam and Eva,” the season’s classiest
comedy; laughs and chuckles in a de luxe
setting; a treat for the eye and the funny
bone. International News and Felix the
Friday, Sept. 7—Agnes Ayers’ new Para­
mount auto racing picture, “Racing
Hearts,” the speed queen of all racing ro­
mances. In the supporting cast are Theo­
dore Roberts and Richard Dix. And a com­
Saturday, Sept. 8—“Ebb Tide.” If you
really want thrills here’s the greatest south
sea thriller ever filmed. In the cast are Lila
Lee, James Kirkwood, Raymond Hatton,
George Fawcett, Noah Beery and Jacque­
line Logan. And a comedy.
Paramount Week—Sept. 2 to 8 Inclusive
Tales of the Town I
■4 ♦--------------------------------------------------- ♦
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Thomas Clark, who has been buf­
Finnerty, former residents of t
fering from a broken ankle sus
city, but recently residents of 1
tained in an accident at the West­
gene, a farewell reception was h<
ern Lumber & Export company’s
1 for them last Friday at the Fi
mill, will soon be able to resume
Christian church in that city. Th
left the first of this week for J
A 9-pound daughter was born yes­
toria, where Mr. Finnerty will c<
terday to Mr. and Mr».
Mrs. Lawrence
continue in school work as hi h D. Hayne, of Drain.
school principal. Mr. Finnerty w
Kenneth Bafley, son of Mr. and
I w
deacon V*
of VUV
the VUilOliail
Christian VMUC«
chur h
Mrs. Frank Bafley, has sustained
I and also a member of the board i
a second fracture of the right arm
usher». Mrs. Finnerty was prom
in the same place it was fractured
nent in the womenwork of tl
in an auto accident several weeks
church. The reception. was attend«
by 150 members of the congregatic
Mrs. Verna Mast left Wednesday
und officials of the church. Dr. 1
V. Stivers and Dr. E. C. Hundersc n for Portland to accept a position
for the winter.
were tho speakers of the evenin
Rudolph Gerisch, a resident here
Responses were made by Mr. an
for 30 years before returning to
Mrs. Finnerty. A program of mus
Europe, recently died at his home
furnished entertainment also. R
nt Dresden, Saxony. He was 68
fresbments were served.
years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Krum, of Cor­
The forty-third birthday aunive
vallis, spent Bunday at the home of
sary of H. U. Cochran, a forint
Krum's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
resident of this city, now of Rosi
F. B. Phillips.
burg, was an occasion for a plea
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Warner will
ant dinner ut his home Sunday. M r.
leave Sunday for Portland and from
Cochran's mother, Mrs. S. E. Cocl
run, his brother, Charles Cochrai there will go to Wheeler to visit at
mid the latter’s son and two daugl the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ohio
ters, Herbert, Gertrude and Melbi Churchill. They will go from Wheel
motored to Roseburg from here fo er to Seaside to attend the Ameri­
can Legion convention, which will
the occasion.
be held there September 6, 7 and
♦ ♦ ♦
The Cottage Grove club for spii 8. Mr. Warner is a delegate from
itual research held its regular set this city and Mrs. Warner is a dele
»ion Monday afternoon at the horn gate from the woman’s auxiliary.
of its president, Mrs. D. W. Me
Kinney, oil east Jefferson aveuut EUGENE BOY IS KILLED
A very enjoyable and instructiv
afternoon was spent in study and ii
asking and answering question» per
Robert J. McLean, aged 18, student
tnining to the object of the club of the Eugene high school, son of
and Mrs. George N. McLean,
which now has 15 members.
of that city, was accidentally shot
A pleasant evening was spent ii and killed by Professor R. C.
curd playing at the home of Mr Thompson, of Reno, Nev., on a hunt­
mid Mrs. George Alleman Saturday ing trip Sunday on the Siuslaw
Dainty refreshments tvero sorved river. McLean had shot and wound­
The guests were the E. L. McRey ed a deer. As the animal plunged
colds family, N. Lewis and family away, Mr. Thompson fired and at
Mrs. Is‘e Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. K the same moment MeLean came
J. Alleman, Mr. and Mrs. Harrj through the brush in pursuit of the
McDole, Miss Irene Mostachetti ant animal, the shot striking him. The
coroner's jury cleared Thompson of
tho F. M. Chapman family.
all blame. Thompson testified that
A quiet wedding occurred at Van he did not. see MeLean until after
couver, Wash., Friday, Aug. 24 f he had fired tho fatal shot and had
in which Miss Doris Holdermun > walked several yards toward the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S deer that had been his target. Mc­
Holderman, mid Cleo Moreloek, boe Lean cried out, ‘ ‘ My side,' ’ as ho
of Mr. und Mrs. W. M. Moreloek fell, and this attracted his attention
both of this city, wore married. The stated Thompson. The father of the
ceremony took place at the home boy, who was with the hunting
of the officiating minister, Rev. C party, also stated that the shooting
C. Curtis, with only Mr. Moreloek't was accidental and that blame
aunt, Mrs. Mae Crouch, of Portland, should be placed on no one.
present. After spending a day in
Portland, the couple returned here
Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Moreloek are at home in one of the ♦---------------------------------------------------#
Omar apartments.
Presbyterian Church—Rev. A. R.
<» ♦ ♦
Thomas Bommi, of Corona, Culif., Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at
and Mrs. Carrie Ferguson, of this 10, Men’» Forum at 10, morning
city, were married August 23 ut hour at 11, junior Endeavor at 3,
at 7:30.
the court house in Eu-'ne, County evening servico ...
Judge C. P. Barnard o.Lciating. A
Christian Church, the ‘ ‘ home like ’ ’
number of Mrs. Bonnin’s friends,
Program at Calapooya Monday.
intending to charivari tho recently church—J. E. Carlson, minister.
The Calapooya Bprings company
married couple, culled Friday eve­ Sunday school at 9:45, sermon ami
arranging a program for Labor
ning nt the home of Mrs. Boman's communion at 11, Christian endea­
da y, which is next Monday. A tour-
service at 8.
daughter, Mrs. Fred Bennett, whore vor at 7, evening
• • •
iment of barnyard golf will be a
Mr. mid Mrs. Boman were guests.
Seventh Day Adventist Church—
ature and there will be sports of
The friends were so cordially ro-
her kinds, possibly a tennis tour
coived that they gave up their West Main street. Services every
ment and possibly horse racing.
former plan of charivariing the Saturday. Sabbath school at 10,
couple mid spent the evening so- church service at 11; praper meet
Many there are who knock mar
evenings at 7:30.
cially with them instead. Dainty ing Wednesday ...
rii ige—but even they must acknowl-
refreshments were served. Mr. and
ge that it comes ahead of divorce
Methodist Church—Rev. J. H.
Mrs. Boman left Monday for Cali
Sunday school at a d alimony.
fornia, where they will make their Ebert, pastor.
9:45; morning worship nt 11, Ep
worth league at 7, evening service
<$> <8> <0
A delightful picnic was held on at 8. Everybody is welcome to at-
th«' river bank near Latham Wed­ teud all of these services.
Next Sunday is the last Sunday
nesday. evening by the newly or­
ganised club of young women of in the church year. This year has
packed full of activities. We
this city. After the picnic sup;ier
the group sat around a bonfire and hope to make next Sunday a spe­
roasi"d marshmallows.
The eve­ cial day in attendance and interest.
ning was spent socially with the The church is closing up its books
exception of a brief business ses­ for the year and therefore would
sion. None but members were pres­ like to see all money paid by next
ent. The next meeting will be held Sunday. The last quarterly confer­
September 12 nt the home of Miss ence will be hold next Monday.
,. m. All the
Margaret Galloway, nt which meet September 3, ut 8 p.
ing the club are planning to have members of the board should be
their sponsors with them.
Hit this nail on the head—when yon want anything in the hard­
ware line, come to Darby’s, where yon will find the largest dis­
play in the city. Hundreds of articles displayed. Other hundreds
must be asked for. If it’s hardware, we have it or can get it.
Hit this spike a crack—we have for your inspection and ap­
proval a stock of furniture that is likely to make you drop your
hammer if you have not seen it. It is conveniently displayed.
The beauty of many artistic pieces is easily seen. The sturdi­
ness of the more substantial pie-’ns is apparent.
A sure shot—the beauty an.- substantialness of our wonder­
ful line of floor coverings. They’ll make anyone proud of the
home where they are placed.
►-------------------------- <
Church News
Mrs. O. H. Willard wan pleasantly PRUNE PICKERS WANTED—I.
D. Scarbrough orchard, Creswell.
surprised Saturday afternoon when
a number of her friends gathered Good ramp grounds, free wood.
nt her home to celebrate her birth Phone or write Loyal D. Emery,
day anniversary. A reading was
given bv Mrs. Orrin Robinson and
a social afternoon was pleasantly
spent. Delicious refreshments of ice
cream covered with fresh strawber­
ries and cake were served. Out-of
town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Jost and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willard
and son Dale, of Roseburg. Others
Barber Work in General
present were Rev. and Mrs. Carlson,
Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. Emma Mil
ler, Mrs Orrin Robinson, Mrs. _ for the convenience of our
Charles Walker, Mrs. Aubrey Redi-
for and Mr. and Mrs. O.
' H. Willard.
Mr. and Mrs. . W. E. Nixon, of
V’a Iley, , ware pleasantly
chan varied by
1 number of their
, a
neighbors Tuesday night. Although
830 Main, P. S. Bukowski, Prop.
they have long been grandparents,
it is sail that Mr. Nixon never in
his life enjoyed himself any more
than upon this occasion. The Nix
ons are living at the place of their
son, Lee Nixon, while the latter is
at Newport for a a outing with his
family. The neighbors took advan­
tage of this fact to make believe
that they wore newlyweds. The
guests brought refreshments.
♦ ♦ ♦
Mrs. W. I«. Darby, president of
the Mothers’ club, has called a meet­
S. P. Watch Inspector
ing to be held at the rest room at
3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Ev­ Cottage Grove
ery member is urged to be present,
ns J. M. Keyd will be at the meet­
ing to present to the members some
nlnns to aid them financially.
♦ ♦ ♦
Tho moving away of Mr. and
Mrs. D. G. Jones from the luitham
district and the moving in of the
Grahmn family into the home va­
cated by the Jones family was the
are now serving their
occasion for a farewell and wel
come party Wedneadny evening gi ,iv
on by the neighboring fnmilir
About forty were present, Water-
melon was served while all sat
around a huge bonfire.
Phone 24
'iàth the RED BAND
Special Attention
to Children
Thin institution, being a part
<if the Federal Reserve bank­
ing system, is safeguarded by
the United States Government
your government. An ac­
count in this bank not only
offers you a safe place to keep
your money, but also enables
you to cheek it out in pay­
ment of bills. An account here
adds to your prestige.
Imperial Barber Shop
What Wfll That New Car
Be Worth Next Year ?
Jewelry, Watches
Watch Repairing
Springs Co.
(The Old Reliable)
Chicken Dinners
Carry an ad every week. You
get more for your money that way.
at one dollar a plate
[>.>*' OIL WORKS
motor Ofc
I «80