The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 31, 1923, Image 1

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C. V. Jordan wishes to protest
aguinst the high priced baths which
are not a regular feature at tho
Central hotel, in the conduct of
which he nobly assists Mrs. Jor­
dan. Mr. Jordan says he has heard
about milk baths, champagne baths,
etc., although having never himself
indulged in one of the kind. He
has no particular objection, how­
ever, to baths in general if aqua
pura be the liquid used.
Mr. Jordan, who may not be rec­
ognized by even his intimate friends
unless it be stated that he is tho
one usually referred to as “Baldy”
because of the prominence of his
lack of hirsute adornment, was con­
strained to comment upon the more
or less common practice of taking
baths because of a recent incident
at the hotel already referred to.
It seems that Mrs. Jordan left
in the bath room a wrist watch
which had been a present from her
lesser half, in the purchase of which
he had parted with some 40 simo-
leons, cartwheels or iron men, also
sometimes referred to by the unini­
tiated as coin of the realm or silver
dollars. A few moments later when
she returned the article of jewelry
had been removed and has not been
i ecovered.
<j>----------------------------------------------- q
♦----------------------------------------------- ♦
Mrs. D. W. McKinney, of this
city, is eager to learn the where­
abouts of her grandsou, Edgar Allen
Vaughn. Up to November, 1921, ho
was living with his father and step­
mother at their home on Row river.
One morning his father sent him to
the hills to cut wood and the boy
never returned He is now 18 years
ef age, was well grown when ho
left, was of a very light complexion
uud fair haired. It has been report­
ed several times that he has been
seen in the vieinity of Cottage
Grove. His grandmother thinks
that he may bo here but that ho
may think he has no friends and so
does uot make himself known. Mrs.
McKinney was in California at tho
time of tho boy’s disappearance.
She states that his mother, who
was Mrs. Ernestine Vaughn, was
unable to care for her boys, who
were given her in a divorce decree
in 1918, but that she has since re­
married, is able to care for thorn,
wants to give them a homo and of­
fer them an opportunity to com­
plete thoir education.
A younger brother is with the
father in Salem. The mother is
now Mrs. B. F. Dusthimer, of San
Francisco. Mrs. McKinney, who is
Mrs. Dusthimer's mother, would ap­
preciate any information relntivo to
tho whoreabouts of the lad.
Fifty-seven seems to be a popu­
Three motor vehicle accidents oc­
lar number wi h longest married
curred Saturday on Main street.
Young Mau Is Instantly Killed
couples of the Cottage Grove coun­
The most serious was when Ivan
When Struck on Head by
try. The names of three couples
Cutsforth, lOyearold son of Dale
Flying Cable.
who have passed or are just ap
Cutsforth, fell in front of a car
proaching that number of years of
driven by W. M. Hiner, of Rose­
married life hove been published Fact That Car Had Been Left burg, n deputy sheriff of Douglas.
James McGee was killed late
and now another couple, Mr. and
The lad was picked up by Walter
Tuesday afternoon in the J. H.
in Woods Two Days Leads
Mrs. W. I’. Huff, are added to tho
Woodard and carried to the office
Chambers camp at Wicks spur up
list. They will have been married
of Dr. Dyott, where it was found
to Investigation
Row river. He was a son of Mrs.
57 years on November 21.
that no bones had been broken and
M. A. McGee and aged 19 years.
Mr. Huff was born Oct. 15, 1846,
that there were no serious injuries.
Mr. McGee was one of several
in Salem, Ill. He moved to Missouri
A number of similar accidents have
men who were holding a cable
iu 1857 and then to Kansas, being
been narrowly averted by careful
which had been used in raising u
there at the time of John Brown’s
driving on tho part of operators of
lead pole for a high line and which
raid. He saw Mr. Brown at tho
motor vehicles and thero is some
was snubbed to a stump. At tho
time Mr. Brown was ill Missouri
sentiment towards having bicycle
time of the uecideut the pole was
trying to incite the negroes to fol­ It Is Likely That One Took Cramps, riding prohibited on Main street
being raised by a second cable und
low him to Harper’s Ferry. John
because of the fact that lads are
Other Oave Aid and Both
the one which Mr. McGee was as­
Brown, who has become renowned
so careless in their operation and
Became Exhausted.
sisting in holding had slackened.
in song and otherwise, will be re­
pay so little attention to traffic
The second cable broke and the
membered as the enthusiastic abo­
weight of the pole went baek onto
litionist who attempted to solve, by
It was said that only the fact
Tho fact that their automobile
the first cable so suddenly and so
the simple method of establishing a had been left for two days in tho that the ear being operated by Mr.
unexpectedly that the men could
fortified mountaia retreat for slaves, woods at what is known as tho Hiner was traveling at a very slow
not retain their hold and the cable
tho problem that soon afterwards Veateh picnic grounds near what is speed prevented a fatal or serious
whipped about tho btump uud flew
involved the country in sanguinary known as tho Elks swimming holo accident. The boy’s wheel was de­
loose. The flying end struck Mr.
war. History informs us that tho
molished. Mr. Hiner stated that
miles east of here, led to the the
McGee near the rear of the head
movement was not successful, as tho two
boy ran his bicycle into the car
and lifted the skull. Death wus in­
loader was hanged for his part in of Cash and Clarence Willis, aged and that the accident was unavoid­
attacking the United States gov­ 21 and 19 years, sons of C. O. Wil­ able under the circumstances.
The body was brought here and
Curs driven by Miss Sopha Book­
ernment by his raid upon ’he gov­
lis. The former would have come of er and Miss Lula Currin beenmo a
Coroner Branstetter held an inquest
ernment arsenal at Harper's Ferry. age
Wednesday forenoon.
Tho jury
By a coincidence, tho man to be­
Mr. nnd Mrs. Heury Murray no­ trifle too sociable during the early
brought in a verdict that the acci­
come the great southern leader, ticed the cur perked in tho woods forenoon hours of tho same day, but
dent occurred while Mr. McGee wan
Colonel Robert E. Lee, was tho when they went to the picnic no great damage was done. This is
iu the performance of his duty and
United States officer who captured grounds to camp over Saturday tlie second accident tho Booker car
wus unavoidable. Tho members of
Brown and put down the incipient night. They thought nothing of tho has been in, but noithor time was
the jury were O. O. Veateh, J. F.
it driven by tho owner, Louis
fact that no one could bo seen Booker. He has sinco disposed of
Spray, Ed Willson, Bud Bhortridge,
Mr. Huff moved to Texas in 1859, about
W. H. Biair and 8. L. Godard.
drifted north during the war. In a ’ ‘ petting ’ ’ party was in progress the car.
Mr. McGee’s father died August
Later in tho day cars driven by
the full of 1864 he drove u mulo
2. His mother and tho following Plant Is Located at the Corner of team from St. Joe, Mo., to Denver, or that fishermen had left the car C. O. Anderson, recently with tho
brothers and sisters survive: Charles
Quincy Avenue and Pa­
a distance of 550 miles. Iu rhe stream—and made no investigation. White
McGee and Mrs. A. L. Dunsniire,
Hays of the Calapooyn Bprings com­ Output Will Be Somewhat Less
spring of 1865 he made a trip with
cific Highway.
Portland; Mrs. V. A. Wicks, Ru-
an ox team from Ft. Leavenworth, nied by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sanders, pany, nnd a third car collided in
Than It Has Been tn
jada; Clifford McGee, Los Angeles,
Kails., to Fort Lyons, Col., a dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Thohias Bowman and front of tho Whito pharmacy. Tho
Past Years.
and Mrs. Harry Casey, Cottage
The Union Oil company has tance of over 600 miles, and thon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett, re­ Hays ear was considerably dam­
opened its station here, tho con-
Mr. Casey brought word of the struction of which has just been N. M., over the old Santa Fe trail. turned tu the place Bunday to go in
Operations at tho cannery this
accident to the mother and Mrs. completed. This gives the city two He wintered in New Mexico nnd swimming. The car was still there COUNTY COURT REFUSES
year will not bo upon as largo a
Casey, whom he met on the street. oil stations. The Standard Oil es­ the next year carried government and it was immediately suspected
as they havo been in past
The sister was prostrated and the tablished its plant here several freight in the section this side of that something was wrong. Tho men
years, duo largely to the fact that
went up to the deep swimming hole
mother nearly so, both having to be years ago.
the Missouri river and north of St. to make an investigation and found
Tho county court has rofused to strict grading of products received
taken home in a car.
restore to the county fair fund tho is boing enforced. Heretofore ac­
The Union has four large upright Louis, which at that time had no
The funeral probably will bo held storage tanks, each holding nearly railroad facilities and little need of the clothes of the men on the bank. thousand dollars that was lopped by ceptance of all produce offered has
They took the number of the car,
this afternoon, having been de­ 20,000 gallons. Two of these will them.
to the city, learned that the court from the budget estimate resulted in some serious losses. This
layed for the arrival of relatives.
In Julesburg, Kans., in 1864, ho returned
be used for gasolino, ono for dis­
it belonged to the young mon whose for this year. Tho decision was yoar only prime produce is being
tillate and one for kerosene. They met the famous scout, Wm. Cody, bodies wero inter found, notified mude after the court was visited by weighed in. Superintendent Charles
are filled from the tank cars by use afterwards known to fame as Buf­ members of the family and got oth­ a delegation representing tho ex­ Bales has in mind making tho
FAVOR CHANCE OF ROAD of centrifugal pumps. A side track falo Bill. Mr. Cody visited Cottage ers to return with them to search ecutive committee of the fair board, name, “Cottage Grove Brand,”
for tho tank cars has been installed. Grove many years later and remem­ for the body. A large number gath­ the Eugene chamber of commerce, stand for tho highest quality in
County Judge Barnard, who was Package goods are kept in a sepa­ bered Mr. Huff.
Rotary club, Kiwunis club, Laue canned goods.
Mrs. Huff was born in Bates ered within a short time and a county credit association and Amer­
in the city Tuesday, did not givo rate warehouse and there are also
Receipts so far have been lurgolj
county, Mo., Nov. 26, 1846, and number of expert swimmers were ican Legion. The fair has had an of string beans and blnckborries.
much encouragement to the pro­ the office building and a garage.
soon in the water.
posed change of the route of the
The station is located on the tri lived in Missouri until nfter her
The roceipts of the latter have been
The men had gone into the water
Row river road which has been angular piece of property south of marriage to Mr. Huff, which was nude and their white bodies, float - years and the members of tho fair tunning about two tons tho day.
1876 they ing near the surface, were easily board feel certain that the forth­ A crew of 45 is employod.
asked for by a large number of Quincy avenue and cast of Pacific on Nov. 21, 1866. In
citizers of this section of the coun­ highway formerly owned by J. M. crossed the plains, settling first in seen. Within n few minutes both coming exhibition will bo cripplod
A car containing 1000 cases of
ty, who would have the road go Groves. C. L. Wilhelm, a resident California and in 1878 moving to had been brought ashore. Those who by the reduction to »2000, to which No. 2 beans and 500 cases of No.
over Knox hill, instead of around, here u number of years ago, is the Lake county, Oregon. Mr. Huff located them were John Gilbert, Lee figure they were cut by tho county 10 beans has boon shipped to Port­
thereby eliminating three dangerous manager. He and Mrs. Wilhelm ar­ freighted from Ixikeview to Reno, Farmer and Lyman Johnson.
land and ono car of blackberries is
curves. Judge Barnard expressed rived Sunday from Portland und Nev., and to Redding, Red Bluff,
Tho dates of the fair are Septem­ boing shipped *o Kansas City and
the opinion that the proposed they are residing at 724 Third and Ager, Calif., and later onjm'ied which sensed the tragedy, with Mr. ber 18 to 21 and the cream of tho another to Cleveland.
change would be mueh more ex­ street, a short distance from the in the meat market business nnd Bowman, remained at tho river county exhibit will be sent to tho
pensive, because of the rock forma­ plant, in property which they re­ farming, in 1901 they moved to while the men went back for help. state fair to be held September 24
Cottage Grove and have resided
tion, than cutting back the curves cently purchased.
One of the women declared she to 29. School children will be ad­
here ever since. He has during most could
about which the complaint has been
sec one of the bodies flouting mitted free at any time on Friday,
made. The judge had not seen the
the closing day of the county fair.
now owns a 40-acre ranch just iu the water. Mrs. Banders declared
petitions, which have been gener­
the object to be a rock. When the
south of the city.
ally signed, asking for the change
Mr. Huff was made a Mason in rescuing party arrived the object
but which had not been forwarded
1868 at Johnstown, Mo., so that ho proved to be the head of the body
to the court.
High School an<l
has been a member of that frater­ of the older of tho men. It had
A hnppy reunion took place at tho
Grades Have Been Assigned
nity for 55 years.
Many on the Move.
homo of Mrs. M. H. Brasher and
Studies and Grades.
The following are the children: surface of the water. The other Mrs. E. R. Thordenburg at London
The Charles Stevens family moved W. A. Coffill, Conductor, Saves 8elf
body had lodged against another
this week into the White property
Bunday, August 19, when their
Huff, Jasper Huff, Mrs. Lydia large rock about 20 feet away.
on Adams avenue, opposite the
Running Board.
It will never be known exactly nephew, Wulter 8. Nowell, of St.
Tho Cottage Grove schools will
Lackey and Mrs. Charles Conner, of
Presbyterian church, which they re­
Louis, Mo., walked into their home.
Cottage Grove. There are 15 grand­ how the drowning happened, but ns They iind not seen him for 35 years, open September 10 for tho coming
cently purchased and the H. O.
children and two great grandchil­ nearly as can be learned the facts Mr. Nowell was a scout in tho school year. Tho corps of teachers
Bennett family, who recently bought
Cottage drove was a railroad cen-
are as follows:
and the subjects of each are as
the property vacated by the Stev­ ter for a few hours Sunday after- dren.
Edwurd follows: High school; O. W. Hays,
The young men, who had been Bpanish-American
V. O. Huff, also of this city, and
ens, have moved into it. The 8. noon. Eight cars jumped oui of u
employed with their father, C.
~ O.
superintendent; F. L. Grannis, prin­
Chestnut family, who recently pur­ fast freight as it was passing Ixonia W. 1’. Huff, brothers, married sis­ Willis, in running n hay baler in was also present at this reunion. cipal; E. J. Edwards, agriculture;
chased the property vacated by tho station and these wrecked two other ters. Mrs. V. O. Huff is the only tho Row river section, left at about Upon Mr. Nowell’s return to his Lula Currin. Latin and bookkeep­
Bennetts at Villard court and Tenth cars on the siding there. Traffic person living in this section who 6 o’clock for the swimming holo, homo, after a short visit with his ing; Elise Price and Myrtle Kern,
street, have moved into it and the was held up from 1 to 5 o’clock was a witness of the wedding of 57 taking with them a change of cloth aunts, he stopped in Portland to English; Alice Evans, science and
William Mattox family, recent pur­ and four passenger trains were on years ago.
ing. It is certain that the drowning visit with his uncle, Willis E. gymnasium work; Myrtlo Lay, do­
chasers of the Chestnut property on the sidings here.
took place before the arrival of Mr. Nowell, who is receiving medical mestic science; Maude Lamson, do
north Lane street, have moved into
This is the third wreck near here WILLIAM RIS8UE LEAVES
nnd Mrs. Murray to spend the night treatment there.
mestic art; Maud Skidmore, matlie
WRECKED CAR ON ROAD near where tho car had been left.
within the past several months that
has happened on Bunday. No one
That was at 9 o ’cloak.
Junior high: Mrs. lima Beager,
Eads Goes After His Hudson.
William Rissue, who left here by
Both had worked hard and were
Rubber stamps. The Sentinel. tf wus injured in any of them.
E. E. Eads received word Wed- principal; Gladys Dix and Gladys
It wus reported here that W. A. motor about two weeks ago for Ban warm and had eaten a heavy meal nesday that his car, which was Oakes, assistants.
Francisco, returned Saturday eve­
East side grades: Mrs. Kate Bur­
<9--------------- -------------------------------- ♦ Coffin, who is known to many here, ning by rail, having had to leave a short time before. These facts stolen recently and taken into
lead to tho belief that one was California, was beiag shipped to rows, first; Floy M. Kirkland, first
| MR. AND MRS. M’FARLAND : was the conductor of the wrecked
taken with cramps, that the other Medford. He left for there that nnd second; Mrs. Aida Smith, sec­
| ARE AWARDED PRIZE AS J train, that he was on one of the
| LONGEST MARRIED COUPLE | cars that left the track and that he ten miles south of Gold Bench. .Mr. went to his assistance and that both night to got the car but will also ond; Ruth Phelps, third; Nora
became exhausted in deep water. visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Queen, fourth; Florence Thompson,
6>------------------------------------------------♦ saved himself by lying down and
hanging onto the running bourd on out incident and was returning by Marks on the bodies indicated that T. Eads. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ixim- third and fourth; Freda Hummel,
A year’s subscription to The Sen­ top of the ear.
the coast road. He was on an up there had been a struggle. The fact tiertson, of Minneapolis, Minn., an fifth; Mariette llnmnnt, sixth.
tinel has been awarded to Mr. and
grade a short distance south of that there was little water in tho uncle and aunt of Mr. Eads, whom
West aido grades: Mae C. Robin
Mrs. J. H. McFarland as the ANOTHER ACCIDENT AT
Gold Beach when he noted some­ lungs of the older and that he had he has not seen for some time, arc son, first and second; Thelma Na
longest married couple in the Cot-
a bruise over one eye may indicate now visiting in Medford.
tion, third and fourth; Elsie Canter­
tage Grove country.
got out of the car to investigate. that he dived into tho water, struck
bury, fifth; Ethel Mackey, sixth.
Five couples contested for the
H. Croft, Canadian soldier on sick
n rock and was rendered uneon-
Heck Gets Big Bear.
honor and by a coincidence four of leave, was seriously but not dan­ brakes gave way, the car started clous and that the youngcr went to
Ono of the largest bears ever FARMERS UNION HARVEST
them had just passed, or were just gerously injured at 5 o’cloek Wed­ backing down the grade and Mr. his assistance and went down after
approaching, the fitly-seventh anni nesday afternoon when tho ear in Rissue had to hurry to get out of becoming exhausted trying to get killed in this section was brought
in Sunday by Roy Heck at Ixindon.
which be was a passenger collided the way. It went over the em­ the inert body ashore.
The Coast Fork ¡oral of the
It weighod only 258 pounds but was
Mr. and Mrs. McFarland were with the concrete aall of the Divide bankment and was demolished. Mr.
W. A. Ward, who han charge of
married November 11, 1865, beating overhead crossing four miles south Rissue left it there and is in doubt the undertaking parlors during the thin and emaciated and could easily Farmers’ Union will give a harvest
by a month snd
and a haL
half __
Mr. _ and of here. No other members of the whether it is of enough value to absence of Mr. Milla, is of the have carried an additional 50 festival at tho Hebron school house
pounds of weight. Mr. Hock was at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening. A
Mrs. H. R. Godard, who were mar- party were injured but the front go after.
opinion that tho younger probably out after deer when he met up with short play will bo followed by mu­
ried on Christmas day of the same end of the car was wrecked. A
was taken with crumps and the old bruin. He is having a rug made of sical numbers. Outdoor games will
Printing. Always eonsult The er went to his assistance, the drown tho hide.
woman was at the wheel and she
bo played and lots of fun for all
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clow were failed to make the rather mean Sentinel first.
tf ing of both following. He stated
is assured. Refreshments, ice crenm
married July 4, 1866, and Mr. and turn onto the overhead.
that the indications were that the
and candy will bo on sale and
Mrs. W. P. Huff on Nov. 21, 1866.
Getting ’Em tn Eugene.
younger died the easier while the
Croft sustained two scalp wounds ♦-
there will be a clever fortune telling
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tompkins and
Fifteen arrests for violations of booth.
fact that the lungs of the older ha<1
suffered from shock and loss
were married Oct. 6, 1867.
of blood. He was brought to the
bunt indicated a terrible struggle traffic laws were made Saturday in
THAT HE IS A CRIMINAL . before giving np. He thinks it Eugene. More were made Sunday
office of a local physician.
Blcycle Thief Caught Here.
hardly likely that the wound to the and Monday was a busy day in the
♦------------------------- --------------- — ♦
The party were on their way from
Archie IxsKoy Epperson, 16 year-
Los Angeles to Beattie.
eye resulted from diving and hit­ eourt of Alta King, poliee judge.
old boy, of Myrtle Point, was ar
family through some of the most ting a rock, because the wound is
picttireaque rural districts one could not in a position to have been easily water from the same side of the rested here Tuesday forenoon by
♦------------------------------------------------ ♦
THE W. L * E. COMPANY wish to visit. To thoroughly enjoy received in that way and because river that the drowned boys did, as Deputy Sheriff Pitcher with u sto­
A freak in deer has been brought
tho clothes of tho men could not len bicycle in his possession which
the scenery he was driving at a the skin was not broken.
he admitted stealing near the high
in by O. L. Jones, who was hunting
A blaze in the fuel bin at the fairly slow rate of speed—in fact
Both were good swimmers.
have escaped attention.
in southern Oregon. Although it Western Lumber 4. Export com­ just “rolling along.” On the out-
The bodies were brought to the way not fur from the eastern out­
Little was thought of the fact
was a four-point and was shot for pany’s mill at 4:30 Wednesday af­ skirts of a village a rustic steppei si that the young mon failed to appear city and Coroner Branstetter noti skirts of Eugene.
Pitcher took the lad and bicycle
a buck it was found to be a doe. ternoon threatened the mill prop­ out from behind a elump of bushe
les Bunday. Members of the family fied but he decided that no inquest
to Eugene Tuesday afternoon and
Many huuters declare that they erty for a few minutes. Employes end waved for him to halt. Then thought they probably had left was necessary.
had never heard of a freak of that of the mill soon had two streams the ruralist pulled baek his coat with their ear, whieh thoy owned
The funeral was hold yesterday turned them over to the sheriff.
kind before bat some of the older playing on the flames and they were and displayed his »tar of office. He jointly, for a week end trip. When forenoon from the Catholic church. The theft of the bicycle had uot
wuodimen say they are found in­ quickly extinguished, although they was a constable. The motorist could they failed to appear at their work Rev. Father Curley, of Eugene, of­ yet been reported there.
frequently. Mr. Jones is of the had gained considerable headway ■ot imagine what ha had done, so Monday, the father thought it like ficiating.
1924 Forda Are In.
opinion that the doe merely imitat­ when discovered.
Th- mother died a year »go. The
he asked in amazements
ly that they had had ear trouble.
It was thought that the fire start­
ed the female in the human who
Woodson Brothers have received
“Now, constable, what law am 1 Not until the apparently abnndonod father and nine brothers and sisters
has donned panta, smoke« cigar ed from a spark from the refuse breaking! ”
car was found was any great appre­ survive. The latter are Ix>onard, a carload of Fords of tho 1924
ettea, demands the ballot and wants barner The damage was small.
who had left Post, Ore., for home model. The design has been greatly
“Well, I don’t know yet, but I'll hension felt.
to serve on juries.
look you over,” he chirped with an
It is odd that the tragedy was on the day that the bodies w< ra changed, making the ear quite a
Mores Will Be Closed Monday
Doe. may not elgally be killed,
air of great superiority. “You must not discovered Sunday, as the hole found; Frank, Post, Ore.; Leo, Mrs. nifty looking bus. The radiator has
Business of the city generally will be violating some taw, you 're driv­ is a popular one with Bunday outers Wm. Hopman, Anton, Mrs. Roy been enlarged, the front fenders
but ahe« they go so strong on
mannish ways as to wear boras the be closed upon nest Monday, which ing an automobile, ain’t you!— Evidently none visited there Bun Morris, Rosa, Clara and Laine, all have been extended and tho hood
in Labor day.
and dash have been enlarged.
taw is not likely to interfere.
Western Washington Motorist.
day, at least did not enter the of this city.
Modem Business Building Is to
Replace Landmark of Fast
Half Century.
Work will be well under way
within a few days on the Earl Hill
business block, to be erected on the
former l.urch property on the south
side of Main street between Fourth
and Fifth' streets. Tho old Lurch
residence property, u part of which
lias stood for nearly half a century
und which has long been a land­
mark, is being moved to property
on Adams avenue, two blocks south,
owned by J. F. Spray, purchaser of
tho building. The fruit, nut and
other trees, many of which also had
stood for nearly hulf a century, arc
gone and Contractor 8. L. Godard
will within u few days be pouring
tho concrete foundations of the new
building, which will bo one story
in height, havo a frontage of 128
feet aud a depth of 150 feet.
Tho wall on the west will be a
party wall with J. F. Spray, who
bus a small business block there,
aud the wall on the east will be a
party wall with E. E. Eads, who
contemplates tho erection of a new
building wnore Jones & Eaton now
conduct a feed business.
There will bo four store rooms,
one 30x90, one 50x90, one 20x90
and one 15x90, all with 14-foot
ceilings and all with warehouse
room at tho rear 60 feet in depth.
It is understood that tho size of
tho rooms has been made to accom­
modate tho wishes of prospective
Tho outside walls and tho two
main partition walls will be of hol­
low tile construction and tho front
will be stonetono stucco with plate
aud prism glass and deep recessed
windows. Tho roof will be of four-
ply fire resisting asphalt supported
by truss construction. Thero will
bo no supporting posts in any of
the storo rooms.
Work of construction will be
rushed and tho building probably
will be ready for its prospective
occupants within 90 days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore, who
returned last wook from a motor
trip which curried them as far south
as Los Angeles, were witnesses of
the great oil conflagration there,
when tho entire buy front was in
danger. A great oil reservoir, con­
taining hundreds of thousands of
gallons of oil, was in flames. Tho
reservoir burst and lot tho fluid
run down a ravine from Signal
Hill into tho ocean. Thero were but
few houses in the path of tho flames
and no loss of life resulted and only
a slight loss of property. Had tho
reservoir burst on the other side
and lot the flames run down into
tho harbor the loss would have
been tremendous.
Egg prices hero have advanced
to 82 cents, which puts the market
about 30 days ahead of schedule.
Usually prices as high a.« that do
not prevail until nfter lhe middle
of September. The reason for tho
advance at this time is the short­
age of the produet. Thu layers arc
moulting ami arc doing little for
tho egg basket. Deniers in eggs
believe that the price will reach
50 cents before Christmas.
Tho price during tho heavy laying
season dropped to 16 cents for No.
1 white.
-- --------------------------------------------#
♦------------------- ------------------ 4
Mrs, Postmaster Veateh states
positively—and a democrat has an
irritatingly positive way of stating
things—-that she is going to slay on
the job until July 1 of next year,
regardless of the anxiety of republi­
cans, some of whom thought her
term expired January 1.
She seems to have much the bet­
ter of tho argument and thero seem
to bo none, even among tho republi­
cans, who would deny Mrs. Vealch
her full term. Bho will have filled
tho position for eight years and is
not a candidate for reappointment.
Republicnn seekers after the po­
sition may get whnt satisfaction
thoy can out of tho fact that no
opponent can beat them to it for
nearly a year. The appointment is
not likely to bo made until lute
next spring or onrly in tho summer.
Bales books. The Beutinel