The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 24, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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night with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Daugherty while on their way to
Crater lake.
What is a RED TOP? Let us show
you one at the West Side Garage.
Marvin Smith left Monday eve­
ning for Albany to work for the
Mountain States Bower Co. for a
few days. He will return Sunday.
Heury Damewood returned Mon­
day from Eugene, where he had
been quite ill at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Z. L. Collins.
Fisk tires and accessories.
West Side Garage.
Think Ahead! j-*i
Think ahead! Decide right now’ that you,
too, will be a “somebody.” Start next pay
day to save a part of what you earn. Then
be determined to save SOMETHING, no mat­
ter how.little, each succeeding pay day.
When you open a Savings Account wjith this
bank, we will present you with a Liberty Bell
Savings Bank to assist you in saving. The
Liberty Bell Bank is an ornament, for any
home. It can be placed on the mantel, there
to receive the odd nickels ami dimes that you
otherwise would foolishly spend, When lull,
it can be brought to the bank, the contents
removed and credited tn your account.
Bank of Cottage Grove
are nigh and they mean several
hours of eye strain for your
youngster each day. Is he or
she qualified to stand it? Per­
haps a pair of glasses would
help, tlr those he or she now
has need changing.
At any rate, it’ll pay you to
bring the youngster here for
an examination. We’ll guaran­
tee satisfactory results.
D. J. Scholl
Factory on Premises
Cottage Grove
Mrs. W. J. White accompanied
her sisters, Misses Charlotte and
Minnie Hess, and her brother, Hen­
ry Hess, of Astoria, who had been
visiting at the White home and
who left Monday to visit Crater
lake, Diamond lake and other scen­
ic beauties in southern Oregon.
Just received, a big line of Silver
Beal tableware at Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Sudtell mo­
tored to Portland on a business and
pleasure trip, returning Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Spray re­
turned Monday night from Kitson
springs, where they had spent a
month. Mrs. Spray’s health is much
What, when and where is
this Harvest Festival? Come
and see September 1st at He-
bron bridge.
Van Allison and family motored
to Roseburg Tuesday on a business
trip and to visit Mr. Allison’s
brother, David Allison, returning
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leonard and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leonard, who
had been camping at the Hebron
bridge, returned Tuesday.
Get $2.25
package of
free with $1
vante face
i Tales of the Town
Dorf’s City Bakery—Bread
at 8c and 12c.
Mrs. Mulkey, of Mehama, Ore.,
mother of Mrs. John Teeters, of
Dorena, died Sunday evening at
her home. Her daughter had been
with her mother since Mrs. Mulkey
returned home from a visit here a
month ago and Mr. Teeters was
called to Mehama shortly before
Mrs. Mulkey’s death. Mr. and Mrs.
Teeters are expected home the lat­
ter part of this week.
Galloway writes insurance.
Three children were born Monday,
all weighing
pounds, a nui tn
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Moore moved
Monday into the Tom Alien homo
on Second street. The John McCor-
Cormick family moved into the
house or north Seventh street that
was vacated by the Moores, Tho
latter homo is the property of Mrs.
Ansco Films, Ansco Cameras. New
Era Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Witcher left
Tuesday" for Sutherlin to visit their
daughter, Mrs. Louis Allen.
George McClellan, superintendent
of the Mountain States Power com­
pany, and Z. E. Merrill, assistant
general manager, of Albany, wero
in this city Tuesday on business nnd
securing information upon the hunt­
ing grounds in this part of tho
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chadbourne,
of Portland, have been visiting
their old friends, the Frank Stiller
T. C. Mason, of Salem, is visiting
his son, Herbert Mason.
Fred Lammers left Tuesday for
What is a RED TOP? Let us'show
you one at the West Side Garage.
Cecil Caldwell and his niece, Miss
Vera Vandenburgh, of Oklahoma
City, who is a guest at the Cald­
well home, drove Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Wright to Foley springs Wednes­
day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wright
will spend a week there but Mr.
Caldwell and Miss Vandeuburgli re­
turned the same evening.
Misses Maybelle and Winifred
Coffman, of Modesto, Calif., re­
turned Monday from a week’s visit
in the Bohemia district with thoir
uncle, John Coffman, and are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Helliwoll.
Mrs. Anna McReynolds, of Oak
land, arrived Saturday to visit her
son, E. L. McReynolds, at Divide.
For everlasting tableware see the
Yourex Silver Seal at Madsen’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Fisher, of Ray­
mond, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. P.
W. Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Magee, of Salem, visited at the
P. H. Magee home the latter part
of last week.
A 9%-pound son was born August
15 to Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Perini.
Vivante, a delicate face pow­ Did you see the Harvest Fes­
der—to encourage you to give tival Posters on London road?
it a trial, you will ’•eceive free Miss Susan Camp visited during
with $1 purchase a $1.25 pack the week at Canyonville with her
age of Vivante Parfum. White sister, Mrs. G. O. McGilvery.
a24c Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown havo
Miss Ethel Rogers, of this city,
has been engaged to teach nt 141
tham the coming school year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ormandy, of
Yes, We Have No Gasoline
but we do have the most complete
line of groceries, fresh fruits and
vegetables in town.
WATERMELONS—every one guaranteed, lb__ ___ 2^c
TOMATOES—fresh, per lb...............................
CORN—Golden Bantam, per doz.............. .... .............. 20c
SUGAR—beet cane, per 100 lbs........ ........... .............. $8 90
KEGS—We have new kegs in 5, 10, 15 anti 20-gallon
sizes for pickles or krout.
FRUIT JARS—A complete line of Mason, Economy,
E Z Seal and Kerr’s wide mouth jars.
Smith-Short Grocery
Shingles, Extra Star A Star
W. L. Hubbell
You get free more than the
amount of your purchase—a
$1.25 package of Vivante Par­
fum free with $1 package of
Vivante face powder. White ,
A nine-pound son was born Fri­
day, August 17, to Mr. and Mrs.
John Dugan.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heilig, of
SiouwCity, la., who wero on tha
way to Los Angeles, visited Friday
with the N. J. Nelson Sr. family.
Why pay rent when you can own
a home for the rent! Soo Spray,
105 Main street.
George Comer, former Cottage
Grove resident, now of Portland,
visited during the past week with
friends here.
The Fred Arnold family, who had
been visiting at the home of Mr.
Arnold’s mother, Mrs. Josiah Por­
ter, returned Friday to their home
in Portland.
moved to Gretna, Ore.
Mrs. 8. A. Walkinshaw, of Eu
gene, visited the latter part of last
week with her parents, Mr. anil
Mrs. 8. Chestnut.
Have You Seen the Dollar Ansco!
New Era Drug Store.
Mrs. Harold Hopper and children
arrived last week by motor from
Idaho »nd are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Hooper’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Queen.
The Ixiuis Scholz family moved
Thursday of last week to the home
which they recently purchased on
cast Main street.
Shingles. S. L. Godard.
Clay Mosby, a graduate of O. A.
C., will teach the coming year in
Lowell high, a San Francisco school
with an enrollment of 2150 students
and 88 teachers.
D. A. Weir motored to McMinn­
ville last week and returned with
a wife, who was Mian Doria John
son, sister of his buaineaa partner,
Clyde Johnson.
For Sale—Some good second hand
sacks. Good for wheat or oats.
Beidler’s Feed Store.
Ben Lurch, former Cottage Grove
merchant, spent Friday here. He
was on his way to Ban Francisco.
Mrs. Emmett Sharp, of Eugene,
and her brother, Charles Dutton,
of Nampa, Wnsh., visited the latter
part of last week with the W. P.
Keyes family.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller went
to Newport Monday for an outing.
Are you coming to the Har­
vest Festival at Hebron bridge
Sept. 1? Everybody else is. c
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Madden,
who had been in the states for sev­
eral months and hud visited here
with Mrs. Madden’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. Hemenway, sailed
yesterday from Seattle for their
home in Yokohama, Japan. They
were accompanied by Miss Martha
Johnson, of Eugene, who will enter
the Y. W. C. A. service in Japan.
Money to loan on city or farm
property. J. F. Spray.
Mrs. E. C. Lockwood visited in
Eugene the latter part of last week
with Edna V. Sullivau.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bolton, of
Webock, Mont., who were on their
way to California, visited over Sun
day at tho W. N. Hubbell home.
Emery Goodridgo left Sunday for
Utah on a business trip.
Shingles. S. L. Godard.
The Nelson Durham and A. A.
Richmond families motored to Junc­
tion City Sunday and visited with
the Janies Smick family.
E. J. Lea and family, of Berko
ley, Calif., visited during the week
at the home of Mr. Leu’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Lea.
To introduce the Yourex Silver
ware to our customers we are giv­
ing a 10 per cent discount Friday
and Saturday.
Donna May Bartell visited dur­
ing the past week in Salem at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Charles Mil­
Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Spencer,
of Eugene, spent the week end with
Mrs. Spencer’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Ostrander.
for $1—a $1.25
Vivante Parfum
purchase of Vi-
powder. White
Stewart for good plumbing.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Graham and
daughters to Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Burkholder and Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
“Dad” Moore is back on the job
as teamster for the City transfer,
after being off a few days on ac­
count of sickness.
of Silver Lake, aro visiting at tho
home of Mrs. Pitcher’s mother,
Mrs. Ida M. Wicks, of Star, and ut
tho home of her sister, Mrs. J. E.
Woodson, of this city.
Miss Rita Kelly was in Eugene
Friday for medical attention.
What is a RED TOP? Let us show
you one at the West Side Garage.
Mrs. J. D. Anderson, who had
been visiting for a week with her
children, Mrs. Hugh Truuuell and
Albert Anderson, returned to her
home in Salem Friday. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Ruth England
and children, who will visit the
children’s grandfather, James Eng
( laud.
With $1 package of Vivante
face powder you receive free
a $1.25 package of Vivante
Parfum. White Pharmacy.
The More Faultless Bread
You Eat, the More
You Want
It’s your fault if you don’t
try Faultless Bread and
our fault if it doesn’t please.
The Cottage Grove
Electric Bakery
A carload of Old English
cement. Want some? S. L.
Mrs. L. H. Nect, of Springfield,
visited Friday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelson Sr.
Dan Beck returned Friday from
Portland, where he had been called
by the illness of his wife. Mrs.
Beck is much improved and has
gono to Newport.
Ansco Films to Fit Any Kodak
at Now Era Drug Store.
J. W. Mote went to Roseburg Fri­
day to visit a nephew, Howard
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clawson and
daughters Isabelle and Delight spent
the week end with the Homer Gal
loway family. Mr. Wheolcr is prin­
cipal of tho Wheeler high school.
Miss Perle Robinson returned
Sunday from Portland, where she
had been visiting ut the home of
her brother, George Robinson.
I have several roal bargains in
city property; also good farms,
small or large. J. F. Spray. m2tfc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair and
Mrs. Blair’s mother, Mrs. Edith
Park, of Portland, who were on tho
way to I.os Angeles by motor, vis­
ited Sunday with Mr. Blair’s par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Blair.
0. A. Bartell and John Baker
Saturday for Bilver Lako and
eastern Oregon points on a : hunting
and fishing trip.
A carload of Old English
cement. Want some? S. L.
Mr, mid Mrs. K. K. Mills mid
son Robert, accompanied by Mrs.
Mills’ mother and sister, Mrs. So-
phronia Howe mid daughter Lolu,
of Eugene, left Saturday by motor
for San Jose, Calif., where they
will visit relatives.
Miss Katharine Mendenhall, who
is attending summer school at Mon­
mouth, spent Sunday here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Men
I will uot be responsible for any
debts contracted by anyone other
than inyself.—Elmer Jones. a24s7p
Miss Forest Schneider, who is at­
tending summer school at Mon­
mouth, spent tile week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mr». J. A.
Mrs. Lillie Hathaway, who had
been visiting at tho homo of hor
sister, Mrs. Frances Gray, returned
to her home in Eugene Saturday.
Merrick Metcalf accompanied her
Mrs. Barto Perini is recovering for a visit.
at her homo near Croswell from ill
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L.
ikss which followed the death of a
sou who died an hour after birth. Godard.
Mrs. Perini was Miss Elliott
Harry Schrack, who had been
before her marriage, and is a visiting nt the home of his brother,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. J. A. Claude J. Sell rack, in I At rane, loft
Saturday for his home in M omcow ,
Galloway for insurance, 511 Main. Ida.
Mrs. Catherine Scott, of Milwau­ Mrs. Lucy Armstrong visited over
kee, Wis., an J her daughter, Mrs. the week end at the home of her
Boiton Humble, of Salem, who had sister, Mrs. F. M. Hambrick, whom
been visiting with Mrs. Scott’s she accompanied home from Eugene
aunt, Mrs. Catharine Bailer, re­ Saturday.
turned to Salem Friday, Mrs. Scott
A Better Film With a Wider
will leave soon for her home in Rango—Ansco—at New Era Drug
Fisk tires and accessories. Mrs. Pet Hanford and son and
daughter, Ren Hanford nnd Mrs. L.
West Side Garage.
Bennett, Mrs. Gladys Jackson
Mrs. Carl Pitcher ind children. P.
and Mrs. Ida Miller motored to
Halem Sunday and visited at the
home of A. D. Smith, brother of
Mrs. Hanford nnd Mrs. Miller. Mrs
Bennett met her husband there nnd
they returned to their home in Port­
Sterling Feed Co
You’ll Always Find
Your Friends
Filling their
Grocery Needs
at -----------------
her position at the Umphrey &
Mackin store Monday morning af­
ter a two weeks’ vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Umphrey and
children returned Saturday from a
motor trip of two weeks which they
spent at Crater lake, the Oregon
caves, Marshfield and Bandon.
tored to Portland Sundny anil spent
tho week end with Mrs. Kurre’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mc­
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kennedy, of
Corvallis, who wero on their way
to California, visited Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Childs and
Fisk tires and accessories. Mrs. Childs’ father, 8. W. Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eads, of Med­
West Side Garage.
ford, spent the week end at the
Woodson Brothers sold during tho home
of their son, E. E. Eads.
past week Ford touring cars to
Walter Pitcher, Frank Warren, John
Garnmn, Fred Mutter, Everett Eads,
Vinal Randall, llnttie Smith and L.
W. Hunt, a roadster to A. E. Allen,
a truck to Albert Anderson, u sedan
to Ray Watkins and a used Chevro­
let to L. W. Hunt.
Read the Louck’s Millinery
ad in another column.
Clarence A. Wegle, superintendent
last year of tho schools at Lorane,
was hero last week on a motor trip
from his homo in Wisconsin. He
was accompanied by a brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hughes, of
Mill City, visited during tho past
week with Mr. Hughes’ parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holstroui and
children, of Wendling, attended tho
funeral Friday at Dorena of Mrs.
Holstrom’s grandfather, Allen Kirk.
Rov. and Mrs. E. G. O. Groat
visited Friday and Saturday at
homo of Mrs. Groat’s parents,
and Mrs. Z. L. Cox. This is
first time Rev. Groat has been
since ho fell and injured bis hip
several months ago.
W. M. Morelock has purchased
from Herbert Eakin tho residence
property at Fifth and Whiteaker.
Mr. Morelock has had the old houso
torn down and will immediately
begin tho erection of a now homo.
E. C. Lockwood returned Friday
from a business trip to McMinnville.
Glen Thomason, grandson of H.
II. Quimby, sustained a fracture of
the loft arm Thursday of last week
while at play.
Mrs. Charles L. Crout, who had
been visiting at the homo of her
cousin, Mrs. Ray Baker, returned
Saturday to her home in Portland,
accompanied by Olivo McCue, of
Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Maekin and
children left Monday for Nowport
for an outing of two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boidler and
daughter Madelle loft Tuesday for
an outing at Newport.
Mrs. Clarence Anderson spent the
week ond in Newport.
Mrs. Edna V. Sullivan, of Eu­
gene, spent the week end hero with
her mother, Mrs. Surah Kerr.
The J. F. Knox family have re­
turned from a visit with relatives
in California.
8. L. Maekin has sold his lots on
Second street to Mr. Gerard, of
Portland, who is planning to build
a bungalow before bringing his
family here to make this city their
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. McFarland
nnd sons Rex and Millard are at
Bandon on an outing. Charles
Newlin is taking Mr. McFarland’s
place us night marshal.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Carr, of Grants
Pass, visited Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Madsen.
LeRoy Hunter, of Arlington, who
hud been at Klamath Falla visiting
a brother, stopped over here and
spent the week end with his wife’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Brown. He returned Monday to his
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motter, who
motored to Eugene Sunday, called
on Dan Minogue, who is in tho hos­
pital there. They reported that ho
is recovering nicely.
and Mrs. Ernest Kurro mo '
Mrs. C. C. Cruson and Mrs. O. L.
Nichols and daughter Donna nra
spending the week in Portland.
Wade Mosby and Ray Weldon
returned Sunday from Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wire, of
Newberg, visited Wednesday of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wil­
Get fl out of fl With Ansco Film.
New Era Drug Store.
Paul Meyer, who hnd been in
Oregon for a year, left Munday for
his home in Greenwood, Wis.
Miss Beulah Hanna returned
new Lady Helen pattern in
Yourex Silver Seal Tnblownro dis­
played in tho window at Madsen ’».
Mrs. J. T. Allison, who had been
visiting in Grunts Puss nnd Rose
burg with relatives, returned Wed­
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westrope, of
Wildwood, havo returned from a
trip to California points and also
stops at Crater hike and Klamath
Mrs. I. J. Clark is receiving hos-
pital treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lock wood,
accompanied by California grtests,
wero in Eugene Wednesday on busi-
Miss Nora Queen is homo from
Monmouth, after completing her
course at tho normal there.
Mrs. Harold Hopper and children,
of Nampa, Ida., are visiting Mrs.
Hopper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Queen. Miss Milota Bryson, of
Nampa, is also at the Queen home
visiting Miss Nora Queen.
Ralph Awbrey, formerly of this
city, was married August 6 to Lena
Biard, of Heppner.
Mrs. George Lammers returned
yesterday from Oakridge, whore sho
had been visiting her husband and
Rons, Ralph nnd Phillip, who are
working there.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Woodson and
Tod Mnyis, who had been in I Port-
land attending the Ford industrial
and agricultural exhibition, returned
homo yesterday.
fight for
S ani — >
TATI o n J
S an Í tation ^
X/ 1tie Plumber;
and Fountain
There’s a splendid array of
Fisk tire« and accezaorie«.
West Side Garage.
Calapooya Springs
will be full an<l heated from
Tuesday afternoon to 11
o’clock p. in. Sunday of ev­
ery week during the season.
Water kept at a delightful
temperature, Slide, spring­
board and bucking barrel
will furnish amusement for
1922 tickets good during
at tho
Ice Cream
Gray Goose Tea Room
A Good Place to Eat