The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 10, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Tales of the Town ,
Clifford McGee, who came here
io attend the funeral of hi« father,
Myron McGee, received a telegram
Tuesday morning saying his wife
,as critically ill and left at once
or his home in Los Angeles. He
was accompanied by his brother,
.Fumes McGee.
Z. L. Cox, who returned last we< k
from his vacation very ill, is ini
proving slowly.
Mrs. Bessie Sutcliffe and her
(laughter, Mrs. E. M. Monson, re­
turned Sunday from a visit in
The O. W. Hays family returned
Sunday from their ranch near Mon­
roe, where they had been for six
Friday, August 10—“Backbone,” with
Alfred Lunt and Edith Roberts. The north
woods drama of fighting men and beauti­
ful women. And a Semon coinedv, “The
Saturday, August 11—Tom Mix in “Just
Tony.” A story of Tom Mix’s horse. And a
comedy, “Clothes and Oil.”
Sunday-Monday, August 12-13—“Kick
In,” with Betty Compson, Bert Lytell, May
McAvoy and others. You’ll say it’s drama
rich and racy. And a comedy, “Dad’s Boy.”
Tuesday-Wednesday, August 14 and 15—
“Hunting Big Game in Africa.” See the
ferocious beasts of impenetrable Africa
pictured in their native haunts. The most
thrilling motion picture record ever
brought back from far-off Africa. Don’t
miss the greatest of all shows—mightier,
bigger, more thrilling than any show on
earth! Something in it for every member
of your family.
Thursday, August 16—“Trimmed in
Scarlet,” with Kathlyn Williams and an
exceptional cast. International News ami
Felix, the Cat.
Friday, August 17—William Hart in
“(’old Deck,” and a Snub Pollard comedy,
“The Old Sea Dog.”
Mrs. J. T. Allison is visiting her went to Silverton to visit at the
son, Jack Allison, in Grants Pass.
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Frank Culver, who i» in the meat Jacobsen, former residents here, and
market business at Bandon, is vis- Mr. Godard went on to Portland to
iting hero with hi» brother Harry. attend to business. Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Bertha Cox, of the Fair Godard returned Wednesday, Ixila
store, has gone to North Bend to remaining in Silverton for a weeks’
A crowd which exceeded all ex­
spend her vacation.
pectation», estimated to have been
Mrs. E. G. O. Groat returned Sun- 8how Picture* of Martyr Presidents. at least 8900, attended the stampede
performance put on Sunday at Lon­
day from a visit in Yoncalla.
The Graham Picture shop has got­
The David Sterling family mo- ten up a window in keeping with don springs by men who had per­
formed in round-ups at Pendleton.
torod to Scottsburg Sunday.
the fact that today is given over
wa» hardly parking space for
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stoneburg and to the memory of our late presi­ There
their guests, Mr. and Mr». H. John­ dent. Pictures of Lincoln, Garfield, the motor car», estimated at 2000.
The performance included broncho
son, of Eau Claire, Wi»., nnd Mrs. McKinley and Harding aro appro­ busting,
riding bucking steers, ete.
Nelson DeYoung, daughter of the priately displayed.
While it wa» not in the class with
Stoneburgs, motored to Hood River
performances, the
the first of the week. The Johnsons
Card of Thanks.
crowd seemed well pleased. The
left from there for their homo in
Wo wish to ex pres» to neighbors same performance was put on the
and friends our appreciation of their day before but the crowd was not
Mrs. O. H. Willard, who
kindness and assistance during our nearly so large. The Sunday crowd
suffering for »ix week»
recent bereavement.
The floral wa» the largest that ever has gath­
fractured shin bone, which she sus­ tributes were especially appreciated. ered at London.
tained in
alOc Mrs. M. A. McGee and Family.
The big swimming tank at the
Monday for the first time since the
hotel was filled with bathers most
of the time of the two days.
Avery Hartzell I» Injuted.
Free Delivery
Phone 46
Mr. and Mra. C. O. Anderson
Avery Hartzell, who had been
spent the week end in Portland.
working at the Walter Woodard WOODS SERVICE STATION
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jost, of Rose mill for several week», slipped
burg, who had been visiting with as he was leaving the mill Wednes­
W. J. Woods will open tomorrow
Mrs. Jost’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. day, struck some cogs with his
O. H. Willard, left Monday on a right hand and almost severed the the Cottago Grove service station
which ho has erected nt the north­
motor trip to Crater lake, the Ore­
Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell will visit west corner of the Main and Fifth
gon caves and other points of in­
street» intersection. Mr. Woods is
terest in southern Oregon.
Mrs. A. I.. Autin, of Portland, and Mr». P. H. Magee, while Mr. well known, as he was manager of
the Htandard Oil »tntion at one
and Mrs. Walter Palmountaiu, of
time, going to Albany from here.
1.0» Angeles, are visiting their
Another Service Station.
He learned to like Cottage Grove
mother, Mrs. Vos Wallaee.
Earl Harkleroad ha» commenced so well while a resident that he
Naomi Burkett is recovering from work on a new service station on wasn’t happy until he got back
an operation for the removal of her north Ninth street near the bridge. here.
Make your wife a present of a
He anticipates that it will be com­
A 9%-pound »on was born August pleted within 20 day».
Local Cars Lock Horns.
7 to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Smith. He
The J. E. Loucks Overland and
has been named Samuel Veateh &
the G. A. Hardin Studebaker locked
horns Tuesday noon at the Sixth
N. W. White was in Eugene ♦----------------------------------------------- ♦ and Main streets intersection. No
Tuesday on business.
Mrs. O. E. Woodson, Mrs. C. E. one was injured and the car» were
Mrs. Clarence Anderson is suf- Umphrey and Mr». Roy Leonard not greatly damaged. Jt wa» said
fering with an 1 injured left eye, were hostesses Friday afternoon at that Mr. Loucks had the right of
with an “in- a surprise shower complimenting way. Both cars resumed their way
which was i.„
visible” hairpin.
a recent bride, Mrs. Raymond Jones, on their own power.
Cecil Caldwell suffered during the formerly Miss Neita Hazleton. The
and yourst'lf a present of $30.25 by making the purchase
H. L. Fowler Hurt in Accident.
week with a touch of tonsilitis.
afternoon was pleasantly spent in
on or before August 15
R. T. McCuy, railway station social conversation. Delightful re­ thumb of his right hand in nn acci­
agent at. Fredericksburg, <>., with freshments wero served and the dent at the Overholser mill Tues­
his family, spent the week end at honor guest was presented with an day. The physician believes that it
interesting array of lovely gifts for
tho DoLong homo.
will bo possible to save the member.
Billy Weston Woods, of Portland, her new homo. The guest» wero The rope which held the cutoff
is spending his vacation with his
broke nnd allowed the saw to swing
grandmother, Mrs. Helen M. De- Chambers, Mrs. Victor Chambers, against Mr. Fowler’s hand.
I sing.
Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. W. A. Hogato,
J. F. Spray Sells Residence.
E. M. Monson, who recently com­ Mr». Omer Moore, Mr«. Albert Wood­
J. F. Spray has sold his east Main
pleted tho now Pacific highway ard, Mrs. Charles Beidler, Mrs. lima
bridge over tho Coast fork just Beager, Mra. J. A. Wright, Mrs. O. street residence to J. N. Henderson,
north of the city, has gone to east­ L. Nichols, Mrs. Andrew Brand, of Lewiston, Ida., who will take
ern Oregon to superintend another .Mr». J. F. Knox and Mrs. Elbert possession August 20. Mr. Spray r
has purchased the David McFar-
bridge construction job. Mrs. Mon­ Bede.
land place on old north Pacific
son and tho children will remain
hero with Mrs. Monson’s mother,
Tho Modern Woodmen lodge will highway.
Mrs. Bessie Sutcliffe.
hold a social session Tuesday eve­
Methodist Church—Rev. J. H.
Ray Sutor paid a fine of $15 in ning at which Grant Tower, who
services will be
police court August 5 for intoxica­ has been clerk of the camp for Ebert, , . pastor. All
many years, will bo tho guest of held in the church agnin next Sun­
day, August 12. Sunday school at
Miss Stella Adams was taken to honor. A large portion of the time 9:45; morning worship at 11, Ep
the hospital Monday, Iler case has will be taken up in disposing of a worth league at 7, evening service
bounteous repeat which the women
not been diagnosed.
nt 8. Everybody is welcome to at­
Willis Nowell, who recently mus ­ of the camp are to prepare and tend all of these services.
We have an expert on the job who knows how. A trial
tained a broken leg, ís in a Port- most of the remainder of the time
will be used to toll Mr. Tower some
will prove this statement.
land sanitarium for treatment.
School Attendance In Lane.
of the nice things the members of
Lane county had 10,166 children
Miss Dessie Harms, who is with the camp think of him. Ho has
the Meier & Frank storo in Port made quite a reputation as a lodge in school during the last term, ac­
land, is visiting with her mother, clerk and the members of the lodge cording to a recent report by Su­
Mrs. Sarah Harms.
aro taking this method of showing
R. R. McDonald and family, of, their appreciation of his untiring were boys and 5117 were girls. In
the high schools there were 867
laikeviow, visited briefly Wednes­ efforts in their behalf.
boys and 990 girls, a total of 1853.
day at the home of Mr. McDonald’s
cousin, Mrs. R. L. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Caldwell en­
Ralph Chestnut has purchased the tertained nt dinner Bunday in honor
H. O. Bennett property on Villard of their daughter, Mrs. Jesse Vnnden-
for I ohh of appetite, I mm I breath,
burgh, of Oklahoma City, who ia vis­
eourt and north Tenth street.
coated tongue, biliousness.
Without griping or nauita
Tho Milne children have bought iting here. Other guests were Mr.
the Lydia Stouffer residence prop­ and Mrs. C. H. VanDenburg. Miss
erty on Villard court for their
Mrs. E. W. Caldwell. Tho Vnnden
mother, Mrs. J S. Milne.
Set your liver right—only 25c
Misses Euln and Hazel Morris, of burghs and VanDonburgs are dis­
Albany, aro visiting their grand­ tantly related.
parents, Mr. anil Mrs. B. F. Morris,
Tho Kensington club met Friday
and their aunt, Mrs. C. C. Fouts.
of last week at the home of Mrs.
Mrs. Curl King, of Marshfield, is Walter Fullmer. The members took
visiting with her husband’s parents, their picnic dinners and celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. King.
the seventy-third birthday anniver­
Helen Breedlove went to Eugene sary of Mrs. Alicia Harrington, one
Wednesday to receive optical treat­ of their members.
♦ ♦ ♦
ment .
Mount View Society.
J. H. Dexter and family, of Port­
Mrs. W. D. Heath was the guest
land, who wero on their way to
Klamath Falls, visited Wednesday of honor at a birthday dinner given
the Gray Goose tea room in Cot­
with tho W. M. Morelock family.
Guard McGilvery, of Walla Wal­ tage Grove Saturday by her daugh­
Mrs. I.. R. Long. Other guests
la, who was a resident of Cottage ter,
ucsoiit were Mr. Heath, Addison
Grove 18 years ago, is visiting at death
and Miss Martini Jackson.
the homo of his uncle, 1*. H. Magee.
Rev. Hammer, a Free Methodist
John W. McCormick and Miss
minister from Alberta, is visiting Augusta Garoutto were married
with Rev. D. 8. Forrester. He is on Wednesday afternoon at the Metho­
his way to Roseburg to conduct a dist parsonage, Rev. J. H. Ebert
series of meetings.
officiating. They will make their
Au eight-pound daughter was home on east Main street. Mr. Mc­
born Wednesday morning to
Cormick has been a resident here a
anil Mrs. Oscar lx'e, of Rujada.
year and conducts the park grocery
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hhirly nnd store. Miss Garoutto is a member
tho pioneer Howe Garoutto
son I’niil, who had been visiting
with Mrs. Shirley’s parents, Mr. ily, was born hero nnd is
and Mrs. John Ogden, left yester­ known throughout this entire
day morning for their home in tion.
Silk Creek Society.
Miss l’enrl Hall, of Lakeview, is
Tho wedding of Miss l’earl Ashby,
a guest at the J. Q. Willits home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gleason aro daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
here from Washington visiting at Ashby, to Mr. Claire Parks, of Clo­
tho home of Mrs. Gleason’s parents, verdale. was held at 4 o’clock Sun
day afternoon at the home of the
Mr. and Mra. P. H. Magee.
bride ’a parents. The service was
Miss Mildred Hurley is clerking performed by Rev. Elkins, of Eu­
nt Kent’s for Drags.
it delicious supper wax
Misses Fern and Ellin Harris, served, after which the happy young
who had been visiting with their couple left for Eugene, where they
aunt, Mrs. John l’onsford, returned will make their homo for the pres­
Wednesday to their home in Salem. ent. The decorations of the house
Tho banks of the city will be were sweet peas, asparagus and
closed all day today out of respect myrtle. Several baskets hung from
—when all the homes of the country have had Electric Ranges for
the ceiling ig and were joined by
to tho late President Harding.
st reamers, The couple received many ,
a few years. Let your wife cook by wire instead of fire, which will
Woodson Brothers received a car­ pretty and useful presents, Those I
give her time to enjoy herself, to improve her mind and to fix her­
load of Fords yesterday morning. iresent besides members of the I
I'raetieally all are sold.
iride’s family were the parents and |
self up daintily for the lord oi the mansion when he arrives home.
W. E. Burkett returned Tuesday two sisters of the bridegroom, of
Few realise how much these little things mean in the happiness of
evening from Oakland, whore he
things about the home.
had been attending a camp meet­ Cottago Grove.
Mount View Society.
Mrs. Minnie Johnson and daugh­
Then, too, the food is prepared so perfectly by thin modern method
A family party in honor of Miss i
ter, Miss Betty Johnson, who had
ami the statement that the way to a man’s heart is through his
been visiting al tho homo of Mrs.
stomach has never been disputed.
Johnson’s sister Mra. Harry Grube, here, picnicked above London Sun i
and at the Schofield Stewart home, day afternoon. In the group were;
left yesterday morning for I x»s Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath and son |
Addison, Miss Jackson and Mias
Bernadine Schneider; Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Kay Godard visited ia Ku Fred Frost and son Harry, Blue i
gene over the week end at tho Mountain; Mr. and Mr». ’ J. W.
aunt. Mrs. E.
E R. Spen
home of her aunt,
­ Fisher. Thornton Corner»; Mra. L. i
R. Ix>ng. Cottage Grove; Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. 8. I*. Godard and Mr*. S E Ixiwry and children.
Cook by Wire Instead of Fire
daughter Lola motored to Salem Walker; Miss Marian Lowry, Eu |
Tuesday. Mra. Godard nnd Lola gene.
Cold Meats
When the day is warm and you know
your family doesn’t care much about
eating a heavy meal, come to us for
some delicious Cold Meat suggestions.
Quality Market
A Present of $30.25
New Model Eden
Washing Machine
Home Made Sausage
Cottage Grove Service Station
Fifth and Main Street
Open Sat, August 11
--------------------- for---------------------
Gasoline, Oil
Greasing and
Block wood and planer trimmingn, the load
Slab wood, the cord.......................................
Morelock & Haney
Successors lo IL. W. Lancaster
Phone 167-.I
W. L. Darby & Co.
Eugene Music Shop
Pianos and
$550 piano (now second hand) a real snap, only $225.
Guaranteed. See it at Darby's. New Werner piano,
wonderful tone, special at $375-^25 down. $10 a month
Eugene Munie Shop:
I am interested in Piano (
nt about $
Will you call or send literaturef
Add reus.....
W. L Darby & Co.
Cottage Grove
) Phonograph (
Home Cooked Meats
Divorce Courts Will Go
Out of Business
Mountain States Power Co