i DELIGHT VALLEY. to The Sentinel.) 25.—Little Donald Nixon, I who Joly (Special underwent an operation last WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR FRUIT JARS, JAR RUBBERS, JAR CAPS AND JELLY GLASSES. Buy Fruit BUY RUBBERS AND JAR CAPS 5c Mason pints, doz............. 80c Gray rubbers, doz...... White rubbers, 3 doz 25c Mason quarts, doz.............. 95c 10c Mason half gallons, doz.. $1.30 Red cold pack, doz..... Mason lids, doz........... 25c 55c Economy lids, 2 doz... Mason Ideal Glass Tops Kerr self seal lids, wide mouth. Pints, doz.... ................. 95c 2 doz........................................ 38c $1.20 Kerr self seal lids, narrow Quarts, doz......... $1.65 mouth, 2 doz....................... 28c Half gallons, doz Just declined 50c per KN) Pounds Get Our Price Before You Buy SUGAR Mason Ideal Wide Mouth Jars Fruit Pectin, bottle.... Pints, doz....................... $1.05 Paraffine, box............. Jelly Glasses Quarts, doz.......... ............ $1.30 the doz .... _................... Half gallons, doz.................$1.75 25c 20c 45c WE SELL EOR ('ASH AN!) WE SULL FOR LESS week for the removal of tonsils and I adenoids, is recovering nicely. Arthur Bailey and son, of Ponn- I WANTADS ! ; LOANS—PLENTY OF MONEY for city loans, pay as much each month as you want to, also farm loans at 5 per eent interest an­ nually. F. J. Berger, 830 Willamette street, Eugene, Ore.. jnel5tfc FOR SALE— 15 H. P. GENERAL Electric slow speed motor. J. H. Bartels. jne29tfc OLD BAGS WANTED—NOTHING less than 2 feet square. Must be clean and of material that will ab­ sorb gasoline; old underclothing, flannels and the like preferred. Can not use old socks, mercerized or hard surface goods or small pieces of any kind. We want tho beat rags and pay the best price, 5 cents the pound. The Sentinel. tf FOB BALE OB TRADE—A FOBD light delivery. See Charle» Hull or Geo. H. Brainard. jly6tfc WANTED—SHAWLS TO KNIT. »1 .60 for 16-ounco shawl Could leavo yarn at rest room. Phone jly20a3p 14-F2. Mr». Colin Handy. I WILL TRADE MY TEAM OF horses for eight cords of wood and $15. M. E. Pettet, Saginaw, Oro. jly20a3p FOR BALE OB TRADE—13 ACRES of A-No. 1 river bottom land, all under cultivation; good for garden or graiu; 1(4 miles east of town on good road. Chas. A. Beidler, 635 First St., Cottage Grove. jly27al0p EAT WITH HOI,MAN, OPPOSITE Ford garage, Main St. Everything clean and sanitary. First, class home cooking and sorvico. Day or week terms. jly27al7p FOR SALE OR TRADE—23 ACRES % mile southwest of Saginaw. Half cleared, plenty of wood, good spring, 4-room house, good barn, two hen houses, small brooder and incu­ bator houses. C. C. Moody, Saginaw, Oro. jly27al0p IVAN E. WARNER, Save Money Now and buy Western Lumber Company’s MANAGER Ballot for the American legion Bathing Beauty ONE VOTE FOR (Deposit in ballot box at the Gray Goose, Elite or Bon Ton) HOUSE WANTED—I WANT TO rent modern house. Close to high school preferred. F. L. Grannis, 1044 Jackson St.. Eugene. jly27al0p FOR SALE—A SIGHTLY REHI donee property outside city limits with view of city nnd country; 8 rooms, small fruit, acre of land. Will take Jackson county or Port­ land property in trade. G. B. Arnest, Cottage Grove. jly27alOp WANTED—25 HEAD OF GOOD Homo folk« waste onough energy dairy cows, freshening in August defending some proposition that or September. J. W. Veateh, Cot everybody believe* in to make con­ tngo Grove. jly27al0 siderable headway with some propo­ sition that has not yet become pop­ FOR SALE—MONARCH RANGE, ular. good as new. N. E. Glass. jly27n3c vacation kit, put a bottle of SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED for 9-month term. Address Mrs. Wm. E. Norman, Drew, Ore. n3c CHAMBERLAIN’S MONEY FOR YOU—PAY CASH FIRST IN THE SUMMER COLIC and DIARRHOEA for your wantnds and get three REMEDY insertions for tho price of two. tfp Invaluable for sudden and severe pains in stomach and bowels, cramps, diar­ rhoea. When needed - worth 50 time« the coat for ainxle dose. Don’t Be a Slave to a Stove— WK ARE STARTING A NIGHT shift, beginning August 13, anil will need tho following men. Write, wire or phone Cottage Grovo No. 50 during day or 115-J during evening for information: 1 offbearer head I head marker 1 2nd marker t'g 1 edgernmn 9 chainmen 2 truck rustlers 1 slabman 2 tractor drivers 1 eutoff man 1 trimmer spot- 1 rip sawyer tor 1 rip sawyer off- 1 resawyor bearer 1 resaw helper 2 trimsawuien 1 cleanup man 2 men sort in 2 lath stock yard pickers 2 planer loaders 1 lath puller 2 car loaders 1 tallyman 1 bolter man Day 1 lath shover 4 car loaders 3 men for wood 2 tallymen 1 millwright (op- erating) 2 pond men 2 doggers 1 oiler Cull for Arthur on phone. ag3-10c When a woman finds that she can do bet­ ter cooking than ever before, do it with the utmost economy of fuel and food, and at the same time free herself from the necessity of standing guard over a hot stove, she is likely to do something about it. BOY WANTED—POSITION OPEN when school begins for eighth grade or high school boy who can work one hour before school, two hours after school and all day Sat­ urdays. Must be one with ambition for future. Tho Sentinel. a3 17p Automatic Electric Ranges FOUND—ROLL OF TtXXJS, PROB ably off of auto or motorcycle. E. J. Edwards, phono 86 Y. 151 Old Pacific highway north. a3p are getting all of these desirable results for thousands of women. The Electric Ranges we carry in stork are those with really reliable automatic control, and this control of time and temperature is one of the t.lungs that makes them so econom­ ical to use. Nor is the price as high as careless talk may have led you to think. Our prices are lower than anywhere else for the reason we buy in large quantity and give our customer the benefit for this quantity discount. A small payment down and easy payments make it ¡Missiblr to own one ot these wonderful time, health and labor savers. Mountain States Power Co FOR SALE- —FINE 4-YEAR-OLD Percheron horse, well broke, sound and true; 1400 lb«.; will make 1600 lbs. Also largo hand power feed cutter, almost new, and a 2 horse • John Deere cultivator, cheap. Win L. Leonard, Saginaw, Ore. nug3-17p LOOSE HAY FOR SALE—MRS. S. E. Blair, corner Sixth and Wash­ ington. »K-lp FOR SALE—AMERICAN STEEL hay press in best of condition. Jesse TmnneU, phone 17 F12. Loa- don road. ______ _____ a-.'r1 DAIRYMEN! WOOD-LARK EU REPELLANT sylvaiua, who are visiting in Ln gene, »pent last Friday at the E. J. Sears home. Irene and Eleanor Smith, of Ma bel, are spending several weeks at the home of their aunt, Mr». Law­ rence Brown. W. E. and Hugh Nixon and J. A. Joll were in Eugene Saturday. Mis» Elsie Tebbe, of Yreka, Calif., has been a guest at the C. H. Haight home the pust two week». She expect» to return home Sunday. Mr. and Hrs. L. M. Powell are now ut Lewiston, Ida. J. A. Joll ha» a now Ford sedan and Lee Nixon has a new touring car. Misses Mary and Myrtle Snauer and Henry Snauer wore Sunday vis­ itors at the Alfred Cornutt home. Mr. and Mr». Harry Conner, of Eugene, spent the week eud at the C. C. Conner home. The John Walden family, of Eu­ gene were Sunday guests at the M. A. Horn home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nixon at­ tended camp meeting in Cottage Grovo Sunday and were dinner guests at the C. A. Moore home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Young and »on, of San Francisco, visited ovor 1778—Bl