The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 03, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. Sophronia Jessup, of Boise,
Fisk tires and accessories.
Ida., is expected to arrive today West Side Garage.
from Eugene, where she is visiting
Virgil Powell, who graduated this
relatives, to visit for some time at
the home of her niece, Mrs. K. K. year from O. A. C., has gone to
South Bend, Wash., where ho will
bo a civil engineer on the dredge
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L. Oregon. Mr. Powell, who had been
visiting for a few days at Grants
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Mills and Pass, passed through Cottage Grove
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woods motored on his way north Monday to take
to Grants Pass Saturday afternoon, up his duties Wednesday.
and went from thero Sunday for a
A real camora for one dollar.
trip through the Oregon caves.
New Era Drug Store.
A fino enlargement with $3 worth
J. G. Cana arrived Tuesday night
of work at Graham’s Picture Shop. by motor from Sun Luis Obispo,
Calif., for a visit at tho James
Robison home. Mrs. Cann, who is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robi­
Shingles. S. L. Godard.
son, has been here and in Portland
for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill were in
Mrs. Orpah Benson nnd daughter
Eugene Monday on business.
Miss Mary Ellen were in Eugene
Mrs. G. B. Pitcher and Miss Ethel
Rogers were in Eugene Monday
Mrs. J. V. Stewart, of this city,
accompanied by Mrs. Houghton and
Mr. and Mrs. Denny, of Eugene,
will leave tomorrow for Cedar
Falls, Ia., where they will attend
tho uational convention of Ladies
of the Orient. They will visit Chi­
cago on the trip and return by way
of San Francisco.
For Salo—Some good second hand
sacks. Good for wheat or oats.
Bcidler’s Feed Store.
Virgil Powell left the latter part
of last week for a visit at Grants
Mrs. Edna Sullivan, of Eugene,
spent the week end here with her
mother, Mrs. Sarah Kerr.
We Want the Accounts
of Housewives
We want the accounts of housewives—women
who arc earnestly trying to help their hus-
bands in the struggle for financial indepen-
We want to help them save more and yet
live well—and enjoy the protection of this
strong established bank. —
Don’t hesitate to
consult us any time we can be of service.,
Our advice and assistance is always at your
Bank of Cottage Grove
Has This
to You?
Cottage Grove, and Alta W. Barrett,
of Eugene.
Virgil Gowdy spent the week end
in Portland on business.
An Ansco camera free with $10
worth of merchandise. New Era
Durg Store.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kcm and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Holleran left Sun­
day on a motor trip to Portland
mid Seaside for tho greater part of
the week.
Galloway writes insurance.
Mrs. R. 8. Crawford, of Sidney,
Ia., is visiting at the homo of her
niece, Mrs. 8. L. Mackin. Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Yowell, of Wooley, Ida.,
were guests last week at the Mnckin
H. J. Shinn last week purchased a
new Studebaker light six touring
car from Long & Cruson.
Why pay rent when you can own
a home for the rent! Soo Spray,
105 Main street.
Mrs. Harriet Blashficld and son
Billy, Miss Nellie Myers and Elbert
Smith Jr. returrfed Wednesday from
a visit of several days with M r. and
Mrs. B. M. Hawley on Sharp’s
creek. The Elbert Smiths and Miss
Sue L. Badollet, of Eugene, who
was a week end guest at tho Smith
home, joined them and the Haw­
leys Sunday and picnicked above
wall rock.
Hold a regular position by having
an ad every week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson
bought a new Ford coupe of Wood-
son Brothers Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeWald
have gone to Canyonville for the
harvesting season.
White’s Pharmacy—will al-
ways use you that way.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wheeler and
daughter June are guests this week
at Bart’s Inn at Lundpark, where
Mrs. C. A. Bartell and Donna May
Bartell are spending the summer.
Miss Vera Scott and Miss Charlotte
Cooper, who spent two weeks there,
returned the first of the week.
Loren Blackford, Donna May’s
brother, will return to Portland to­
day, after spending three weeks nt
the inn.
If your hair is now falling, a bald
head will soon follow. For a posi­
tive cure see J. W. Mote, 143 north
K street, Cottage Grove.
Miss Luella Knowlton is here
from Dexter to spend a month with
her grandmother, Mrs. 8. E. McKin­
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Allison and
two daughters returned Sunday
from a month’s outing at Belknap
Big Reduction on
Mason Tires
Standard Guarantee
30x3l/j Wellington fab $8.75
30x3 Maxi-Mile fab....... 8.25
30x3% Maxi-Mile fab... 9.45
30x3'/» Maxi-Mile cot'd..l0.65
32x3% corda................... 17.95
31x4 cords.......................19.50
32x4 cords.......................19.95
33x4 cords...................... 20.55
34x4 cords...................... 21.15
32x4 fa cords................... 26.40
33x4% cords...................27.00
34x4% cords.... . ............ 27.80
33x5 cords...................... 36.70
35x5 cords...................... 38.55
37x5 cords.
Compare these prices with
prices elsewhere—nuf sed!
Nelson’s service station unloaded
another car of Gray automobiles
E. J. Fraley, of Ashland, who is
attending tho Epworth league con­
vention, is visiting at the home of
Albert Anderson, an acquaintance
of boyhood days.
An Ansco enmora free with $10
worth of merchandise. New Ere
Drug Store.
W. M. Moreloek returned yester­
day morning from a motor trip to
Coos bay. He left thero at 6 o’clock
Wednesday night aud arrivod hero
at 3 a. in.
Fisk tires and accessories.
West Side Garage.
Mrs. Horaco Cochran and threo
daughters and Robert Norman mo­
tored up from Roseburg yesterday.
They were accompanied by Miss
Ruth Bede, who had spent a week
with tho Cochrans.
Oil monopolies threaten to curtail
output of oil in ordor to keep prices
up. Strengthen the hands of tlio
Sage-Olson oil company in their
efforts to increase tho output, by
buying stock. Soo Tom Awbrey, at
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell and niece
Mary Grace and Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Williams loft Tuesday for their
home in St. Paul, Minn., nfter a
visit at tho home of A. G. Williams,
soa of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams had been
here since last winter. Tho Bells
arrived about two weeks ago.
W. L. Hubbell
I Tales of the Town
If You Serve Coffee
Our Big Soap Assortment
and Bucket Sale
$1.35 Value, all for.
Merchants! Your salesbooks.
Place your order with The Sen­
tinel 60 days before you must
have them.
Mrs. Fannie Davis and Miss Dor
othy Davis, of Lincoln, Neb., and
Miss Joanne Hall, of Waitsburg,
Wash., mother, sister and niece of
Mrs. W. J. Woods, are visiting at
the Woods home.
Notice—There will be a meeting
It is not necessarily
of the Shields Cemetery association
Saturday evening at 8 o ’clock in
the age of the per-
W. O. W. hall.
son, but the condi­
tion of
Billy, who had been visiting with
which determine
Miss Nellie Myers and the Elbert
White’s—for patent medicine
whether glasses are
Smith family, left yesterday morn­
other prepared medicines.
needed or not.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith and
Hood River. G. W. Myers accom­
Mrs. Ruring and son, of North
panied them for a brief visit.
Weak eyes should be
Cement. S. L. Godard.
Spirella corsets. Phone 137-R. a3p Bend, stop[a-d hero yesterday for a
assisted — made
Miss Dorris Sikes, who has re­
few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs.
signed her position with The Senti­
strong. Glasses—the
Herbert Eakin. They aro on their
Fisk tires and accessories. nel, will spend next week at Bart ’s
right kind—serve as
way to Portland, where tho Smiths
West Side Garage.
Inn at Lundpark with Mrs. C. A.
will locate.
a preventive and a
John and Harold Dunn, of Eu­ Bartell and Donna May Bartell be­
Get 6 out of 6 with Ansco Speed-
gene, visited over the week end fore going to Dexter, where she will
ex film. New Era Drug Store.
at the home of their aunt, Mrs. visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
If in the slightest
Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Blair, of
Thos. Sikes.
Robert Stewart.
Portland, spent Wednesday night at
doubt as to the real
Special price on stand frames at
Lester Childs returned Monday
home of Mr. Blair’s parents,
Graham’s Picture Shop.
condition of your
from a business trip to Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blair.
eyes we suggest that
Hold a regular position by having
Mrs. F. A. Smyth and daughter
daughters, of Albany, nnd her niece,
an ad every week.
you-come here for an
Miss Clara, of Berkeley, Dr. Mar­
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Perkins have Miss Esther Knepp, of Pennsylva­
garet Smyth, of Stockton, Miss
moved here from Toledo. They have nia, visited Thursday and Friday
Margaret Smyth, of Ross, and Mrs.
purchased one of the T. M. Doak with W. C. Hauser and family.
Albert Jongenoel and daughter Miss
Galloway for insurance, 511 Main.
properties on tho west side.
Frances, of Berkeley, left Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sherwood, of
Miss Katharine Mendenhall, who
by motor for their homes after
is attending summer school nt Mon­ Portland, who visited several days
spending two weeks in Oregon.
mouth, was homo over the week of the past week with Mr. Sher­
While in this state they visited at
wood’s mother, Mrs. W. Thresher,
the Herbert Eakin home in thin city
Factory on Premises
Brick, tile, hearth tile. S. L. left Wednesday for Ashland.
visiting at the home of her sister, and made side trips from hero to
Cottage Grove, Ore.
W. W. Willis, of Myrtle Creek, Mrs. C. E. Stewart, having accom­ various places of interest. Another
car of California women who made
has taken tho position with the
Hazel Swanson burned her right Standard Oil company which Cecil panied Mrs. Stewart homo from a the trip here and returned with
visit of two weeks in the southern
hand quite badly Friday when she Caldwell recently resigned.
them were Miss Barker, Miss
Oregon city.
spilled some boiling candy on it.
Georgia Barker and Mrs. English,
Nelson’s service station has in­
all of Berkeley.
stalled a new sign which extends
the drug line.
Miss Louise Wynne is visiting in
across Fifth street in front of the
Mr. and Mrs, Merville Veatch,
Ed Tullar, who has been in for­ Portland with her grandmother,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chambers, Mr. estry work at Oakridge, camo home Mrs. H. A. Champagne.
<$•------------------------------------------------♦ garage.
Films for sale at Graham ’a Pic­ and Mrs. Marvin Smith and Mr. Tuesday suffering from what wns
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Coleman and ture Shop.
and Mrs. Harold Dugan aro camp- believed to be an attack of appen­
two daughters, of Bend, arrived
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Graham spent
at the Hebron bridge for sov- dicitis. He is reported to be im­
here Friday by motor and visited the week end in the Bohemia dis­
♦----------------------------------------------- ♦
over night at the homo of Mrs. Cole­ trict inspecting their mine.
Get 6 out of 6 with new Ansco
Whoat smut has been well con­
Mrs. George Matthews is in Port­
man 's Sister, Mrs. C. C. Cruson. On
Robert Galloway, who is working
the following day the Colemans nnd near Harrisburg this summer, spent Speedex film. New Era Drug Store. land visiting at the home of hor trolled in Oregon by use of copper
Cocil Caldwell returned Saturday brother, 8. R. Smith, nnd with Mr. earbonato dust, according to inves­
the Crusons motored to Lebanon to Sunday at home.
morning from Portland, having mo­ Matthews’ parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. tigations by the O. A. C. expori
visit briefly with relatives.
meat station. Cost, labor and risk
Stewart for good plumbing. tored down Thursday accompanied Chnrles Matthews.
Hold a regular position by having
an ad every week.
Hold a regular position by having of treatment is less than liquid
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. VanDenburg, by Frank Wallace, who had been
bluestone or formaldehyde, and one-
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan nnd Miss Eunice VanDenburg, Mr. anil here from Portland visiting with his an ad every week.
fourth less seed is required for a
little daughter, of Orenco, are visit­ Mrs. Homer Galloway, Misses Mar­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wal­
stand. The plants are nino
ing nt the home of Mrs. Morgan’s garet and Rachel Galloway, Rev. lace.
turned Saturday from a motor trip good
rii-ter, Mrs. W. M. Turpen, at the and Mrs. A. R. Spcarow, Mrs. Anna
Fisk tires and accessories. into northeastern Washington. At moro vigorous and healthy.
Potts & Turpen mill on Mosby Gowdy, Miss Bethel Gowdy and Mr. West Side Garage.
Republic they visited with Mrs.
Averago fleece weight on all
Carlile picnicked near London Sun-
Powell’s brother and Mr. Powell’s sheep
in tho United States in 1840
White’s—for everything usu­ day afternoon.
of Montesano, Wash., Mrs. Artie
was 1.85 pounds. In
* " 1922
~ it was
ally found in a drug store.
A eamera for the kiddies, The Ninemire, of Centralia, Wash., nnd whom they had not seen for 12 between 7 and 8 pounds, The *n-
A marriage license was issued new dollar Anseo. New Era Drug Miss Blanch Watkins, of Seattle, years.
creaso is due to careful selection
Saturda^Jto Forrcs£I\ltebda2J o£, Store.
Wash., visitod Tuesday with Mr. and
and breeding. It is significant to
Mrs. W. H. Blair. They were re­
note that Oregon has many bands
turning from a five weeks’ trip in
of sheep that average better than
10 pounds, The average for the
state as a whole is around nine
Money to loan on city or farm
property. J. F. Spray.
• • •
Grover C. Harvey filed a com­
Stockmen handling pure bred
plaint in police court a few days
Under Management of Guy Ray I stock will find fairs are profitable
ago charging Chealey Churchill with
[means of disposing of surplus stock.
allowing vicious dogs to run at
There is no bettor moans to show
—use coffee of a known
large in the city limits. Harvey
tho outsido world what you have.
dependable brand and
bitten by the animals, the complaint
The diversified farmer is the sat­
avoid disappointing the
isfied farmer, for his income is
family palate. GOLDEN
Shingles. S. L. Godard.
¡gradually increasing. The future
of Oregon irrigation projects rests
Construction work on the new
WEST coffee is the kind
[with the diversified farmer.
Union Oil company’s station and
to use for it is not eco-
the W. L. Bunge service station on
dies’ bucking hor*e riding by M'KENZIE PASS CLOSED FOR
nomical to buy an inferior
opposite corners of Fifth and Quin
Olie Osburn, world ’» champion
quality that is lacking in
tion at Fifth and Main is progress­ cowgirl; trick riding and roping
The McKenzie river pass ia closed
strength and flavor, much
ing rapidly.
youngest cowboy in the world;
for tho season in order that road
Hold a regular position by having
of which will be wasted
Roman race; bucking bulla and
building operations may be carried
an ad every week.
steers; bareback riding by some on. A steam shovel gang ia now
after being brewed.
Ray Patton was fined $15 in
of best known cowboys, and
busily engaged in building that por­
police court yesterday morning on
steer roping. Among famous rid­ tion of the highway which ia lo
a charge of intoxication. He wns ers participating will be Everett
rated across the lava beds. 'This
picked up about midnight Wednes
Riggs, Lakeview, winner of first
section extends from a point 14
Brazil nuts (new crop)-----
day night by Night Policeman Me
money at Albany roundnp; Evie miles west of Sisters for about four
Farland on north Seventh street,
Riggs. Lakeview; Willie Ray, miles westerly. The lava deposits
best head rice____________
where he was annoying residents of
Klamath Falls; Guy Ray, of Al­ are extremely rough and excavation
dried prunes, large size.......
that vicinity.
bany and Dallas roundups; Olie
heavy. Detours are impracticable
Osburn, who won the world’s and would be almost an expensive
I have several real bargains in
cocoa, best grade_________
championship ladies’ burking
city property; also good farms,
ns a new road. The construction
50c can K. C. baking powder___
content in New York, nnd other work now in progress over McKen
small or large. 3. F. Spray. m2tfe
equally famous riders. Rome of
ne pass will close the pass to trnvr'
A commercial airplane which ar­ the best bulldogging cattle and
until the spring of 1924, since travel
rived from the south Monday eve
burking horses uaed in the Al­ over the route is impossible after
ning has been doing a thriving bus
bany and Dallas roundnp* will I October or November nnd the pres
si nose. Tho rod and gun ehih
be on the ground*.
ent ron.l work will ba in progres
grounds on sooth Sixth are being
--------------- Admission —■
until fall.
utilised as a landing field.
D. J. Scholl
AUGUST 4 and 5
Story of Trip Very Complimentary
to Resort and Southern Part
of Lane County.
Calapooya springs, one of Lane
county’s most attractive pleasure
resorts, was tho subject of an inter-
esting feature article in a recent
issue of the Eugene Registor. An
attractive layout of illustrations
of the southern Lane county coun­
try accompanied tlio story. Infor
mation for the article was gathered
from a trip mado >vor the new par­
tially completed Lorane highway
from Eugene to Cottago Grove,
whero connection was mado with
the Coast fork road to tho spriags,
and over Pacific highway from Cot­
tago Grove on tho return to Eugene.
The distance from Eugene to tho
springs and return over this route
is 93.6 miles, a little more than tho
distanco Mould bo over Pacific high­
way. The account of the trip fol­
lows in part:
Lorane, n peaceful little farming
community with two stores, a
church, a neat community mooting
house, and several attractive resi­
dences, is reached at 22.3. Hero the
road to Cottage Grove turns to the
left in the center of the town and
tho Siuslaw road goes straight
Leaving Lorane, a turn to tho
right is mado a short distance from
town nnd here the road shows signs
of recent work. It has been rocked
for n short distance and tho bnl
anco has been carefully graded.
Here real timber, giant firs of tho
first growth, is entored and from
hero on the drive is the prettiest
of all. At 24 miles from Eugene
tho old road is soon from the left
but tho now road is now in good
condition except for a short rutty
distance of about hulf a mile.
Tho road from here to Cottago
Grove winds up and around a series
of hills and is smooth as a floor
for tho most part. A great deal of
it has not been rocked, however,
and in n rain this might mnko slip
pery going.
Cottago Grove and pavement nrc
reached at. 34.7, and tho oil derrick
of the Guaranty Oil company is
now n landmark of ti.o city. It is
ierched upon a hill anil is visible
or quite a distanco out on tho
Cottage Grove itself is worth a
half hour's drive. Many pretty now
homes are being built and it is n
neatly laid out little city with an
attractive business section. A largo
sawmill is located near tho depot
and other similar plants are found
Leaving Cottage Grove for Lon­
don, or Cnbipooya springs, the main
highway south is followed until a
left turn at 37.4 reading is cncoun
tored. Here the pavement is left
behind for a smooth macadam rend
nnd in a few minutes green timber
lines both sides of tho highway,
which is known as the Const fork
road. At 38.4 a now road to the
right is taken.
Calapooya springs is reached at
a distance of 48.6 from tho starting
point in Eugene. Hero an ideal
picnic ground is found with tables
nnd benches placed in readiness.
Nearby, coming up almost out of
the river itself, is tho famous Cala­
pooya spring.
This spring has
quite a history of its own nnd wns
used many yenrs ago by tho Caln-
pooya Indians, who made a yearly
journey to partake of its invigor­
ating waters. To them it was
“good medicine’’ and warded off
not only ills, but evil spirits as
But tho last of the Calapooya*
died some years ago and the name
of the place was changed to London
springs. The water, however, re­
tained its name and a few years
Inter the name Calapooya was again
taken and the place made into one
of Lane county’s most popular
health resorts.
A picturesque hotel, set among
giant oak and fir trees, invites the
travelers to rest. Within is a spa­
cious dining room, ample for danc­
ing. A reproducing piano furnishes
all tho music needed. N. 8. Hays
and his wife, who seem more like
relatives than host and hostess, ex­
tend a warm-hearted welcome and
serve what has come to be known
as the best chicken dinner in the
For diversion there is a large
swimming pool, 30x80 feel, that is
filled with water warmed to just
tho right degree. Tho tank is
equipped with springboards and a
speedy slide. There are also show­
ers and locker rooms. A tennis
court, croquet grounds, swings and
teeter boards complcto the grounds
An interesting trip from this
point can be made to the Black
Butte mines, about five miles awny.
Tho road back to Cottage Grove
is retraced, but from here variety
is added to the trip by taking the
main highway north. Tho road goes
almost straight for miles and miles
over a level country. Here the
chief joy is in simply enjoying the
smooth drive and, if the driver is
daring, in testing out the car when
other vehicles are not too numerous.
Threo thousand people read The
Sentinel each week,
What havo
you to tell this vast throng!
Water Notice!
Wntcr rent will be chargod all
who are connected with wntcr main»
until notice ia given to shut off
anpply or until abut off by city for
non-payment of rent. When water
ia not being used, water must bo
shut off to avoid “dead ends,”
which foul the water.
Non payment of water rent after
notice of delinquency will bo taken
to mean that water is not being
used aud it will be shut off.
By order of
under ­
has a fresh stock of all size
films for sale. Will do your
developing, rolls 5c, packs
10c. Printing at half price
in the dull finish. Makes a
specialty of the gloss finish.
Views made at any time.
Confections Q
• I
ana Fountain kjpcuialo
Cal-a poo-ya Springs
Smith-Short Grocery
Cement. 8. L. Godard.
Adult«, 55c; Children, 35c
A wanted will rent your bonne.
Ice Cream
Take Home a Brick
Gray Goose I ea Room
A Good Place to Eat