The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 03, 1923, Image 1

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An onion of sufficient size to
| start off an Irish wnke with a
Young People May Select Camp
| boom has been produced in tho T.
Meeting Site as Permanent
I M. Doak garden. It is understood
Gathering Place.
that Mr. Doak assisted in producing
the mogul tear producer but was
only employed by Mrs. Doak and
With about 75 young people and a worked under her instructions. Bo
faculty of about 15 the total num­ that as it may, the mammoth veg­
ber of persofns in attendance at the etable weighs 2% pounds and none
institute of the southern Oregon of tho stores of tho city have been
district of the Epworth league in able to fit a corset to its 18-inch
session here this week has reached bust. Tho top of the onion grew
almost 100. Classes are being held to such proportions that it looked
each day in nil branches of church like a bean and Mrs. Doak was
and recreational work. Tho evening tempted to “polo” it but found tho
services are devoted to lectures and vegetable »o healthy and “strong”
sermons open to the general public. that this was not necessary.
A get acquainted meoting, with
The onion got no special attention
introduction of the faculty and of­ but it is of venerable ago.
ficers, was held Monday evening. started its growth in the spring of
J. M. Walters, of Eugene, was un­ 1922 and continued through the
able to be present for his address. winter and up to the present time.
The program for the remainder of It was raised in Mr. Dunk’s gar­
the week is being carried out as den rear tho west Bide school.
In the same neighborhood lives
It is possible that the camp moot­ Mrs. Eugene Finneu, who reports a
ing grounds in this city may be se­ tomato vine whieh hns attained a
lected as tho permanent meeting height of 3 feet, 20 inches, as she
place of the institute for this dis­ states it, which would be 4 feet, 8
trict. Officers for tho institute inches.
Even in tho Cottage Grove conn
next year wll be elected at a meot­
ing of the faculty before the close try, which is the favored spot of
of tho institute. Tho dean and man­ the famous, fertile, fruitful Wiliam-
ager, however, are chosen by tho otto, these vegetable's are giants,
state board in charge of the insti­ Neither of them had any special
tute and confirmed by the national euro and were produced in just
central office of the . Epworth common, every day Cottuge Grove
program for today, Saturday
and Sunday follows:
Friday evening—Clarence Truo
Saturday evening—Campfire ser­
---------------- ----------------------- <$>
vice, under the leadership of Rev
Jos. Knotts.
It is problematical how President
Sunday, 9 a. m.—“Life Service,” Harding ever would have gotten
Dr. W. E. J. Gratz.
through the state if it had not
Il—Clarence True Wilson.
been for Cottage Grove.
3 p. in.—Dr. 8. A. Dunford.
Hurshel Allison, former Cottage
7— Epworth league service.
Grove man, went on at Roseburg
E. as conductor of the train, and
8— Farewell service, Dr.
J. Gratz.
“Fat’’ (Glen) Smith went on at
the same place as helper on the
engine. Frank Woodruff, also for­
mer Cottage Grove man, of tho
Southern Pacific plumbing depart­
ment, accompanied the train from
Portland to Drain, and Roscoe Low­
ry, also former Cottnge Grove man,
was a member of the train craw out
Successful Candidate Will Represent of Portland.
Legion at Seaside; Vote Is
Cottage Grove’s section crews pa­
trolled tho tracks north mid south
Closo Among Maids.
from here.
<*■—------- ----------------------------------------------- a
♦------------------------------------------------ <$>
It seems that absolutely nothing
over produced from the ground has
not been produced in the Cottage
Grove country. It is also probable
that the Cottage Grove country was
producing long before any other
part of the world started.
Tho original fig tree from which
the flapper Eve fashioned her first
gown was found here several years
ago. Two of the leaves were miss­
ing and those remaining bore apron
strings. The latter fact proved the
first contention.
Now it has been discovered that
a petrified forest is buried under
the hills to the northwest of the
city. Ed Connor, who has a ranch
on top of one of them, frequently
digs up chunks of wood whilo doing
his plowing. It is evident that the
samples so far found, if the trees
of prehistoric ages were of tho saino
size as those of today, aro from tho
upper portions of tho trees, indicat­
ing that in the passing of the cen­
turies tho forest was buried under
soino 200 or 300 feet of dirt.
Ono chunk has the appearance of
having been tho skull of some pre­
historic man. Evidently thoro were
blockheads or wooden Indians oven
boforo tho time of Adam, thus
proving that thee is nothing new
under tho sun.
This is a talc of four bills—two
Prediction Is That Union Pacific twenties, one five and, last but not
Drilling Operations Suspended Whilo
least, Bill Thum himself.
Plans Eastern Oregon and Val­
Water Is Being Pumped Out
Bill Thum is lucky in more ways
ley Connecting Link.
than one—also he usually is
for Test of Well.
tor a feature news story at
every other week.
It is quite certahi thut something
An incident Sunday illustrates
It is possible that the Guaranty
big is in the wind for Cottage how lucky he is. He had $25 in his
Oil company has struck enough oil
Grove but so far only small scraps pocket, as well as a check, amount
in the hole being drilled at Eugene
of information have filtered through. not stated. Thnt in itself is good
to furnish the crude oil with which
Those who like to piece these to­ luck for anyone. But Bill went for
to operate the drilling machinery.
gether make tho prediction that the an outing. As the close of the day
Drilling operations have been sus-
Union Pacific is at the present time approached he discovered that the
[s'lided and the water is being
engaged in bidding for ownership money and the check were missing.
pumped out of the hole in order
of the Oregon Electric and that rep­ He searched the ground where the
that a test may be made. The water
resentatives of that great railway party had spent most of the day
in the hole was that which was put
system are now in consultation with and found the $5 bill. On his way
in to assist in tho drilling. No
New York bankers.
homo he stopped at the spot where
water has been tapped in the drill­
The supposition is that with own­ they had camped for breakfast
ing operations, it is thought.
ership of that system the rails early in the day, thinking that pos­
It is possible thut the flow of oil
would be extended to Cottage Grove sibly the remainder of the money
which has been found may be be­
to join an cast and west road to be had been lost there.
tween five and ten barrels a day
The spot was only a few yards
built this way from Crane, in east­
and it is certain that it is of a
ern Oregon, und would be continued from the road. Many other cars
high quality. If the amount is as
from here to tidewater at Winches­ had visited tho spot during the day.
great as thought, the production
Another party were there nt the
is large enough for a paying well
ter bay.
It is pointed out that the Willam­ timo preparing their evening meal.
but that will not satisfy the Guar­
ette pass would give an easy grade Even had tho money been lost there
anty Oil company officials. If they
on this side of the mountains and it must havo been found hours be
find that they havo sufficient oil
that to come to Cottage Grove fore by someone.
to pay to savo it, they will simply
But Bill was not discouraged. He
would bo the natural way to reach
movo their machine over two or
the Willamette valley. It is certain seldom is discouraged when there
three feet and start a now holo. It
beyond any question of doubt that is a possibility of locating a $20
in their intention to go down 309(1
tho Union Pacific wishes to get into greenback. He scraped around in
feet, tho distance at which they ex­
south-central Oregon. After getting the dirt, shifted egg shells and other
pect to find tho main body of oil.
there it could not wait for that debris about—and found two $20
There are several oil fields whore
section to develop. It would have bills, instead of one, as well as the
none of the wells produce over five
or ten barrels a day and yet their
te come on into the valley to get check which had been with the
the business to keep it going whilo bill that he lost. Ho has not yet
owners are becoming rich. Dr. O1
eon, president of the Guaranty Oil
the central Oregon country was de­ learned who added the second $20
company, says that Cottago Grove
veloping. In addition to that, de­ bill to the first one, and isn’t very
and Eugene, will not havo to de­
velopment of central Oregon could particular whether he ever learns.
pend upon wells with that kind of Irrigation Hours Will Not Be Re­
not bo better brought nbout than
through direct communication with
a flow but it is possible that a
stricted Moro Than Now if
number of holos may bo capped
tho Willamette valley.
Users Aro Considerate.
when that depth is reachod.
After Cottage Grove is reached,
The drilling now in progress at
it is but natural that tidewater ter­
minals should be wanted. A water
Eugeno is experimental in character
Cottago Grovo now has a suffi-
and will be used to give informa­
grade to Winchester bay has been
as to how to proceed elsewhere, ciency of water for nil its _____
surveyed from here. It is pointed
especially as to the depth to which If those using it for irrigation pur­
out by those in a position to know Unprecedented Audiences Attend
it is necessary of best to go in poses show respect for irrigation
that the swift waters of the Ump­
Services Sunday, Closing Day
qua make of Winchester the best
the search for the main body of oil. hours, it is thought there will bo
of the Session.
Tho company is now negotiating plenty for all during the entire
harbor between Portland and San
for machinery to bo placed on summer and that there will bo no
Francisco. Of course tho Union
Mount David here, where tho der­ need to restrict irrigation to fewer
Pacific would want the best.
An average of 30 families camped
rick is rapidly nenring completion. hours, ns was the case last year.
The line as proposed would open on the Methodist camp mooting
The difficulty with tho water was
up both oast and west of here vast grounds during the third annual
overcome by raising tho dam at tho
acreages of some of the finest fir session of tho camp meeting which
iulaae and the main lino is now
timber in Oregon.
closed Sunday with unprecedented
running two-thirds full. This is the
It is also pointed out by those of crowds, at least 1000 attending tho
first time that there has boon plen­
sufficient fnith that the tonnage ot morning service and 1500 the after­
ty of water sinco tho intake was
cil from here is within a few years noon and evening gatherings.
moved into I.ayng creek. High
likely to te an object to any rail­
Many conversions and a great
places in the pipe line neur tho in­
way system.
deal of reclamation work among
Government Timber Above Rujada taka seemed to intorfere with the
Even so long ago as ten years it people who formerly were activo in
The names of sovon popular young
flow. The raising of tho dam has
to Bo Secured; Production
was thought that the Union Pacific phurch work are reported by offi­ women havo already been entered
resulted in n head of wator that has
had its eyes on the route which cers of the camp meoting. The num­ in tho contest to elect tho American
Will Be Doubled.
overcome this difficulty. Thera is
Cottage Grove citizens would now ber of ministers in attendance was Legion bathing beauty to represent
water to spare iu tho crook itself.
lay out for it. It is certain that at well above the half hundred point. Calvin Funk post at the state con­ ♦----------------------- -—----------------- 4>
There is now an overflow from
that time engineers supposed to be A movement was launched this year vention at Seasido in September.
Tho Western Lumber ft Export the reservoir during a Inrgo part of
Cottage Grove is famous for the
representing that system were mak­ to solicit funds and promises of The young women in tho race and longevity of its residents and inci­ company has completed arrange­ each day.
ing a survey of the route now sug­ labor for the building of a perma­ their respective votes aro Kathryn dentally for the number who havo ments to rum a double shift, com­
be- McQueen, 47; Doily Pitcher, 42; been married half a century or mencing August 13. This will bo LOCAL WOMEN EXPERIENCE
nent tabernacle on the grounds
tho first time that operating with
fore the 1924 meeting. The minis­ Bethel Gowdy, 39; Daisy Johnson, more.
ters hnve set aside one week iu the 33; Hazel Swanson, 31; Myrtle
The Sentinel would like tho names double crews has been tried in tho
HIGHWAY STRETCH IS LET spring to work on the building. A Potts, 17, and May Anderson, 11.
ot all couples who have boon wed­ mills of tho Cottuge Grove country.
B. D. Stephenson and Mrs.
This company is making arrange­
Portland architect has agreed to
With seven candidates already ded 50 years. To tho couple who
F. J. Alstott, who returned this
Graveling of the stretch of Pa­ make all drawings and plans free entered and with the voto already havo been wedded tho greatest num­
week from Nebraska, whero they
cific highway at the north entrance of charge and local carpenters havo closo tho race promises to bo excit­ ber of venrs Tho Sentinel will liinko ment timber in tho Umpqua reservo were called by the death of Mr.
to the city was let Tuesday to H. offered their services for a period ing. Persons are urged to turn in a present of a year’s subscription. above Rujada. It is at present op­ Stephenson, were in tho midst of
W. Oliver, whoso bid on the job of time without charge.
Ln publishing the names of the erating on Booth-Kelly timber on tho cloudburst and terrible storm
their ballots for their favorites as
The preseuce of Bishop W. O. early as possible.
was $3072. The piece of work is
couples Tho Sentinol would like a the headwaters of Prayther creek, in the middle west lust week. Mud
.64 of a mile long. This was the Shepard, presiding officer over tho
The three official ballot boxes are brief biographical sketch, whero but expects to have this cleaned out end water flowed through tho rooms
only contract awarded for Lane throe states of Oregon, Washington located at tho Gray Goose, tho Elite they were born, whore they have by the first of tho year.
It is estimated that the produc­ of tho lower floor of tho hotel in
county road work at the meeting of and Idaho, for almost the entiro and the Bon Ton. Several hundred lived, surviving children and what
which tho two women were staying
the state highway commission, ten days of the camp meeting was ballots have been cast but a large they havo seen that should be of tion of the mill will be doubled by in Bingham, Neb. They Haw great
much appreciated because it was number were left clsewhoro and particular interest to the present the addition of the double crow. A stretches of roads washed out. In
which was held in Portland.
Large quantity of logs already li: is
During the next two weeks in­ the longest visit he had paid to wore not counted.
been put into the pond here in sorno places tho storm left automo­
spection of tho Roosevelt highway any one place in his extended ter­
Ballots may be clipped from The
biles standing nose down in tho
north from Florence will be made ritory during the year.
Sentinel each week during the con­ <>------------------------------ —---------- 4t preparation for the increased op- ground. Thunder and lightning were
by the state commission.
test and arrangements aro being
terrific for nbout 25 iniuutcg, tho
State funds to match the Lane LOCAL BOYS RAMBLE 560
mado for other methods of selling
storm lasting from 10 to 10:25 p.
county appropriation wore askod for
MILES ON THREE-DAY TEIP and giving the ballots. Votes ma.,
m. Train servile was. hold up and
JUDGE STOCK AT PICNIC great stretches of track had to be
W L Pct
by members of the Lane county
be purchased at each placo where
Cottage Grove ______ 9
1---- 9<M.
court at the session, and nithough
Cecil Caldwell and Frank Wal- ballot boxes arc located.
dug out before tho service could
E. J. Edwards, Smith Hughes in­ bo resumed.
no action was taken, the state board lace covered more than 550 milcs
The fortunate young woman will Eugene ...................... ..... 8
636 structor in tho high school, accom­
promised that the project would be last week on a three-day motor trip have all expenses of herself and Hnrrisburg ..................... 7
Mrs. Alstott saw a plant root 15
5 583 panied by Otto Mattheyor, Lillian foot in length with-its innumerable
thoroughly investigated.
through southern Oregon and into chaperon to Seaside paid by the Springfield .... ~.............. 7
5 545 Horn, Muriel Young, Dale Ponsford tiny tondrils lifted completely out
northern California. Leaving here Legion post. There she will com­ Roseburg ......................... 6
273 and Herbert Cochran, high school of tho ground without damage to
on the morning of July 22 in Mr. pete with bathing beauties from Junction City .......... — 3
agricultural students, attended the the root and wnshod white
MAY HAVE BEEN CONVICT Caldwell's car the two drove by over tho entire state for tho chance
Lane County Jersey Breeders’ asso­ clean.
way of Myrtle Point, Bandon, Port to competo in the contest to elect W B. DENNIS VISITS MINING
It is possible that one of the Orford, Gold Beach and Brookings Oregon’s representativo to the At­
of last week. Five cows, one of
escaped convicts from the Oregon to Crescent City, Calif., arriving lantia City beauty coutoat.
W. B. Dennis, of Carlton, princi­ them a gold medal cow and the
penitentiary passed through here a at 11 p. m. They took four hours
few days ago. A man called at the for the first 115 miles and 12 hours HARDING SUFFERS PTOMAINE pal owner of the Black Butte quick other four good stock, wore judged
(Special to Tho Sentinol.)
George Boyd home on the ridge cast for the remaining 149 miles. At ATTACK; NOT SEEN ON TRIP silver mines, was at his property by a team of students and by a
Aug. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Ma
over the week end. Mr. Dennis is a team of men and women. Elevon
of the city and asked for something Crescent City a deep sea fishing
students mado up tho team, of gee, Miss Susie Cai rnp and Mrs. Roy
to oat. The Boyd home is so located trip was enjoyed, the two getting
Residents of Cottage Grove did former member of the legislature
that it is thought unlikely that any­ 14 deep sea cod averaging 25 not see President Harding when he end while there became so well whieh Otto Mattheyor, Lillian Horn Thompson visited Tuesday evening
one not afraid to appear in the city pounds each. On the return trip passed through the city early Sat­ known because of his fund of road and Muriel Young were members, at tho G. W. McFarland In iomo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry r Yeoman, of
would find it to ask for a handout. they visited the Oregon caves, and urday morning. The chief execu­ building information that he was and made an average of 83.7 in tho
Evidently the man was following arrived home Wednesday afternoon. tive was suffering with n slight called to Montana last year to as- •toek judging contest. Tho three Creswell, spont Saturut lay at tho P.
women and 15 men on tho other II. Magen home.
the wooded country and was keep­
attack of ptomaine poisoning and sist the legislature of that state in team mado an average of 75 per
Myrtlo Dobberstein visited Tues­
ing to the ridge so as to observe Harvey Maddens Here for Visit. did not appear at Eugene, Roseburg drafting road legislation.
cent. Professor Brandt, of O. A. 0., day afternoon at tho Ed Ashby
his direction.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Madden, and other places where he was
was the judge.
As there are 37 convicts who have who recently returned to this coun­ scheduled to speak from the train.
Curtis Veatch, of Halsey, was a
escaped during the past few months, try from Japan, where they had He was not scheduled to appear THERMOMETER REGISTERS
dinner guest ut tho Ed Ashby home
there is no way of even guessing been for three years, are here visit­ here. His train passed through hero
which one the man may have been. ing with Mrs. Madden ’» parents, at 6:20 a. m. The track north and
The thermometer reached its high­
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beidler vis
(Special to Tho Sentinel.)
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hemenway. south was thoroughly patrolled, as est point during July on tho 14fh
ited Sunday at tho G. W. MeFar
Cars Bump Fenders Monday.
Roscoe Hemenway, who spent the it was everywhere ahead of the
Two Oregon cars passing through pest year doing graduate work at train. As an extra precaution, a and 29th, when it registered 90 Campbell, of Roseburg, visited tho land home.
Mr. and Mrs. White, of Wiscon
the city early Monday evening sus­ the University of Pennsylvania, pilot engine was run a few minutes degrees. The minimum was 42 de­ first of the week tyith Mr. Camp
sin, spent Suturday t the P. H. Ma
grees, registered on the 31st. The bell ’» parents.
tained fender injuries when they also arrived Wednesday. The Hem- ahead of the preaident's special.
mean maximum for tho month was
Ernest Caldwell has a new Ford geo home.
came together at the Main and enways and Maddens leave Sunday
Mrs. Alfred White and Mrs. Scl
78.7 and the mean minimum 50.8. ear.
Fifth intersection. Both were turn­ on a two weeks ’ motor trip which
Total precipitation was 1.14 inches,
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Briggs rind don Powell visited Monday after
ing south on Fifth street, one from will include a vsiit to Crater lake REUNION OF SECOND OREGON
WILL BE HELD AUGUST 12 .81 of which fell July fl. There wore members of the Smith family mo­ noon at tho P. H. Mageo home.
the west and one from the east. and the Oregon caves. Mr. and
Mrs. Helen Dillon anil daughter,
19 clear days, 7 partly cloudy and tored to Harrisburg Sunday.
The one from the east evidently Mrs. Madden, who had planned to
Tho second annual reunion of the 5 cloudy.
had the right of way because of remain in this country, have decid
Byron and John Winslow, of Silk of Portland, aro visiting with Mrs.
the fact that the other seemed far cd to return to Japan and will sail old Second Oregon regiment will be
Creek, were here the first of the Dillon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I’.
H. Mageo.
■ aongh away to give him plenty of August 23. Roscoe Hemenway will held at Leiurelkurst park. Portland. COUNTY GETS STEAM ROLLER week on business.
8unday, August 12, which is also
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clow, of the
time to make the turn ahead of it. remain in the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Buck and daughter
tho twenty-fifth anniversary of the
The driver of the second ear ad
Evelyn gave a party Saturday eve Grove, spent Wednesday at tho
capture of Manila. A basket picnic
homo of their daughter, Mrs. Ed
mitted that the accident was caused
Another steam roller, fitted to ning for the young people of the Ashby.
dinner will be served with the com
Iwcauso of the fact that his brakes DALLAS FIRM MAY LOCATE
do scarifying work, recently bought community.
Mrs. W. A. Hemenway returned
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hartley and
were defective. He put his ear onto
cream and sugar. A program of by Lane county and put to work on son Harold and Mrs. I. N. Dresser Tuesday from Pendleton, where she
the curb in trying to avoid striking
the Veneta road, will later ba
boon teaching in tho summer
It seems certain that Cottage
the other ear.
brought te the Row river road. Tho were entertained at dinner nt the
Grove is to have an iron foundry speaking and music, has been ar scarifying equipment is especially Concling homo on Row river Hatur normal school.
with machine shop ia connection. ranged.
strong, capable of digging up day.
SHOWN BY NEW MARKERS Ger linger Brothers, who have a
Miss Mabel Wright, of Walker, FORDSON TRACTOR SHOW
asphalt paving, according to tke
large business of that kind at Dal­ Library Loses Business In Summer county ccmmissioners. But one man is with kcr limit, Mrs. R. Y. Portor,
The state highway department has las, have been looking over the
Patrons of the pnblie library read is neemuiarv for the operation of the for the harvest time.
Mr. and Mrs. Howers, of Cottage
placed on the turning blocks on field here and it ia understood that fewer books during the summer roller, making it cheaper than a
Over 400 different implements
Main street at Fifth and Ninth ia ease the Heiners, who came here months. The total number of boohs caterpillar for scarifying. The total Grove, visited Sunday at the home will be used in connection with tho
wkitc arrows pointing out the high from Tills nook <ome time ago to loaned daring July was 837. Of cost of the new mai-hiae is about of their daughter, Mm. Walter Pon­ Fordson tractor show and demon
way. Many drivers failed to note establish a foundry, «honld not do this number 538 were books of fie- $4000, about $1700 of which was tier».
•trat ion in Portland August 20-26.
the signs that were up before and so, the Dallas firm will at once pro­ tion, 20 non fiction and 279 juve­ covered by turning in an old gaso
The implements will demonstrate
often got several miles out of the ceed to make definite arrangements nile. Ten new cards were issued line roller.
Others come here for printing. every possible use to which tbo
city before noting that they were to locate here.
and $3.72 was collected in fines.
— are
_.J si ready here. Patronize
off the road. They can hardly miss
Hix books were presented to tho 11
Cnrry an ad every week, You the live wire print shop for every
brary by John Howard.
the road now.
get more for your money that way. thing in printing.
Steel die work. The Sentinel.
Game Furnishes Spectators With
Many Thrills; Hill Is Pleased
by Large Attendance.
Eugene’s newly organized baseball
aggregation came to Cottage Grovo
Sunday and played some very good
ball—not good enough to win
from tho league leaders, but good
enough to muko Jim Hill's outfit
extend itself. The final score was
Eugeno 3, Cottage Grove 5. It was a
spectators’ game—one of the kind
that furnishes a thrill about every
ten seconds, and which, whilo in
the process of being spectated, in­
duces seatmute», though they bo
perfoct strangers, to hold hands,
to groan deep and painful groans
and chortle many thrilling and ec­
static ehorts, and otherwise deport
themselves as true lovers of the
great nationul game should when
they uro getting their money’s
worth. It was no place for partisans
afflicted with heart disease, for tbo
tide of battle surged abruptly
hither and yon.
Eugene suceoeded in smothering
Cottago Grove’s famous whirlwind
attack in tho first but in tho
second, with tho bases fully popu­
lated, Knight poled out a beauty
that scored three perfectly good
runs. In the fifth, with Patterson
and Manerud on, Hill smashed a
grand ono into deep right, which
should have boon an easy homer
for three more runs, but the flying
Cellct collided with a post and
otinded noatly back into Barthol­
omy’s hands und it wont for a
single instead. Hill reached first,
Patterson scored and Manerud went
to third. In tho eighth Knight fea­
tured again with a clean hit to loft
which scored Patterson.
Eugeno scored once in tho first
frame and twico in the seventh.
Iu the ninth with two on Krenuuel
hit ono to tho left infield which
was too hot for Bella r to handle
but he knocked it down, retrieved
it und cut Kreniniel off at first
with a lightning throw.
Turpin, on tho mound for Cottuge
Grovo, fanned eight, issued one
pass and allowed seven hits, which
ho kept well scattered. Holoinun,
Eugene pitcher, struck out five,
hit Heck with n pitched ball and
yielded eight hits.
Manager Hill expressed hiniHolf
uh being delighted with tho attend
once, which was the largest of the
season at tho local park.
Other games Sunday wore:
At Springfield: Springfield, 3;
Junction City, 2:
At Harrisburg: Harrisburg, 9;
Roseburg, 7.
Cottuge Grovo goes to Junction
City Sunday and a largo delegation
of the local funs will accompany the
Placer mining activity in tho Bo­
hemia district is indicated by . tho
filing this week with the county
clerk of papers on five claims on
Steamboat river. Those filing tho
claims were Florence L. Harris, J.
Mari Bondy, Margaret E. Collins,
Frederick A. Collins and W. C. Har­
ris, all of California. Florence L.
Harris, J. Mari Bondy and Marga-
Collins aro
of “Old Mail’’ Long, who for years
operated tho claims which wore
again filed upon this week. Mr.
Ixing died a number of years ago
and no work has been done upon
tho properties sinco that. time.
There are but few pincer claims
in the district and they are all on
Steamboat, in ono of tbo most in­
accessible parts of the district.
Cecil Caldwell will within n week
or two bocomo a partner iu the
Fair store. Ho is now connected
with tho storo, nn invoice of tho
stock is about to bo taken and tho
partnership arrnugemonts will then
be completed.
J. A. Wright has conducted the
business for 18 years, during which
time it has greatly increased in
proportions. Ho now wishes to shift
tho activo management to younger
shoulders so that he may eujoy tho
rest which he needs and this is tho
reason for tho partnership arrange­
Metal trade checks. Everything
in tho printing and stamp line can
bo had at tho homo live wire print
—tho merchant who keeps
his advertising on the move
—tho ono who has a real
story to tell
—and tells it well
—the one who, when he hns
real bargnins to offer, lets
tho people of his community
know about them through
tho local newspaper
—is tho ono who is outdis­
tancing all competition